Prince Rupert Daily rew Thursday, March 9, 1950 I Department of Transport pro- ject, will eliminate the present! Alaska ports as Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, Juneau and Haines and Skaeway all within 375 miles distance. This city is pressed hope that development will attract a pulp and paper 'plant, a steel Industry and fertilizer factories. j Large reserves of anthracite coal deposits exist in the Groundhog country. This -fuel mifht greatly assist in the operation of News of Francois Lake fc BIG INDUSTRY JjJuauiiued iruin Page X, is being contemplated. The Al-luminum Company of Canada tout oi tne way stop at Sandspit on the Queen Charlotte Islands. This route takes approximately !six hours and includes a stop-over at that Queen Charlotte ! strip. This is considered an in. ... : convenience, especially to easily irritated business heads. As a lL lac. of housing in Prmce I maf,'DUiId an aluminum P' be Parualiy remedied i 5K a:vju renovation of the former ; Cna.mrl shots mouth is but 50 r.;fici7l'4ats Army administra- : nules south jf Piince Rupert. It !!iaing near the water-5 penetrates far into the interior Mrs. Holtz is recovering from severe illness and is spending the winter at the landing In the , cottage beside the Keefe home. ! 500 miles closer to Alaska than Seattle the original port of Alaska a factor that is becoming increasingly recognized. All these points illustrate Prince Rupert's possibility in future industrial development. The city can facilitate any type of cargo. A large grain elevator has not been used for years: a giant former U. S. Army warehouse stands empty. Yes, the future of Prince Rupert seems rosy. As a matter of fart, it is. But foresight, mon cemnlcted. and is the likely site of the is ill i defense airfield, it will be class-j ed as one of the most strategically located aloiig the entire Pa-jcific coast. j Ihe Queen Charlotte Islands ; are still to be vastly developed, j While they 'are noted for tb , , vast stands of spruce, other -in- CANADIAN WHISKY After several mild days there is water on top of the las? ice and the road is very rough. Trucks loaded with lumber are crossing day and night, but cars especially low slung ones, aic finding dllflculty with the snow high in the centre of the road . & .k Kaftel. dynamic Toron- ' -ia,u- 'Sucl1 'in establishment :o .tnnckr. iast year purchased . K'culd revolutionize the entire fcr J-;u:'nlng. He recently nri- economy of uua area, esptcially in fc. fu that a $500,000 hotel will llle P01' of Piince Rupert and : giic c xTtcd. A 50 room struc- ' interior town ot Terrace. A n':-g i; will contain a theatre, ''branch railway would unbar room. ballroom and busi- doubtediy e constructed from r. J -pare. Reconditioning of Kitimaat to Hie Canadian Na- g hnhiis.'ration building into j ticnal line 81 lerrcc. This is a tn -or! incut block will cost aistance of 40 Or SO miles through (future industrial plants, especially a steel mill. I The entire northern section ' of B. C. is a veritable storehouse of nihu ral wealth and if developed will enlarse the sue of Prince Rupert make . it wealthy and increase opportunities lor the individual. An av-young man or woman can arrive in Prince Rupert and with initiative and ambition com- mcnee on the road to a successful livelihood. Opportunity exists here in practically every field. Men like P. H. Llnzey and L. M. Felsenthal, secretary and president of theiChamber of Commerce respectively; H. F. Glassey, secretary . of Public Relations Council; to say nothing of such public figures as E. T. Apple-whaite M. P. J. D. McRae M. L. ey, initiative must be employed in order that a dream is a real-izition. This realization has commenced with the probable- XT to 1 i, f ", touched resources such as agricultural areas erist. Royalite Oil began drilling at Skidegate near Queen Charlotte City in the early part of January this year but recently halted operations. Alter a depth of 3.500 feet had been reached, the comoanv eepsed drilling but announced further construction of an aluminum i: Industry and the nearly completed Columbia Cellulose project. Mrs. Robert Gordon arrived on Saturday from Prince Rupert with her daughter Mrs. Antilla and expects to stay two weeks with her at the Southbank forestry residence. : -iroxi-nately $220,000. , two natural vulleys. Pio.vers is erecting a Vast' hydro-electric power in '-i-e. a new fur loraec this orea tempted the crmp try ;- to be built, the Djily to investigate the region as a uo-wim;; s being exna.irf- tcniiai plant site. Alt canstltn-i v;h-ti?s.ave In 'he t-nti required in the ma-vif pri ithcr on- in? of aluminum Incluc-ine the m is underway. jpmous baux:? - ore. n-ould ncd Aluminum be imported Last year company fci'Uon dollar industry i reside-t. M .-Nelly Du'ri-e ex- 'lit a ? a u B (surveys will De condusted. Re-: ports reaching Prince Rupert ln-jdicate the well has been capped i Anyone experienced in the oil j industry, considers capping a dry Money men are iinany realizing the potential industrial growth here and at present are probably beating a secret path to this area. Old timers are advising the youneer generation to remain here. They say Prince Rupert will some day be a modern, well advanced and strategic city. True, but will it take another war to make people realize this. The Parent-Teachers Association held a succssful whi:,t Drive at the Neave home on Saturday evening. Enough attended to play four tables of whist. Although there was a shortage of ladies and winners of the prizes S3 ' well unusual. If oil Is discovered the finding will one of the ftreatest assets that central British Columbia has added to the wealth nf this nrovine. Gateway to Alaska i . niSTII.I.Kl) IN :N ULKMJKI) IN CAND ' UOTTLKb IN Ca.YUU i were all men James Van CANADIANS WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST CANlOMinr, ftANKFOtT MSTlUtlU (CANADA) llD. A - wV vnmHjJ ter, J. H. Keefe, Lee-Cooper and John Keefe jnr. The tables were 1 placed in a row in the l".inK room and set with delicious re-I freshments. After supper various instruments were brought 'out and tuned up and a delight-' ful musical period followed, with community singing and a few '.solos. It was 1:30 before the par- A. and Mayor George Rudderham jWho have spent a gieat deal of ; their life in Prince Rupert and 1 well know the industrial future of the city and area. The proposed landing strip at Tugwell island about fix miles over water from Prince Rupert will aid this city. Businessmen frcm Vancouver or eastern Can- ada will find it more convenient I to execute visits here if air travel time to anil from Vancouver ! is cut two or three hours. Eventual completion of the expectc' Weak, Tired, Nervous, 1 PeplessjtojWoinen Get New Vim, Vigor, WLility ' a-- rrlhva in Hip h. llwjvi tlM fmllnfl; TRAIN SCHEDULE Fr the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 00 p.m. . om the East-Tuesday, Thursday jaturda .0:15 p.m. v s " k. - - s I'm ' 4 vm s - - This advertisement is not published or di-Liquor Control Hoard or ly the governs' of British Columbia t ty broke up. j The establishment of a car ' ferrv service between Prince Rupert ond Haines. Alaska is beiti" "pnsirlcreri A service nf thi' type would be a boon to the port of Pi ince Rupert. Time and mon-" wruld he saved bv tran-fer-rin -rrishah''-- and other products from C. N. R. cars t- the baree and finally into refrleer-t-r tru"k". The tmcks. in turn -n-nii'-) shin the oroducts over thf "-: -p- cut-off to the Alaskr highway. Prince Ru'ici '. for the past fev years has suffered from exploitation and its people have become slitiitly ired by the fact. They know that .centra', and northern British Columbia possess-s untold resources avnit(ns: development such as the manufacture of plywood products, furniture manufacturing and ethers. They firmly believe raw ; material f'om this area should BPrl "r (i-nc'1 into finished products here. ! Prince Ru'C!(, is the most northerly railway terminus or. j the Pacific '"oast. 4S0 miles j necrer the Orient and witn such deprtttfi'io and nprv u?nt lu weak, thin blood. iei up fwliiif I f PVPV all day, hav. blent y of imiity leit vcrb ovnutng. Take OstiM. t'omaimi iron, vitamiu calotum. pliwphorua tor hUd buiUimd. btuJu 8trithiUit. Minvilation. tnvttturate wtetrj; tr.prot .a apitlt. digtu p,)wem. Coats Mile. Jvew "eft aciuaintf1 ! iiiilv ftite. Try ()tres Tonic Tablet (or ww. 04r-tuai prvUD. vigor, ta'i very da. At all druggisu. L N0QaDdJ Cecil Frostie Locker presents for your LENTEN SEASON "holce Salmon Fillets, lb. reh Frcrern Rfd Spring Salmon by the piece, per lb. Fresh Frozen Red Spring Salmon Steak, lb Halibut chunks, lb. Halibut bv the piece, lb. ... . Halibut Steaks, lb. . Acadia Salt Cod, lbv ... .i..-. Ling Cod Fillets, lb Bed Cod Fillets, lb Sole Fillets, lb. Kippered Herring, lb. ... Fresh Frozen Herring, lb. Smoked White Spring Salmon, lb. ERE'S value FOR you! . ; . A beautiful cake and pie server with silver plated handle en craved in harming rose pattern, and clean-cutting stainless tcc-1 blade yours for only 50c and one box top rota a package of Swift's Jewel Shortening. Tewel. Eastern Finnan Haddle, lb. 2 Think of all three m lieu ou know, is the blended shortening that gives you uch tenderr flaky pastry and fluff-like cakes. You'll ant more than one of these servers, because they're " 3 m Smoked Black Cod by piece, lb. Eastern Smoked Cod Fillets, lb. Pickled JHerring, 16 oz. Jar . . Shrimp Meat. i lb. .'. Fraser River Smelts, lb. Smoked Red Spring Salmon, lb. rand tor gifts and prizes, and for your own table. I' Ml coupon below and :.nd for your first today! you buy tea . . . fiue quality, choice flavor, full alifving strength. Nabob gives you all three. Knjny "fro as it fhoiild f." Buy Nabob, ii'g jour bel tea value. 5 wift Canadian Co.Limited. 654 Lccker Plant 230 Second Ave PHONE RED 367 95c per doicn paid for empties. Ptoit hvc then ready when the driver call. Vu? herb ift tanadiaa Co. Limited, t5 parlmcnt V-2 P.O. Box 194, 'tronto, Ontario. Thif edvertiiemcr h not published or d.ipUyc J Jr tho Liquor Co-.! rot Boerd or by the Governnr oJBrrtiih CsTumbia. p.-i 1'i nsq-send me, quickly, my silver plated cake I I Mkl r server. I endow 50t in coin and 1 box top from 1 package IcWtl Shortening for eaih server 1 want. ' w B i ratNf NAME K i I llN ADDRKSS ' w j HI j ' 9rYkR TOWN pKOV t This ffr Mru4 until C.I.U. -n lam S V, M I B 1J, I.JU I Support Your -r - IS I Eteep Libbys In the and encourage your to help themselves iltlADIAIl 4s RED CE0SS It's truly delicious. 2EP YTV J -7 I tHOM SHEET METAL WORKS Block 884 9 and an excellent dietary source o vitamins A and C Clearance Sale WALLPAPER I A In older to make room for our 1950 patterns wo are now offering our 1949 pat- tcrns at 50 OFF r- aV-rrta , iifrtfift ratei 4 ST Canadian Education Week March 5th to 1111: Education Everybodys Business DOUBLE YOUR MONEY J Pr..." ttorJ CATCHUP .nd CHIU SAWr- tvx lain I klt rWvt iZIf- Phonp 31i Jilt-Bride' !:t GENTLE PRESS" TOMATO JUICE