Prince Rupert Dairy News Tuesday, September 5, 1950 1 1 n:il U'tithO r i I?., I .r, : - - ) - ""'A I ir-J i-J w-UnU' V I DHlo nigii: Miss Bernite Mostad. who is I Rn j 1 Miss Laila Husoy. who is attending college at Cheney, Washington, and who ha s been working In Spokane during the summer vacation, arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon's plane for a two weeks' visit with her attending art kchool In Vancou- Centre staff returned yesterday ver. arrived homp n.i Koi,,rH,J on the Princess Louise from an extended holiday In Vancouver. afternoon's ptane far a visit. Mrs. J. S. Irvine caid n hnnf ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hussy. Mrs Arthnf RitvorcHr.0 wVa 1 . I Fourth Avenue East. Achievement In Fine ! SPORTSWEAR her week-end vl3;t to Terrace with; made the trip to Longbeach re- son-in-law and daii?hur Mr cently vitn tne Job's Daughters them down and enjoy the added com-of an insulated home by installing REGLAS Roll blankets. HEGLAS can easily be installed in your . in an evening, and costs only $6 per square feet. and Mrs. Tommy Frascr. Mother Goose Kindergarten, 629 6th E. opens Monday, Sept. 11. For liiformation phone Mrs. Blackaby 309. (207c) i REGLAS, complete with vapour barrier, All Wool Casual Jacket ER party, returned to the city on the Coquitlam yesterday afternoon. Mrs. C, B. Forman and family, who have bee.i spending a vacation in Vancouver, returned hom3 Crom the south on the Coquitlam yesterday afternoon. John T. Becket of Columbia Cellulose Co. returned to the city on the Coquitlam yesterday afternoon from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Among passengers on the Princess Louise when she docked here yesterday were Miss Tesgy Cold-well, Cranbrook. and Miss Sheila McKenna, who are Joining the local sciiooi teaching staff. f to fit between ceiling oisrs, jusr roil i Lt: Mrs. F. J. Skinner and daughters returned to the city on the Coquitlam last evening from Grantham's where they have been spending the summer. Ladies' Cowling League meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Bowling Alleys. All teams must be entered that night. 208o Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harvcv and Full By Craft Sportswear. TEGLAS can also be installed by your Li CONTRACTOR, on a time payment 1 20' '( down and 12 months io pay the ! family, who have been srpndin;; j Zipper, Light Weight V1CKERS It DltTlllID IN CANADA ano if oistihutio tvCalvrrt WATCHED PROCEEDINGS Union heads arrive at the opening of the special session of Parliament to hear what the government had to say about the nation-wide railway strike. Left to right are: Pat Conroy, secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Congress of Labor; A. R. Mosher, head of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees; and Frank Hall, head of the 15 International unions involved In the strike. CP (Photo) Gifts from your jeweller are the best loved gifts. Bulger's carry a very large stock of almost rhil advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board of Vr tlw Government of Biitish Columbia. nee. INQUIRE TODAY AT lerl & McCaffcry Limited I Colorful Check Material tne summer a. Lake Kathlyn, returned to the city at the end of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Neviile Gerrard and Miss Frances Gumming, are now due heme lrom a motor holiday trip to Yellowstone National Park. Muss Dorrcer. Murie and Miss Honey Haugland of Terraqe arrived In the city by bus at the ! everything needed for gifts. Prices are as moderate as possible. (It) Mr. and Mr3. S. J. Hunter, Norman Moorehouse and Miss Betty Hood R.N. of the Prince Rupert General Hospital staff, left by car yesterday afternoon for a Announcement Dennis DeKergommeaux, Doug- i las Cusham and Peter Magnus of Terrace were week-end visitors in the city. P.O. BOX 160 16-117-58 Designed for Smart Ap- CJ.2.0.J,.., (ictober 4 Catholic and 5. month's holiday trip to Vancouver. Harry Hanson, manager of ' R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer for ELECTROLUX Contact the above for all Services and Supplies o See the new three brush ELECTROLUX FLOOR POLISHER Applies the wax as well us pearance and Long Wear, end of the week and left Saturday by plane lor a holiday trip to Vancouver anl Seattle. Dale L. Pitt, managing directo; of Silbak-Premier Go'.d Mining Co., will be in the city tomorrow ' aboard the Coquitlam returning to Vancouver after a two weeks' j visit to the property. j Public meeting of the Can-I adlan Cancer Society, Prince Lutheran Laics' Aid Fall Sale October the 7th. Rebekah Bazaar, October 18 St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26. Sonja Bazaar, October 27. Moose Bazaar, dov. 2 and 3. Edward Lipsett Ltd., left on Friday evening's train for a visit to his home In Provost, Aloerta, after which he will visit Vancouver on business. There win be'a meeting of the Construction and General La yal Canadian Air Force f desirous of enlisting or resisting In ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE arrange for personal Interview with MR E. CLAUSEN. J. Clausen & Son office, Waterfront, Prince Rupert , I ' --r 'a Most Useful Jacket for 1 ::: Late Summer and Fall. - Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar November 8. bourers Union In the Carpenters Union Hall on Fraser Street at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5 polishes PHONE 45i Phone today for a free demonstration of the 1950 Models of the ELECTROLUX AIR PURIFIER and ELECTROLUX FLOOR POLISHER Between 4 and 6 p.m. Rupert unit, Wednesday afternoon 2:30. Films will be shown, also refreshments served. Every one urged to come; no admit P.O. Box 548 Green 075 tf VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Wednesday, 1:30 p.m.' Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND Presbyterun Fall Sale Nov. 16 IO.D.L. fail oazaar Womnbei tance fee. Canadian Legiou auditorium. 207 Miss Roscmarie Hartwig left 23. PORT SIMPSON by Saturday afternoon's plane on L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. Business general. All members are urged to attend. "ej Mrs. Sam Hougan and daughter, Shfrley, returned to the city on the Coqukiam yesterday afternoon, having made the trip to Longbeach, California, recently with the Job's Daughters party. Following tne summer suspension, regularly weekly luncheons of Prince Rupert Gyro Club arc niture Fashions Mr. and Mrs. Guy Clear of Ictoria arrived in the city by ' ar yesterday from the soutn and ! her return to her nurses' training duties at Royal Jubilee Hospital In Victoria after a holiday visit wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hartwig. John Kenny, after spending the summer here, left by plane Saturday on his return to White Monday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . ss. Camosun, Sept. 15 & 29 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, ss. Camosun, September 8 and 22, 10 p.m. FRAKK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent will be guests here lor the next week or so of Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, DAL Prices for Atlin Avenue, Westview. For-; Prince Rupert Horists Flowers for A.i Occasional merly MUi Uii-.e Watson of the local Post Oiice staff, it is 22 years since Mrs. Clear was In S00 3rdAve. Box 51 Tel. it. 3AL Furniture II it Jr A J t T IT I . ' " Prince , Rupert and ne notices Third Avenue Phone 568 now resuming. The speaker tomorrow will be Keith Malt.nan ' playgrounds supervisor in thi city during th past summer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bakr returned to their home In Terras jesterday, accompanying thei son, Clarence Baker, who ha many changes and improve Rock. Mrs. Kenny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore, returns south on th-; Prince Rupert Thursday night. Mrs. W. S. Kergin and family eturned to the city by Saturday ifternoon's plane from Salt ments. : zmyy ONED AND FINISHED IN OUR OPY HERE IN PRINCE RUPERT 3pring Island where they -spent t been receiving hospital treatmen Priced from S35.95 See them Now at n rmh m WZy S Iawi fUTMlt-TWCM vm& -fil , 1 WCNLV PMimi if" j ' , 1 1 IL VI.JI in Plumbing - c offer you at Reduced Prices this he summer. Dr. Kergin Is re- here after having sustained : turning-to the citv with his serious electric shock at Terrac Raised light and tender with new fast DRY Yeast! only the Modernistic Furniture ycd at the recent Industrial Exhibition There's a new twist in doughnuts a new thrill in all your baking! Say goodbye to perishable yeast -Fleiuhmann's Ruval Fast jf i ' p , ' "Vkt Cattiagi dial Qlmr . eJ 'ower cruiser, Full Mcon. ; recently. I Roy Ccilinscn, d I v i s 1 o n a 1 j Mr. and Mis. A. D. Vance an freight a?tnt for Canadian Na- child returned to the city on th tional Railway?, left at the crd ! Coquitlam yesterday efternoo f the week for a trip ti Tcll:. ;fiom Vancouver. Mrs. Vance an and ether interior pnints on child have been on a trip ti official duties. eH is Rcccmpanied England and were met a Rising Dry Yeast keeps full strength until you use it J TABLES Ust-acting u ben you use it. Get a dozen packages it keeps in j our cupboard i bv Mrs. Colhnson. i Vancouver by Mr. Var.ce whosi COFFEE TABLES t CHESTS OF DRAWERS t BEDS DINETTE CHAIRS NIGHT STANDS PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING fi. HEATING BUDbCHUMAN ''; iOi.i I'osl Olllif B!0(t.. ; ! father. Police Mag,istrate W. E Mrs. Robert Strachan arid 'Vance, also returned yesterday, daughter Margaret, returned to ' ,ne city on the Coquitlam yester- j Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armstroir av from a ir.o to Lcngbea:h, returned to the city Sundaj California, with the Job's Daufeh- nitht from a two weeks' motJ ters party. They visited for ten holiday trip to the interior a ; W'nWfM I ' days in Vancouver cn their way far as Prince Gecrge. They were is proof that it doesn't take a mint of money to Live Attractively! ' home. ! accompanied uy Mr. Armstrong ; RISTIE'S Woodbilt Products JniLrff ! : ' INSURANCE J ' 4fe, , INCOME TAX . RETURNS PREPARED me. . . J I R. E. Mortimer i DOUGHNUT TWISTS ,1 n 324 2nd Ave .Near CITR PORTRAITS Films D veiop:o nnd Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STLIMO :10 - 4ih Street Box 645 Phone Green 339 Prince Rupert Ave. & McBride Phone Blue 720 parents, Mr. ana Mrs. W. L. Arm Mr. and Mrs. Richard Po'.lcck .strong who have returned t left on last cver.lvjis train f their home in Edmonton. The Kansas City where Mr. Folio:!: were in Prince George for th will represent the lecal railway convention of the- Associate brotherhood at an international Boards of Trade of Central Brit convention. The" will aho visit iSh Columbia. Chicago, Toronto, Niagara Falls, i , Winnipeg and Saskatoon and ex- pect to be away six weeks. I Try a Daily News Cu.ssif.ed J U if-1' t mwiin wim HOT DOGS HAMBURGERS KAIEN CO-OP HARDWARE ' it :f it's Linoleum wanr drop in and :heck our stock of- FOR THE HOLIDAY? Purchase your Buns From well apart, on lightly-floured cookie sheets; grease tops. Cover and let rise until doubled in hulk. Carefully lift, a few at a time, into shortening that has been heated to 3o3 hot enough to brown a cube of day-old bread in 60 seconds. When undcr-sides are browned, turn and cook second sides. Carefully lift from tat and drain on absorbent paper. Coat with a mixture of fruit sugar and cinnamon or brush hot doughnuts with the following syrup: Meat, stirring until the sugar dissolves, 1 c. granulated sugar, 14 c. butter or margarine and 14 c. water; simmer 5 inins., then stir in 1 tsp. vanilla; keep hot over boiling water if syrup becomes too sugary, stir in a little boiling water and heat to boiling point. Yield 3 dozen doughnuts. Note: Dough may be cut with an orthodox doughnut cutter; fry the doughnuts and the "holes". Scald l2 c. milk, l2 c. granu-laied sugar, H, tsps. salt and l&c. shortening; cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl l2 c. lukewarm water. 1 tsp. giaiiulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 envelope l leisrlmiann's Royal Fast Rising ltv Yeast. Let stand 10 minutes, THF.N stir well. Add rooted niilk mixture and stir in 2 well-beaten eggs and 1 tsp. vanilla. Stir in 'I c. once-si(tcd bread Hour; beat ulitil smooth. Work in 214 c (alxut) once-silted bread Hour. Knead on lightly-Honied hoard until smooth and clastic. 1'lace in greased howl and grease lop ol dough. Cover. and set in a warm place, I'icc from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch' down dough and roll out into a rectangle, " thick; loosen dough; roll again to l2" thickness, tint into snips 7" long and l2" wide. Fold strips in half, twist, tin pinch ends together. Arrange, ifsCereaivAthftiiif BOTH in one faciei ENJOY KEUOOO'S NEW CtREAl dtlicioug, tender sweet-fruit raisins together with Kellogg-crisp bran flakes. Rich in iron, bountiful in good grain nourishment. It's Kellogg's new double treat! Double delirious! Double nutritious! Get kelvxig's raisin bran PERT BAKERY LTD. O In la ids 7 British made O Hoi! Runner six and f Floor Mats . 9 Congolcum nine fect wide Rcxoleum Rugs , WRITE Box 1127" flakks today! You 11 De giaa you did! WE DELIVER 251 - 3rd Avenue PHONE 179 I I ! r Balm In 11 ii J "mm mmvM SAFETY s-EuRBvcEATI0N m..iiwn.ii.'iijn ... mJSe&?rr ) vermes i f5sf Hi Uru9s i BROADWAY CAFE Safety lubrication means-REGULAR lubrication! '!; Frequent servicing insures' you cgoinsf burned out-bearings and sudden car -failure far from a repair-shop. We suggest you-i drive up today! ARE open EVERY MORNING , AJ 6 TO SERVE YOU " . noma A woy from Home! Best Food (1 ie way you like it! I. i 1 , the Pioneer uruggisrs i ZT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE ) Doily Delivery Service Al) f - . PHONE 81 Xzjf j i pi Susiness Men's Lunch nlour Famous Steaks and Chops rmest Cooing Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a iff Bob Parker Ltd. Ford-Monarch Dealers The Home of Friendly Service Prince Rupert. B. C. Quality Gas & Oil For Take-Home Orders Phone 200