tErlckson, 481; McCallum, 558; , Taylor, 486: O. Newton. 491; L. , Prince Rupert Dolly News Thursday, March 8, 1950 . - 1 page oiv ,lx In addition to winning the sec-1 f ht ond third, Rosa Lee's have, taken rp5day h't'n slne,e and hl8h thrce gatm' ii bid no . i jiviJt'd the geason with H35 Farrington, 499; Low Score, 138; M. Antone, 241; game totals, 803; ' 329, 745. Annettes Dickens, 513; Win- : die, 4G3; McMeekln, 533; Smith, and 3133 respectively. Hifrh slnKle game scorer this week was B. Dunbar of Lucky Strikes, with 321, while high three game was 778 by D. Nelson of Rosa Lee's. The same results were: Rosa Lee's 3, Stars 0 PRINCE GEORGE j IS ELIMINATED j ! KELOWNA Lumby Flying ' Frenchmen advanced into the Coy Cup provincial intermedi- ' , totals, 719, 985, 942. Commercials T. Stewart, 520; J. Helgerson, 359; M. Burnle, 443; O. Murray, 87; Hoban,352; Blater, ; 110; game totals 696, 768, 573. i Lyons V. Wrathall, 578; P. 471: Flynn, 501; Totals, 814, 873, i L y OVER FOUR jpfc' YEARS OLD Thompson, 635; A. Wrathall, 353; . 799. ; . . ... Brownwoods L. Donaldson. L J. Shenton, 554; A. Fierce, 544; game totals, 804, 003, 897. 1 Lucky Strikes J. Boulter, 443; 465; N. Stone, 418; L. 'McKay, 501; M. Mugee, 441; G. Brown, 347; game totals, 685, 746, 957. Black Cats J. Hicks, 350; A. i Bpeers, 348; L. Ewart. 340: J. Ger ate hockey fhjii'.s by trot-ncin" 1 Prince George Lumbermen 9 to fr here ia.v. mgiu o sweep the best-of-three quarter finals in two straight. Lumby had taken the first game by a score of 8 to 4. ! CLOVER LEAFS IN ! TWO GAME LEAD VANCOUVER f Vancouver Clover Leafs ;i-.ive won the first two games of the Senior A best of five provincial basketball ' champwnshiit playoll's, riefeattng Alberni 55 to 31. ! A. Hlngston, 438; M, Lykegard, 463; J. Warren, 393; B. Dunbar, 647; game totals, 800, 832, 753. Gordon Si Anderson S. Ramsay, 473; I. Oarner, 509; O. Smith 1 490; L, Anderson, 440; C, Barrle, 406; game totals, 803, 790. 717. i Plungers 1. Hague,' 344; K. Thompson, 511; D. Johnas. 445; I. Ritchie, 39G; S. Smith, 363; game ' totals. 783, 767, 809. , ! Variety S. Krlstjansson, 531, I. Lykegard, 439, E. Sandhals, man, 411; R. Easton, 723; game totals, 854, 800, 908. . Wrathalls B. Peterson. 391; P. Roberts, 501; D. Aschoff, 493; M. Pett, 419; 0. Keswick, 502; game totals, 738, 807, 708. Belmonts A. Denton, 4G3; M. Lewis, 501; G. Tubb, 272; D. Lug-rln, 208; M. Scharff, 214; E. An-dersori, 529; game totals, 691, 810, 7G9. Scuby's J. Thornton, 406; W. Steeves, 356: G. Van Mecr, 481;' E. Wasyk, 342; H. Holkestad, 435; . totals, 770, C79, 7GG Larry Reardon "V ,t k 1 not pubiisnea or displayed by the Liquor f O.ltloW rnlnmh r by the oovfnirii Tollers 3, Wallace Pharm 0 Noble & Wick 3, Big Sisters 0 Savoys 3, Commercial 0 Lyons 2, Lucky Strikes 1 Oordon & Anderson 2, Plungers 1 Variety 2, Seal Cove X Unlteers 2, Plnheads 1 . Rupert Radio 2, Boosters t Annettes 2, Btownwoods 1 Blaek Cats 2, WrathalPa 1 Belmont 2, Scuby's 1 'Rosa Lee's M. Posluk, 712; D. Nelson,778; M. Furunes, 4G0; D. Woods, C23; F. McKlnnon, 660; game totals, 079, 1019, 1135. I Stars - G. Mclntyre, ' 520, L. ;Keays, 646; H. Furness, 498; A. Rasper, 203; K. Hills, 399; game totals, 800, 859, 1030. l.uiors J. Hill, 547; M. Wide, 508; I. Cloueh, 444; A. Wide, 504; B. Ellison, 502; fame totals, 890, 910, 918. Vdiiico Pharmacy G. Thaln, 470; D. nibb, 415; A. Wallace, 471; A. 1'aikjr, 383; L. l'hllllpson, 448; (tOtu!s, 720, 841, 837. Noble and Wick -Baxter, 4G0; E. Pclcrsyi. 435; P. Black, 358; B. McChesney, 514; A. Holkestad, 579; Rami- totals, 754, 9G0, 800. Big Sisters defaulted. Savoys Saville, 487; E. Knut-son, 535; P. Menzies, 585; L. of British Uiumoia ffiJS TO I if v 1 mtinuei rom Pa"e P' Kitimaat looks like a worth while contender for this year'3 litle but It is hard to say just how good they are because of ! Hie easy match they had last" : ni.ht. Tonight's battle wKh 1 Metlakatla may tell the tale. i Lineups: ! Brotherhood Boulton 2. Doo-lan 2, McKay 4, Ridley, Barton 2, Guiiiey, Dudoward 3, Parnell 3. Total 16. Kitimaat F. Wilson 6, Grant 15, C. Wi! on 30, hmzi 2, Smith 2, Ros 12, Woods, Williams,, Rtibinsnn. Smith. Total 67. U 537, I. Emerson, 418; R. Ramsay, 524; game totals, 839, 789, 917. Seal Cove D. Steinberg, 432; S. Downing, 481, Q. Willson, 444; B. Mc.Glashan, 390; I. Stewart, 404;; game totals, 785, 783, 1211. Uniteers P. Dupuis, 412; F. Hilton, 431; M. Stceves, 33G; L. Knutson, 4G0; V. Chaplin, 402; totals, 222, 351, 818. Pinheads M. Shenton, 405; M. Broughlon, 403; B. McNab, 410; D. Arduru, 453; M. Symes, 260; game totals, C17, 741, 8G2. Rupert Radio Z. Lemire, 375; C. Wilson, 470; C. Parlette, 497; C. Bellamy, 481; A. Jefferies, 416 game totals, 733, 8G1, 800. Boosters N Gexldes, 338; D. MONTREAL, March 9th Fool your public ' beautifully with hands that have thnl "ltuly of Ici.Mirt" look" even thou-h thry'vc n'n hrmsrclosninR-iiU day! ThetVfi never a M-m of the biifv life ttu V lend if you keep them lovely with JKRGENS LoTi )N! All you do after every watery chore smnn-oth on Hi tuch an eay liahit and go wonderfully ; mr tli' wy to many hntMelmhl prodtieta give m, h tnral aemce that they ahtiivf ive their ton CAIVERT DISTIltERS (CANADA) LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. Best Rookie VANCOUVKR O-Ltrrv He--don of the Vancouver Canu.-ks and brother of Monti-pal's Crva-dians' Ken Reardon has b-en vol-td the out-landing rookie of the reason in the Pacific Coast Hockey League's northern division. The southern division's tirj lookie is Pete Tkjchuk of the San Francisco Sky Hawks. This aJvertisemcnt is not published of displayed hy the Liquot jCuottui Board by tlie Government of Britiih Columbia. Newspape.- jtclvertismg pays oil iis ntiKlness wl.se to advertise ADVERTISING IN THF. DATT.Y NEWS BRINGS RFWTJTS : EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATSTQ' 1 nnma away. FIvIGIDAIRK KFKllIGI.KATl )J!S ( are an mnmpl" of hnt I mean They have nerved 7 liriinemaarra WO Well lor mom llian M nlliirwf MA. si tury Hint insnf people now spruit of any make if fefriK-ralnr a 4 "Fritciduirr", ArMiallv, of course, there a otilv one timki- of Frwiilniro n it litis idfdnc ntily nil' make of Chevrolet ear. "It iriitniii", liko nitiitc of produi-t made ly (ieneml Mnlorn. Km Canada I hat i a "1'rifidiure" i the rrfi literal or t. nmil Mmora' I-eAfiUe, Ontatio, plant: Frigi dm. k. Limited. Truly a Treat The wide vqriety pf delicious CAKES will amaze and please you .of . irrf li'i and if I knk at it now, a;i ull von ibiii -rtime wo i to niml Ute cor-And atiromrr- I VSi-atlOB- I'ii, in 't it, rm ahnut a .m si n Aaf$7ifo mom. RUPERT BAKERY LTD. r'vo;;; a kiilnliT when i every b"n' in t iir aisMione? to (in aome- FINE PRINTING at; j ran mill raw put yniiraen r cuprw It vou REGAL PRINTERS B i il.e HANK an.l wn a Tti' friendly. and? Of eour, it iir)('ii,t5 on tho lmi-tntl but ijirtn a one tliinir tluit nlwnvn BflaVfa a man hnppv- and that'i ttmd fovl! The Hi itiz i h, H nrr wrll aart of tliu, lieing fx..-loTr tliftiiw lvm , . , ut wi,y thfy'yr uVm nifh rin" In ueike HFINZ OVKN-HAkl l) BKAVS all tour yri tH-nilir U-t u,ir man ift latsJ! tiBt oixaj-linhi Brnttl in 1 omnia iii(re-. eir Oi'd.idA-f ft,nr,i triia 'orfc sad Tomato SnnrtHtiut fU4 A'Wftfy Xrnn ami tin Snurt (. 'r ,Si,.. llicy'tt aM to (oimI ao rnv' to prepair...tht;.v'ie jut tha il,n. -to apcal t lb appMiie of a kiiUKir, hrmef roinwoi k liit.-lwiHlI tr5Sittsi. x VK- &M .-( V. VV U i OBHaiid I H n M a ill be PHONU 21 222 Second "Svc In tuill amount r tin. pint) ran "hm-vat ion ! mwiy happy I . . . nmkp a f ,trrO' Tour rollv kitaay PHONE 363 1! ... ill T t.otrlirti Vomrn karebrntity For Estimates and Supplies f-rria I nut arrp tlx m attraitivt ail tlit ir !ivf, yet takf up vcrv -liille of tliMr tirtvioui timr. Herr's one war to look Totir lovrlit-si al 0 Toni y,wt Mitchell & Currie Lid. Builders and Controcfcrs mjy i . x w u v u j z 3R0ADWAY CAFE tivi: ymi ! . . . ': ymi ran I i"r fciur that 'ii"S In mnk ! ihriT nf thr !T IMNNHlt 'I' lirllilH IIIH. ''Ui'ituin that t v sit up iiiui t'-ty p:i'k:ier ft'i' itisiiilii-nia ? 'HlK lli;u ;H(illi I'T III. Mr,, P 'if- M-r in! 1 i'r tiiiuli' sure . fv of Kr:Jt fl '"us LiDicn ways! ,..re a pnwdrr tliat r!vm tlie rmooth look of a fltin imxli l without anr extra fu in niitvinu ! It a T1IK M;V WtMililll liV J'OW'UI H ...won.lnfiilly fl:itti r-iim ami yet it doesn't give tlmt Miiiry look! Wooillimv I'tivnlir hi 1 1 iiih a aei'irt ilutmiirnt Unit jtii' a mniKitli-HA-Mtin litiMi to vt.tir Ain. It t'rtvcm little fkui tl.iv a nd luiw a' truly tMtuisilr loxiuri ttiat mnkea the powder chni; mid eluia! Ami thn most (tiu-nim f!ents liiiMtinatilc ! Sevrn glorioun Nliiulevto I'liOfwe from! l'iirein two convenient hot nifj niid ono k "int" iie...6jc, 37c, I:. Wk " A steaming casserole of LIBBY'S COOKED jj WWJt.m f Sl ' . i i... .t 1 t wiv&ww s t IS M avi i u: i Jit icnuer, creamy spacnviu namcu ( v rinest cooking fflffi V in a sauce of tomutocs, Canadian cheese and j Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. ! nH Gtni Truit 1"'"' Jm'k VF.tlY SPIX'IAL ' Wis five cups of left- ,,nfc June ! To get yomr )ulr HMIninrr, (imply trrha tiae-lknhara-BrMit. 1411 Crcwont JSC, Mmilreal, ? -""''"in a 3.e Pounl Hate or pontage nan, pa ' one l. rom B1T(( Cntiiat or i onrrnlrnla Fbr Take-Home Orders Phone 200 Mrvi I rO. suhtle spices ... a zesttul meal prepared in less , X Wfaj&l ' I I T, . . ' - . ' than 10 minutes! Economical, time-saving . . ; 1 ..;-:,:aT dish everyone eniovs . . . it's a nourishing "rnes oil eastlv when, naked in P "imu,rs ) If you're like me, you'll make innslant ill Gsa ' ii't mntainrr. It a unhrraVable non-toxii v"ntns! Hut don'', wait too lonn Iwfore wnilina; ltIV Eflinir fsl I tnil iw,..,.,.,!.,, !.. ..,'r. f in meaU.,, drlieinm run ,f hot HoVKll. ill you nwd! MARCH AND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & neating Alterations '!fi turn ewn "nlmn T..Mi HhiHrry March Mnrninft call far i .K:..lu. .1.1:. if I :' I ' " : sff5?? i 'it in i n . ious breakl'.-ista to Wart rotir "fulsomf lieau- Altd for m i v . i l . i, hli-lnnil ... k. hiippi- l?niiii frost. to work I f-. 1 ilo like SMITH ... & ELKIHS LTD. I biav mm m ." why I t (roo'l ,: 1- I 'T. :m.-i n u t e ' (IK). ' ' Witt box nt OK M,-h ijti ;n. n oV l.t 1 elioiolaie W1IF.AT" th.t r,t. :'.trl :'ii"olhm tif fiiniterful r'n f!"'t mv PHONE ( 79 dijtrslihility in just five minute ol bniling. M-tiuntn! It's to good, and mi good jr you for it provides it on. t'ah'-iuin and 1'ho. plionn fot dipts ilefii ient in tlie.- elpnient-4.nil for less than 1 cent a bowl! A.ik your erooer for 5 Mmute ''ream of WUeat" next time yon get plioppinir ... and 'k'-i s is all fcmtlunt ,rd Try a,,l. ' "-f In. 7V n" ll"'l and JN'v"n-Mmntfl '"idinn. lr, ' one I know 5- you II won a'iacover why w many nininra mroy that early-mot mug Itlailarr v s oi Ttneat ' liuhit! I y. ir,p,f" hp ,iv!l roe-ma nretl aonielhinit 1o 1 "f vL ? ' ""V . ., a tmieh of rolour-a n .le v tnnm if. T" f 1 l" ft'"w"K Ixauty Rt. ''fe anil if?" an'' el.nraeter. It's ant expensive-'Hi-kJ,Tvry r'xl-ookinfcT. A pair of ran,!! filline inip mnip i-pri apples "aitiK h 'neaj howl,it' , ' "wi..i what iniv . .... tlu- amaaini ainarinpt i', ,-t--. hn,l"likM a ',""'rio ' ' a honin more i i MHirl.J "nr .""nl f"t(tel. when you're bnvina in,,.,:,. wie, tmv BHASsn ti l;.i' HOURS hally hir bi'iaa1 Wr-eaalrwitii' Braaao-for it a lei" Tl ' - "ll of fV.7 marriage. That's hv anrmv . V"- ..F'i'ui; is no J("W I, 7 "".Thousands P'tnnie ...,"0K, r..n'lleH'ly lalia- ili a ..'." "': t'ey re rfmiv Weekdoys 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.'TT SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE m a,"r V""'"'1' 'Wfftillv li,..y "f'ni' idHl. vet. hL - k w l.1! w v"r.v dliintv ami m I.'"' ".''Wist for Znn.tor. "."tl. I'u K'-'nt. Ull MI frank facto nUlu te'". oo4, giving ving fr x .