, Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, September 5, 1950 Nearly Suffered Bad Eye Injury TODAY 79 p.m. Orson WelliT ''thethirKL SHIPS and I Tommy Frasct, jyiibll.shrr of th- warns. Bros: Sensation-Story of Ciit. 1 If I 1 mri i siiim ij.Mj.-nai Omlneca Herald at Terrace, did not suffer serious Injury when a aplash of lead struck his eve s he worked In his shop last week, "out he nanow:y ecapp-d serious impairment of vision. Thr; RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE Free Picture of Roy Rogers wmn a 't - A n & "; M ; V Vi f s- j: ' : ! WATERFRONT CP. s.s. Prioress Loyi.-ce. Capt. Charles Robson, yoslcrday was the fir.it pas.jcnger ship to dock here rice t;ie Ja t of uie youth- n i splash came within an ace of .landing in the pupil. He was HXt'S HEADQUA7KS fOKm WiSTOttt WAX fO SOYS 2 taken to hospital where the lead Hlt ' PARDNIKS! AUTHttiTIC bound cruise .hips left here last ! was removed without pprmane.i; m w :x k harm. He has since been abl. . ELEANOR PARKER a: r Hill III in 1 JERRY WALO un7 "ti ?mA mm to return to w6ik. From 1939 to 191 3 Ca..ada"s net federal public debt per can'ta increased from $279.80 to $303.41 Stiklne River to Telegraph Creek will b the voyauc of the steamer Princess Louise calling here September 29 northbound, it is Wed. Thurs. 7 p.m. 9 pm. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT j f traps tits r T(r)ff7)ifi wetK. CI her 130 pa.'senpers, 80 weie mak.n-v thc round t.ip to K:;.h!kiin, Juneau find faka;-way. Discmbfirkin-; here mere Lt. Cdr. and Mrs. J. W. Colb" a"d daughters the Misses S. and O. Coiby, F. Rink, Mr. and Mrs. Winkler, R. Miles, Mr. and M.s. J. N. Pna, Pv. Kemp, Miss A. Vaterman, Miss P. Coldwell, Miss S. McKcnra, A. F. Robertson. The Louise arrived at 12:15 loon and sailed north at 2 p.m. Passengers from here for Alaska ports included Mrs. F. Nygard, M'ss J. Nygard and E. Jefferd. C j sot ! Westsrn clothes you've always wonted the tome authentic styles S.s. Princess Norah. which has. I been operating In the Alaska i tourist service during the sum-mer, has been temporarily elf- worn in the movies by Roy Rogers, the King of the Cowboys." Seen on the harbor for trial run Saturday was a new plyvrod speed boat built in their spare ame by Don MortDn and J. H. Black. Fourteen feet long with a 70 inch beam, the boat is commissioned and crew paid off When the coastai service is re -sumed, the Princess Norah will remain tied up in Vancouver anJ be used only during th winte- Gel a Free Picture o( Roy Rogers : ' RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE; I Lowered wlt.h a i- h r, cko., "u in on mnpir-ni runs wtill- outboard motor and reaches airegular shlps rcc('ve the regular top speed of 25 miles per hour. j0V?rhauI and any necessary re-It 'as built from a nlan I !ar Mechanics in three weeks. The 150 pound boat, was constructed of ', 4-lnch plywood and carries four passengers. BIG REUNION Paul DeRoy, HH-year-old resident of Summer Falls. N.H., visi!d his, native Quebec, and the first person he looked up was his daughter the first time he had seen her in 66 years. DeRey and his daughter, Mrs. Phiiamene McKay, interrupted celebrations long enough to pose for this shot In Quebec City. (CP Photo) Running one day behind after getting back into serv- I ice following settlement or the ."amen's strike. Union steamer Coquitlam, C ipt. John Boden, ar- MoM KLAL, Aug. 31si i bis u the eurest way 1 know to lake the uncertainty out of pickling... Rely on thre two pickling hplps! The frre booklet "Pickling Surcet"16 page of grand recipes (Simply write to me Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal. P.Q. for vour ropv) and -4 sure to u- HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR t pickling time! When you shop for vegetable and fruits for pickling, you insist on the brst. So why not do the eafn with vinegar? Hems White Vinegar r World Head Of Rotary To Pay, Visit To Prince Rupert Always Prompt and Courteous (.,-u in j.-ui hi, yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and ,'waypoints wiVn. a substantial list of passengers and sailed at 11 , p.m. for Alice Arm, Stewart and ether northern points. The ves- Commodore Cafe is mailc from corn, barley, malt and rye distilled and then aged in wood to bring out the full aroma and flavour. Excellent! not only for pickling and preserving but for salads and table use, too! Jt'i A Toatt to health and beauty when you drink the juice of one fresh lemon in a glass of water firH thing on aruing every i . scl is tlue back here tomorrow Vnv fV,n fi.t- K .i i f or tne 111 tirr,e i. m its history Prince Rupert morning to sw.n south at i:30 Rotary Club is to have the distinction of an of f icial , riSSS i visit from an international president Arthur I arrnenv from the south Sunday afternoon I ,'n , , o u v and sailing for Vancouver Tues- i of Quebec comes here this Saturday to nav that visit ' day afternoon. 'Hospitality and Good Food njt Calvert Qpau Phone 17 for Send-Out Order Ird Ave. David Chow. Mar 7p 1 CALVERT DISTILLERS (CANADA) LIMITED, AMHEUTSJ morning ... lor this natural lruit drink helps you keep regular the healthful way! That's because lemon-in-water doesn't "tie you up in knots" as haixh laxatives do... simply alkalizes and aids digtstion to help your system regulate itself! So follow the healthful way to natural regularity... lei refreshing lemon-in-water "wake you up" every morning. But be sure to specify SUNKIST CALIFORNIA LEMONS... they're the jinetl, uicit grown '. This sdTttiiemen is swt puhlubtd ot iirUrrd br tr Lkgwn Cad ------ I and very special preparations are being made to I The recent m raiiwav and sea-receive him. Highlight feature will be a dinner gath- $Z Moltt ering in the Canadian Legion, inKS of the C.?.R: steamers Prin- ballroom Saturday ni?ht. WDR! vvr,iu n DATA D V UC A n ; cees Kathleca and Princess Mr. Lasueux arrives here Sat- wiAKT ntAU!Ncralli -re princess Kathleen tm Ska Oowsnnwnt of Dtiuth UMuaca. And Back To School they got You Might Find 4 TSeedle In A will be seen W-rc no more this urday afternoon on the Princess Louise after a visit to Alaska gff tlaritacK, DUt J '-. i : you'll neter find nut, mothers, may I suggest right now while you're bu.-y out- fl !!,., , i, ..v., I l CIA"? SMITH and Plumbing & Heating Prompt and E'ficient Service IP anyming to V equal the new' year but will o on to the Van-couver-Victor!a-E?attle run for the winter. The Princess Norah will come back on the Alaska run late in the fail to replace the Friniess Louise; for the winter. -f-sL-S -Ts jy.Mi fniuiu- "I'tuft ii. drr'n for school v A0 opening, that you insist on seeing the XEOLITK cn vour noxi w7 Last connection at Wrangell this fall with the Ritchie Trans-1 portation vessel running up the ' I- AI RE "Thriftv- " ' YSi A SO" ELECTRIC 11 RANGE! It's the biggest little range in the world . . . with a giant oven that stretches clear across the range! Has new, faster-cooking, 5-Speed Radiantube Units, new counterbalanced shelf-type door, Hieh. Speed, "Waist-High Broiler. Vet this new Erigidwre "Thrifty-30" Electric Range is just W inches wide to "fit" small kitchens and at its price it's a typically outstanding General Motors value! So be sure to see it soon at your local Frigidaire Dealer's. triMKiL tmn Rotary Clubs will be in the city, over the week-end, flying to Vancouver on Monday morning. Arthur Legueux is President of the investment corporation of Lagueux and DcsRc?hcrs in Que- j bee City. He was born at Tring unction, Quebec, and was educated at St. Anne-de-la-Pocat-lere College ( Quebec) and at St.' Anne's Academy in New York City. ; Mr. Lasueux is President of: Rotary International for 1950-51. He has been a member of the Rotary Club of Quebec since, ,1934, is a Past President of that j Club, and he has served Rotary International as Director, Dis-j trict Governor and as committee ( chairman End member. i ! Mr. Lagueux is President of the 1 ; La Sarre Power Company in La i mark on the soles of all shoes you buy. Economy-wise Neolite outwears leather over i to 1 it's light, pliable and needs no "breaking in". Neolite does not cause itchy feet, perspiration, foot odours or foot burning . . .and, how much you'll appreciate the fact that tliee sturdy soles help prevent colds arising from wet feet, for Neolite is completely waterproof, liuy Neolite for -all the family you really can't get a more healthful shoe sole. SWELLEST RAZOR EVER FOR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE 'Tit' ? k CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES ovoilcblc ONE-PIECE 1 '.. V , Gillette r RAZOR S t. I MS Keep It Hot . .or warm babv's With 1 0 Gillette Blue Blades in Dispenser , 9 Aerial Surveys Aerial Photography Private Charter Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POi 04.... Arthur Lagueux bottle ,. .even boil an egg all with the new RADIANT HK KETTLE! And all because of the new removable lid that lets you get inside or rest A nun nn i nn t Tf. ' sntt nui v m II sS . t&Tt!l I Sarre, Quebec, and of the Fin.m-1 cial Building in Qiiebc: City. He .is a Director ef the Comrnon- s vealth International Corporation and of the Leverage Fund of Canada, Ltd. In Quebec City, he is Vice-President of the Bond Dealers Association and Chairman of the Re-establishment Credit Advisory Committee of the Canadian Department of Veter-I ans Affairs. He Is an Officer of j the Order of the British Empire. I You change blades in- ? VSsV tantly, enjoy real shaving X Xt'C ?iis J comfort with the Gillette I Vf I His i . Rocket Rater Set. ; NjJ i i SS ' I Canada's greatest shaving ; ; A? "V bargain includes Rasor, f 'y jS 5 .55C- Y,; ; 10 blades in Dispenser, AY''S istV and the new Styrene jfZzfiV- tSx ' traVCl Ce"'y 1 RATES INFORMATION KrKlX'.VIM PHONE 476 QUEEr! CHARLOTTE AJPilU Ttay Fever keeping you awake at niglit making you miserable during the day? Then here's the answer to your praver! . . . ANOHIST! Anohist brings blessed relief to hay fever sufferers! Its antihistamine formula ia distinctive recommended for family use. And the Super-Economy Fatnilv-Sizo bottle of 36 tablets costs von only about 3c'a tablet! Last winter thousands of families said goodbye to cold symptoms with Anohist. And now you can get relief from the miserable symptoms of hay fever and "summer colds" with the same, quick, effective Anohistl So buy Anohist at your drugstore today and be prepared! CHOOt boils anywhere there's a wall-plug handy ... and in less than 3 minute? you'll have enough boiling water for 4 cups of tea! Just think of the power saved! This "kettle with legs" won't mark furniture Fiirfares for the heating unit is well-inulated and the feet ensure protection. ,So safe too... it phuts citf automatically by thermostatic! control never boils dry AND shuts off at once if it's plugged in without water. This Radiant BK Kettle with its new removable lid offers so many time-saving possibilities, you'll use it constantly. llew Sawniiil For Terrace f3(pfV . Killas & Christopher yiO Air Freight on all I Prize-Winning, Praise-Winning jams V jellies can be happily yours is wnen you use ur.iuui. lies, jams and jellies made with Certo Fruit Pectin have that distinctive colour and flavour of gloriously tempting fresh fruits the tender "set" that you find in the most admired jams and jellies. And on the practical side, there's the fact thllt. fVrtn , .... mnlrna nuvH or V',... I.. t Carl Pohle, veteran sawmill I operator of Terrace, expects to j be cutting lumber by next spring i in his new mill across the rail- way track about half a mile west of town. The plant has been in ..... , BLONDIE All In The Family. By CHIC i r'iliill;iiliiiilli;iiiiiii'iT,"Tr' ' iiiiiir;iinrjii!iuiiiii!i.l.iiitiiH'i!'"!i;i r- ""2 - .iiiM,o, ii ,iu lunow cAacuy me instniciions in the F hook let. tlU-t-arl linflor Aa.-ti f'wtn ...,--l f..l ..... course of construction fcr the get tip to 50r;c niore jam or jellv from the same amount A fruit, and you 11 save up to 23 tho time of the old-fashioned method. j past three yenrs. Soon Mr. Pnh'c ! will :;art moviiu m-irhinrry frbn I iUn nlrl w.111 ,.,Ut,.U 1 I . VICKERS' II DISTILLED IN CANADA and is Diitmiut id it Calvrrt This sdvertiscmcnt is r.ot published or dis played played by by the the IJ:t:or Liquor Control Control board board d ol by the Govetii.iieiit of lintish Columbia THEtcecpeWK PeIr : - Sr f I A MAN v V 1- !aA v 1 SAVS VE CAWS ) f ' A. L j him TWO DOLLARS iOflOn bIc.?? w sVt.. r IH 1 K ,: " ' " " "P ' " V' ""'V' , 1923. : Mr. Tohle wa3 In thf cilv diir - - PHONE 79 PHONE 79 jing the week-end buving brlrka ' for the new mill which will biv ' a capacity of 20,000 feet to start with and rrtav r;e h"vi.s-.,i , , I ! In mill and woods he employs ; about thirty-five men altogether". ! Mr. Pohle reports an active i 'market, for lumber. Business has been a good deal more profitable this year than a year ago. Italian HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. fo 9 MEN'S CREPE SOLED BOOTS Gallant Old Chap! rriiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I '','55iii I "' Niiiiiniii pfET' 'v " " '-J vv-- S jA OPDER VOURSELpi ( DiDN'r PECJ , .JvfrASwooo. rcAi? bov, ' (soucnuuG seal good now OAS' won i want n, Ldca tv?v f IT'S I.UNCHTIM6 fV-HAVe A STEAK TO fcXPLAIN WHV t CANT ALWAYS NVSTty , SadJHf 1 V- COMf TO LUNCH ZLji ZXU GIVE VOU ThE AlSE - ME TO aPraise1 V with me um-m frfi2, ' Oug COmpanv is LjNK:roeA.N'j)-. SimS&k VjiC J " y ' l2r r Z ACTUALLV LOSING ) whv I OUl9"Tl(-J :? ' - l 6.95 Materials To Be Diverted "MVA rt,.T,-8de Min'-'Ver iCD. Howe, Saturday prepared to i"k P?rHamept, fr- Tnir-"!!" controls which would Rive him pow-r to oivert, "aenUal" materhls from civilian to defence pro-r'l'ction. This oower will likely cover a vast lone-ranee defence equ'n-ment nurchasin? proeran Ji' rrnrittction of .chips, aircraft tfnd other defence weapons for Can-!nda's forces and forces of her i North Atlantic partners. p.m. p.m. 12 Noon to 2 Sundays 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. FAMILY SHOE STOR! LTD. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE P.O. Box 628 Charlie Roberts Phnne 357