5 ",T1- prince Bupcr! Daffo COMMERCIALS DR OP THEIR PROTEST; "Wednesday, September 14, 194&, grou"daftte Coke and Music for Happy Moments MERCHANTS AND SAVOYS IN FINALS Commercials cleared the way for Merchants and Savoys to proceed with the finals of the baseball play-offs when they withdrew their protests of Sunday's semi-final games in which the Merchants defeated the league title holders in tw o games. A review of the facts of alleged non-registration ft W ..." ' Obtef1 tip Mi for it either tnute-marm mean Years Ag( Twenty-five Years Ago September 9, 1921 A large crowd at the Smithen Fair witnessed a claver boxing dlsnlav , between Tmnmu of Prince Rujx'rt and Ted Mar tin 01 Dimmers. , Tn Prince Rupert, Brick Skin ner is in Ualnlng for his boxiii; match with Joe Manilla of Ketchikan. Rain caused the postponement of the 6Uiart Shield Football fin-al between Great War Veterans and the Sons of England Ten Years Ago September 8, 193S With the outbreak of war tak-ng up everyone's attention niwirt is at a low ebb There is a bigger gam; to be played and the yuutli who have txwi playing l.n sporting events will do the bigger Job Just as courageously and unselfishly The Model Yacht Club serle: in the Tip Top Tailor's Cup was called off on account of stormy weather The leaders in points to tlate are S Kingston, A J. Crox- Authorised boltUr of Coca-Cola undar fmmumt Coco-Coi lAt. . NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Phone 132 Prince Rupert Canadian 1 w 1 TIME FOR REFRESHMENTS. Even the hard working harvesters have to take time out for refreshments as they reap Saskatchewan's wheat crop. Here two -workers pause during their work In the fields in the Saskatoon area. (CP. Photo) Would Have Bobbies Hand Out Spankings LONDON 0- Dr. E. Burnett, B2-year-old London pathologist, beUeves that to spare the rod' is to spoil the child. And he thinks policemen ought to be the rod. cnuaren wouia uentxu, u.u a allowed to apply j Testifying at the Inquest into number of lives might be saved, 1 knw tlie wel1 and 1 nine-year-old Pollce am the death of a boy drowned in the Thames he said:jeertain tneV would not abuse "When I was a boy I fell in . of players revealed that the players had not been legally released from the club and were, vherefore, -still the property ef the Merchants team. Tlie players mentioned in the protest are Abel and Rosedale and the incident involving their release came about following a matter that con owned only Merchants players. At that time, league president Art Murray interceded and the players returned to the team after missing one game. The question of the eligibility of the players was brought up at the executive meeting of September 6 when Manager Ed Davis of the Commercials was present and Art Murray declared then that the players were qualified members of the Merchants Club. UKe was no challenging of the decree at that time. . On the matter of the protest of the second game when the umpire's decision was doubted, reference to the rule book Indicates that no one has the authority to Question the umpire's Judgement. Therefore, unless Ue arbiter could be convinced to change his decision, there would be no grounds for protest. Following an open discussion of the facts by the executive Feasibility of evening games for the remainder of play-offs was ruled out and it was de cided to play a double-header cn Sunday. By winning both .... WUUla laKe lne championship. r.KAZIANI-FUSARI MEET TONIGHT NEW YORK V Boxing's MARKETS fresh fruit Peaches, Hales, 2 pounds 43 Crate ....'...$2.75 Prunes, Case $2.19 Bananas, lb .25 Apples, cooking, 3 to 29 Lemons, large Cal., doz 50 Uraepeiruit. Calif., 3 for 25 Oranges (Navel) 22-. .50 Dn tes lb J5 way . . . both tbe tame tbmg. nothing wrong with me. took oft his belt and gave me a goad hiding. " taugni nie a jrssun i imvc nevev forgotten. " policemen had power to Blve naughty youngsters a good "ckinB 011 lhe sPut a &reat many ADDRESSES ARE FEATURE OF " W.O.M. MEETING A report on the Moose national convention at San Francisco and a description of Mooseheart, the international lodge's homi for children in Illinois, were given to the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chapter, Wumen of the Moose. Mrs. John Kasper, who at tended the San Francisco convention to receive her degree into the Pflllpop rf flonnnta rtacr,eiHurl event, at. the ,t ,. ,,, .. , while ,v,4i Mis. C. Lundstrom de PPrihpH tilt nrmnt .......tr V.ni 1 Galloping Golfer Tours 2,825 Clubs Ralph Kennedy Rides Hubby on Gulf Courses of 11 Lands SUDBURY, Ont CP' Talking about hobbies, here's one for the books. A 7-year-oJd pencil manufacturer from New York State, who finds golf a "mental cathartic,'' iplayed on his 2,824th and 2,825th golf courses in the Nickel qity recently. Tanned and muscular, Ralph A. Kennedy, or the Winged Foot Golf Club, Mamaroneck, N.Y., in which he holds f.ie No. 2 membership card, hopes to make it 3,000 -before he retires. He started his golfing career 39 years ago and has played in every state of the union, each of Canada's provinces and in nine foreign countries. "It's just a hobby," he said at Sudbury. "Some people like to sh. Others hunt. But I like to travel from one place to an other and play on a different day. Canteloupe, 27's, 2 for 43 .members, Benny Windle, after a Vegetables' .. conference with the Commercial Celery lb ,v. 13 ! Rhubarb. 2 lb..'..'. j 5 sponsors announced their de-, Beets, bunch '. 10 cision to withdraw the protests. tSuw blbnCh 07 Art . chairman of Spinach' 2 ib7"'ZZ'ZZZl .21 tn meeting, commented on the. Radishes, bunch .08 success of the Commercial team Green Onions. 3 bunches 2G . , . .. . . , . Mushrooms, lb. 85ln '"S the victors of schedule Head Lettuce 19 jplay and declared that it wa3 Cooking Onions. 3 lbs -25'larKelv due to m their stlK -stron enirv emry Corn on Cob, 12 for 69 ; , Cabbage, lb 7 1 that the league has been the Tomatoes, No. I lb. 19 most successful In recent years. r! r JiowdlRw nZnT b U:..:::Z : 9 Cucumbers, each 10! Vegetable Marrow, lb 07 Squash, lb 10 Dill Pickles, gal 1.65 1 I Cut Green Beus, ley f';ends of the twin bill either team Some-Wl Z" ; V : 1 , la,golf course each LBli . uunc t me luugc s nome for children. Mrs. Kasper who is Junior Graduate Associate Dean, wore the can nnr! trnwn cvmhnlld ( , J " ne nas played on more courses her position as a member ofthan any olner man ln e the College of Regents and she WOrld was received by the Prince Ru- -t hav mv .-h silrnBf, hv fho I : I TODAY'S STOCKS i Courtesy s. D. Jufcaxtca Co. Ltd.i Vancouver Bayonne 05i Bratorne 9.35 B. R. Con .03 B, R. X MV, Cariboo Quartz I. OS Congress 04 Hedley Mascot . .22Vj Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille 495 Pioneer 8 40 Premier Border .03 V2 Privateer I7Va Reeves McDonald 2J25 Reno .04 Vi Sheep Creek 1 IS . Silbak Premier : 35 Taku River .'. .24 Vananda 14 Salmon Otdd 12 Oils Arlo Canadian ....... . . 1.8a A. P. Con . .18 Atlantic .73 Calmont 32 C. & E COO Central Ledue .73 Home Oil 10.75 Mercury lotfc Okalta 1.73 Pacific Pete 188 Princess 25 Royal Canadian .07 Toronto Athona 1214 Aumaque M Beattie .59 Becourt : 26 Bob jo 14 Buffalo Canadian 18 Vi Consol. Smelters 99.75 Con west 1.20 Donalda Eldona East Sullivan 2.65 Giant Yeliowknife .... God's Hardrock Lake 1 Harricana Heva J4Va Hosco 13 Jacknife Joliet Quebec , Lake Rowan Lapaska LtUe Long Lac Lynx Mild sen Red Lake 2.90 McKenzie Red Lake 47 McLeod CockShutt .... 1.48 Moneta .41 Negus 2.25 Noranda 58.25 Louvlcourt 15 Pickle Crow 2.15 Regcourt 05Vi San Antonio 4.25 Senator Rouyn 38 Sherrit Gordon 2.75 .Steep Rock j.82 Sturgeon River 21 "i SMITH & ELKINS PLUMBING AND HEATING rhotke) 174 T 9. Box 274 NEW ROYAL . HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phofle 281 p.o. Box 196 Salt Lake Ferry Sunday & Thursday SCHEDULES Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Thursdays Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. SPECIAL TRIPS FOR PARTIES BY . APPOINTMENT Phems GREEN 891 . BLACK "had boy," colorful Rocky Graz-- iano returns to the ring tonight a 5 to 9 favorite over opponent Charlie Fusarl at the Polo '"Grounds. A crowd of 85,000 is expected. Tt advertisement i not publishtj or diNpljird W Ihi Uw by tlie Gtivcrnmrnt of hritiJi GJumk a river. A policeman fished mei out. He made sure there was PIPER GOES TO SENATE Tom Held, whose renditions on the bagpipes used to echo along House of Commons corridors, may perform this season for the edification of his new colleagues In the Senate. Mr. Reid, 63-year-old veteran of 19 years in the Commons o iciai luciituci iw mew TTci.iiii;sw;i, a, was ap- i pointed to the Red Chamber by Prime Minister St. Laurent last week. He served as parliamentary j assistant to the 'fisheries and health ministers in the last parliament. (C. P. Photo) V v DELIVERED FREE Phone 654 tic pti dotn paid lor tmptlti labeled by iny B.C. Brewery This edvertltemeot it not published oi etitpUyed by the Llquoi Conbol Boetd ky (he Government ol British Columbia. BROADWAY CAFE,. BEST FOOD FINEST CM FRIENDLY SERVICE Chinese DisbM 1 H FOR TAKE-HOMI C moxz 'J3 NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THK NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL o rrio, l frao. lain.t tiincv Vegetables 23 Diced Beets, per tin .18 w d p nd CarroU - -w Pumnktn. 2 for Baked Beans, JOV'tliiT.::: ".23 Baked Beans, 15-oz. tin, ea. .21 Tomatoes. 21-oz -is Fresh Miix 1 Quart .22 Pint -1 Cream, ' Dint Fir Large, cartoned, doz. ... .79 Medium ... UUer First Grade, lb . .f,6 Margarine, lb ... .40 rvtilK Evaporated Milk. lG-oz. tins. 'I for .. .S3 Case ..7.7a Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb. .. .50 Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 58 Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 3 bs Flour, 24 s 1.95 Tea and Coffee Coffee, lb 69 DeLuxe quantity, lb 1.18 i nices Orange Juice 29 Blended 25 Grapefruit 22 Tomatoes, 20-oz. ea .lb 2H-oa. 4 gallon .59 Apple, 20-oz. tin. 2 for 29 48-qz. .34 Canned Fruits Pineapple, crushed 38 Pieces, 20-oz .. 41 Aoricots. 20-oz Cherries, ancy, 20-oz. 38 Loganberries, 20-oz. :. 29 Peaches, choice .au Lara Pure, lb. 21 Shortening ... J29 Soap Soap, face, bar 10 Laundry, cake 2 for .25 Soap Powders. lane ... 39 Glace Uit Cherries, '2 lb. pkt 45 coconut, id 5f Almond Paste lb ,3. Fruit Cake Mix, lb Dates, fancy, 1 lb. pkt I Heedless Raisins, ? 'bs. Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs. Shelled Walnuts, 2 lb. Shelled Almonds. 6 oz.. Shelled Brazils. , lb. .. Jam Pura Strawberry, 24-oz. Raspberry, 24 oz. . :::::::: fj Blackberry, 4-lb. . Cherry, 24-oz. Peach. 4 lb Apricot, 4-lb. soups Canned Soups 13 to .20 Meats dhicken. lb .B6 Ham, boned and rolled, lb. 1.00 Ham, reg. lb 80 Bologna, lb 48 Weinerc lb .ftn Garlic Sausage, lb .55 Bacon, pkg. 2 lb 48 Rac.on. s'rlp D'"ce .. 0,1 Cottage Roll, lb .85 Liver Sausage, Ho 52 Rnare Ri'us. 'b .55 Fresh Pork Ham, lb 75 Pork Chops, lb 72 Pork Sausage, lb .62 Steak, T-Bone. lb 95 Steak, round, lb .65 Pork Tenderloin, lb 1.05 Advertise ln the Dally News! Try Classified Ad lor ReiulU pert chapter with honors and "w wuir ui Keeping wun ner potiuuii. A highlight of the convention, she said, was the parade along Market Street, which was led by a live Moose and which wa3 made up ui uuais una arm teams representing hundreds of lodges and chapters throughout the world. The vast Mooseheart children's home, near Chicago was described by Mrs. Lundstrom. Ac tual "home" to more than 800 children of Moose members who have suffered misfoitune, Mooseheart is a happy, self-supporting place where crafts anO trades are taught. Individual initiative and community responsibility are blended to develop the best m citizenship. The home comprises an integrated community of some 1,200 acres operated by the children under guidance of tiained adults. A fine, new church with both Protestant and Catholic chapels is now nearlng completion. Following the addre3sea, refreshments were served and a social evening enoyed by the members. Chairman of the meeting was Senior Regent Mrs. Harold Muncey. ( Pri rince Rupert Florist ( JjOO 3t 3rd Ave aoxBia Tel. 777 Flo Flower for All Occasions a Mobilestore On Wheels times I do several in bne day.-- It uc tt.uuuu w,e cuuiuiy more than anvthine I know of." , , rae . galloping golfer claimsl nrofessionnl from pv r i have ever plaved He played his 1,000th course on his 50th birthday, his 2,000th on his 58th and his 2,800th on his 67th birthday this year. :- Jv' t: H' 1 jVf : ILddL iiteA jCJl MEMBER FROM MONTREAL Arthur Surveyer of Mon- treal is the only member of the Massey Commission on Cultural Devefopment not connected with academic activities. . He Is a civil engineer while the other members of the commission are closely associated with universities Following the end of public hearings in Ottawa, the commission is touring Canada. (C. P. Photo) CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo; Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) I Your House is an Asset MAINTAIN ITS VALUE . i , MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS NOW! For EstimnU-s and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors llillllllllll -ye 1 1 JUaUWD VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SXMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, Sept. 9 and 23 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, Sept. 2, 16, 30 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue - Phons 668 Hours 7 am to H PRINCE i open r1' Saturdays-1 to Uf PIIOSE Bowi ros itrCE IN11 SuppW 712 Paper Towels - Paper ion SALE ONE 1938 FORD BUS WITH OR WITHOUT ENGINE WHICH IS IN GOOD CONDITION Deodorants - Disi Suitable for A Home Genuine DUSTBANE Sweeping MOPS- BRUSHES Price Is reasonable suitable terms can be arranged For Cleaning and Janitor Ml PRI'SCE RUPERT SiW? Thone G32 n3 2-