8 TODAY F"-d AstaireZc-H . . ... "It !-.. ulfl5t. 1 Prince tlupctt Daflp J3ctof Saturday, September 17, 1949 Radio Dial 1240 Ki'Dcyclea CFPR COMPARi PLANCH6TTE TOXEi "PIAWTHETTES-AR.E LITT1.E 6ftEN Ol$flf?inSHiN& MARKS (8ubject to Chanstet SUNDAY MIDNITE UNlv ftALN2MN REP INK WILL ftUN WHEN WET n m wtT mm rtm mn imt m i ISRAEL SEEKS TRADE DEAL INCOftPOftATED IN THE PAPER WHM ITIS MAMUFACTVREO - ' AlVYS GREEN - leOKi lllCt IHK GEORGE NOKES BRENDA JOYCE W WOftO BANK" I - CM KWiMl ANYWHEl? : ROBERT A. WIDER IN FAKE BILL f SATURDAY- -P.M. 4:30 T.B.A. 4:45 Unesco World Review 5:00 Musical Program 5:00 Music from the Films 5:30 Top Bands 5:45 Sports College 6:00 CBC NEWS 6:10 Recorded Int. 6:30 Musical Varieties 7:00 T.B.A. 7:30 Musicale SHAGGY V V S-MvJJ:.S VANCOUVER iff The 15-months-old Republic of Israeli is in the market for Canadian wheat and lumber, dapper 35-year-old Abraham Harman, the republic's newly-appointed Consul-General to Canada said here Thursday. N TIL n. r J Betty Huttoa "Dream Girl" 0E STARTS MONDAY 5.7.0 Clark Gable c P-IS, Iff" S ' i I M III Harmon said that his country wants to discuss trade questions in a preliminary way," with the Dominion. "We definitely are interested in purchasing Canadian wheat, agricultural machinery, building and, in particular, Canadian lumber, Harmon said. in "ANY NUMHEH CAN P iv HE'S STILL NOISY , The basenji. the African bark- Aldermen 8:00 Red River Barn Dance 8:30Current and Choice 9:00 It's Time for Music 9:30 Steel Pier Orchestra 10:00 -CBC NiTiVS 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Dal Richards and Orch. 10:30 Plantation Jubilee 11:00 Weather and Sign Of! SUNDAY A.M. 8:30 Recital 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:'15 Quiet'Music 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener thlSE TWO UNES Of TYPE ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO READ koa uijk oiitniv uut IMJWI8 tile 11th 1 CP ntur j and is used to hunt game. is ot S; ixnn nrigis. TO SEEK AUTONOMY ANNOUNCEMENT OTTAWA CP Canada prepared today to take its last steps along the road to full constitu HOW TO SPOT PHONIES This is an artist's conception of the various methods of detecting counterfeit $10 bills which have been reported In various Canadian cities in the last few weeks. On bogus bills, the red serial number smears when moistened and rubbed. There Is an absence of small green dots, called planehettes. which appear on genuine bills. Portions of the printing are blurred and Indistinct and there Is a definite difference In the ink on the reverse side of the note. (C, P. Photo) 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Music m Worship J Junior Miss Dresses FOR THE H!-CROWD " Not A Size - - Q But An Age &OmJL tional autonomy. The government's intention of cutting the last bonds that tie Canada's control over her autonomy to the British Parliament was expressed in the Speech from the Throne, read by Viscount Alexander at the opening of the twenty-first Parliament Thursday. 10:45 Bible Stories ll:nn CBC New 11:03 Songs and Singers 11:30 Religious Period PH. 12:00 CBS Symphony Orch. cnurch of the Air 2:00 Capital Report 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:00 Musical Program v 3:25 CBC News 3:27 Weather Report 3:30 Harmony Harbour At WALLACE'S F;rFlF i FALL AND WINTER pi i V c lf X '!'tv W 4k ' 0 SAILINGS TO tMj I ' " i I k U QUEBEC v"'OOl QUEBEC - uw ,0 f l-'C;. H I "FRAKCONIA" SCYTHir x f.V i Q S.pl. 28, Oct. 26, Nov. 19 o h ''' ' 'js?t J ; 'L J M MONTREAL HVfRPOOl . . If A: ji Quebec iK V- S T A5CAHIA flCrAMIH" -iwc-, - - f'J I "SflHSB'i" "--x -Jt' UH " 0 S.p. 14, Ocf. 12, Nov. 9 t ! V ' ' V In HALIFAX - SOUTHAMPTON . i It Pays to Aaertlsel EMPLOYMENT SCENE ACTIVE IN DISTRICT A review of the local employment situation at the regular meeting of the local Employment Advisory Committee showed that there was still a satisfactory employment situation. While the fishing season had not been as good as had been hoped, other operations had kept the labor supply busy. There had ben a large number of carpenters brought in from outside points The forthcoming visit, of A. Ivay of the apprenticeship board of the Department of Labor promises to be a highlight In the near future. There have been several apprentices taken on by local employers and generally greater interest has been shown in this phase of the employment of youth. Mr. Ivay will be available for addresses 4:00 Wvk-Fnd Review 4:15 John Fisher Reports 4 :3a Les Chansons de Paris 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Little Symphonies 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs 6:30 Salvation Army Program No. 14 7:00 Summer Theatre 7:30 U.N. Documentary 8:30 Winnipeg Sunday Concert 9:00 DeRimanoczy Conducts 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Historical Documents 10:30 Prelude to Midnight 11:00 Weather und Sign Off rl'f! ! 7 r-, r .iCH'Vi Pill i ' -'? O p.: . yl: 'I HAHFAX - LOW: "SAMMIT 0(.) Spaclal CHRISTMAS SAILING from Hollfai f UiJ "FRANCONIA" Dec. 14 I V . 3 f 1,0. II CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS "FRANCONIA" Nov. 19 from QuebectoLW to local organizations and , will ........ .. (CoMwWW.ILM;UiltICrt,r4. also attend a special meeting of "FRANCONIA" D--Jl'???a" , (Conductor A. K M. Um jim,W - " i " T FROM NEW YOSK MONDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Cloci 8:00 CBC News . 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns , 8:45 Little Concert t, '' 9:00 BBC News Si Comty. 9:15 Morning Devotions J 9:30 Sunrise Serenade QUEEN ELIZABETH" "QUEEN MARY" W "MAURETANIA" "BRITANNIC" "PARTHIA" ! Yur Local Traval Agon) " No t co wvt r ' PARLEY BEGINS Transport Minister Chevrier welcomes delegates to the third North American Regional Broadcastln-r Conference which opened in Montreal this week. Representatives of Canada, United States, Mexico and Cuba will discuss problems created by crowded radio channels. At rlifbt Is Cmdr. C. P. Edwards, deputy minister of transport and conference chairman. (C .P. Photo) CUNARD DOPlALDSOF LIMITEl 1 FATHERLY ADVICE James Ewen Mathews, who at 80 is the oldest member of the House of Commons, gives some fatherly advice to the chamber's youngest, 25-year-old Paul Hellyer of Toronto. Mr. Mathews retained his hometown riding of Brandon, Man., for the Liberals in the June 27 general election while Mr. Heliyer, also a Liberal, won Toronto Davenport from the-Conservatives. C. P. Photo) GENERAL AGENTS ! HfM I'rndrr St., lail.Kllirr. ft C. Hriittrhr at: It.illfuv . ((iii'Imi' . suliit J"liu . Tor .iilu . lnnl the local committee. The need for .some action by local individuals or organizations with a view to providing more housing for employees who will be required in the near fut-ture caused the committee much concern. It Is hoped that the proposd Dominion - Provincial conference on the provision of low-rental housing . will soon reach a stage where representa-1 tions may be made by the city authorities or local business interests -to make an early start on some large building plans.' If the city Is to attract and retain desirable families It must see that adequate and suitable housing is provided. There are few centres with such a promising employment future as Prince Rupert has, and It is a matter of sound progressive business foresight to be prepared. The name of God does not appear in the Old Testament book of Esther, while King Ahasuerus is referred to over 200 times. 9:45 Coffee Time 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen, Harris - 10:15 Morning Melodies ) 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Songs to Sing 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather forecast 11:31 Message Period .'1:33 Recoided interlude Fruiter ESegal PHONE 24 BEAUTY STILL IMPORTANT WAKEFIELD, Yoikshlie, Eng. CP A "beauty" trolley taurs Wakofifld hospital wards twice a week so that women patients can choose their own cosmetics. In attendance at the meeting were J. S. Wilson, chairman; rfobt. McKay, E. Woodward, George Anderson, E. Victor Whiting and G. Waterman. REFACED Rapid Service 222 Second 11:45 Famous Voices P.M. 12:00 Mid-da wSelodles 12:35 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast '.1: 55 Recorded lMerlude 5 Venetian Blini Steel, Aluminum M in a wide assorting ! rolurs wilh malchinl 1 trailing txpes rirnii In andJMOW Commodore Cafe "Better Tlin Ever" Letting the valve-grinding job go too long may ruin the valves ... It's sure to ruin your disposition. We'll reface vour auto values quickly and at low cost. Drive in today ! PHONE GREEN 217 :.',"il 1:00 Summer Symphony 2:00 In a Lighter Mood 2:15 Novelty Tunes 2:30 Records at Random 2:15 Comentary Cooking School 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Serenade f'T j 3:30 U.N. Commentary '. 3:35 Divertimento 4:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story or phoiif, andwe'T t'ni Poi'd and Service In CItv! will rail ana window andadvi! rl .am - - nonB w (or Mend-Out Orders? : Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr Installrd price. Superior Auto and Body Service r ft Studebaker and Austin -rrrr. , , WRATH ALL'S Prince Rupert School District No. 52 ADULT NIGHT SCHOOL Adult night school will be offered the citizens of Prinre Rupert if enrolment warrants and instructors are available. Each Course will consist of twenty weekly two-hour periods. The fee will be $10.00 before the session. In some Courses appHcants might have to supply their own material and In others a small charge may have to be made to cover the cost of material. The following Courses have been sugLstrd: 1. WOODWOKK. This Class would be for the beginner or the experienced wrokman; would be open to men and women and would be limited to 18. 2. DRESSMAKING. This is not a formal course, tho; taking It may bring their own material and advice and help will be given. 3. TYPEWRITING." Claes registration will be limited , to the number of typewriters available. 4. BOOKKEEPING. 5. ANY OTHER COI'RSE for which there are fifteen applicants and for which an nstructor can be obtained will be offered. : Sale and Service (222) ! You saw It in the New?! 2a PHOTO FIMSIIINf j lce)opin, I'rinllnr l ! Enlari?ln)r ! ! QUICK SEHV1CB I rrurrxsional Supplies Amateur ond XT WE DtXlVKB McBride Street YOUR Help is needed . . . to mend broken lives! YOUR dollars will aid The I GREER & BR I DDE N (ONTKAC'TOKS AND BUILDERS V 1 "s""- ' I Salvation Army in restoring to usefulness the victims of self or circumstance. Again it looks confidently to YOU. Respond generously to the App TRAVEL THE EASY, COMFORTABLE CONSTRUCTION! ALTERATIONS J REPAIRS i eaof $x ! Regular 1 rips ... pM APPLICATION FORM ADIXT NIGHT SCHOOL If the Course is available I shall enrol for ttheck one only) : Woodwork '. Dressmaking ' Typewriting Bookkeeping Other Course Signature Address Telephone -If you wisfri to enrol -please bring .this application form to BOOTH MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL on Monday, September 19, 1949, at 8:00 p.m. when preliminary registration will "take place. To Queen Charlotte The Salvation Army Sunday) (Daily, xceTt To Alice Arm, Stewart (Every Thursday f 5R FLIGHTS TIIROUGI rLOOH BANDINO A SPECIALTY CHARTER Your generous support is ueartily urged by OIltF Satin Nrrna- For Information and Reservation; RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 ! QUEEN CHARLOTTE