33 Pttncl HUptti Pan mto 3 Saturday, September 17, 1949 ' a HOTEL ARRIVALS iiiMg Our Stock of Famous McLEOD UIVEU COAL Is Complete Prince Rupert Gordon Si Anderson Axminster Rugs. Mr. andMrs. H. Estlin, Prince sell (218) George; V. Alberti, Metaire, Cash lor old gold. Bulger's Mr and Mrs. George Cloutier left by car Thursday evening on an extended holiday. They plan to motor .to Seattle and LUMP EGG NUT STOKER Louisiana; C. Cruickshank, Inverness; A. W. Priest, Sandspit; D.D. MacQueen, Vancouver; J, P. M. Ray left by air today on a business trip to Vancouver. New Fall samples Just arrived including many shades of gabardine at Tip Top Tailors, 4th DAKS Slacks Made in England by S. Simpson Ltd. M. Courtright, Vancouver; G. E. I W X C I III Final arrangements for its Street. (218) rt&McCaffery McKinnon, Vancouver; C. E. Salter, Carlisle; H. L. Hinchcliffe, Vancouver; H. F. Worsley, Vancouver; J. Fraser, Porcher Island; D. Taylor, Victoria; R. Shield, Seattle; H. J. Meyer, Van LIMITED PHONE 116 Oene Lefler, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lefler of Vancouver who was killed recently in a traffic accident at the southern city, formerly lived In Prince Rupert. His father Is a representative of a wholesale hardware company In this district. The boy went to Vancouver some time ago with his mother who is 111. forthcoming fall bazaar were made by the Women of the Moose homemaking committee at a meeting at the home of Mrs. S. Haugan Wednesday evening. Following the business discussion the 12 members enjoyed cards and refreshments. Those present were Mrs. J. Hoskins, Mrs. R. Giske, Mrs. T. Christoff, Mrs. J. Kasper, Mrs F. DeBlass, Mrs W. Terry, Mrs. K. Cassldy, Mrs. H. Muncey, Mrs. B. J Bacon, Mrs. O. Stegavig, Mrs. R. Johnson and Mrs. S. Haugan. couver; W. B. Hall, Seattle; D. DeVitt, Vancouver; Mrs. P. Buch-an and daughter, Carlyle, Yvonne Eyford, City; Isabelle Nyeste, Burns Lake; D. J. Doswell, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, Terrace; Mrs. K. DeWitt, "You talk to him. He wouldn't listen to me." Try a Classifiea Ad for Results Lg is payable in advance. Please retrain from t lieds 2c per word per Insertion, minimum '.Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, thrriace and Engagement Announcements; i '""&, ivllO! c DDirB DRAB DESIGN FEATURE OF BERLIN FASHION Former War Prisonrr Says Styles Inspired By Art Of Old Masters SEA FIGHTER The early corvette was a sailing man-of-war, having three square-rigged masts and carrying her broadside guns under a covered deck. WANWU iroiNB plat plate WANTED TO RENT Small house or 3 room suite. Phone No. Black 548. (220) nder please ws Office. (218) WANTED TO RENT By Dec. We are pleased to announce that we now have the agency for DAKS trousers. Made with a patented waist-band, a feature which assures the wearer of perfect fit and comfort. DAKS trousers need no suspenders or belt. Perfectly styled Daks are tailored by skilled ' craftsment to give good fit, smartness and long wearing quality. Priced at, $25,008, $28.50 15 or Jan. 1, 3 room apart -7, All Accounts Due to the Late Dr. C. H. Hankinson are to be paid at the office of S. G. FUkK Room 3, Stone Building By MURIEL Narraway case in or ment. Apply Box 583 Daily, News Olnce or Phone Black 608. (f) Canadian Press Staff Writer ilice. rinuer . iimivih r Dally N'ws 1220) WANTED TO RENT Three " . room house or apartment,. bacE tn the dress business. i furnished or unfurnished. Re- One of the counlrv'a tm rlrpo: ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER Sular wrist phunc Green ward offered. Phone 70 Taxi, ripsnpr!, , rw.raa,, BKfcATHK.ASY (219) l.til. Vam'Oiiver. a former prisoner of war in Rus WKDo7,?eeCY1o5unrcS no children, non drinkers. I945 and held his first fashion Applv Box 1368 City. (219) show by candlelight in a small niplim black-M lb. anvil. 1221) V .Y.FOH RESTFUL NIGHTS 4 back room. PFOTTTmrn Rv rfiii nip nnrl v-VU V 6 I 4 l l Ford Army since.. New r motor seal u. new van, fcj. excellent fct. City. (218) kitchen rab-I (221) feed lumber 4li 629 6tll Av. & Lsed Fnrn-t and ofilcf .v i - school aye boy. 3 or 4 room Today he has an elegant salon suite or house, furnished or in the west end of Berlin and a aUbn.feUraMr SSSLS. busl"css' " Phone Mrs. Finney at Corn- j the United States and Switzer- mcrclal Hotel. (220) land. I inl Tllc Clothrs? I W ANTED R oom and board home of widow or quiet couple "Well," says a British reporter, for respectable single lady. ! "Berlin is the drabbest city in Blueenfl23 p n?2if Europe and these are the drab- - I best clothes I have ever seen." WANTED Furnirihed 2 -room b,j , , ,,, , suite, clase in. Apply Box 584 Supposed to typify the present Dally News Office. (219) reactions of the German house- wl(e- lhfV arc loosp' -ttiig W ANTED Employed respect-' able lady with sch(xl age and heavy child desirous of room and Jackets are wide, unfitted, Ann,dv &x MWly News with big pocket, and heavy re- PROGRESSIVE PUP Son Toi, Pekinese, which took best-of-show award at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver, lives in a electrically-heated do house with a loudspeaker linked with the kitchen of his owner, Mrs. Florence Clark. He answers Mrs. Clark's questions wii.li "woofs" over the two-way hookup. (C. P. Photo) tr-v coal and Sn?es, electric Itiectric press giston hand . lacks, heavy per, sunnily lug front and very high lack. For the straight skirts there are ooys bicycles. LOWEST CASTE Jogendra Nath Mandal, Pakistan's minister for law and labor, tt Pays to Aavertlse! Advertise In the Daily News. ANNOUNCEMENTS . ouilars. Office. , (219) vers. Skirts are wide with shape reefer-type, sloppy-joe jackets S'tleship Uno- plain less draping, or with bfg rovers, big cuffs and is regarded by orthodox Hindu nitiB at tne C. Furnitua straight ;with-: .a" hVavy,' bulky WANTED Auxiliary heater for electric stove Phone Black 752. (220) society as an '"untouchable." ( Advertisements Ire this column will look, instead of today's pencil sty slininess. . TVoolen Slockiups. .) REAL F.S-AT2 Advertise in tne Daily News! Classified Ads. Get Results. tremendous breast pocket, finished by a large 'kerchief neck-tlo to match the skirt. I A slipper satiii evening gow.l has matching cape which is a plain circle of materials. These are made up for him by leading Accoutrements are heavy wool-; be charged for a iuii momu at 25c per word United Church Supper, September 22. Tickets now available. Loyal Order . of Moose Men's and Women's Annua" Bazaar and Dance September 29th and len stockings with colored ankle 1 - . The W orld's Most Popular Nghtcup' clock, woollen gloves and woollen hood-cum-scarf. Shoes; are heavy, walking wedges witrr- Iai-; 1S5S FOR SALE Well locate house close in. One block from .schools, store, bus. 4 rooms, bath and pantry. On two lots, tenced. Inspection invited after 7 p m. 633 8th Ave. E. or phone Blue 715. (215) FOR SALE 7 room house, 4 German textile manufacturers : t-l Who are so confident of his success that they back him finan J0N NAMES ier Biuvels. i: es; Adam' littlefnrd Bros. ! 4 Maintenance Clamshell Suck Oranpies; fi'Tcte Mixers; trucks; Nelson I for Stockpile Rice Hort- II Pumps; Na- t Scrapers and aal All Steel : National Ills, National isnd Convevora, front Na-v Co. Ltd, C itfi HELF WANYF.D bedrooms, large garden. Phone Blue 370. (218) WANTED B 3y School uisinc-ill time secretary No. 52. fill FOR RALE Bavview Hotel as stenographer to act as secre cially. Prices? In Germany they range from $100 to $280 but the export prices are about 50 per cent less. which makes them muchclieapef than British ex Next Week tary to tne principal oi eouui Memorial Ilieh-- School and when not required at the school to be available for rintv in the School Board rooming house, 38 rooms steam heated. Phone Red 320. P. O Box 121, Prince Rupert, fl. C, (219 FOR SALE House $1500 down, also some furniture. Apply 1136 Hays Cove Ave (219) port prices. offices. Apply School Board Office, 19, Bcsncr Building. (218) 30th. Moose Temple on the 29th, Civic Centre on the 30th. Dance and drawing for prizes at Civic Centre. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. ' Presbyterian Tea, October 13. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Not. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. AiiUrew's Cathearal Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. I Ford Deluxe fiass condition. Pfii'f. A p n 1 v Station. (220i The Gila monster is a poisonous lizard of the sandy wastes of Arizona, Texas and New FOR SALE Larire four wartime home on 1st Overlook. Excel Pord Sedan, Jim entirely in 4 to free trans-fyself, wish to n lent view. Close to Fishermen s floats, busline and schools. Immediate occupancy. Reasonably priceo. Enquire at Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Eves. Green 297. (222) lasim: Her f P'Pt older car BOYS AND GIRLS Opportunity for earning, after school hours by delivering Dally News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at Daily News office. (tf HELP WANTED Service Station attendant, preferably with considerable experience. Bob Parker Ltd. ttf) Blue 155. (218) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Fncllsh buggy, Green 72ii. ,2191 Even for double the price you can't buy anything better than CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS! ppfparr now for Fall and froloreri Wiltnn IN FRINCE RUl'lStT AT THE Island City Builders 50S McBridc Street Blue 820 class eondl (10.00. Phone Winter Examinations. WVite M.C.C. School, 301 Enderton $25 allowance for your old washer and payments as low as $1.50 a week on the new Bldg., Wtnnlpee. Man. (h) PERSONAL Glidden Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES BLl'E 816 X (219 Psed shingles, iSl.OO per bun-I drop sidlna, 'fm thousand; and 1" x 6" Ptr thousand. J (243) one. BALAGNO Florist Phone Green 787 Bos 1193 WHY . . Go Watchless? in- ''iHfiriiir UNWANTED HAIR Permanently eradicated with Saca-Pelo. Hie most remarkable discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo Is, guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair and contains no chugs or chemicals. Lor-Bcer Lnb, 679 Granville, Vancouver, B C. ) Piece bedroom t condition. .1 (220) watlne GORDO:! & ANDERSON SAANICH PLUMBING AND HEATING (242) CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE ' i:nt In these days of exactitude, it's about impossible for a nian to do PERSONAL Stubborn skin ail; ments respond to "Kleerex quick healing Eczema, Psoriasis, Itch, Impetigo, Ringworm, etc. Two strengths medium, strong. Two sizes 59c $1.09. All druggists. (H) without a watch. 7 Sleeping room. 5. . (tf) 'Jin room elo"se ,efW. (216) s Wanted In these days of easily IF YOU WISH to buy or sell al boat or engine: We list in DETAIL. We advertise EXTENS IflaUarr bought watches, who ? friers for men's Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 need go watchless; For $18 we sell a re MUNICIPAL VOTERS' LIST Registrations will be accepted for the Municipal Voters List from Householders and License Holders until Octobef Slst. Registrants must be British Subjects of the full age of 21 yeprs. Householders previously registered and who have paid Poll Tax for 1949 do not need to reregister. License holders previously registered as such, and who have paid trade license fees In 1949 In an amount of Five Dollars or more, need not reregister. wiver direct to! 2;rN? slnck t0 . .wsatrovd Sales "m R. Toronto i (219) JttV V(,'itea Jl e., evenln"s -4. (220) guaranteed watch, 15 jewels, in a pold-filled case with leather strap. IVELY. We furnish full FORMATION. We arrange AP-i POINTMENTS. We do all the above for a small monthly listing fee to the owner. No Commissions You buy or sell Direct. You save Time You , save Money. Boat & Engine Listing Ltd., In the "Heart of! the Boat District." 1923 West Georgia St., Vancouver, B. C f LHI PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper catalogue Included. General Novelty Co.. Dept. 'P R.' 71 Major St., Toronto, Ont. (235) This is a special 1 Model A Ford Alone CHIROPRACTOR value. . pj,, Kack 269'. ''i- ' HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE Further details may be obtained at the City Hall. John F. L. Hughes, D.C, Ph.C II. D. THAIN, City Cleric. dt) n'ni1 contents (221) 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment IIOI'KK 10:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. nd 2 to 8 p.m. KVKMNOS HAVE number of people wanting homes close to downtown district, and elsewhere. For (221) PHONE 79 M.,.i,iv and Friday. 7:30 pm Tor THE LITTLE THEATRE 4 presents 'HERE COMES CHARLIE' A TRirLK SMASH LIT COMEDY SEPT. 28-29 CIVIC CENTRE prompt action list your property with Armstrone Aeencies. UNITIKS those unable to come during the dny. RECEPTIONIST in attend- Phone 342 or Green 297 Eves. i ni.C..ShOD on Srl ; ance afternoons. (22b) f.T No S68, Daily r - Advertise In the Dally News!