2 -pr Prince Rupert Daily. News Transport Awaited By Sick Natives i'lEBSsj Thursday, March S, BBrTO Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisce i 'I G. A. KUNTEJt. lUnaging Editor. K. G. PERRY. Managing Director Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations . . i " Cilnadian Daily Newspaper Association ' - - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES - i MPvo cjr carrier, rer weeK. zoc; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8 00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. Business cf the Home ' ' I by ELIZABFTII MORTIMER The word "education" is derived from the Latin "ducere" which means "to lead" and the prefix ,4e" meaning '"from" This is the true meaning of education: not to force knowledge into the mind, personality ; and talents of the child. Where is there greater opportunity for this development than in the home? . ' A man is leading a p t.v. The - Tuesday did not carry enoush minority for Whitehorje to bo known, offlrhllv at least, ax u city. But perhaps that will c:m next time. Nevertheless, between aviation, tne Alaska h ;,nwiv the S3Viet bu?abo.-. hvdraen bomb talk, campaign tr6inill3 in zero weather all .1Kn; wn V.,rs aio-White- ;.?r,p is fipvelrplng- into a cen- :rp (lf inprea!nr immrt mpo It's not ofi.cn a stary f:om China creeps inta this column but p.issib'v it will bear re- telling. Narrated 5y the young fopranc, Lian-3hih-Yans, it jeems a rich merchant in Can- Un wsn. every night to the theatre for he had fallen in love wl.h the star sinser. Fin- ally he married hef. The fol- lowing morning was the first . -.ne he nad ever seen ner in dayli;.U. He stared in annffl-screamed mant. "Sing" he " Sing quick". No Reduction In Fiy R.C.M.P.? ' pRINCE RUPERT, having had its law and order l upheld for twenty-five years now by the British Columbia Police which, on the whole, we would say, has done a fairly creditable job, is directly interested in the move whereby the respected provincial force would be replaced by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Legislation authorizing such a change has been introduced in the House at Victoria and, being sponsored by the Attorney General and, therefore, by the government, will, doubtless, be put through. We suppose it might be considered rather unusual to wax sentimental about such a matter aB nnhVino- Service Is Seen OTTAWA i Special to Dally Xcw.o -Htarinsf of the Canadian Maritime Commission on appli- j cation of the Union Steamships ! Ltd. for a suosidy on service to : Queen Charlotte Islands t.nd t It is quite likelv the many British Columbia, this ffprini, new comers on "prince Ru- is more "l-,i"lng than ever. Or-nerfs streets who Elanc.p at the anled farmers are dead iilC ft'C 1J.Y .UU:t n .1 (-.illnhi t nr-l'1 OlU.nDia p r.i ,.. ...,v. 1- i A1VANP.11 Awiillii.f; ! ( uii-...r- j tation outside for hospital treat- i ment at this Naas River native village are Stephen Clayton, Miss Lena Cosnell and Mrs. Percy Azak. They had hoped to be removed by Queen Charlotte Air Lines plane which Pilot Roy Bewyman brought here at the first of the week with relief food supplies but, owing to the shortness of the water lifting area because of ice in the river, it was impossible to take them. Their condition is not serious. EBY & SONS Contractors "FPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us IioId vou nlan 1 that new home under the NJI.A. Phona Green 883 Boi SKI NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND i WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEl but there does seem to be something harsh about the proposed "scrapping" of our British Columbia Police Its tradition and honored reronUike it is u 1 ui1nc us ace dc.is Nrtuii'i second only to the of the R.C.M.P which would replace it TWw something sad about the prospect of its passing. " . There may, of course, change. Those of us who favored the policing of this vmcial rather than a local man dees no', get behind nd push the pony nor does he b-are his feet and pull the ponv. He leads the rjony. easily c-miident-ly. and the p'iny fellows of its own free will. The man 's home, the pony is the "-hud aid the "lead" is the relationship between the twj. Too often oa.-ents try t3 fore a child into a preconceived pattern, instead of aiiowina him ti develop naturally. The child is an individual, net a ooiv of his parents. This does not wr. "free expression" which is "bck i SiSSftKS "P. There 15 a sense of direcl!on a"d puTse' l understand;- , m-oeration ai'd comoan jns'ii. i5 is the Mei-1 n?m? vhPT vpp !2e?iS!S M' Chelfllttm MflV iLIICIUI,SI 1 Idlf YOYaCie 1V1a Aoaill niam of VANCOUVER CP- Future r Ltd. the" Biiti.-h Columbia is steamer Cheh-isln is still r.ir ,- r r "i '4 4 r UtS. i s . . W 4 ,,4 6e 5V; i - d' trrnrd velertiai ! Al'sc the hearing, at which he v-rrac'1. F. T. Applewhaite, M. for Skeena, expressed conH-tf'H-c th.it tii - i-etv.ces would be reduced. in:te but it -a ill not become a iloating c.uincy. The vessel may Cuniiiiue to p!y ia her old trade for a r.f-w owner. The Cheihsin grounded last November on r reef near the en- ti-.ir.f-e to Vancouvr harb.ir ana was refloated in January. K'-'-.-ris ?a Hi that Victor David Vancouver, who bought the ve?r! af'er Vnion Steamship1: , had termed her a total less. reaotiatir.e v ith American Interests for difposal of the hi- j ' - I a felt it was important that such a service as the police should lie well removed from local politics. We also saw the advantages of more efficient, economical and disinterested service. We also thought of the advantage of flexibility of personnel and the ready availability of augmented or special service when required It may be argued that the advantages which we saw m a provincial rather than a local force might be possible even more so with the national force. But wejKonder if the national force, after all. might not be carrying things a little far. We wonder if the autonomy might be removed beyond the point of desir-a',.llity- Of course, we should not. hp aMnat single ann a',. H: variety, ME's !,Rr,s tA ai"dines..np.,.4 n color ann ... "Blk )V rom MEN'S DUESs sov hM. From ,0,'i B0YS' LONG Pu. v&riety tochoow' ' from Bvs- AND cm,s. S BOYS' ... H J Morint. ParLTT "nWl and ftJ t-omplet Reliable ' s,'rvlte, also -""'Han Liq te Lindsay's Carta ' " " -i and Prfrtc i I hud . ukfS( I'h.ine Orwi 38S J;f lN-'Ci RLPETJI Pirns i ld timers and wonder who he . . ,i. .., . o,... ,IUII1CI Jla uiuyuia wuu ihat each miJtht be Rble to interest the other. Of all the pfovuue?, Brititii Columbia is thought to b?, fi.-.n . rit i.andpoint of tourlst-s the most attractive. It's a fact. Uiey do its arm this way every summer And n w. with a slrtm? Hklihood of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police takln; ier, the charm of B C. will be further enhanced. Like the mountains they can be viewed any number of times and it doesn't cost a cent. The president of France and has gftod lady are the euests of the Kinj and Queen and that observant broadcaster. Matt i .It m ay Brifain is hiving real party". Gene, fir the me bein?. political and financial tension and a thm-and h r worries. T.iis is a party with tprin-Uime dawnini, and the public gladly malting the j 3' ci an o'cas'.sn. Haita -ilute? the 1i'.trs. But for "ranee, hs says, in all Europe, r at Britain, would be a ione-h:-.d. The YVhitrrorse v.ite. GET SUPER-SHAYES & WITH 10 GILLETTE BLUE -r- 1.' You change blades presto ... off whiskers slick lun hi site with new C.illette One-Piece Razor Set. one NOW, for extra shaving SPECIAL LOW-PRICE OFFER Cillttl. RocV.t Ont-Pitc. Roior and Oill.ne Ditpentw with 10 O IIt Blv Blodtt B in 4 .1 1: r, A i ii : t If I i by sentimentality but to have our maintenance of law '. . .111CU a iiQLLYW00Dcaf M(JT Ur-TU-DAlK CAFK IN TIIKin OPKN FKOM J;30 P.M to !:! AM f rfpeclillr in Cni:icv uiDr t t HOI SUKY-C'IIOW MEIN CxA T- A. J;C -ih Miiisiilf Order PHtN: US ' ip A' hnvih formally proclaimed in Vancouver, daylight saving v;ainst It and sent a resolution o in lesisianire Hnrentt nro- 1 Ipst rnrn:nmHnt. unariotlu iLViiij on and m on! For Friendly Service And Advice in Your Building, Insulation end Decoration Problems - sue ISLAND CITY EUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies .'.05 M Bride St. Blue 820 m Salin-Glo PRODUCTS for Walls, Woodwork, Floors and Furniture Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. FASTER, EASIER! aoccer One-Fece Razor BLADES IN DISPENSER skim this Huy comfort. REGULAR Jl 00 VAlUf Satisfied 3rd Ave SZuBR. tee ) (culdn't happen"! Today! OLD LADY ON HER LAST RUN The S.S. Aquitania. once the i pride of the transatlantic passenger trade, and well known to thousands of Canadian troops, is shown about to siart her last i voyage from Southampton. Eng. This time her destination was not ' New York, but a scrapyard on the Clyde the same Clyde where ' she was built some 30 years ago. The Aquitania was an armed j merchantman in World War I and a tnxp transport in World War '' II. The last of the four-funneled liners, the Aquitania carried ' MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Wholesale Wan-hour carrying a reprrsentallfr 1.890.000 passengers during her career as a luxury liner. Her furniture and fixtures were sold at auction at Southampton before she left for the wreckers. ' . be gwd reasons for the have through the years municipality by the pro- force did hBJv. ndiiunai iorce. nn matti- i . 1 ' will only aggravate the j it ; . prompt service to the trade GOODYEAR TIRE & KLBBER CO. Tires, tubes, ta; hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. Lamps unly. n- and incandescent, 6 U 230 volt. GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA - Radio In! t'a.shlifihts. ignition batteries. G. kl. WOOD & CO. Industrial sanitation, pap r W deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B. C Dustbnne, Sisal. Janitor hotel and restaurant supplies. IMPERIAL WIPING RAG CO. and nth.rs L CZ7T V Till For the Best how fine its record and its personnel mav be, seems embarking just a little far into the realm of bureaucracy and remote control. ' - - We halVJjWpteiysted to hear from the government and the Attorney General the reasons for this somewEat surprising and sudden move There may be considerations other than that of the efficiency which could, no doubt, be derived from co-ordination and centralization. : At the moment we are not so sure that our favor for provincial over city policing would extend so fat-as bringing this important function under the remote national control. r.NDESIRABLE SECRECY T HER1 E ARE THINGS which a government-local, I provincial or national cannot shout from the housetops. But many things which a government thinks must be secret need not be secret at all and in a democracy should not be- Yet all governments, it seems, grow into thinking that the people cannot be told and that the public cannot be trusted with too much knowledge. It is something, apparently, that gi;ows on those entrusted with power. Aiot of this secrecy by bodies conducting public business is not only inappropriate and unjustified if not insulting hut is sheer nonsense. It would be better if governments and public bodies cultivated frankness wherever possible. It would not only impel-co-operation but would inspire more confidence and it jnight even result in more progress in getting things done. ' REAL EMPLOYMENT JHE SERIOUSNESS of having 370,000 person I ; listed as unemployed in Canada is something that cannot be minimized. It is something over which rely concern is justified and to which attention may be paid. However, there is no point in getting panicky orshouting calamity. - Suggestions-are being made to federal and provincial-governments that the time has arrived to embark upon large programs of public 'works some of which, indeedare already under way (although not so many in this part of the country.) Possibly the more important aim toward which to strive is that of steady; general recovery with all industrv Watc!i Repairs - SEE GEORGE COOK. JEWELLER PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HC!I! 712 Second Ave. PO. Box 772 You'll bo T i OR ME! n d nri DRUGS fifisfiae! PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 1 illw New, low-priced Bendix Economat is ' compact, light weight, vibration-free! STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 a m. to 5 P SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS- 12 NOON to 2 p 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Emergency Bicyrlf fmm7n.m. till 9 P and Sunday SPECIAL Trltd and trw agitator wathingl Omi 8 pounds of cfofhci of enctl Wathts, rinses, damp dryt automatically! rVtedi no bolting to floorf AMAZING FLEXIBLE WONDERTUB! Wrhtn S-yar guaronle. Provides . MwUnrfrtawwoififflgacf'on,nwHbaf-owoy Droinins, new Sqvff-Drybal Easy terms to suit your Daily Car Delivery Service From 9 p.m. till 6 p.m. B un.s est uys TO MARCH 1U'5C 2lw Pineapple Juice Q.T.F., 20 oz Sweet Mixed Pickles. 9 02 moving forward. That,, suggests Financial Post, Is the goal we must keep in mind and we can achieve ; it if we keep our heads. Above all there must be the. grat possible encouragement for the investment of fiew capital foj; only in that way is there hope of ' i pocket book Free demonstrations! Cloverleaf . Whole Clams, 15 oz J Dtsi j-i-. j .... Come se "The washer that yC s&k. V Ml J u&z , more permanent e.mpioyment,more national development more prosperity f6r all. Panic measures and 1 uiuiucj, iu, aenverea BURNS BEST BUYS Phone 755 Formerly Johnson's Grocery nays ' ( twttmt DAlivorw Service m .. .. -.--vsa... VU&toJL Mr I- I pa pic' thinking at this time situation; Ihey. cannot cure lltflt.MMHM p