.1 I 1 PROVINCIAL MIMES DRUGS VICT Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NXWBPAPZR CABS Published at Canada! Most Strategic Pacific PortTrince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHOIIE 81 VOL.' XXXVIII, No. 215. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS y D evelopm cnt U n A S. Fray LOTTERY CHARGES ARE DISMISSED hGIHA PIPELINE TO BE III V ... j M A AMI JK I kill I U President Roosevelt's Name Tied In With Syndicate Said To GIVE-AWAY SHOWS GET TEMPORARY STAY ON AIR CHICAGO 9 A federal judge blocked temporarily an order i VANCOUVER 'r Charges of! conducting a lottery laid against! Y FALL 1V5U, LUMrAKY iAYi t Oil should be flowing through the , irina line by the fall of 1950 and to the four officials of the West Point Grey Community Association by the Federal Communications fit. t' Commission banning radio '.'Jive-away" shows In the Unit were dismissed by Magistrate MacKenzie Matheson in police court Monday. fir jdSlipCrior, iiistuiisiii, cany in iwi, ed States and the networks said ikins, president of Interprovmcial ripe ' .1 t.wl.tir f r 1 mt'in rr liAfililnrv rff V. The Magistrate said that he they will continue the shows full blast until the courts finally settle the Issue. was not seeking to lay down rules In the case of latteries and that his findings were not to be taken as a criticism of the '4 Have Used Mails Fraudently 'Prince Rupert Development Co.' Got B.C. Lands As Favor For Wartime Ship Deal A man who tied in the name of the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt with an apparently non-existent firm known as the Prince Rupert Development Company, was arrested today in Minneapolis and charged with mail fraud and the issuance of fraudulent stocks. The man, Identified as Ing- ' wald S. Steensland, used Roose-1 sociated with Steensland's de ' Judge Michael L. Igoe granted a temporary Injunction against the F.C.C: on plea of Radio Features Inc., a Chicago firm .plication for a Regina-Gretna extension Traii-sp'Tt Com- j - 1 r structlon Is expected to employ has been ap-j between 1,000 and 1,500 men for i granting of a i about 100 days and work will t crude oil by 1 probably be In progress at as oi Trade and ; many as 10 different locations along the line at the same time, received t h e j Contractors' equipment Involved He said: "It was all done the eyes of the police officers. At the last minute, when hundreds of citizens had bought that produces syndicated radio programs. . . - The restraining order will remain in effect until a three-Judge federal court convenes on October 7. tickets on the draw, the police stepped In . . ." il June 10. to at each point will probably be mile line from worth about $500,000. - velopment firm. ' So Churchill and the Kinj, gina The Re- j Terminal facilities at Superior enslmi is 310 1 will Include loading docks for CAPS CAPTURE SECOND GAME Steensland went on, got Parliament to convey title to a i is required to; lake tankers and It le expected JET FLYS 3.600 MILES NON-STOPtprovin? that jet planes are capable of sustained flight, this Gloucester Meteor set an endurance record of 12 hours continuous flight, flying 3,600 miles In that time, ft refuelled In the air by pipeline, shown centre, suspended by a "tanker" plane. The. Gloucester pilot aimed the plane's snout at the funnel on the end of the pipe, took on fuel, kept on flying. . jr final 300 miles that some 57,000 barrels a day vast tract of British Colum- . YAKIMA Vt, Lean, righthander Bob Snyder a 22-game Superior. will be shipped by tanker to FIRST CARGO DELIVERED TO SHELL TANKS bia land rich In timber and velt's name to promote the sale of stocks In a company, which would develop a- vast tract pf land In British Columbia, rich In timber and coal, the American government charges. Howard Gelb, assistant United States District Attorney, at Minneapolis, gave this account of 'teensland's alleged operations: The Minneapolis man operated a company, known as Mid tlie choice. ! Canadian refineries. As naviga- winner this season pitched the Vancouver Capilanos to a 3-2 route for the ; lion on the Oreat Lakes Is closed jthe lme was In-1 for about five months of the coal, to a syndicate S teens-. land represented Gelb said that Investors la . win over the pennant-winning itatantlally low- Bears last night in 10 1 Improved 1 Method . Of . . Taking n Oil Yaklma Innings The Shell Oil Co. tanker West have been Minnesota, I e w a, Wisconsin, f I uld an ,ny ern ' Shell docked at the Com year, storage capacity , for at least 1.000,000 barrels will be constructed at Superior, which will permit the sl'-ady accumulation of oil during the closed Canadian The Cap victory gave the vis I broni Loal Reduces (mt b actor North and South Dakota and some Canadian provinces - lost Sure In the Ani- pahy'a wharf near the grain ele- 1(1 is shorter and Va tor this morning to make In more than $100,000. . . :. ...... cut off for any reason, the itial delivery of 250,000 gallons By NORMAN ALTSTEDTER Canadian Press Staff Writer itors a 2-0 edge in the five gam final playoff series in the Western International League. The third game will be played tonight In Vancouver. i generally flat, ' season. Lnil and ii an n almost almost ! Cost of constructing the line A bench warrent was serve 1 country's economic and mili of ' oils and gasoline to Shell's on Steensland Tuesday, he w n be followed. has been estimated at $85 mu new storage facilities on the held under $2,000 ball. tary security will be backed by adequate methods of producing oil from coal. rrain between Uons. An additional $5 million Morse Creek flaU. the Prince Rupert Development Company, which, Steensland claimed, was organized under a secret Canadian corporations act. Steensland represented that after President Roosevelt In 1940 negotiated delivery of 50 over-age destroyers to Britain, Prime Minister Churchill want BRUCETON, Pa., 0 United States government scientists have improved on the German methods of making oil from coal Lkflii'ad is rug- twill be required as working capl- The vessel's arrival marks the final step In an expansion pro- CHvered with ' tal, bringing the total projected wlih lakes and 'cost to $90 millions. (Responsible peron3 In Prince Rupert- today wr unable to find any company known as th Prince Rupert Development gram which has resulted In the which were a vital factor In the company entering the domestic, strength of the Nazi war mach- Dwindling petroleum reserves in the United States have been a major spur to development of new processes. . Since the war they have lm- ATTEMPT OH MOUNT ARARAT ysiral difflcul- marlne and industrial lubricant lne. 1 illding the pipe Company listed as owning prop and fuel business In this city. That Is the claim of Dr. Hen- Imit'iry would erty In this land district. Sev ed to "do something big" for in-able. eral early companies with names yroceed the synthetic fuel pro- Tf AITIM!1C ceies to a point where the Ger- J jW nU L man methods now are obsolete, Under command of Capt. R. C. ry H. 8torch, chief of the re-1 Lalng, the tanker will remain search and development branch I ONTARIO MAN HEADS WEEKLY PAPER ASS'H (pit lo ReRina the approximately th same wer Roosevelt. And the President, In turn, wanted to do a favor for a friend In Chicago closely as- of of the United States office the department says. ' SURBEHAN, Turkey xne synthetic liquid fuels, 20-inrli pipe; Gretna of 10-Grelna to the ' Officials told the vlsitlne party of Americans that made organized, but none 0! these has been recently active not have any connection with. : ' ' Steensland's operations. A present gasoline can, be ,, s.al OI 30o ue. attempt .Upscale.. ..Mount, made. Irom coal for only two fiere here wll will eventually eventually "make Ararat will try again. This time, p Tl(i)l;in.-i wirt JASr-ER -The Canadian Weekly Jnrcrune of pipe Newspapers Association today ei- they may be away longer and be here until Saturday afternoon before sailing south. . She will be here during the local plant's official oenlng Friday afternoon. . Officials of the company who are due to arrive this week Include N. V. Knox, vice-president and general manager, who will arrive by boat Thursday, and cents more a gaiion man gasu- avallaDle a potential reserve of favored with better weather. me have becu'ected Rov M. Bean, of Waterloo. They say their objective is to 'ilvrieti should the third quar- BRITAIN MUM try and determine, definitely Ontario, as Its president. C. J Allbon, of Sprlnghtll, Nova Sco Ma. Is past president. line produced irom peiroieum, synthetic gasoline and oil dwarf-Storch said. Mehods are being Jng B our otrier resources." Improved and It Is hoped to. bring the cost down. j TO GET ELEVATOR . Storch made the estimate for', RAINY RIVER, Ont. m A a group of scientists, experts by-law approving construction .000 tons ON DEVALUATION A 4 ml 177.01 J lequilTd. i'v nf ll G. E. McKinnon, assistant to the the line and absolutely if anywhere on the vast peak can there be a trace of Noah's Ark. So far, there ts one story only recently disclosed, that origin vlce-oresldent. and J. M. Court- Other officers elected at the f nal business session of the four-iday convention at Jasper Park will right, provincial retail sales man- and administrators visiting the 0f Rainy River's first grain ele- 'i to Regini na '4 f crude oil a 1 T-nrlrrp uere f.anff Kanria nf Mls- SUGGESTION WASHINGTON J Silence from Britain'! monetary dele ated at the time of the first SMna it will be:slim Cty, B.C., first I'lay. Additional ;(rlll; A w Hanka of Bt. James, ran De artrlerl Great War. There were pictures of amazing Interest taken, and which might have led to astonishing developments but for the gation Indicated today that it has no present Intenton of yield ager, who will arrive Dy piane. . Aboard the Western Shell were H. L. lllnchcllffe, operations manager for the company, and R. M. Nicol, marine manage?. THL WLATHLR Bureau ot Mines Laooratones vator was approved recenuy. here following the United Na- Eighty-two voters approved tions scientific conference. The and not one voter opposed it. visitors, from 41 countries, In- eluding Canada, are touring EDMONTON fc Oil worker I conservation projects In. the Angus MacDonald added fur- ; eastern United States. ther evidence to reports that J The $3,500,000 experimental Alberta Is being invaded by rats. .,iint. hprp M-a. built in 1947 to His ieeD ran over a rat more otnerease the ra- Manitoba, second vice-president The new directors elected toil. are: A. W. Lundell. Revel- ing to pressure for devaluation of the pound. Russian revolution. Certain iti mnre than 4(1D . . .... ..... ana Irving wiison, fori tsioKe, has already . .... ...... t. .....wi.l Important reports and records Some United States officials - murini, tor unuhii voiumuiti, i were lost forever with the death 1 Actual at the fourth annual meeting W. W. Draayer, Wetasklwln, and of the Russian Royal Family. . of the World Bank and Interna .(help ensure tnati if united than a foot long arid weighing Synopsis ! states petroleum supplies are about six pounds. Rain Is general this morning . . According to tn;s story, a !C A. Clark. High River, Al- j I AhlCC' i'vita: Walter Aahficld, Orenfell, tj" LfAUlLj R. Monro, f.wift Current, and White . Russian, Vladimar Ros-kovitsky, in the Russian Air tional monetary fund conceded that they can see no sign that Britain will glv ground In the near future. along the southern coast and in 1 the central interior and should mmmJr Force was stationed with his D SALE in-ranged fall spread to the southern Interior squadron 25 miles from Ararat. A. a. King, Estevan, Saskatchewan, N. 8. McLean, Ehmvood, and J. n. McLachfan, Vlrdcn, Manitoba; W. H. Cranston, Col One day he took up a machine by this evening. Skies occasionally k clear along tne northern coast jN v lin O Sims, Klngsville, W. K. Walls. Barrie, and C. E. Bond, but will become cloudy In this rezlon during the afternoon. motif for the twine cooking thf Lutheran Aid Saturday a lari;e number HEADS COMMISSION For mer Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom and chancellor of the University of Toronto, Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey Is chairman of the Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences. The commission will make a country-wide tour after It concludes its hearings In Ottawa. (C. P. Photo) New LLskcard. Ontario: H. E equipped with a super-charger to test altitude. He circled the snow-capped mountain at 14,000 feet and then went Into a long glide down Its southern slope. Then, to his amazement, he saw, be The fund's annual report poured on Britain the heaviesi pressure to dat without mentioning either that country or its currency by name. It invited the deficit countries those like Britain which have critical dollar shortage to increase their exports and their dollar earning capacity. Some Improvement In weatiier Is expected over southern coast this afernoon and evening. Forecast out. McCormlck, Montreal, and Albert Wallot, Valley field, Quebec; G. C. Day, Liverpool, O C. ray, Plctou, and W. B. Sawdon, Hansen, pres- neath him a ship "as long as a Lajies Aid and Mrs. 1 tile nf tlm North Coast Region Cloudy with occasionaf showers today and Thursday morning becom city block." It has stubby masts 1 Wttuejrts Un A and the top was rounded ever Sackvllle, Murltlmes. W. E. McCarnry, of Brampton, Ontario, was re-appointed .. i.iui. n. fhir-o nf the as though Its designer had ex 1 1 a?;itvn h' pected the waves to roll over. the nanaging director and secre- Julia top most of the time. iuii.cn, and tary-treasurer of the Association. It was lying partly submerged ing overcast with rain Thursday alternoon and evening. Winds westerly 20) today decreasing to light tonight and Increasing again Thursday afternoon and evening to southeast (25). Little chanee In temperature. Lows Mrs. H-irnlil In a lake and on one side was 1 -i great doorway nearly twenty JOINT BklTISH-U.S. ANTI-RED POLICY MOOTED 'vfi's.sum, MrS r 1 M. Iletlund.' ' ! a ea hier feet square" where the animals went In two by two." This the i t.'i w- t c-' ; tonight and highs Thursday ai ""ll" llnnie (M,' l... pilot saw, according to the story Port Hardy, Masset and prince Mr A ii.,.. . and so did the observer, whose Rupert, 52 and 62. .Hl.Vljf 1,, f MrK- L. Olse-i name Is not given. . , ft the novel! i The airmen reported their JERUSALEM discovery and made anotner visit to the scene with their cap PROPOSAL WASHINGTON W - Develop-nient of antl-coijimunlst policies by Britain and the United States In the Far East along largely parallel lines was forecast to day by diplomatic authorities. Their prediction was based on talks now under way between Foreign Secretary Erneot Bevtn and State Secretary Dean Ache- tain who told them the strange HITS TROUBLE Vv f 1 1 - S " iliip was Noah's Ark, and that it. had been burled In loe for LAKE SUCCESS tP A new United Nations proposal for In SCORES ''-Bonal ' . Plttshurgh 11 Oliictnnatl 3 " Louis 1 5,000 years. The captain In turn reported to his superiors and the Czar sent two companies of soldiers to climb the ternational control of Jerusalem appeared today to be headed for son. The two were believed ir be in agreement, particularly trouble. that a peace treaty for Japan 'mountain and investigate. It took them a month, of climbing The plan was submitted yes Postponed Is long overdue. terday for consideration in the and chopping, but they reached There were 110 conclusions re ROBESON PROTESTS AGAINST PROTESTERS-faul Robeson was the picture of Indignation as he spoke to reporters at a press 1 at t ntt n.4 i t ,r itnarat.ii YinH nssist.pfl 39-country assembly by tne r ai- the ship, took exact measure ported as to whether or not tht pstine Conciliation Commission ments and many pictures, and western powers should now pro sent them off to the Czar. Just ceed to active work on drafting the Japanese treaty or without conference, cnarging xiun. hwk -fi """ "in the acts of terror" that took place during the three-hour rioting at the scene of a scheduled concert near Pkskill, N.Y. Veterans of the American Legion, vets of Foreign Wars. Catholic war veterans and Jewish war veterans had staged a parade which was to benefit the Harlem protesting the concert by Robeson, branch of the Civil Rights congress, and clashed with Robe- the active participation of Rus then came the revolution in Russia the records were never made public and probably were destroyed in the zeal of the Bol as the basis for peace In tiv Holy City. . U.N. delegates were reluctant to comment on the plan until they had time to give 16 more study, but Informed quarters said that bitter opposition may be expected, at least from the HELD IN ROBBERY Lou Ward, alias Louis Molner, 27, faces six charges of jewelry theft and police are probing the possibility he may be the smooth-talking thief who charmed Vancouver social circles to pave the way for large-scale robberies. Ward, shown being led Into a Toronto police station was arrested In a Toronto hotel Sunday as he answered the description of a man wanted by the Vancouver police in connection with several 'thefts including a $30,000 jewelry robLery. We Is a former resident of Hrntford, Ont. tC P- Photo) sia. wniber 15 1P49 sheviks to discredit all religion. Don McAra, who has spent the H.6 feet 17.4 feet mpporters. Cars were overturned, one vewrau . son s' last year working In Vancouver and all belief in the truth of the Bible. and 13 people in all required hospital treatment 75 feet 'returned to the city this after- 6 31 , i8;U -"0:19 .11.51 I i Israeli government. -j tin f et rtonn on the Prince George.