6 T 6 1 the environment of the Frovin- a . urn mm . t Prince Rupert Daflp Hrtos Thursday, May 19, 1543 cial buildings contribute to the Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisces FPOM MY BALCONY (Continued Irom Page 2) dignity of the Crown that they represent as the building iUelf should be just as great as the j granite, marble and rare woods: used to construct it. j There are lots of little spots , in our 'city, which, with a minimum of effort, could be turned enough as it stands today. It must be more sound business and less a loose phrase. IV J t WW B into spots of real beauty so that all who journey to and from TOOly mew ! ),!,, midst may gather the impression One of the finest community asets, growing as a byproduct of the war, h the Civic Centre where the physical and cultural development of citizens of the community is adva.rred. I trust that its influence for good may continue on down through ti.r generations. A final thought about our parM.s and beauty spots these can.o'. bo too many or too well cured for. It is just as important .hut that we are a fine type of If anyo.ie takes tV trouble to think it over .the expression new way of life'' which you are so ardently invited to embrace makes one question how much of It is "new" and to what extent is it "a way of life." Happiness and security come from within yourself and that's more convenient than travelling all the way to Moscow to discover it. The member for Gateshead, Konni Zilliacus, has been expelled from the British Labor parliament. The despatch neglects to say why. Well, his par zen ana we nave pnae tn our ing sheet, too starting up. Yet one was launched in New York al a- The trouble i were, this week. It would be in a - uiaj j, ents named him. They wholly responsible. not ; town that size, if it published read it city. And the last answer to my colleague's question is just as true today as it was twenty1 years ago. There is a quality of friendii-1 ness, helpfulness, hospitality.: II it-.--ut ; t If, as suggested, improvements ,'i,tff!'!"ni!!l!-;!!m;ii.;HmBi!rtiwi'!uii-i.H.!- 4 llfti-w,F? IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRI TISH COLUMBIA ability to arise Hey KMsl others, in this I in probate generosity, generosity, the tr.e ; ' n i-" the matter of the "ad- to the need.? of " IA MINISTRATION ACT" -W.. cl,y ,a '" Mi"rr i. i(r ft ius of our older, moi more ii acking in some .... i.-n II i ' JUm settled, mor? SPECIAL SATURDAY .!) jV liic nv,Luuua ua.iuuc t.owt atlon of the ball park, it would be sensible indeed. It was there i local sport was originally player), j Modernized grounds would fit, In admirably with the general j plan of honoring the memory of Roosevelt and providing a place of healthful outdoor en- tertalnment for the city gener-' ally. j Tanks for oil storage purposes are to be soon built on the waterfront in the neighborhood of Morse Creek. This is a favorite place for storage, quite apart from the cold variety. There is a perfectly lovely elevator quite handy where wheat used to be stored. But that was when most of us were young. :bunny frocks; L A F 1 1 U L THEATRE established places. And it is the combination of all these things blended in their proper proportion makes one every proud to say 'Prince Rupert is my home.' And for me, my only regret is. thai I must leave it- COMBATTING CUBAN SMALLPOX THREAT Scenes like the above are being duplicated throughout Havana, Cuba, as Cuban authorities begin mass Inoculations to prevent outbreak of smallpox epidemic following discovery of first case in 20 years. 28 $1.1!) MAY -21 5c It's something of a novelty to hear of a new paper i morn- A contributory principle applied to the pension system means as old age comes on .true citizenship and a dignity in which STEWART MAN SUCCUMBS HERE with TAKE NOTICE that by Orri'-r .f His Honour Jiidsc W. O Fulton. Local Judpe of thf Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the Uth rJ.iy of May. AD. 11M9. appointed Administrator of the estate of Cius Clerf. drcrascd. late of Terrace. British Columbia, who dud on the 0th day of Drffn'T, I"4. at Vancouver. Britkh Columbia. All persons Indebted to the &a-,d estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me lorthwith. and all persons having claims ncalnst the said estate arc required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 30th day of June, 1943. fai!u:2 whirh distribution will b made having regard only to Such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C this 10th day of May. A D 194'J CiOKDON FRASER FOI'.BESS Official Administrator Prince Kuprrt, B. C. (121) For 2-4-6-Year-Old J and 8-10-12-11-Year C BJust another way of proving it pays to buy for cash. Choice ( J issortnient. I DISTRICT DOCTORS IN SESSION HERE can be found no small degree of comfort. Nothing is thrown to you. You have earned inde Chris Christiansen, a resident of Stewart, who was brought to Prince Rupert Tuesday morning for hosoital treatment, died WRATHAIX'S PHOTO FINTSHINT. Developing, Printing Fntarririe QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies THREE ONE-POUND COUPON'S FROM BLUE RlliBOX COFFEE TEA RAKING POWDER pendence. Something has beenij : RUPERT : (PEOPLES STORE- bought and paid for. Social sec- j J urity, so called, is still shaky vesterdav morning at the age' Clinical lectures, case consul-of 52. Further details concern-! tations- nosPital visitations and ir.g Mr. Christiansen were ere not not:social get-togethers marked the annual district meeting 01 me available here today. He is sur- vived by a brother in Victoria, i Prince Rupert Medical Association which concluded here late CT-i . DeL nxc mm Rim mm Delivery Phone 383 Phone ' yesterday after which five ! prominent visitors, led by Dr. F. M. Bryant of Victoria, president of the British Columbia j Medical Association, left by the j evening's train for Prince j George where a similar meet- ! ing will be held. i I The sessions were held at the ; Civic Centre, where a dinner was tendered by the Prince Rupert Medical Association to the Prompt and Efficient Service ANYTIME ANYWHERE Eytcheson & Ponder FOR SALE Larre Safe, fire J Si ttrtj-- &tz burplar proof For particulars sec B. C. I I RMTl'RE (i visitors Tuesday evening. Yesterday morning the Prince Rupert General and the Miller Bay Hospitals were visited. The visitors were entertained Tuesday afternoon by Dr. W. S. Kergin and the same evenins by Dr. R. G. Large. Last evening before they left Dr. L. W. Kergin was their host. J .m -tT. 0t JOHrJ H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ' " ay ay$ sr -ff, Chrilies PREMIUM SQDiV CRACKERS Mri. Richard Harris Smith, Truro Dietitian Bu3dr rs and Contrac NOTE -N Kitufine Paprr, Red, Mrs. Smith knows a lot about Carnation rrahztd. 1-plr spfriai, td B.C. 1 1 EMTl'RE CO. she's a craduate dietitian w ith teachirie eitvcrience. Classified Ads. Get Results. Commodore Cafe "Better Tlian Ever" V (iai into Swing CELEBRATE iBest Food and Service In CityJ AXD the mother of a sturdy young son who w a Carnation baby. But. millions of people experts anj "just folks" go right along wich Mrs. Smith on "Coffee anJ Carnation". Carnation's -?ie-ric!incss and homogenization give coffee a deeper flavor, a tempting color. Just try it. And remember that double-rich, homogenized, heat-rcfincj Carnation, undiluted, adds to the appeal of the breakfast cereal or the supper dessert. Try Carnation in your cream jug regularly. AnJ use it in al your milk cooking one-half Carnation, one-half water, fur whole milk consistency anJ food values. Pbone 17 for Send-Out Orders f LA' .'$10,0 iiw 5pee CAI HEj 3 Her. fpTJrw net i G I ! 61 hqr I rp: i j Tu i b i w t 4 , u I f , I 0( Third Ave. Di'id Chow, Mgrv 24 Make Your Own Test Try coffee and Carnation for I week. Vry the amount of Carnation till ou fmA tl, In the HOMETOWN I'inuion that luitj you bc. Millions frtjrt Carnition to cream for cofil yet Carnation cos only ahout hall as much as the lighte iteam. VANCOUVER, MAY 11 Dear Folks: Ju.st a few lines to tell of tiling U " pi-ct in the next few weeks. Silver Thermos jugs, many new pi'C silverware, newest creations in t'uro Jeweucry at popular prices. Latest in Rhinrstmie and Brilliant jewellery and scatter pins. Fresh designs in engagement and 'Wt rings and watches. In fact our stock will be sweetentd up m every line a good jewellery store should Iwvc Please conic and look around often. JOHN ISIXOI-R- J miMniry3iSai MILI: ;V. lt?'' jajLK. J A CANADIAN PRODUCT "from Contented Cows" PARADE FLOATS BAND PRIZES WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASn PHONE 950 ( HEALTH CARE COMES FIRST HOURS: to 9 p.m. 9 a.m. Daily You can't buy health at a .bargain counter! Good health is the result of day-by-day care and proper medical treatment when it is needed. Depend on us for your pharmaceutical needs. CORONATION CROWNING OF THE MAY QUEEN RACES FOR THE CHILDREN PRIZES REFRESHMENTS TREATS FOR THE KIDDIES DANCE MONTE CARLO BY THE "DUKES" QUIZ CONTEST 1949 -FORD COMBINATION 1 CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besncr Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOl'RH 10:3u a.m. to 13:30 p m. nd 3 to 5 p.m. KVKMM1S Monday and Friday, 730 pm. fol those unable to come during th day. RECEPTION 1ST In attendance afternoons. 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays. J OI'KM.MI IJASKHALL GAME Old- Timers vs. Rookies I fi:3 PM- ADMISSION 50c Sponsored by Prince Rupert Baseball Assoc. ft' ITJallarr piiannanj KINSMEN CLUB COTTAGE CHEESE ; New Creamed Fresh Made OF ! VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Dally j ALL-WEATHER SERVICE PRINCE RUPERT (NET PROCEEDS IN AID OF KINSMEN YOUTH PUOJECTS) For further information see Saturday's Dally News RADIO-RECORD PLAYER Rupert Motors .You Saw It In The News! Ltd. LING the TAILOR Res Caie Chinese Dishes a SpTtialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN To Masset Single Fare $12 RETURN $21.60 ,0 Three Regular Return IliRlil I'er Jneen Charlotte Man'' rints RESERVATIONS FOR INFORMATION AND PHONE M5 C.r.R. OFFICE NOTICE! Clothes remaining in this shop and unclaimed after one year are to be put on sale unless customer, advises us to hold longer ' 1 lease give number. NOW OPERATING FROM NEW GARAGE BUILDING, FORMERLY LINDSAY MOTORS, SECOND AVENUE AND FIRST STREET. PHONES 566 and 866 LING, THE TAILOR 220 Sixth Street P.O. Box 386 Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders