Prince Rupert Daily. News Rail Headache Hot Over Yet Tuesday. Sip'.cir.ber 5, 1S50 ITram Conductors ' ; Protest Buses i MONTREAL G" .Niontreol Tramways oiflcials settled Ud-.-at striks called Sa:iirr!av in i the northwesc section of the city i which threat .aed to tie uo the j whele system in a few hours. .Cause is bel eved to have been a dispute between tram con-i ductors and bus drivers over replacement of street cars with An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Princ Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Eureau or Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ey Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; rer Teat. $8.00; By Mall, Per Month 50c: Per Year $5 00. IHEr' E vi it OTTAWA 0 The railway strike is settled but the government railway headache lingers on as it faces the prospect that it may have to establish an ar-' bitrator to settle linally on ; wages and hours between ""the companies and the unions. j The government also faces the : question of reaching a decision on the appeal of seven provinces i against the latest freight rate By ELMORE PHILPOTT LAUGH AND LEARN CAMP troiiey ana regular buses on some city routes. 1 1 Then and Now increases awarded the railway Adverusi th. , by the Board of TTinspo Commissioners and It must also ! deal with the report of the Roy THIS WILL BE my last report from the 10 YMCA Camp Elphinstone. We have really had a grand time here this year. Ccmrmsiion on transportatii JOHN ! ear'.y this year or next. I The problem of equalized i freight rates also looms. I PRICELESS TEA SERVICE Arthur Hudson puis finishing touches on a special golden tea service in London, Eng., which will be on display at the Vancouver Exhibition and later will tour North America. Hud.-yn, who has 43 years' experience, put In 350 hours' work on the service. ,cp pnoU), One thing that puzzles me cia, groups imo the CanadUn is whv more people do not I national family. 1 . . i 0O0 take advantage of such- The man helpful thirds that STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOB Vancouver AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE Prince Rupert, B. C. affair fVrtflinlv T An not ! came ut o4 today's group dis ... v , :ussjons were these A Illegal Fishing know anv wav of cettinsr There should be trained social workers assigned to live rieh more for $24 than the par- (with the various groups, like the Inspector F. B. Woods-Johnson left on Saturday's plane for Vancouver enroute to Reglna where he will take up new da-ties as training officer for the Royal Canadian. Mounted Police. :i Brings Stiff Rap .. . . 1, iDoukhobors, so that there be uupanis get, jieie. continuous mutually helpful and "The heart aye's the part aye " That makes as right or wrang." SAY yhat they will about the British Empire, although it has blundered and occasionally been in the wrong, the heart of the British, people was always in the right place. As a world power Britain preserved the freedom of the seas and maintained general peace among the nations for a hundred years, and at the same time extended the bounds of civilization by her explorers, traders and colonization. Wherever she went she. brought good government, education and ultimate freedom to the peoples who came under her rule. She did not promise them any Utopia or impose upon them any iast-iron system, but taught them how to govern themselves and advance culturally and industrially under a free democracy. Jn comparing Russian imperialism with that of Britain, it must be remembered that the world today is very different from what it was a hundred years 'ago. The British Empire was a comparatively slow-growth, and Britain did not start out with a mighty and highly organized military force to dominate and impose an ideology uporr the civilized nations of the world. British statesmen and immigrant settlers were buiHing bigger and better than they knew. Right and wrong may have been intermingled in their policies and actions, but that was because they were only human and they found themselves in a , world in w hich it is impossible to separate totally the wrong from the right. I.-- Dr. Wm. A. Black and I were ! positive relationship between QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY chatting about this a few min-them nd the nation as a while., Capt. Ernest Gladstone of the ! TherJe Sh0Uld be-a greaUy in" "einer V O T- 11 as convicted utes utes aeo ago. We we came carnejo to the me con con- i crcased nati0nal expenditure in Magistrate E S Rich- Husion that Uie h'.jh, sounding i establish art training centres; j ' ardscn s courc of iisiiing with a ' name scares off many people. scholarships for promising youn? purse seine In a silmon j'.w.w Ihc ii the : uo.:j V::aira artists (including painters, mu- at Lyall Island. He was fined Institute and hence people con-! sicians. dancer?, writers, and m $300, 1.10O pinks Jnd his seirif jure up a picture of dull high-! on . it was suggested that some; being confiscated. brow lectures, with a lot of te-tof these grants might be maae; dious sessions. i' for services rendered." That is.'Theff ' rwi-: ' oOo ithat the recipient of such grants . ACTUALLY THERE is never a j might be required to do some Brings 5 e i 1 n 00 c. Fine HIH Get Right Do Foot of the dull moment from morning to public service for them, either; , night in fact, till far into the whhe receiving the grant or. George Perrault was Saturday i night. True, there are two lec- later. fined In Magistrate H. D. Thain's tures Der dav. nlus one hour's oOo .court, $100 or in default three 1 and h PHONf THq HOBBY SUPPLIES NOVELTIES TOYS Penguin Hobby Shop 6th Ave. and Fulton Si. Phones: BLUE 446, GREEN 232 'group discussions. But the lec-j BUT HERE RIGHT in this months' imprisonment when 'tures are given either while the camp we see what latent possi-' convicted on a charge of theft , listeners lie around on the grass, bilities there are in the Cana-'of over $200. The charge arose in the glorious sun; or at night dian people. Just in the natural aft" a woman missed a purse , in a natural amphitheatre on the course of the day's fun we get she had left in a washroom at I seashore, where tne speaker ; fine singing, and quite good Eagle Rooms. When she returfied : stands beside a huge bonfire. , amateur acting, mostly comic. a little later it was missing. She , ERNIE'S TAXI BLACK 720 New and Reliable oncct f Last night, for instance, Pro-j There are about thirty peopleiwas able to Identify Perrault fe.s-,r Earl Birney taked on "Arts , out on the lawn now, taking their , whom she had seen entering the ! and the Future." He gave a close- art lesson from Cliff Robinson.! washroom when she was leaving. STAND COW BAYi CHECK YOU ; up view of some of the prooiems Many oi tr.em, including myi 1 of and possibilities for young wife, have never taken any les- TRY US OUT! LAST STRAWS by Steven$ Tn in tViQ the nmccnt present world ;-..4. i. , ' writers. Then, after the question ; sons oeiore Dut they are all rav Situation, the truth IS period and our goodnight cocoa, i tag a whale of a time. that we are all more or less rieht and wronsr. Ideallv he read about eight selections ol Maybe the jokes and pranks I FINE PRINTING poy jthat they go in for with such1 This morning Dr. B'.ack gave ( woulct stale a bit If you ; his talk on "Immigration Can- 1 had to take too much of this at! Rl REGAL P : ada's Capabilities and Rtsponsi- a llme- BUt ior eigni aays a., ibllities." Thousands of ex-stu-i24 Including board hoot mon,; dents of the University of Brit- j il'8 a Scotsman's pride and joy. ; Ish Columbia reie.r.bei Dr. Black 1 o0 ' ! inot only as an excellent lecturer! TONIGHT we are havlng'ouri 'on such subjects as logic but as ; masquerade dance. I am going j their official personal counsellor, i as a Highlander, complete with j Now he is a newly appointed j kilt, improvised for a tartan I citizenship director for the De- ! blanket. PHONE 24 222 W . the pacifict may he perfectly right in advocating ..non-resistance to Communist aggression btcause war is wrong. . But we do not live in an ideal world, ; and however much we may hate war and strive f or international peace, we would be cowards and moral paralytics if we refused to defend ourseves against the forces of evil and to fight for what we believe ' is right. CHILI) PSYCHOLOGY partment of Immigration. He , The wife is making a sari from ve a fine talk, not only on the g ; policies of our government on a sheet. But the Scotch side is coming out in her too. Just in case, she's wearing a bathinj suit underneath. Clearance Sale immigration, but on ways and means of fitting the various ra- SHQ continues at o fr HATER tells the truth about,,. WHISKY Ihwiiwooils fl ouen fv let fhosc osnei get a littU ofieoj of m You can enjoy the comforts of controlled i heat . . . An Imperial Oil contract, with the Imperial dependable delivery service gives you comfort, convenience, cleanliness automatically . . . The Esso Oil Burner has fuel-saving features no other burner can offer. ANKOUNCEMEHI it We are not taking any cleaning pressing at present a cUii ft n ctfirient sen nn TnlLrinn AlrprntionS OHO j Seagram's . . . .V(, pairing New Fall Samples have justarnv. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED (!pg) Put Seagram's "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, de-' tracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Soy SEAGRAMS and be SURE .a of the finest "83" Order now for better choice LING THE TAUO Box 286 220 -6th St. Phne6 O.NE school of psychologists, for some years prominent in-the field of giving advice to parents, used to preach, and probably still does, that children should never be frustrated. The theory was that frustration in childhood would bring on all kinds of undesirable complexes in adult life, ' whereas, with freedom to do exactly as it pleased, the child, if it survived its formative years, would learn by experience the value of socially useful behaviour, and .would become civilized by the time it reached maturity. The record of juvenile delinquency, particularly in larger Canadian cities, during the past decade suggests that there are flaws in the theory. Ado-. lescents who were not controlled in childhood now have to be frustrated by the police when their unrestrained impulses lead them into gang warfare, car thefts and assault and robbery of peaceful ; citizens. If they were to follow these amusements unmolested, these adolescents, it is true, might achieve the status of responsible adults, simply through ; boredom with their present courses. So the psy-; chologists' theory cannot be completely disproved. , Society cannot afford the experiment. . If the aim of education is to train a child to become fitted to the society of which he is a part, frustration should be an essential of his training and it can hardly begin too early. He should learn , that punishment -will follow bad conduct, while , reward, less certainly, may follow good. Parents are safer in following the advice of King Solomon than the fashions of the latest Ph.D. in psychology. The theory of frustration as a basis for educa-, tion can certainly be supported by results, for most ! adults were brought up by the more or less old- fashioned method condemned by modern psychology, and old-fashioned parents believed in strict re- straint of their offspring's natural predilection for mayhem and other forms of violence. One socially ' desirable result of the old-f?shioned methods is that Canadians are, on the whole, a law-abiding people. Another result, socially desirable from the point of view of Ottawa, is the physical safety of the tr'ollers and inspectors appointed under- the authority of Acts and Regulations for the purpose of continuing indefinitely the process of frustration. fSERVEL THE DIFFERENT REFRIGERATOR KEROSENE DEPENDABLE SOURCE OF HEAT MAKES IT FREEZE!! For Use in Non-Electrified Areas ThL advertisement Is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. .A REMINDER!. There is nothH Pay your bills In full TODAY so that your Credit will be good TOMORROW! CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT more thrilling thf" O Long-Life Design O Eosy-to-Clean Inferior O No Motor No Noise No Wear lovely DIAMONU SEE THESE SPARKLING BEAUTIES TODAY AT O For the Young Lady or Lad going into High School. GEORGE COOK JEWELLER Total Food Capacity 6.0 cu. ft. Shelf Area .'. 11,7 sq. ft. Frozen Food Capacity 50 cu. ft. Ice Cube Trays 2 SEE THEM TODAY AT Mcliac Bros. Sanson's Jewell;