iiiation concerning Prince Ru- "x,ttlt v. , wan ever f F. J Jeasby sailed last night Need for . sanitary, vermin-! on the Prince George for a trip proof materials has greatly in-' Z. . to Vancouver. I creased the use of ,clay tile for came came In in from from various various v A KnHr,L "' Friday, December 16, 1&49 Letters Canadian and U.S. points. able 5 wanted Public Relations Holds Meeting . Annual meeting and election of officers will be held January 19, it was announced at a meeting of the Prince Rupert Public ,3oath ! . i. , j' r : rr-,T 1777 7 7 ZTZ kitchen floors and walls in rest j Mrs. John R. Mitchell sailed on sisters. Mrs. Jean Doeren and the Lethbridge district, who had auran(3 the Prince George last night for Mrs. Margaret Johnson, and been visiting here for the past ' Vancouver accompanying her Brother. William Cowie .all of two weeks. ! Advertise in tne Daily News, i Accounfahfs In Hew Office Maurice Brydges, Ray McLean and Robert Rudderham, partners in the general accountancy and office equipment firm of Rivdces. McLean and Rudder- Advertise in the va? Kew 'at " gjiverstr Wbie & ' Relations Council in city council chambers Thursday night. In the absence of President Jack McLeod, who left for Vancouver last week, Ed. Mussallem acted as chairman. Secretary H. F. Glassey reported that he had obtained road data concerning mileage ill) 8 P!U'lb We are pleased to announce The Opening of Our NEW OFFICES AND SHOWROOM at 341 Second Avenue from Aslu.ou to various points ale ng the Vancouver-Prince Rupert highway. Many applications for infor- ham, opened up yesterday in , their new premises in the West- j enhaver Block on Second Av- j enue just east of Third Street. To mark the occasion, many friends gathered to inspect the premises and offer their best wishes. The new establishment features in front a store and stockroom, leading into the offices in four attractive rooms and a workroom in the rear. Interior walls have been attractively treated and special attention has been paid to the arrangement of lighting Until their removal to the more commodious and convenient quarters, Brydges, McLean ft Rudderham have been doing business in the Beshr-r Biro-k. ) ululates as IT BRYDGES k U 1 McLEAN INSULATING BOAR AND Maka your conatruction dolUrt do doubli duty . . . u Doon InsuUting Board. It buildi and lniulatat at tb nit lima tnd i- . rv . , . . 1 . J i. u . - I ii.t RUDDERHAM coai. a uonnacon-wuioiwu uww m buh i-unuuiiaDia watatti wlntar, eoolar in aummar and aavat on hitl conaumptioo k HOTEL ARRIVALS Prinre Rupert Alet M'Coqu.-Saie, Edmonton; J. Duncan, Vancouver; J. E. Us-borne, Vancouver; Mrs. K. Behm, Port Esslngton; H. Hen-nigar. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. II. Johnson, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J. Bolton, Port Essington; G. Anderson, Butedale; D. F. Shaw, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Aanstad, Ketchikan; P. F. Pliska, Edmonton; D. S. Mattson, Smlthers; Mr. and Mrs. Flood, This adverti.spiiient is not published or tli.solaved bv the Liquor Control Btiiird or bv the Government of Hiitih Columbia. bout tha many tuat ol Donnaeona . . . o aiterior theathi lathun J -I aa a plaitar baa . . . at attto aod iog( lniuUhoo Id Public Accountants and Remington-kand Agents Intaiioi iinUh. CALL 651 PIIILPOTT EUITT & Go. Ltd. LUMBER ond BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Ketchikan. I l'X!M .STKAMfW PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER ,d l id IhterMediai PorN Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. Kor KETCHIKAN rtllNFT)AV MIDNIGHT Professional mui Unshml iTor Reservation! Write or cat: 'ITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PR1NUF KUPKFt" BC. HI bit. P. J. CHENf DENTIST I 8UITB 5, SMITH BLOCK I Phoh 765 P.O. Box - WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. 8. Wmlen, Manager Complete Moving Senrlce Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED &16 I JOHN H. QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden HeeU and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Alt. HANDYMAN I HOME SERVO GENERAL CONHtACTt Building and Repairs ol I kinds ! ROOFS CHIMUST BULGER OIL BURNERS OlTOMETRIoT . 0 John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue PHONES Black 334 PO. Box PO Box J70 WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS dlesels and SIMPLEX gas engines. Boat owners and parties Interested are Invited to view these machines at our shop. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS B & W TRANSFfl Cord 'Wood, Cedar, Sp Kindling wood 50c per s PHONE RED m VV. L. WOODS. i'vuiJ fllONK 37 P.O. ISO I3S1 r ItAhK 61 Ki:! i ; MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Bdx iihrSecond Avenne Prtnce Rupert, BC '' I I V GIVE Mt all The ) A " i i j AND I'LL "S fcTtjS -i 4 J IF i bONT GET THE 1 OUT FOR VOL) AT -X4 V. ''I ( AP n'W A HfV r ESTIMATE- IN BV V-N I HOME TONIGHT ) V 8 c H Bl ' THE Me MUFFS 1 v S II "I ITS TWfc KELLVS ) "ZZ vZT L i'M SOM?V ) f , , f INVITED US TO THElC A SOCW. W CAN'T GO --VS j I V THEV WANT US "S flE f DCAP BUT V- BIG PARTY TONIGHT, J I'VE SOME IMPORTANT f I TO COME TO THEIR A-W-.1 .? r Pf vou'LL HAVE I 1 VJ-t PEAR v" ' 8 V NWORK TO GET OUT VfCrVr I COUNTPV CLUB V . J SAV "NO" ' ysJ . Nrt TONIGHT SK., I DINNER PANCE J pkiJ v-v T r EM ' Til I I l HELLO, DA,GWDOO-- f) ElO tl X& 1 I NEVEP 6ET )l "yiVBUT ou KNOW J I I'VE CHANGED MV VlUl V" "fi II t I B ' NTOGOOtJTl ' I EAt?NING TVIE )mm ( MiND ABOUT SUB- )lM J, HOOK?AV CZliZ I UMJJ-L l I yA THEN I'LL TAKE Sk-v rN - A ITS TO VOU OUT, MVSELF ) QU'k 1 - RLONOlP ( 1 I . OH VOU NtLNE fKTr UaTENOVV VVEL EAT CXJT ' jbARUNG.' TmEN) ' 'i ' ! VJE CAM GO TO . N "" C PIt-P? J ' t-L GET TO S ' ' ONE F THOSE VT-JjT octr WEAK NEW I V ( f A cott V PARTIES, AFTER ) T jt 7 "lf.J WS"v V EVENING OfrESS, J OH, DARLING. I'M SO ) . l I I 1 tfMaiai ' , J i . I ' - I V EXCITED ABOUT OU V X fir "v T n '0 i TAKING ME DANCING ) i IL DO US BOTH ) W DAGWCJOf-J L V .0 f A - TONIGHT GOOD TO LET 7 roiOc5 lilSSST-N - - O i 1 ---ll v, down out? hair I OPEN THE DOOR-) f.HL rL Cr L' lift FOR A CHANGE i 1 CHANGED MV MIND S WS PJ N'-' N lira E ( AGAIN---I'LL NEED T 1 Ik JT ! kOlHl 75 I (SHE'S BLONDE H Tl ''I RlfK. -irll fSVDOol 7"& A AND MES ABOUT J DON'T SEEJ iTi7 i i".;.4 '.' : . " ' ' SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual AnalysU OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment TOR YOL'R RCK'K & CONCRETE W CALL BLUE 939 ! ?OW AVAILABLE M. J. SAUNDERi New. Modern Equipments AH Work Ouaranteed t A P r.ARDNEK&C CHARTERER ACCOUNTANt CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 067 Days Green412--Evgs. 1118 Melville Street VANC.OUVEK-BC LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEl DR. GARNET E. tt. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Bulte 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1218 MARGARET McLEC OPTOMETRIST Room 10 ritUNE BUIDINO PHONE blue m P.O. BOX 1184 BEST HAMBURGERS IN TOWN "If your wife can't cookj Keep her for a pet" And eat ot . . . . PIANO TJECHNICIAN Tuning, Vplcing and Repairs Mike coluss! Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East GEORGE RORIE&C(j Ptibllc Accountants and .Am n.,f,irTv:- SNACK BAR tors. income 'lax compiled 0. 1. RORIE, A A E. e n t.atrd. B. Comm. PEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 Just off Third Avenue Besner Block - Phonej ! 318 6th SI. Ph. Orders Blue 92 New Advertise in tne natty