Prince Rupert DaiSy hieW 1 ' , Thursday, March 9, 1950 Leod Riuer Coal c ; ALL NYLON I At xetsP Egg Nul Stoker Announcement! i S O N. Badminton Dance every i Saturday. j St. Patrick's Tea Sale of home cooking and card party, Catho-! lie Hall March 16. ! 1 King Edward School P-T.A.I Tea, Home Cooking and White' Elephant Sale, Friday, March 17. 1 MEN'S Valhalla Lodge Memberg, meeting Thursday night, March 9 at B p.m. (57 E. C. Darts, with the Canadian Customs and Excise here, return to the ctiy aboard the Prince Rupert today alter a visit in Legion W.A. members aie asked to attend the funeral ol the late Betty Gomez Friday 3 p.m. It Mrs. A. M. Dowther and Miss Edith Watson returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver and Seattle. ;, ORDER TODAY :; !RI & McCAFFERY LTD. DRESS SOX United Church Home Cooking! Sale at Thompson Hardware,! March 18, 11 to 4. I I Hear E. T. Applewhalte, M.P.I Report from Parliament" to-1 night 645 p.m. C.F.P.R. it! "Everything for the Builder" PHONE 116 ... l mtf. - Prince Rupert Music and' i Festival, March 22, 23 1 At iost we have N yi'o n Drama and 24 Dress Sox. Attractive shades in a rib stitch, ny-: Gyro Klondyke Night Again Prince Rupert will start growing beards again in the near future in view of the decision of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club to have another Klondyke Night early in May. Substantial prizes will again be awarded for the most Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Friday, March 31 8.15 p.m. SCHOOLBOY CURLERS ON VACATION A fast ride on a toboggan slide in Quebec city Chateau Frontenac wa6 quite a thrill for the Ontario toys who are taking part in the Canadian high school curling championship, there. Left to right, are: Gleh Sagle, skip; Bill Mason, third; Floyd Edward, second; and Charlie Watt, lead. The boys are Ontuiioehampions and study at the Sault Ste. Marie high school. ; Ions come in both .ankle Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hcmphil! arrived in the ctiy on the Prince Rupert yesterday from Vancouver. S.O.N. Whist and Dance Friday, March 10, Whist 8.00 o clock. Music by Mike Colussi. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. (58, S.O.N. Badminton dance Saturday 0 to 12 S.O.N, hall. Music by Mike Colussi. ,53, fed Her, Him Back - Nineteen-year- secretary rejected her appeal. Perry, now serving his sentence, was convicted at Leeds U8t;es of Btabbing Miss Foster in IKa arm onH ,..ttu n White Elephant Sale Tea and; and regular lenqth No Home Cooking at 2 p.m. April 1.1 . . . . ' Conrad St. School. shrinkage worries . . .much Legion Easter Salei "Jnger wearing . . . easy TO WANT TO SEE WORLD,! Canadian luxurient hirsute appendages Foster 01 ganiz-jknife v They were engagcd Rt for the release of i lne time. Miss Foster said she Perry. 20, sen-1 was willing to become re-en-r a ;o to a five- gaged to Perry if authorities Inline 1 woidd release u tiii. The him. wash . . . dry overnight . , I Jaycee-Ranks GIRLS TO USE THUMB APrU 5tn The club is also arranging for Jobs Daughters Tea and Sale; keep their shape and. size another dinner dance March of homecookin?. April 6, at the without use of stretchers... i WINNIPEG 0 Two adventurous Winnipeg girls have j solved the problem of the ! monotonous jab, the morning I bus and the-routine of the of- Are Swelling on the steamer Chilcotin followed by a cruise to Masset. The Gyro Club was in regular monthly business session at its luncheon yesterday with Presid- j heme of Mrs. A. Mitchell, Fourth Ave., West. ' Mission gaud Explorers' program tea, Presbyterian Hall, April 6. Eightecn new members were!"'- Worker, welcomed into the Junior Cham- I Amelia Zurich, 26, and Nan- ber of Commerce last nk-ht. hv ! CV Kaifbrd, 28, plan to quit Mary JjO.DE, Tea, their jobs with the Winnipeg Queen April 10. ent A. J. Dominato in the chair over a 100 percent attendance. Roy Hemphill, Vancouver Gyro, was a guest. ' President Harold Hampton who Priced pt $1,50 & S1.75 pr, '-I Pure wool fgl-knit Cardie gan Sweaters in all. .thai Stated he was happy to see new in the organization, adding rUlce of the Unemployment Inruran'ce Commission and tra-' evl around the world by bicycle,! iir iro nd iu:.'k. j Their odyssey will begin in i Cathedral Bale April 13. St. Peterj Spring Sula April 20. The club took out a $2.50 mem- , blood , ' ! . 1 . t t that he w; as certain they would unauiu 111 tiie jviusic uiiu uiumu Festival and named G. A. Hun ill int is pavnnie In advance. Please refrain tru n ClasMficds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum. Iiiith Notices 60c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices. vs. Maniase and Encasement Announcements $2 SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE do a fine job filling positions ol older members who eventually March when they sail to Eng- Women of the Moose Novelty NOTH K TO IOTIUTOIIS Siiilcd tenders will be received tip to niKin, Miirch aih. 1B50. by the undersigned, for the construction o( an Office and Stores Building at Queen Charlotte City. B C. . Plans and specifications may be obtained from the District Forester. Prince Rupert, tlie Forest Ranur at CHiecn Charlotte City, or the under-Kined. upon a tteposlt of S 00, rfeundable upon return of plans anil Kpecillcitllons in good ' condition, within thirty dnys of the date of opening of tendeis. Tenders will not be considered unless made out on the form support) unit signed and a deposit of 10 per In Spring Tea, April 19. in the new DODular shades . . ter as representative on the executive of the organization. resign. j land on the Q teen Mary 1 Br,ia:;i they, will work jn of-! Moose Temnle. . cherry powder 1 maroon WANTED red, serene green, .! -1 Approximately 40 Jaycees attended the New Members Night OP m Spring 8ale. ,ia . . NOTICE Hie citv Tuesday, (0. M'U'V Elizabeth THE SUPREME COURT BRITISH COLUMBIA iu;cr ana ioc. ones, ur uuuut . six months. It will take that' Presbyterian, m', i hey believe, to tee all the! April 27. UlUb, I1VJI 11 IVjnn in moitm: Sale and Tea nd grey. ;e Spring WANTED Clean room for aulet eentlemun for month and liall.i Phone Dominion Rridue. Wat-tun Jsland between 9 and 5. (571 ' SALES AGENTS WANTED ! Oranj May 3. p.'acts and niiiaric sites they have read about. Alter Britain the girls hope t3 visit all the oiher continents before returning to Cana " Priced ot Day; i in the Commodore last night ! Business was brief except for the ! suggestion by Alf Worthington '":!t, the organization further " ss city council in reference to .' ir filing procedure of resolu-:-is and petitions presented by . organizations. cent 01 tlie under Is enclosed, tlieques of the unsuccessful itn- s 4 inonuis. Frank Gomez of Ave Canon Basil ,wll ci induct ser-Orenville Court im Friday. March nt to follow ill iidcrv B.C. Un-; uharce of ar- United Church Mothers' Sale, May 4tb. Sonja Te May 13. " AGENTS WANTED Sell SZw toZlJ WhP" "Fire-Killer" Liberal commis-j I he lowest or uny tender not neccs- da. Romance is definitely not the objective of the world Jaunt. The oiwji. cai'iusivi. -wriiuiiv. no- siiriiy accented. olv D V. Sehaefer. 2704 Grant! In the Matter of the "Administration Act" and In f - '- ' -lie r Tnrr. --.i .,! i,y - -nt "i Honor ! ' - v.- o. jr i -.-.). ,,(:, Judile t P. "irem" t'-'Tt British i -,'; -p. f-- ' " , 1 -n'l- ''flv r" Administrator of the estate of Andrew Hansen, late of Prince Rupert, Hritlsh Columbia, who died on the 8lh day of December. 1940, at Vancouver, British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said Tenders must be submitted In the St. Vancouver. B.C 15") BISONAI, BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS I girls avow: 'We just want to tee the world." Their familiea, after initial hesitation, are now enthusias- IlfJP WANTED The matter of the elimination beauty oor.test was brought up. Hie Jaycee St. Patrick's dance and contest is being staged March 17 in the Civic Centre. envelope marked "Tender for the i-oiistructlnn of an Office and 8torf BuiltlliiK ut Queen Charlotte City, lie." C. D. ORCHARD. Chief Forester and Deputy Minister of Forests. F'ubrunry 28. I!i0. Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C. (05) it r j , III. i tic about the trip, but insisted! estate are reauired to nav the amount inrt He&Mnir work. Phone 643 '.xlh Ave West. H anil Sons. (tfj SPECIALIST and reouirs. G. lilaik (i6. (65 HELP . WANTED First clas', balesmun wanted in liluh urude men's clothinir store. Must have exDerience in Uik-liu measurements lor mude-to-measure cloihinu. Phone 350. tf ol their Indebtedness to me forth- ' "Miss Rupert" will be chosen that with and all persons having claims ni,,hl and wili bp ' wl" entered c"lelcu in 111 the auamst the said Estate are required that the girls bank enough money for a return ticket before ! starting out. ' "Most of the other women AFTER 5CHO0U TREAT land men in the office think it to file them with me properly veri- i Snilthers "Miss Northern B. C." Vrdo0n, te 15'h dyho(: beauty contest on May J 4 and 5. disiribu-. April, 1950. falling which tion will be made havtnp: reaid The Jaycees urge as many young only to such claims of which I shall Wcmfl as nossihle to enter the Advertise in m umv, N?' Classified ad. tirlnif resulti. ' " tii SA(,K WANTED ShiDner. Co.. Ltd. Burns and (60i mm is a wonderful idea. Nancy says. "Only a few of them think it is a hare-brain scheme' have been notified '"WD'A-ftO,, i " i i A comnlete new all the latest ims. nins. brace-ecklaces. etc. LAND RIXilSTRY ACT i Re: CerlilicuU' of litle Hn. 4M0-I to Lot Eii'ht Hundred and Sixty-five "A" iBIj.jAi, HariKC Five 5. Coust District, said to contain One Hundred and Sixty (lrJOt acres, more or less; excepting thereout any portion of the Kluht-ol-Wuy of the Dominion Telefirnph Line, having a width of one Hundred 1100) Icet, 'T-jfier Needlessly Frorh'TK-' WORK WANTED CAPABLE WOMAN wants daily Torturing Poms Of i, (... . Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 7th dav of March. 19S0. GORDON PHASER FORRES. , Prince Rupert. IVC. Administrator of the estate of Andrew Hansen, deceased. (67) T7;. .n Hie biz Jewel- event. All expenses to Smithers V.iil be paid, a $125 gown will be presented to the winner here and many other prizes will be avail-able. Eliminated tfeii Is will also recefVe prizes. With six entries so far, mem-' b'-rs ar,? very enthusiastic about the idea but are slightly con- which may lie within the bouud-Hibis ol tiiee lands and excepting IN house-keeiilnu or babv sittlnn. 1 Awlv Box tib9. Uailv News, tf WANTED Home for two school children. March 15. Box 671). Daily News. i7i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5-room house in Section 2, with lovely harbor view. 2053 Graham Ave. Phone Green 196. (59i THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA V PROHATK IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMIN- Children love cocoa for a warming, satisfying drink. Try cocoa made with Pacific Milk when the kiddles arrive home from school' cold pnd hungry. It's economical too and stores so easily. PACIFIC MILK Ir-adiated and Vacuum Packed in Toronto. See r me lastest stvi-u's Jewellers. (72i :i B,il)v Cribs. Un-abie.s and chests, eletiic irons tleetric heaters, if oilier articles. to .see the B.C.' L. If 4 1 riuv. coupe, iiiiliiion. Arwlv' Kasi or Rumrt tf KNOWN NAMES BABY'S CRY I IS NOT ALWAYS TEMPER DlSTrNGUISH between your baby'g cry of and cry ol temjier. The "pain cry" iiouid tain uve instant attention. For the f everish disirrst due to gan on stomach or bowels or those common digestive uiwets. Rive Haby'i twa Tablets at once. Mrs. May Mundy, o4 Toronto, buds they work every time. "I am the mother of nine children, three of them prize babies, and Riby's Own Tablet have bfn my only medicine in rait-intf them to the hejlthy children they now aie. As woa as my children became n liitle iVverilt J at once Kave them Baby t Own l'.-iblfis and in a Very short time the lever disappeared and tlie children were normal attain." Equally effective for constipation, up!et ftomach, teething troubles and other' minor ailments of babies. . j O'fickly effective. Swcet-tastinjt eatily enisiied to a powder, it desired- No MMleeuy,f fluff no dtillinti eft'ect. Get u nackaRe today. Sickness often strikes in the ntuhl. ceuti. Woucy buck if you are not wtislicd- j fry jM)I.ri.N . . . now availaiy, n t V.. 1 i-oiiVri'w.t siy.e. Tht- mm is ri'i! :: hi.- . .. , tlie rtjiuit is .rrnj-t r tiff f rom tho-;--ui j ft Arthritis Jihi-umatiftti ami Neiitifin. Tlierf s;e tut unii'inni aft'-T-fff' ris. foi I JJ is batV, iwa-Uaie . tuA' ' harm the heart r any oint r ..-f dtuateUt im iOU'IN. (i a UitU "di.j and let IiOl.riV i h you eom-' oat fn.rr tmter the sr!i- "f pain' K'wii if oi tnuiiitMiJs look for II.- Mtl. ;N' 'M'"'' aid whit.- pa J im tablets for R' -iii UiU '.s ft; ! av-jjabif ' :t-- i K.l -if tableta. Vtttiu Limit r. (iwUii-Mv , ; , , i;;:n i i i also the Uitlit-ol-Wuy of tlie Clrund T'runk Pacific Railway. conta4nini; Nine pecimal Two tiix D.26 acrof., mole or less. WHJCHEm satisfactory proof of loss Cf the above Certificate of Title issued in the name of Oeorpe Hamh'y ha Lpoii filed In this office, notice Is hen-by Kiven that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publlctlon hereof. Issue n Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certilleate. unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. Dated ut the Land Registry, Office. Prince Rupert. BC, this 20tl day of February, lf0. A D. ' ANDREW THOMPSON. ISTIIATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THR ESTATE OP SAMUEL BEi.L. DKCKASEU Take notice that by order of His Honor Judge W. O. Pulton, Judge of the Supreme Cocrt of British Columbia. I was on the 3rd day of March. A D. 1U50. appointed Administrator ?ltli the will annexed of the estate of Samuel Bell, late of Stewart. British Columbia, who t'led on the 20th day of December. Sumter Sliovels; siiiies: Adams v Lilllefiirrl Hihk Prince Rupert. British Excentional Value in 4-room wartime. Oil s.c-ve and heater. Immediate ccupancy. Only, $1000 down. Full price $2300.! For this and other properties contact Armstrong Agencies. , Phone 342 or Green 297 tevesi.i (62 WANTED Furnished Ant. bvj ?outie. po children. Refercn-ces. Box 622 Daily News. '60) FOR SALE 5 room wartime, house. Phone Green 137. (liO) FOR SALE-Beautiful home in Section 2. with view. Two bedrooms, stone fireolace, oil furnace, etc. Situated On corner lot Good li.iraie. Phone Ri'd 813 for further- ixirlini- (74) Deputy lU-glstrar ol lilies, j iu49, at 1 ...... Columbia 1 cerned for the reason that outlying points Insist on having representation and intend to enter (he -Prince Rupert eliminations. A special executive meeting may be called to determine if such representation may be allowed. New members congratulated and presented with membership cards by membership chairman 'Stuart Furk weie, Verne Ardagh, Alf Worthington,, Bob Mclnnes, I Dnn McDonald, Neely Moore, Dure Wliitmore, Johnny Sims, Archie Wiulel. Anthony Lefcbvre, Ted Denning, Bill O.horne, Bob Oavi.' Dan Williamson, Peter , Adleni, Art Williams, Dyke Mc- i Millan and Syd Gonick. llie meeting was followed by. i a slag' session. indebted to the said All persons l 'a'l Miainlcnanee I 0en Clainsliell J Ki),k Granules; I Cunereie Mixers: estate are requiritl to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith ad all persons having claims against the said Estate are required GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! J . II, n I. I .l.un H.l- .JHIJ'l I . . I.H" 'I'll J II I. lull im ' I If you are between the ages of 17 and 23 and single you; 'are ' eligible to enter the "Miss Rupert" contest to compete for title' of Miss Northern B. C. in Smithers en May 4 and 5. . : . " Semi Finals pt Junior Chamber ' St. Patrick's Donee, March 17, Civic Centre: ::. .. KEAl- ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX KETUKf.S PREPARED ' Trucks'. Nelson t'i's tor Stoeknlle . I ni ival: Rice Port- II '2al Puinns; Na- w Scraoers and All Steel tatiimal ist; National, nnllls: Nationall I J 1s and ronvevors. I f i' ion from Na- . WITH B.C. Canned Salmon to Hie them with me propeny verified on or before the IStb clay of April, 1950. failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I slmll have Ijeeu notified. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. thii Srd Dny of March. 19!0. GORDON PHASER FORBES, Prince Rupert. B.C. ..-Administrator with the will an-.. . nexed of the Estate of Siunuei 5- i Hell deceased. MORTIMER Ave. iNear CFPht It. K 324 2nd lars. (bu FOR SALE Cafe on Third Ave. Good oneratinK oi'ofit. For more information write Box 597. . 160) ' 'Tv Co. Limited. ENTRY FORMS AT CAPJTOL tHEATRE II ton truck. Dodw :iv. Hi44- i-ton FOR SALE Five room house and" bath near school, store 'i-ton Dodire. ''in Dairy. Phone ' 5Dtv and bus Pest location,, rvs.. -"uiiih. sale, mOO 1140 Hays C.rve Avenue. 59 i '(! Lumber 2" x 8 's x 10' s Usedir-r ciif n,u,oi cim-o utllh x 6'6". mil 2n;, "''7"tlr"1" OfU)l . "r'A . r.n, " VtHltl 11 V Hit: Ultaiiri.-t, (58i (tf v. Bvmun, Peiw. B.C. FOR RENT Suite of five of fices. Modern in every res-i pect. Available March, 1. Phone &7, G. H. Tinker and Co. Ltd. Itf) tHO Crvsler seven1 I lv tires. 2 snares, I i a ref roster. All 'diimn. Excellent y'K'U'd lrnosiw)0'i. Phone Red 911 1591 1 '!rH0 Dodne Panel f,"'"i. Keatinit 1st FOR SALE Furnished 4-rooin witli bath. Close to sihool. bus -and stores. Phone Red J36. 1000 8th B. (62) j FOR SALE 5-roomed house,; l...l. k, I'K. Motors tf I Cri no and inner cath. 720 7th West. Red 617. -Oi j '--r-'AlTm !" IPVCATI0N WEEK CALENDAR ! u v I fie,n Ki$8smt.XrTrrk ll r 1 FLEETS IN A flrm &J?tlSZM LLiili Ju I i J and They Love ff W!S) f'Tg A ) l.-cfpr, 0:i5-6:30, Mr. w. J. ftcott. ,, , ... L 1 to Eat Ot gyJ " J xJL-jSS x---. ThurdaT-" Si:h061' 2:00-3:30 P-1-'1- I 1 MILLIE'S' j.opeh House, Annunciation. School 2-3 :'30.'i": ) J!) 10 Ford noLuxe Sedan 1936 Ford Sedan 4 -Oifrn House, Conrad, 2:00-3:30. 'i; t , I HAMBURGERS S 104"0 Ford pt-Luxe 5 pass. Coupe. 1937 Poi)tiac Coach I ' ''): i 1 Better and Better t 1933 Fm-d BussultuWe for mobile home, has good motor j J ' f f and running gear. " 1 ' AND vit , . 1 6:15-6:30, Mr. H. M. Daggett. '1" I siww. '.WT..I.IJWT wr mm mi ; Friday- 1, CFPR, :::". , f Full Course Meals served W:TfiffijYFffitffcrr) II ftf ' Saturday- ... ) 1 5-7 p.m. MILLIE S fBXIIIJJl IjUJLijD ' CFFR, 8:00-8:30, Panel Discussion. V ' , lOPEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. BAICV, , "''ff. iTMbSS ' ; Just off Third Avenue Mj.M ' jXlV3mJ I . ' ;fegk totWml ' & ' i IMth St. li. Orders Km-:' ' - . ' c?k YOU CAN 3ET IT AT THE VARIETY 1' SLACKS . - QlPlifTli ) The Ftt ( ' , 1 FOR EASTER Ml '! Pe 'frVP Looking for something appro-kwr Latest in Style and . J N fashion Lid 4 ,, I Medicine vVSf ! 4 - priate for that special occas- i Wyi mJ ' V-T H J suscsUons al lhe variety' (y6'-rf SLACKS JL'tjtd?1 ' Radio rnHT . Q j store. You'll also like our mwJij&j? Self-Belted . - " " -l "' ' IS A TRIP TO- selection of greet ing cards. i V."! 1 100 pure wool ' tV' 3 . . "' ' Ciinned Salmon, all specie, offer au amazing variety of main dish suggestions at price within your food budfiet. Try this: Combine Canned Salmon with potatoes, rice, macaroni, and chowder, etc., and you have a long list of hot entrees, such lis, baked dishes and casseroles. Ve, nd Canned Salmon is right for fish cocktails, salads, and the best sandwiches you ver tasted, you are never stuck for a meal or between moal suggestions with Canned Salmon on your ahelf. UWS) FOR QUICK SALE 2 acres land. arden, house 26 by 30. U mile from Terrace. $2300 cash. Box 673 Dailv News.- tf PROPERTY FOR SALE. 4-cabins, two rooms each. On Park Ave. Auulv 1024 Third At(e. West 5G) 'S!,'f- Girls' bicycle. I'hcaiers, renson-i Kid B3U. 1060 8Ui t59i y'l'wii saulrrel coat Houin 10. It Iwa.hiua Macliine. r E;l- (58) IPonliac car Tear K;. One vear old. V". heals ntirf ri,u,. r"(l. Siynul fow r,ressui- tirea PRINCE Rl'PERT BEALTY ((). FOR SALE 6-R(Km House on 2i- lots. Basement. Situate Pie. Best, offer' w. West ifiRi , in fnl IT ! vsler'k be' t 'Vs shiovards.; I x 4) truck. vinv VP. 7th Ave. West. A uood buy. Oil iieater and ranae in-t luiled. Cash nrice $5,000 FOR SALE 4-rooms and babhrtKim. Near Kina Edward School. Uth Ave. East. $3,500.00 cash. . FOR SALE-7-room house Seal Cove area on 8th Ave. Cabin at rear rcnUna for $20.0(1 month. Price of $350000 includes heater and two new ranges. FOR BALE 7-room house, 2 hnt.lirnnnna Hut. nir fltrnaCt'. 'ih sleeve cvlln-'?4aft and St k." oJJi aerations M Kind inj i,i. r crumiiiu n.... om.' IfCMlC RADIO ' SIVE TIML - SAVE MONEY - SAE BI10E LEATHER i J other' shades"! ' lfl - ) I Call Blue 992- VttMT&L- f.,,AAWTT4 V ' , ' I I 00 Day Guarantee y'te'l ) A riAkinn fnrP ) M - .... 'I lc I For Satisfactory Service ! EDUCATION EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS ACWG VIUlllUiy Jiy J 1 Ave. W. Blue 9!)3 7H 2nd Crij ii-uJ--r iru u 1 1 R RKnt Concrete basement. Electric fire-nlaee) Garaae. Situat-e on Summit Avenue. Only $Gl00.00. . Prince Rnnert Realty Co. pluone Green 0G7. Evenings Green 291. m ASSOCIATED SALMON CANNERS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA tfie Black UfiO. tf T