prfnce Unpen Daflp r3etos Saturday, September 17, 1S49 ervice$iC1uitvcliS I rv.... Chinese and Tito ' Problems to Come Before Assembly LAKE SUCCESS. N.Y. 0 The Chinese and Stalin-Tito situations loomed today as inter- NELSON. B.C. V An Engljh- nian's ashes lie 'today under the .Union Jack at Xakeslde Park here. An unidentified woman and her daughter scattered the ashes among roses at the flag-pole's base. She said her husband's dying wish had been that -d independent dI!y newspaper aevoteo to Dt uptjulldln of itIbm Rupen ad 11 communHlin coir.pruiiog northern nd central Brltun Columbl PRINCE (AuUiortaed u Second C:as Mall. Poet Oin Depertmens. utiw) j Putmsftea ever? aJiemooa ercept Sunday by i Prince Rupert Dally New Ltd.." 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. BIKah Columbia. IN LOc!) Q. A. HTJNTEK. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. DIRECTORY 1 SATURDAY SERMON etTBSCRlPTlON RATTS -T his ashes be placed beneath a national problems which might By Mall. Per Mouth. 50c; Per Year. S00 -una-- Union Jack on Canadian soil. bring the longest debates at the United Nations' fourth General Assembly, It was reported that both ques- First United Church 636 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert. B.C. Rev. Lawrence Q. Bieber j tlons would be brought before THE WAGES OF SIN By Rev. F. Antrobus, First Baptist Church "For the wages of sin Is death; but the free gift of God Is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord," Romans 6:23. There are three great contrasts here in this God is contrasted with sin; wages with free North Vei Fur Rfservau. C OR DEft Pr'nce R. ine aa-couniry-meeting Wnen it opens Tuesday at Flushing Meadow. However, no delegation has yet made a formal move to bring either of the matters up. 11:00 -Morning Worship. "What Do You. See?" fierrtren In all rhurrhe at II and :3 p.m.: Hiinduy Kebaul at li 13 rwrpt as ohown. ANGLICAN CATHKKHAL 4th Ave. W at Dunsmulr St. Holy Communion 8 30 am. Sunday School 2 00 p m. Canon Basil 8 Prockter. BA..BD. Rector:' (Blue 7S3( FIRST Btl'TIST 6th Are. B at Young 8t Minister: Re. Fred Antrobui (Green 81!) FIRST PRF.SBYTF.KI.IM th Avenue last FIRST UNITED 836 6th Ave. 'West Rev. L. G. Sieber (Green 8131 FILL OOSPEL TABF.RVU'LB 202 6fh Ave. West Pastor: C. Fawcett (Green 331) gift; and life with death. Sin is an employer of labor. i children's story: -Adventure j perhaps the most eiye, employer in the world. He ; n? is Dound by strong law to pay wages, to every one wno ; sermon: "We, the People, Are FARMING MEASURE Furlong is a corruption of "furrow-long," the length of a slfle of a squure field 10 acret in extent. IKS mm.) mm works for hira. It is true he. does not pay in full at the . end of each week, or month, for : : the Problem." YOU ARE INVITED ' his kind of wages Is unfavorable standing over such and mock- JPelcome Shell! I NCREASED EMPHASIS Is given Prince Rupert in the establishment of I as a distribution centre the handsome new plant of the Shell Oil Company of British Columbia Limited. The official opening of the premises took place yesterday, and to all who had the privilege of being present, the occasion was one of outstanding interest and pleasure. It is a source of much satisfaction to find here the Sales Agency and Bulk Storage Depot of an organization such as Shell Oil. This unit completes the link where servicing embracing a wide and steady developing territory, becomes available. This includes the Queen Charlotte Islands, south to Ocean Falls and as far east as Prince George. It is within this area that today, some of the most important industrial expansion in the west is now taking place, and in prospect. i The development is another expression of the faith and confidence being shown in Northern British Columbia. , ine their vain calculations. Man to this method. Nevertheless, Nevertheless, every day of la-ifcas done a piece ot worll Ior sin ibor becomes a debt to the mas j today and Sin will pay him his ter. Sin, and is kept record of, wages, in inclining him to do I' Real , and will be recompensed by Kim the same tomorrow. Tomorrow, ! Jn due course, as long as the re-'the voice of inclination will be j lationship between himself and stronger, the voice of conscience! the worker continues to' hold, weaker, his will more under j and the worker remains the ser-. bondage. He will more likely do 1 !vant of sin to the end. Small. a8ain 'nat he has done once- i 8LVATI1! ARMY Praser SUJef CO.: Major w. Tuseija Directory Class a .30 p m. Sunday School S OO pm. (Black 26tli ST. PAIL'S LLTIII'RAN 5th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: 3. Solland (Black 610 ST. PLTFR'R ANGLICAN Seal Cove Archdeacon B. Hoc son Sunday School 11:00 a m. Evening Prayer i :30 p m. (Blue 327) 1 Clean AT TJIE - Full Gospel 'Tabernacle 202 Sixth Avenue West STARTING SEPTEMBER 18 Evangelist Eunice Meyer Sunday 11 and 7:30. Tuesday through Friday, 8:00, WHATEVER YOUR NEED COME ALONQ PASTOR: C. FAWf'KTT Green 331 V installments of wages are paid : find il leiS difficult, and at the ; as time goes on, but the day of j same tiine feel les-s remorseful, j reckoning comes at the end of j "Great oaks from little acorns I life. One thing these small in- grow:" so it Is with sin. An i stallments do, as the Jiumanevil imagination encouraged, an r Pric Don't I I body does when overstrained, is ! impure thought harbored, . an : ! to give strong hints and warn- I unholy ambtion controlling us: ! I ings of recompense which comes J and the work is begun; what : in the end. , the progression and end will be, ' Everyone agrees with the no human tongue can describe, ; -w mm a U :Isp,C lit ?:- v !r I) MEN'S DRESS AMi ; statement, that the 'wages of but the Bible says, it is 'death.' sin is death.' in the ease of the j "There Is a way which seems dishonest, the intemperate, the : right to a man, but the end grossly immoral, the murderer, ; thereof are the ways of death." who reap the fruit of their own I beseech you in Jesus name, evil deeds in their own bodies,; take Jesus Christ as your Savor in civil punishment. Great iour and Master: break with your SOX-No MEN'S SPORT SHI! Now REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH (Fundamentalist S29 E. 6th tNear High School i Phone 369 SUNDAY, SEPT. 18, 1949 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. (Attendance even better last Sunday Every scholar be on hand this week) 7:30 p.m. Gospel Service. Speaker: G. R. S. Blackaby. A QUESTION OF LOYALTY" Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Mon., 7:30 p.m. Young People's Society WE BELIEVE AND PREACH THE OLD-TIME GOSPEL -: . ..'TP j MEN'S WORK SHll j .) J , cause have such persons to say, present master and serve the , 'In serving sin, I have served a ; Lord. Just master. I have received an! MEN'S WORK PA.V. "f Now . Army , MEN'S DRESS PAYI1 Istiortnirnt, perfect i The Salvation Citadel Now MEN'S ALL-W001 : exact equivalent for each sin- j ' f ul desire.' ' It is not so obvious but just .as true, that. this law follows in ; . far short of criminal, ex- cess. We see it in the way sin pays off in kind. Let a christian I man neglect prayer, Bible read-1 ing. the Sabbath Day, or any i FISHERMEN'S Mill cut Now eeee ! MfcYS RAINCOAftJ fitting MEN'S GABAKP1M ! Full linrd Major and Mrs. Yurgensen SUMMER CONGRESS MEETINGS . Saturday, 8 p.m. Musical Salute and Welcome. SUNDAY Holiness Meeting. 11 a.m. Sunday School, 2 p.m. Citizens' Ralley, 3 p.m. Salvation Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Monday, September 19, 8 p.m., Public Rally. Colonel G. Best, Field Secre- f - ; v j MEN'S COVERT CU I t ft I v . s. -v. --ri thing which to him, is the known ' will of God; to him it is sin. He j supposes himself free to resume I any of these interrupted habits when he will; he thinks he is j his own master, and what he 4 V . . " 'V- I 111 COATS Tops in Uii Chose fit MEN'S SLEEVELESS SWEATERS BOYS' AI.L-ND01 has willed one day, he may tomorrow will the opposite. Young and old think . tbey SWEATERS-N'u Ir r HOYS' ALL-WOOL f J roay always and quickly recover tary for Canada. Newfoundland lifg. $4.59 BOYS' SCHOOL Fll any pet indulgence of the hour, and Bermuda, will conduct thes; and regain the right way easily Congress gatherings. just by a decision. But Sin is You are cordially invited. Well -made BOYS' KAINCOATS-I filling First Presbj teriair Church Dnecior of Music: Mrs. E. J, Smith BOYS' ALL-WOOL M JACKETS You'll seHhe pace BOYS' SOXSpwol i LEBANESE ENVOY Nadim Dlmchkio, consul-general designate of Lebanon, said on 'his arrival to Canada that two of his main purposes will be to foster trade between his country and the Dominion and to help Lebanese immigrants settle in Canada. The diplomat is shown with his wife and two-year-old son, Riad, as they arrived in Montreal on the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Canada. (CP. Photo) D coo id Dunann really stand ouQ !" What a color . . . thai new Autumn Red! Hold n a amiKet . . . rhaiiBina a a cloud . . . Wp red, pol.l, y-llow . . . hlendiiiK , . . nuTtting . . . drifting wet jour roof like a windblown autumn fudd! And equally thrilling ... the new Garden Green and Mountain Blue lilendxt These rolora, Pl.l'S all the luninu other Duroid features , . . axplndt ohingleit that are fire retardant . . . permanently Itrjxht . . . that Mon't fude and never nrxl puiiliug . . . give you the ' very Iw-kt rMf huv on the market today! Iniitt on the lM-nt . . . Genuine Duroid Awpludt Shingle in 2-ten ntjle. Tlaee BOYS SCHOOL SUffl Sp'fial IECKIES ON YOUR FEET YVA BLANKETS Pw 'i Church Service Sunday Morning ONLY Mr. Ewold, Guest Speaker Anthem: Junior Choir 'In Our Hearts Celestial Voices" Sunday School at 12:15 p.m. SLIT CASES- DAILY NEWS MEETS (Continued trom l-age 1) u... .!.. I Inn . Tltl NKS--C-oinl tM i member for Skeena and was assured that Ted Applewhaite is i a congenial and compatible soul ' who will team up well with anybody Liberal, C.C.F.'er or Tory hub tarians he had met during hi. day including such personage as Olof Hanson nnrl Wurrv Por-v 1 -who has the good of Canada for both fif I'hnm hp pvnmcoH and Rritish Pdlnmhia of Uonri I SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop, PIIONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET your order now with your neareitt Sidney PrtMlurU IKuler. Complee ruHyl.follw iiiblriK tiona in every package, DuroitI, made only by ' JOHN high admiration and regard and especially one who can give' even if they are Libera's. i him a hand in the Interests of Meantime, Grace, daughter of Skeena. Angus and Ted should respected C.C.F. founder, J. S. g"4 on nicely down here. They Wfwlsvorth, went on with her both have the interests of th( knitting. Grace Is a lovely young ordinary folks at heart, lariy of charm and personality j Another Parliamentarian we .she. is so natural too. Angus saw and chatted with was Wil-probably owes a great deal of liam Brice of Winnipeg West his long sustained political sue- who everybody knows and to Grace. fectionately calls "Scotty." He is Angus was also interested to a C.C.F.'er too, another member Hear how Harry Archibald was , of his party w ho was able to getting along now. He wanted survive the Liberal landslide of to know, too, about the new 'last June. BULGE ROOFING & PAPER CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT VICtOIA VANCOUVM Try the. Princeton for 'round year style and friendlv comfort It's a. dresy, brogue in rich brown calf-a shoe that 0okS right, feels. right, anytime. Ask your -shoe deajer for The Princeton -a Leekie JohnBuIgLl Third A" quality shoe. i ANNOUNCEMENT As an added convenience to our subscribers in Prlnco Rupert, arrangements are being made to have all subscriptions fall due on the first day of each month. Any assistance our subscribers can give our carriers to facilitate this change will be appreciated by this newspaper. QUALITY. SHOES FARM AND ORCHARD 5.74 Acres HOUSE FULLY MODERN WATER FROM MUNICIPAL MAIN FOR QUICK SALE $3,000.00 Cash E. T. KENNEY LIMITED TERRACE, B.C. (223i. THE SALVATION ARMY SUMMER CONGRESS Conducted by Colonel Gilbert Best Pl'BLIC MEETINGS Friday, September 16th, 8 p.m. Devotional Meeting. Saturday, Sept. 17th Musical Salute and Welcome, 8 p.m. Sunday, September 18lh 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m Citizens' Rally Mr. Louis M. Felsenthal, Chairman Red Shield Campaign will preside Colonel Gilbert Best will speak. "Our Standing Army." Monday, September 19th, 8 p.m. Public Rally YOU, ARE CORDIALLY INVITED WHAT'S yOUR PR08lM?j i TOQ MUCH GRINDSTONE ISN'T GOOp . . . ORMES DRUGS Do,, J'""'1" ,,,,." DRUGS I HOM f "irt (ff. -V "V TT for the househpld We suggest, a, little relaxation such as a Dinner Date at the BROOMS " DUST MOPS PAPER TOWELS PAINT ROLLERS - BRUSHES GALVANIZED TUBS CLOTHES. DRIERS CARPET SWEEPERS. EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING. FOL.NDATJON3 Let us help you plan that new home under the NJI.A. Phone Green 183 . Box 586 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOUP3 WEEK . DAYS, 9 A.H. TO 8 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS--12 NOON TO 1 P.M. 7 P.M. TO, 9 P.M. Dallfcardellvery gervlce . Emergency bicycle dedvery , .. ' from 7 pm, till 9 o m. from. 9 ft.m.,tlJL.8,B!m. and, Sunday; Civic Centre DiNhxc, R com For Reservations and Chicken in The Rough Phone Red705 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD PHONE 101 255 THIRD AVENUE