School vs. Noble : & wirk ' Man ;. son's vs. Camels, Royal B1 j vs. Silver Streaks, Headpinners ng - -u ; ll,,,,,,, pram, Prfnrr nnpcrt Oanp TtJtfei? Friday, December 16, li 19 er0 i ; . duo ranter. Watts & Nicker : son vs. Wharr RaU, Pushovers v.s . ., i Sporu Shop, Hir M . - '" "1U-: ,Bjoia Outs ail Brtdpln vs-.; I . !lfDP'nn T J USHtl ttiu f , -nUary -Man.son's vs. Blow- Mnv ri;u x rophy Pustuver vs. outs. Watu & Nick, r"ii.ii i r5 vj. Canteu, rarker. Pushnr. .... . i "silverstr aks, City Rats, Hangovers vs. Sports Shop &VUck, Bob Headpinners vs. Maceys, Royai Bo-We-Hi Heading Kelchikanward To Resume International Series , re. wacry i bium s. Cantels. Cltv Tran For the latest in IDEAS and modern MATERIALS SEE ISLAND CITY Bl'ILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders Supplies 505 McBiide St. Blue 820 Macfy's vs. Pio- vs. VelveU. Noble ii Wick vs PR Tjgns .i- t.uiuuiiig, ooom school vs Sil- r P. A . Ideal ver Streaks. Northern t ... The Booth Memorial High School basketball ':-vIeVv , , j- ; r) jl! 1 r i ' V ! BALAGNO Florists i if Y ;i "t I Fhone Green ;s" B,njr. lets City Trans- Pioneers, Handicaps vs. Conrads! j pjuiiDuig, dwjvu jurai vieaners vs. C P A. w i y w j fxx-txx'e' ieam headed north to Ketchikan on the Princess Norah today in quest of the First National Bank , international goodwill trophy. 'They have a big lead over their Ketchikan rivals in the fact that they have : already won two games of the four game series. They Play the third game tonight and a win gives them the Lenora Faught. Beth Astoria, trophy, if they lose tonight May Leask, Joyce Tattersall, tut win tomorrow night thev MadeIlne Youngmna and Benlta uill .... UinHlo Windle. Th. The ...v,,.!., whole -.111 U ip j -i 5 PRACTICAL mm sun inain me irupny and party will be SUDprvlwH hu Jaib Cvuni i i " mey lose both of their Ket - j .w., ijum ui wirii rwf L- " ; chikan games, the series winner i Hi8h School physical director ALL and coach AT MAYBE HE SHOULD HAVE "SAT THIS ONE OUT"-Theodore Medina, gentleman at the right, French bantamweight chamnion had a very busy, if not dizzy fight on his hands when he encountered Manuel Ortiz, bantamweight champion of the world. During a 10-round, non-title bout, at Paris, France, Medina was up elevltor I'T f that he had the appearance of Znl an lnTA u d"rlng hiS 'aSt trip t0 the boftom Judgos came up to give decision to Ortiz. caivm VARIETY i THE STORE OF A THOUSAND GIFTS il High Marks In Bowling win oe determined on the total point score of the four game teries. Bn-Me-M fames an eiohteen I lead Into the O.acn Jack Evans will start tnr.i 'fit's fame with his second string, playins Lawrence Krist-rrunson at centre, Bud Ratch-ford and Danny Bill forwards, Jack Sharpe and Bill McChes- Blow-Outs mount Royal A'atts & Nick- A new high Men's single tame elson 1 TOYS City Transfer 27 Noble & Wick 26 P. R. Plumbing 25 Cantels 23 Northern Lights 23 Canaoianwhtskg f.nd three games total was set by Hearipinner 3, Sport f-hop 1 Jack Paul Wednesday night in 1 Northern ,ghts 3 ' Velvets 1 ! Mixed League Bowline. With ai rap,., i . ney guirds. The first strine EVERYTHING IN has Sid Carlson Scherk at "are in the irame. Jack centre, Glen Ideal Cleaners 3 Noble & Wick and Mickey Webster Faul scored 11 consecutive strikes 1" . ' - I : i Wharf Rats Hangovers , 21 21 lorwards. and Rav Rminir and to end uu with 435 nnrf a thru City Tiansfer 3, Booth School Conrads ' 20 r.:ic Ajnr? guards. tame total of 872. Bertha Dun- 1 TOYS TO MAKE YOUR YOUNGSTER HAPPY . Bob Parker Handicaps 19 17 diJnpdihedJamit? Velvets ' 10 12 If t,ie trophy l.s won on to- ljar' also of Manson's scored high j I night's game Saturday's game ia("es single and three game to-' will be an exhibition'one. , 'als of 257 and 690, sparking After a rest on Sunday the "s0"" to a four point victory . boys will travel to Metlakatla for ov,'r Ryal Blues- ther team a game with the strong Vets r were: J ' team on Monday evening. j Prince Rupert Plumbiing 4, i Booth School .. Watts & Nickerson C P. A I! I t I I i I I I ! I ii i 10 ft V ; w Wharf Rats 2, Pioneers 2 Standings: Manson's 39 Macey's 37 Pioneers '. 35 Headpinners 35 Pushovers 33 Blow-Outs 32 Sport Shop 30 Ideal Cleaners 30 Silver Streaks 27 Royal Blues 3 " "" - .... . . . CHRISTMAS CARDS The Widest Assortment of Xmos Cards in Town XMAS DECORATIONS tot ii not puhhshed or displayed by the I.iquut CuuUui liujj i W tic Gvnetameat at butuh ColumUft. l ravelling with the team are Handicaps 0. , nine members of the School Pushovers 4, Cantels 0 Rooters Club. Bill Harvey, Mona Macey's 4, C. P. A. 0 (defaultt , Lykcaard, Ann Stronulahl, Hangovers 3, Silverstreaks 1 FOR XMAS SHEAFFER3 "TRIUMPH" 4 Xmas Lights, Wreaths Candles, Wrapping Paper, Ribbon, etc tfEVROLET and Chevrolet done- DON'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW SEE IT TODAY AT Cerfi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes Cliixroli't's exclusive liruVe design is mure oiitst;iiiiliu lli;in ever fur swifter, salt-r stops. And ne w Diibl-Life. Tiv-ellrss br.ikitljniuijs last up to ftrjre as Idnp;. I I1.1t means lKitli extra iati-fy and evtia onoinv. offers you all these The Store of a ThousandGTFt5 GIVE THE GIFT THAT PLEASES "ALL-WAYS" Shaflr'i "TRIUMPH" P.m and ItioteMng fhielin"is-fHj -or r gift-choic that it built to pleat III ovary way ... alwayft. DIBB PRINTING Company EXTRA VAL UES at lowest cost n M r 1 4 &zyv 1 Bsner Block Phone 234 ra ve. Box 1118 , Red 400 A 5-Inch Wide-Base Wheels You get the widest rims in the low-price field phis eitra low-pressure tires as standard equipment on all models. That's another important reason for the extra wnooth, soft and stable Chevrolet ridel ' A mm . bive Your Friends A Gift Thai Will Be Appreciated uvYAVt v lis yy ' ' 3 1 $ i 3 A "t t a M H Smoked Black Cod if V y V " if If i V f y Centre-Point Steering Steering control is centred between the whirls to give you amazing new ease and sureness nl control with minimum driver fatigue. You get Centre-Point Steering oni) on Chevrolet and on higher priced tars! 10 Pound Box ... $3.95 20 Pound Box . . $7.50 30 Pound Box. . $11,59 .. i mi ,i i ii .nn mi .,,,.,. Ili.ily linn - PROCESSED IN THE PACIFIC COAST'S MOST MODERN SMOKEHOUSE Prepaid to any points served by CN R. Rail in B.C.. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Frciiiht extra to other points. Use Coupon Below J , ( ;yBf ''fi'i&'i"'" Fltllnt Dt lux 4 Door Stdon W if World' rknmh:.. - - -..-.l..S,,, aive-in-H Send to v - 1 " u . 'k. j-'-' rtr Anil's all v,il...;n .l...J .!. :., '"iwcllkient and eiouoni'i.'al high-P'P" engines. But Chevrolet's ",l ami rtru.f.!li,.;. 1., .1... Longer, Heavier, with Wider Tread It Umh like it ... it rides like it ... it it the HIG car in the low-price field! With its extra sie Chevrolet gives you more eonilnrt, road-steadiness, safety. Name ... Address Sent by Name .... A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS ' 'fyr-in lHad engine in CIicvto- A Xmos Card Will be Enclosed With Each Sh ipmcnt 1 i.n u Address '&sr- r..i Indicate by X in circles below Cash O Cheane O Mnnev nr(w lo A I 2 n H ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2 ( O $3.95 O $7.M i O $11.50 Extra Economical to Own Windshield with noramic Visibility Fisher Body Styling and Luxury l ong, low lines . . . smooth, graceful curves . . . conveniences like I'ush-But-tim Hour Handles . . . suier-sie interiors with luxurious fahrHH and liltings and 'The -Tool Seats" . . . superbly xtled Hody by l ishert Fisher Unisteel Body Construction Slam the door and hear the difference! That solid, miiflli'il thud speaks ol steel welded to steel all around you. Fisher,' I'nisteel Con.tniction brings ymi unsurpassed solidity, iiiietness and safety. p'ovil"! ,0."am,w'r corner po It' ii vt.i.., ..: 1 1 1 and Operate It's the lowest priml line in its fii Id. It's the outstandingly ecoiininii al performer. It's Canada's limit w allied motor car new or used - traditionally worth mote when mi ti.ide. Kstia econoinv in re en ! Miles Al .1.1.. hi. m n "e uniong low-priced ,' ."""let has ,hc f11IlCtil)nal ' nirvcd windshield! Fislienimirs Co-opcnUivc Hi.lIiItt I Producer and Processors HyWave Brand Fresh, J Frozen & Smoked Fish also Mild Cured Salmon Conners of Challenger Brand FIRST QUALITY CANNED SEA FOODS 1 Processed at the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Plant P.O. BOX 1580 V' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 4 Cor. Seventh & Third Ave. I,MIIMVimflWIfimiS.WWiyWWflf,IIITWIIl'Wf