1 CABS P'OV I ORi.lES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Publishd at Conoda'i Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHOHE 81 VOL. XXXIX, No. 57 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Votes , Mi lion Do mn IT roir ttawa .f , 1 i I;: 4 hi ' .-'-fl 3-1- - ,jt r; Substantial 1 Amounts hi k jf. Main Ottawa Estimates X J w! Hoins for Kkwna riding totullinu almost one' utt SANllt A(JillnU) million dollars in the aggregate have been placed in; manchcSter, n. the main estimates which were tabled a few days atru!hire Rr- ii'rmar.n Sander in the House of Commons at Ottawa. Public works projects in various parts of the district are included' .as well,-as one major item for mail subsidies .-antlj. steamship subvention to Northern British Columbia" t" . . i tk . 1 4. ' - ' M,' . J 1 II 3TrJi 4 i 1 4 1.! . ALL ABOUT? PRINCE CHARLES VANTS TO KNOW in!!!"-! -(I in tin' unties of Lin: pilot K'upl''' than In i. uiiiir rojal yiMiiip,:-UT. A piulnciiiiiics tK.icci ivc apirars 1,,,-t' in thf Irtimty. ultliuiiKh l'nire C harlf.s' musf ciof.sn'l. seem worried. In the pram )iii:M !y proees.ioii u little gill tukc'H Hie aii', (uiU" oblivious of being part of a royal k Indm 7 ills In isas( r in Fails IP E;in I'lri.-lits to Save Wile Elderly Were About to Take Vacation ,) .4nivv of the apartment block was blaz-) when a man rushed out. He immediately wife was missing. With a low moan of c ln',il. !'( back into the interior of the lie was later found by fireman beside the .- wife. IT WAS AN AUSSIE - NEW ZEALAND CONTEST Canada's British. Empire Games athletes are home from Auckland, New Zealand, with few laurels ut many pleasant memories. One of the reasons why the Canadian girls did not take top honors Is shown in these two photos. Top, S. Strickland of Australia is going over the lust hurdle in the 80-metre hurdle event neck und neck with J. Sehooch of New Zealand. Above, the finish has Misses Strickland and Sehooch breaking the tape together. And another New Zea-' lander was third. . - Prince Charles (in buygy, at the little girl who has slcppcil lo dp curbing tier iiilhusiusm French Utility Workers Strike PARI.'-; 'P 'J -amis of tl'ili-ties workers wenl on strike ( liroiilHHif. I'lance today hot '.overmuent-flrafled key personnel kepi li;;l)is and fias burniivs. Only in:, ned, le nolierable ef-feet of the .st ntna'c was loweiin? of (,-as pressure. Housel.olclers fMind it lo(;K a iont; lime lu eook breakfast. ' At least tei: pireent f 100.UIK) workers in the nationalized utilities are at their posts. Submission 1 From Labor OTTAWA Ci - Passage of tin all-lnclu.sive .security prog rum at this session of Parliament headed the list of demands presented to the government today by the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada. , In their annual legislative submission to eabr.ieo. the oificers of 1 the 400.00 nieniber Congress u!- so declared Mat unempioy.r.ent : hu I hi "'line r.aiioral emergency nn,i enil.,H for immediate action to provide work for an estimated i 390.CU3 Jobless persons. Among ' other things S10 a j month old a';e ixnion with no menus test was called for. I Prime Minister St. Lairent said there were constitutional Islands. Union Extends Alaska Cruises : Alaska eruises of tiie Union Steamship Co.'s steamer Chllcu-1 in. whieh in the past have terminated at Ketehikan with .the exemption of special cxeijrslonx further north, are to be extended this year to Juneau, Skagway anu Sitka on a ten-day basLs. , ; The first of ten voyages- is seheduled- for arrival at Prince t Rupnrl on Saturday, June 10 'i wllh reiurn here on the Thyrs- 1 day evening following. Thereafter the trips will be every ten ; days with arrivals here north- ' bound on at Saturday or a Thurs- day and southbound on a Thurs-' day or Monday. ' Arriving direct from Vancouver, the northbound stay here will be from 8 a.m. to 12 noon standard time. ' i The vessel will make the Alaska : ports of Ketchikan, Juneau, Skag-waV and Sitka. Thirty-three hours will be spent at Skagway, WHtlng "f thf aUway.- aut river boat trip into' the Yukon. The arrival here southbound will be 4 pan. with sailing sou tit bound al 6:30 p.m.. the schedule calling for a morning' cruise up Gardner Canal and calls at Bute-dale and Ocean Falls, enroute back to Vancouver. ' The Prince Rupert - Queer Charlotte Islands and Prince Rupert-Alice Arm-BU-wart routes j will be maintained by the steam- ers Camosun and Coquitlam re- spectivcly. j I High 5:14 20.2 feet 18:31 16.0 feet Low 12:07 5.2 feet 23:57 9.4 feet ports and Queen Charlotte i K. T T A; A; '' '' u wiiaitc, iiaitr. M M V P. for !i;eena. has sent the following I lit of vul.es to Hie eit.v: Grant to Hidkley Va"ev A-ri-I cultural and Iridu.-t.rial Assooia-lion JIOD Smithers Piiblie Building .rMWlO Snaiibaat, E.sshigton, Wanes 28.025 Operation . 24.4PI) Total 52.515 .ii"- 'Vnn V'hart T'eciw M le tlo" 32.0fltr Allivm Harbor Float find .Shed ' . 13.1.00 Bella Ci-ola S.-iw Orld and Loading Platroun 30,0(10 Undue Cove, Dlgby Island Wharf 30 000 MaM Keaplanc - ' Land! on . 35.(K)0 j Port Clemcrts Renewal of Floats ... 18,500 Frinec Rupert Fairvir Bav 1 Breakwater . . . 302.00" , Priuee Rur'-t' Rr-ndway audi ' Renew 1 ot Fisher- men's Floats . 77.000 Mall subsidim and steamship- J subvention. Vancouver and N jrthtr" frt.s of B. C. and Queen . Charlotte Islands 345.M10 Children Steal - Radium Needles C TTAWA 0- Natliral Research Council of ficiuLs today rc- ported they had recovered all of twenty radium needles which had been sloan yesterday froirt a Nauoiiai Kesearen council warrl)0Use xhc lasl of lhe m U?en dangerous needles was found in lower town district in 4... i. 1 ..,1 nnftc.i- L-l M f fnl a lorn coroD'ii'.ro caruin stuiiecs with p;iper ;uid matted with, snow. A group of children are I .staled lo have been responsible s ' for the thef but there will be IIVI Ji wt u iivyi i. i RUl dangerous lo anyone nai.ai- Ing them, were missing. ' " -''if., Wt.WlWgilH.'Wllmm 3 ii-r ? i '"Si"-' v, .---SHI" tmr wins Confidenci LONDON Labor mastered ail its strength this afternoon to defeat by a margin of 14 what amounted to a want of confidence vote on a Conservative amendment to the Throne Speech expressing ' regret that no mention was. made of the steel industry which Labor says it , will nationalize. Liberals voted with the 'Conservatives HOCKtY SCORES Pacific Coast ' ' New Westminster 4, Taeoma 2 Portland 1, Seattle 1 Kan Francisco 2, Loa Angeles 1 Malional . Jjetroit 5, Boston 3 New York 4, Chicago 2 ,- was freed today on the charge cf murdering a eanccr-ridden patient. ) AKKIAL A.MRIXAM K VICTORIA Art aerial am-bulanep, whleli would lie based al Stewart and' would be available for carrying patients, doctors, nurses, school trustees ti mail when necessary, was proposed in the Legislature yesterday by Frank C'afdcr, t IF, Atlill. IINIMANS PKOTLST JAI ICTORIA Indians of' me ! Keena Kiver tribes vesterdnv protested at the reiurn of Japanese fishermen to their fishing f rounds. They sent a petition lo Hon. E. T. Kcn:.uy against the threat to their inherited living. OPPONKNTS I OK KLTKKT VANCOUVER Premier Hotel lias won the Lower Mainland Senior B basketball play-offs by default from the Mawson Clarkson squad and will meet Powell River in the next ste.p-toward the provincial championship. A similar series with Nanaimo will follow and the winners of that series will play on the coast March 24 and 23 against Penlicton who captured the Interior champiunslup last night by defeating Keluwna 53- 28 in the second panic of a total pBnH wrtM. pr,-m.e Kutl w jl, meet the southern champions either in the interior or on the coast March 31, April 1 and 2. Secret Weapon Tragedy 14 Dead in i Prison Fire ALBUQUERQUE:. New Mexico f' Fourteen military prisoners were trapped behind their bars (and died late yesterday when fire swept through a wooden guard house at Sandia secret weapon base. Two other prisoners were critically injured. Seven men were overcome by smoke which boiled out of u temporary bar racks type of structure on a bomb assembling reservation The fire, apparently, broke out in an oil burning stove at the far western tip of the building. HAMILTON 'J' Police said ty- day that John Kovach, aged 51, killed ills sleeping bride of three i months w'th a revolver at dawn h (.... .. .,J 11.... 4 1... IUUUY UI1U Hiril VUIllt'U lilt r-.v- pon on himself. Hospital officials said little hunt was held fer the . man's recovery. Investigators ald 1lie shooting apparently stemmed Irom a family rjw. ' -CHILD HURT IN HOMF, OGEMA, Ea.sk -Three-year old Charlotte White played too close to her niotrivr's washing machine and her hand became caught in the wrinajer. The rollers pulled her arm throu-;;h to the elbow before the lire blew out and the nidclilne s'.tvped. Charlotte will recover but will 1 have a sore arm for a lona time. Perrys Back ; From England PRINCE GEORGE Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Perry returned to Prince George today from a Irtp to England. ! Mrs. Perry had been away since lust August. - Mr. Perry left a month ago to meet her They left London at 4.15 p.m. Monday and arrived in Vancouver at midnight Tuesday. The came on to Prince George from Vancouver by plane last night. Dominion Curling Round Six, Three Rounds to go Alberta 8, British Columbia 6 Manitoba 17, New Brunswick 9 Nova Scotia 3, Quebec 5 Ontario 18. P.E.I. 6 Saskatchewan 5, Northern Ontario 11 Hubert Davidson, chief en- j giiieer id the snagboat Essing-1 Ion, tindrrwcvit an onentl.lon in j t he Prince Rupert General Hos i pital earlier in the week tid b: now reported lo be prcgrc33lne i favorably. . and financial difficulties In the The authorities issued a warn-wpv of an all-inclus'e social se- jng yesterday when it, was dis-eurity program but Minister of covered that the twentv needles. Health Paul Martin said sufh in appearance resembling nulls measures we being brough", about niece by piece. FUTURE LOOKING ROSY L(Mkiiij To TllisjSlays Wife And Industry uni'M iii in v. .is to tiidav. V.'iiii his )(I.lll!l!li '. t I bo.l!l Jjrrl I'Uli.'lil lor riotien in V 'ii- '.Ill.l, hUll; l !- . ; iii't v.i'lnn arm'.- U;e mts .iii.il Ir.i-, as rev i'ii led by im .ire in !.v.'.i. v: ii'ie an' hI; vv; k raul tiie t.-s of er.nl 'Hi Tuiii Ci;!i-' and N. I. Kiables' !' .1 S.llllli t :n (.nly morniii" iKiui mI uit' itlf ; . "iv lr;."n v. ii'iiu ml il is brUi'Vi"! re Miiollieri-U to rra-Jl'.e;! ' situ i'ed :n a as one ol the "1 V'll-.m'.i'Ci-s but-! !'. Ill I. lie illy. Ai d. a tit as he; Br l" ! 1 next III it ; leipei' I l.itif. i. . ';'"l:t' Mi'idenly brl-: el the rooms. 'imrkly .slipped j ' i be lire ese.iii'.M !; ;iit have seorcliedl ! j ""del uav in the! j1"' suivivors of the' On-inally in-l(rd ' r'ri.-: i l ....... I die l.i : i ci- n,, !' '"!'!' i", in raoid- WLATHLR Miiile,;:, '' ' ,f; i-i " tl below ;'i I'.rd.ish Col-; i-! a mass of hu , I i!s m:iv I'louniaiiiK. !i Columbia l,',t l'lbnb above Lv n eolder wea- l"l' tu;iKU''OW. " i ..in ... "II 1!1V ol' in V.i Ma "band area ;,i M,,i' hours wiu '"-'"'ii I'eportcd at ,s xpeeled lo y' rr" ;:o Rup ,1 unci ,.iL,ur. in or f, ,, I' lli('ll b alii,,,, .... . "'t I bas ,10w reached '"r three inches, "recast I Hii'ion r,i , snair a m Friday. Winds. P;'f hour. l ow Illf.U i Ty, 28 and 40; Sand- )5; P r"tce Rupert 22 I Coiitimiiii!f;Shools Himse Hislrid - TODAY'S STOCKS (...hi-,.) 1 . . lor n Of l.UI I ant ouver Ii.iyolii'.r ' - ..03 Hiiiloine 9.0 li K Con .02 1J. K. X .' . .05 Cui iboo Qnartz 1.33 Coii;.;iess New ,2G lleciH.y Mascot .23 I e nd Oreille 5.10 I'iuiieer 3.25 I' 1 1 miei Uorcler .03' 2 I'l ivateer .... . .13 Vi IUmi 04:'i !hi ". p Creek 1 10 kilijak Prt mier ...... .30 Vananilii . U Kalmoii Oolrl .00 '2 iSjiud Valley .06 Oil. ! An;.;io Canadian 3.ti0 A. i. Con .23 As l.uiiie 1.40 C.i lir.onl .50 m ii Lediic 1.07 Iiome Oil U 25 M-. I eley .102 (ikalla 1.70 Pari lie Pete 4.25 Prin e ess .33 l.'uyal Canadian ... .07 Ko.valile 9.25 Toroulu Aihoiia .ftf! la Aumaiiue 10 . Hcattii" .00 Et'vcourl, 27 U-ibjo 12 ' Ii. if lain Canadian 0!':!,i Ci.'iiiil. Smellers 93.00 ; Conwesl ' .' 1.08 ; Ima!da 83 ! K'llima 33'i 1: i.st Sullivan 0.1") .. CJi,uil Yellowkllitc 0.15 .;-.l s l.al.e .33 I. .irdroik 38 Hui ricana 05 Vi. Ileva OOVis I io.se y 07', j Jack,. ile 05VJ 1 Julied, (Quebec 07 Lake Rowan -08 l.;i,ia: ka 04:!., Little Loin; Luc 55 Lynx 10 Mudson Red Luke 3.00 Melvfiiidc Red Luke 54 McLeod Coekshutt 3.10 Monctu .30 Negus ; 1.45 Noranda 09.00 Louvicourt 22 Vi Pickle Crow I. 185 Regcourt 04 San Antonio 3.65 Senator Rouyn 2G',.'i Sherrit Gordon 2.11 Steep Rock 2.42 7 future Assuring Sims) ahead to better da, vs. A minds of both citizens of of town financiers. This And li'Y'!0MII'lllS (fiy .Johnny Triiiee Rupert can Itxilv bright future is evident in Prince liupert and out northern Pacific port will Mu. hect ic davs of early brawling war period but employment and stability Situated .st'Mlcgically, Prince Rupert proved vital during the wa- vears a.; a shipping and en.birkiiUon yenter. 3ul its nious natural harbor and docking ' facilities h ivc remained dormant i since the end of World ! ! War II. Nearest point to the Far East, there exists a hopeful fidence that ships plying the Great Circle route to the Orient In the Fitteen Years Imprisonment NKW YORK. tP'-Judith Cop- onvas tiiday was sentenced to tiftren years in jail tor plotting to sny fur Russia i Valentin' A. Gubitehcv, her was ordered deported to uua.aa within two weeks. probably not experience' railroad, const ruction or thy can be assured of seasonal during many clays anew. if ! '".'fY'"' y" ' and undoubtedly will remain, a. purtr.er, received a fif-primary Kourse of income, but tern year .suspended sentence and fa- eon-I will frequent this port not tar distant future Men with an,01 eye vo me im-'it jjim.h. www shipping concerns may not be hesitant in dispatching vessels to Prince Rupert harbor -Cor tthich no shin is too large this being one of the few ports on the Pac.ific coast that can berth the Queen Elizabeth. The fishing Industry here Is, construction ol the ColumbUt JJClliliose piaui at wuusun im"u iiiiiroximatelv 10 miles cast ol , Prince Rupi rt. will provide addl- i tional employment for citizens and transients. The city will grow, with -the arrival ol permanent plant employees-- about 400 - and a louder jingle In cash registers . ..ii.. i... .a. ....... ni.i,r.(,iiii! u.'ill he K" p" auaiDie. ira'.isporiaiion oi i pulp to- company plants In the United States p.r.d Mexico will also create added employment Out of town tycoons have been keeping both eves open n ref- erence to the housing situation here. " (Continued Page 4) Native Basketball Tournament TONIGHT CIVIC CENTRE CONSOLATION ROUND G: 00 -GREENVILLE vs. KINCOL1TH 7:15 BELLA BELLA vs. BROTHERHOOD CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 8:30 PORT SIMPSON vs. KITKATLA 9:45 METLAKATLA vs. KIT1MAAT 'RESERVED SEATS 75c RUSH 50c STUDENTS 25c CHURCHILL'S RECIPE FOR RELAXATION - A recipe lor relaxation by Winston Churchill Is the palette and paint brush. With hu position as opposition leader in the British government an even more responsible one now that the Conservatives afp. pisine; hard on Labor's heels, his opportunities for relaxing will be fewer than ever. He found time, however, at the end of the election campaign to spend a few hours at his easel and have this photo taken. , oiurgeon Kiver i i I