Piliut nupcrj EMU? J3tto Friday, December 16, 1940 Masset Catholic ART FASHIONS r r Sale Successful IRAN5LATED INTO ft MASSET The Catholic Church at Masset held a very successful r sale ol work reccnUy. In ft Home-cooking, handwork and n ft white elephant stalls were In ft charge of Mrs. Choquctte, Mrs. ft ConstanUneau and Mrs. Wolff. ' ft father Roycr opened the sale, ft Ed ConstanUneau supervised the jHj raffle draw. r ? 4 First prize, an electric clock, 9 L. was won by Mrs. A. Taylor. Second prize, a Silex, went to Mrs. Charbonneau of MUler Bay, Prince Rupert. Third prize, a Vanity Set, also went to Prince Rupert ,to Mrs. 3ncJ Bought on SWEET SIXTEEN'S PERSONALIZED BUHDdnlET IPILAM you can be beautifully dressed for the holidays by using the Budget Plan, so drop in today and make your selection. ExcitiMiy-jXuw Cliristie. A short entertainment was presented before the refresh ft II ft f. v&HKl . : ments were served . A piano sj riorie soio oy mf. ureeu, 1 phone solo by Rufus Abrahams, W t lr.. and several beautiful songs Tin iv linnet unci CSfwith guitar and banjo accom- I naniment were rendered by the I'm getting sick ot this What, was good enough for pur ; fcS Vprmee eirls. just, recently ar rived from Holland. MOOSE PARTY WOMEN OF HOLD CARD men, A. E. Hilton. ; Bridge Ladies, M?l.' C. Mat'-; I con: Men, Lcs HiH.. ' 'If I, There wer6 five tables at the I Radio Dial 1240 Kl'ocyclea i;;;:1;;; - wahout Our best selection is in these beautiful, new CRISP fabrics CFPR Assisting in the' kitchen were','1 ' Mrs. Geor. Foster '.convenor. Mrs., T. Glenn, Mrs. O. Tweed, Mrs. R. card party of the Women of the (Subject to Change) Moose held Thursday. Winners were: I B. Skinner, cashiers and Mrs. ' H. Muncey, senior regent. WhistLadies, Mrs. S. Dumas; Selling ot Toffctas Novelty Fabrics . Mcrallics Silver Lames Moires Metallics, etc. $15.95 FRUjAY P.M. 4:15 Slocic Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Sleepy Time Stories 4:45 Something in Harmony 4:55-CBC News 5:00 Henry Morgan Show 5:30 Music from Alberta 5:45 Bill Good Sports Review 6:00 Dinner Music 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Musical Varieties iful Hew Fur Coats t j j 6:45 "Saddle Rockin Rhythm" SUITERS We have an exceptionally nice selection of sweaters, ideal for gifts or for yourself. Specially priced from , S6T) 95 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC NEWs 7:30 Easy Rhythm 8:00 Musical Prog. 8:30 Vancauver Theatre 9:00 Musical Program 9:30 Talk ; ' 9:45 Canadian Short Stories 10:00 CBC New i m-m rnr. Mr-vast J ' i on rmiisniAs Brrathtakingly Lovely Coats! Exceptionally Mad Perfectly felled! Conveniently Priced! $99.50 CONEY As III lie as 15.00 dawn. Pay 11.00 a month for 10 months. ' MOUTON 5110.50 'Sheared Processed Lamb l , . l iy a.- little as 20.00 down and as little as 9.70 lor 10 months MUSKRAT BACKS $289.50 As tint!- a rw.on dawn anil as Time asTT.ro a month for 15 raontrw. ' " CANADIAN SQUIRREL $295.50 - I'ay us little as 50.00 down and as little as 17.7.") a month lor IT) months. : ' Whether you prefer 1 tail, cool ' drink or a short, smooth cocktail, ....,-.,-! next time try it with Captain Morgan Runu 10:15 Beth Watson 10:30 Chopin Anniversary series 11:00 Weather and Sign Off ; , SATUKuAt KM. -On; j j i.'i Just arrived! A Shipment of - GKANDMEKE CARDIGAN'S .. You'U enjoy Gold Label, rich and full bodied. ,; " C T. - or Black Label, extra smooth and flavoiirfnli , 1.1. . , . - ; ; " , .':; ti.vi : Captain Morgan COLD LABEL S5J 7:00 Musical Clock h: 00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill. C3ood .... 8:15 Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 Saturday Story " . 9:45 The Answer Man 9:59 T me Signal . : io:00 Bandstand , 10:15 Music of the Waltz , JJ l 5! 1 si Lea ui iful Ueinhtiue ' Blended in Canada from'carefully selected rare old rums - by Captain Morgan Rum Distillers Limited. j This advertisement is r ar publi:,he or displayecl by the . . Liquor Control Roard or by the government of British Columbia IILOIlSliS A ft- 1 1 ft 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 CBC News and Tom'ty 10:55 Weuwier and Interlude 11:00 Saturdav Date uiir IT 1 nnr c m TOBACCO 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude designed for giving Oon'l fail to see thes beautiful blouses. They're . ideal for gift giving, but you'll think of yourself, too. Budget Terms for your Christmas shopping. ; " ' FROM i Now ladios, here a it sonn really fine bargains. Panties, slips and gowns in truiy iK'autiful styles. Nationally Advertised hose shwr as O The Gift a Smoker i 8 a 1 1 a A 11:45 Personal Album SATURDAY P.M 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies Every item advertised may Ih bought on personalized budget terms ' Why not shop for Chrrslmas and p. v at y y , y V y y a whisper. All priced to su 12:25 Program Resume - frail budgets. ALL SMOKERS, St'PPLIES Candy and Many Other Lines y y 12:30 Musical Program 1 :00 Saturday afternoon Record Parade 2:00 Musical Program '6 ft y y y y v y y y y y GROTTO CIGAR STORE 2:15 Ballet Club 3:00 This Week 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Rec. Int. 3:30 Divertimento x i THE SEASON'S LATEST y y 3:45 3:43 Band tanu Box uuk g i i V y COATS IJSTRISIllII E-PRICED FOn wirzzi y y y y y y y y y y ' I-' 'IvA ft If you're smart if you're thrifty you'll be down early to get one of these bargain coats. They're worth much more than the price we ask as they have been specially priced for Christmas selling. . '.,'. Wo iiiD)UCirn(D)N 20 v 8 ANY ITEM $10.00 OR OVER , IN OUR STORE ON y y y s y y y Eiderdown Sleeping. ft 1 . ; : 1 ; ' y y y y y y '' v Robes Men's Jackets Men's Dress Trousers Boys' Parkas Boys' 3-piece Tricycles . Pedal Cars Baggage Badminton Rackets French Binoculars 7 x 50's ft I vV I EM . AJ iSi KI9tU rrVf m il fV -rl'fj miss ihis opportunity I s,,'k up on slip-A. They are beau-tilully styled with lace trimmed y y y y y y S y i v MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST DON'T MISS THESE RE-PRICED XMAS VALUES AT t Ihc ear at only THE 1 Wfc J-PI !IVnkTHE STORE THAT HAS EVERYTHING IN TOYU AT THE PRICE YOU LIKE TO PAY Blue 69 y 622 oss W. . 3rd ra Ave. myc. Box W92 7 .T:,T.r;.a.1rj.tfs.ij!ijj4JEla'irfj'f