3 Prirtf? TtHiT-! tvKi Friday, December l'8, l$4s) iTlnyW Tiny Hole Ties l)p Many 'Phones Xmas Tree Joe Franky, who has been' Mua Mary McCatlciy R. K., prominent in musical circles dur- fte . visit here her residence of the last few ln nis A tiny hole in the outer casing mother Mrg- fo. p McCaffery, .Wh,t0' 6,krfn, 1C "P-c imy iui class salled bv th Prince a" on, the Prince George for Van- couver where he plans to locate, nigfrt on her return to Seattle. or fresh Frozen and Smoked a telephone cable near the Hecember 16 1 130 Ad- held their final session of the Oolichans Phone 48. (293) corner of First Avenue and Mc- misslon 75c. Refreshments, th) year Wednesday afternoon In the t u r i u i ' L . Brld'e Street put telephone SVV- to the r'nv Tv, r ,'etur"lng . "7" Radio cvw. first In set- Civic Centre gym With a special ,h th Cow fiay area and , i COMMON ROUGH RED CEDAR 2x8 and 2x 10 Random Lengths, 6 ft. to 24 ft. light Moferiol for Sidewalks ond Driveways PER THOUSAND F.B.M. $53.50 jbert & McCaffery divrvn V M.w-.ou.,.vice; now nrst witn radio nes-, t-nnsLmas iTee program, une ther along that part of the water , to ' Jl g m a business lriP . Patched cabs. For speedy mom- hundred and seventeen children front completely out of commis Vancouver Ing service Phone Seven-O. (274) or pre-sch'ool age and ariprokl- sfori for a time yesterday until : Christmas Trees, all ;7P I S.U.N. Wnist and Dance Fn- ""'J iuuuku cic mi ai- oupcnmnuem oi uimucs J. r. deliverer! i-o5c,,nn tiu I riav Dpppmhpr 1 Whist ....... 8.00 tendance. It was the high - light Edwards was able to localize the , .va-iujimjn., tilUllC Black 889 or Black 937. (294) ! o'clock. Music by Mike Coiussl. jbf the year for the tiny ones as trouble and effect necessary re- LIMITED Refreshments. Everybody Wei- Santa Claus made a surprise visit paifs. It was a combination cf Blake sailed last night come. . (293) end "distributed (rifts td every hunch and measurement that I H. M FOR YO(Jli..r CHRISTMAS " He will appreciate the lasting good SHOPPING Ul- L 11TV7 fect fitrjng with , the one and only PHONE 110 -M'MBEIt Bl'ILDlNG SlTI'I.tr.S b ythe Prince George Tor ver after spending the past week fOAl- new'ChUd present He als0 .emmA Mr" Edwards to flnd lhe The bylaw, providing for sewerf n,.,.faii. frrm, m. .nn messages and requests back to point of trouble, he says. . in the city. 'nrttahnsin.. ,n hls northem home many of Telephone in that area staU- which will no doubt be taken ed going out of commission on Gifts of goor used clothing given Its final reading and adop. CarC f " Christmas Dav- and continued doing so for iMonda needy persons are solicited : tion by the city council following . by the Salvation Army. Please Its recent approval by the rate- The children sat in ft circle fn Increasing numbers Until late call Black 269. We do the rest. cavers at the rivic election around the huge Christmas Tree Wednesday when they were al- ARROW WH TE SHIRTS'M: (298) i whien had been decorated by the most an oui. miss Eispeth Munrd of the civic Centre staff earlier in the About a month ago power lines Vancouver firm of Stanton and 'day. During the telling of the came down over the telephone Munro, barristers ftnd solicitor, Christmas stories and the rjres- HtiW rt this nnlnt. and it is he- Ian and Andrew Beckett, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Beckett, are Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from!, V? "ly " lne V0' ' ..wilii(5s,.2c per word prr In rtion minimaai quit,am ot Sunday to spend the ; ieii ior Vancouver on tne prince entation of the gifU the gymnas- lftved that this Was the cause of George Thursday night. She had lum W9il in darkhess except for the small hole through Which hi'ch water seeped along the wires in Dnih Notices 50c, Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, tnree weeks' Christmas and Kew arrived Wednesday on business. thp rhrutma tree "iii?ht w cnristmas tree ngnu : wi ,.,tirt.Sl Marriage and EnEagemenl Announcements: $2. Year holiday season here with' 1 r,oD, 4V their rnl ' "Mr. and Mrs. E. Butehart ar- made a very attractive setting Setting for one of the big rainstorms at the SI'KCIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE ! rived on last night's train from tne event. The parents watched first of the week .thereby caus- . I 9 JUST AROUND THE CORNER 1 Smithers, where Mr. Butehart is in mthe gymnasium balcony and ,lng short circuit. N1K.M' NOTICE LOST AM H)IND ; on Sixth Street "The Prettiest ' proprietor of the'Bulkley Hotel, seemed to enjoy the proceedings Recurrence of such interfer- ed Shrunk! Priced at . $4.00 O Gabo'rdlne Ccsuc! Shirts, with sport collar or regular collar. Priced at i $6.95 $7.50 & $8.50 O Broadcloth Pajamas in plain col-, ors and bright stripes. $4.25 to $7.50 citv Tuesday, LOST Male black and white luwn nas )usl aDut,ahd sailed last night on the quauy as weii as me cnuacen. ;ence should be eliminated with Tn the Robert tux lemcr dud Answers to c,p'l"'S in, way oi unnstmas Prince George for a vacation! m nny tols mass is a co-;the pollcy of gradually bonding 'A'i r , vs?s 4 ' f ; i - , - f i t -. n J: operative effort With leadership all the city's telephone cables. trip to Vancouver. "orslyth1?' .TURTLS3 TURTLES TURTLES provided by the parents and tlv Civic Centre start. Leaders are -. i .. nn rm . Ambrose Ave Dn ciiber 19 Inter- finder please notilv E. Wood- vnsp pecans and creamy ( lll'w in Fairyiewj ward, co City. Stores, or caramel topped with smooth Subscriptions Mrs. B. DdUgherty, Mrs. Georgj Brown, Mrs. R. E. Mortimer, Mrs. Armine Boas, Mrs. 8. Blain, M;-s. rv ""r.r. -i V, muic chocolate. That's DeMefs of arranuements. Oscar Dunlop, well known logging man, will leave Prince Rupert Saturday for his logging camp at Steamboat Passage, the Journey to be covered in his own vessel. He has been In Prince Rupert for the past few days -on To Army Fund I famous Turtles. One pound box ! $150 at WALLACE PHARMACY. IV AM TEW PEKSONAI D. Forward and Mrs. A. Rivett. i and Mrs. J. Bowman. j (294) Subscriptions for the Salva- WANTED TO RENT Young married couole. no children, Wish to rent two or three room SG and Heating a! work, tar and M,,.im Phone 543 or Judge W. O. Fulton returned business. Children meet each afternbbn and play singing matt n 1m i ticn Army's Christmas Cheer and I Winter Relief FUnd are com- s'lvih Ave West. H y Light Weigh flan onerGreer911 'f niBht'S tra'n from Smithers where he Dresided ,,au ami Sons. (tl) t Instead of renewing the in the building which it is marphlncr.vifV.lcb. Lk indium W mm, urau- WANTED TO RENT-Furnished over a session nf rm.m, rnrt stH. Th. Pib',iti ,u Quarters and at the Daily News nelette Pajamas $3.25 suite or housekeeDinn room. J. T i oiflce.' Harvey, local barrister, is Youne couole. no children. ypR KENT ! TCsieeolnit room for Van Phune Blue 608. (295) Christmas holiday how, recon- Former Premier T. D. Pattullo felt is about at the end of its life, the city council has decided to lay linoleum in the dormitory of trie firehall. The work will be ! starrlnH nut htV tVlfl ftrpmpn thpm- AODiv J. Jonnson Box loop leturning to the city tomorrow i right. January Good quality venlng on Wednesday, 4 th. suite (or rent. Cen ilYama cloth Paja - vJ. ... W 'has sent his usual $10 check, j MacKenzie Furniture Co. left I $5 at the Daily News offices HELP WANTED i . . - w Mrs. J. LflriiKsen fnrmei- rodH on inira Ave. mas $4.25 ;vt ami oearuom buiic, nmiicu ioremDlovmet ent ot thls W ilnce the selves. 1 L-.,.siiiawfciite- Jf Advertise in. tne mily News! nashiim macnine ana i ana wjie i both) in new Canadian death of her husband two or bis uu cash. P.O. Box; I (2901 M'eion BunuinK ana 10 De ih v.. mon v,. i i. Employees of a greeting card company In Kansas City are rp;ii1int. nn thp nrpmlw yr SleepinK rooms. vided. toother with lieht ' George last night for Vancouver given days off with paj on their ,-ie Flume ureen t.ta. (295i birthdays. 1 yr-sicemn room or stove and floor coverines. 'here she-will, remain until Write fullv stating asies. ex- spring when she will leave again pertence and wanes exoected. - . . . , to P.O. Box 828 Prince Rupert. ;for Iceland to make her perm- iacK Hill rouin. Pnone (tf) Announcements FOK SALE r B.C. . i29o) anent future home , I. WKMWtl e appears in a! W.O.f.M. Card TournaiiieHt, Derienre an asset but not ! Christmas story called ' A Hand December 18. All Welcome. necessary. AddIv Prince ku- for Mr. Claus" published in the P-.TM.S. &U' ''".Ai rvice magazine, the Rotarlan Civic Centre Bridge Dec 18. S,S'S--rr-I'S'S'TS'-I'S'S'2'"'-''S''-''' j: Real buv for Chnst-A.nm.'.t brand new Ben-j-it .iiui Di ver. Great-:-a urice. AddIv Cum-. H ...tel. Phone 676. 2951 :S Set of gurdies " -- ; -7-7 I ol Chicago:. "A fifteen pound; - scotch Dance Oddfellows HaU MiniMn n."n Christmas cake decorated with r.,h. mth i Add v lua Lmntn the Rotary wheel was sent to Rntnrian.! in Pnnip Fno-innH hv ' Moose Christmas Tree, Dec! i i would like emulovment as the Prince Rupert, B.C., Canada,1 17, Moose Temple 2.00. SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CARIBOO HOLDEN AT PRINCE GEORGE POLLARD BROS. LIMITED Plaintiff HAROLD SPITJEL Defendant Urtder and by virtue bf a Warrant of Execution issued from the above Court and to me directed against the goods and chattels of the defendant, Harold Spidel, I have seized one D4 Caterpillar Tractor Serial number 759091 WSP, with Hyster Winch, serial No. 44RX1358, Angledozer and attachments and on Thursday. December 22nd, 1949 at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Sheriff's Office, Court House, Prince Rup'ert I will offer for sale at public auction all the right, title and interest of the defendants In the above tractor which may be inspected at the garage of Bovill Motors, Smithers. Will consider bids received by mail. Terms o fsale': cash, and this sale is subject to the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax. . The highest or any bidder not necessarily accepted. There is a vendors equity of approximately $2,555.00 unpaid on this tractor. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, this ninth day of Decem-b?r', 1949. M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. (294) ORMES DRUGS club E - Knris trees anV ! office or sales clerk. Exoer-Mivered Phone Black i lenced. Phone Blue 639. 293i PERSONAL - -, DRUGS ii.F Bahv biniffV 17 00 'A tlR'sei- Place. 1294i M1KK MFK.SFNf.ER SERVICE Phone Black 889 or Black 937. Oddfellows Reoekah Christmas Tree, December 20. Canadian Legion Ladles' Auxiliary bridge, crlbbage and whist December 21. Reaular Cards. Catholic Hall, 5S RAI.E-40' trollcr. 1M2. 12' 4' beam. New; REAL ESTATE a Dh-mI less than year) ramo-uhone. direction; ml . automatic Dilot. troll-, " ,,, twdies. halibut winch. ! EXTREMELY Well Built Home S-ritV Miki ki'11 to r:iU! nn three lots, six years old. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOUPS-WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 8 PM SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 PM 7 PM. TO 8 P M. t January 5. W.O.T.M. Card Tournament, January 12. All Welcome. r-oiturs Bvtown Mach-Uy.f, Phone 211. P O. 3 ( 293 1 5-rooms and auaeneu Eurae. concrete loundations and basement. Hot water heating. Pembroke bath and shower. Brick tile construction with stucco finish; amole storage lockers and cuuboards in kil-rhpn nml bedrooms. This Emergency bicycle deilverj from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till -6 p.m " EXTENSION OP TIME NOTICE la hereby given thnt th time for the reception of tenders for Construction of Wharf at Metla-kntla. BC ." Is extended to 3 p.m., Wednesflny. December 'il, 1949. By order. J. M. SOMERVILLIE. Secretnry. ..tf ho .uuii 1 c hp nnnreciated I :T1SH Calibre converted vita suorllnK rifles; , 4 riDilils; .six and ten; rf'Dralcrs. Monev-bark' stt. 48 rounds am-.m $3 mi. ijirce assort- rn nfies. shotauns,, suie siirhis.rtc. Write l(.r latet folders and ( Sci.i... Sih.Q rn S2rt aiui beiiia sold far below re- Unpleasant breath Can kill romance . ,,lacement cost, a.ihm k . . f PubIlc Work8, Auencies. (295tlouawtt, December 5, 1949. Green 297. Sl'rwt. Ottawa, Ont. FOR SALE Well located Duplex nr.T rincc Rupert Florists Uwellinu wiin i" "UJ';",, I I ower.i for All Occasions four room anarimenis. ru KucpmPMi. ulih automatic oil . 1 rl 7v(l Use Pronto first 1 11 1 SALE-Usrd doors, wln-: lumber. Phone 643, Call, 3rd Ave. Box trio iei furnace .servinK both suites.: (00 MOTOR OVERHAUL J1 Are. w. til) An excellent, investment I"r; jMLLY KNC)N NAMPf the man who wants w w down expenses. j Vive room house very cen-1 I.-11.. i..itprl f'ement foot- Ofit Speeder Shrvels cs, Drai-ln.ps: Afiam- Graders; Littleford Bros. CHRISTMAS GIFTS - Just Arrived Smokers Stands from $9.95 Torchier Lamps, complete from $19.50 "Table Lamps, complete from $9.50 Oblong End Tables $17.50 Smokers Cabinet $24.50 Oblong Coffee Table $19.75 Large stock to choose from A MacKENZIE FURNITURE LIMITED 127 Third Avenue A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Phone 775 VBj ' Son,a Says Ton Ho.id M ilMtennncf wpiit; Owen Clamshel I pis and Hock GrannKs: nnlh f'lincret.e Mixeri: Having Us Overhaul Your Engine is Like Turning the Mileage Indicator Back to Zeroyfor your car will hum along the road osif it had justi left the assembly line. , ' - DRIVE IN NOW! TO OUR GARAGE t Forklift Trucks; Nelson Leaders for Stock pile I Snu Removal; Rice I'ort- I Cptitrif iiira.1 Pumas: Na-1 in'es part, basement. Yours tor $2000.00 down. Modern four room house on Allied Street close to trefc and schools would be ideal foi small faniilv. Lanre four wartime close to bus line and school, has excellent ml view, includes heater Full price only $2.3oO. For information or Inspection of these li.stlnes see Robert E MonUidor Limited. uJi ' t)rn.:line Scrapers and! rts; National All Steel "lne Hoists: National 1 WW tttir iitiMmiiti4? II Mif Sawmills. National 'rV Screens and Convcvors. information from Na- Machinery Co. Ltd., muver. B. C tt) In, , V Christmas CALL Blue 992 cctc'c'',c'C',etii'e,''ecx'4 Adertisc :n tne uUly News' r-i -ALE New 81 Used Furni-Hardware St Office Flx-slectric toasters. Cups WCM'C RAD1 SPECIALS A LOVELY DISH saucers, singer Sewing m. China Cnhtnets llsnas Santa says .... Try Christmas Cakes and Cookies . . . and Tarts and Pies and Puddings for a wonderful Christmas treat Irons rriho nitrin "ws, New' Logging o. Heavy 3-rly Roofing For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 ew Tei, Waeons. 'writ Rikts TwTvpnrlt.pr !tit! B(xts. Batt.lesh.lD ;m, Slightly used Ra- etc at tho i; ivwv n t. u luwrnb ui ii.ro. "-'urmture Co.. Black 324. i RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Tobacco, liquor, aorllc ond othr odouri noutro-liiod inttantly by placing SALE One steel baby crib Phone 643 619 3rd Ave. Huntress. Only two n,ns Old. phone Red 24(1. 2 dropl of Pronto on your tonguo. BARGAIN SIZE Hondy 'or Mt (295)j SA1.P T, .ftft r.. .. J Torchiere Floor Lamps - $14.10 3 Light Trilight Lamps with silk shades $16.10 Table Lamps $4.95 and $6.95 G.E. Mantle Radios, assorted colors .... $19.95 G.E. Washers with pump $149.50 Floor Model Glad Irons $129.50 Noma Tree Lights from $1.40 Noma Bubble and Bird Lamps 25c Noma Extra Lamps 08c to 15c Electric Irons $4.20 to $23.50 Waffle Irons $10.95 Electric Toasters $7.20 to $32.50 or purt. "L HlamninilK Annlu Ar- A NEW HOME Plan to Build NOW LOmEEL PLANT wbs 646. (tf) iipuE Purebred cocker . ;.S1X weeks old at ranias, erand eift.s 78 For Plans and Estimates It's Commodore Cafe "Bettx-r Thn Ever" THE BEST MEAT YOUR MONEY CAN BUY Choice front quarters of Swt ffs. Burn's, MAPLE LEAF, RED BRAND BEEF 4C cu ot. eves, weekends. - (293 4pIn'rBj;Sken cement. ne uo B1"e 981. Kaien Trans-. . (297 ')nrAr":bec range with ,j . sP anH and f.,,n t-i I NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. Placed in your locker, per lb. GREER & BRIDDEN The Men Who Know CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS RED 561 P O. BOX 721 Phone 210 'Best Food and Service In Cltj; tt 322Se euard. Besner Block PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD. 230 2nd Ave. STEWART, B.C. Ppbone 17 for Send-Out Orders; 1297) t, r Third Ave. David Chow. Mgr. WHEREVER YOU BUY. vnilP CIGARETTES "I ohnir "rT, Bed chesterfield f IJUUUi V(WWfWinrfi . West. (297)