ArmETS T prfn(e.:nupnl DalTp J3etos 7 3 ' Saturday, September 17, 1948 Steamship Movement! For Vancouver Tvesday-sa. Camosijn, l-no pm. Y)...... m m ii pa . . . i i . t m . rwuv nuur, i tun do Dates lancv. l id. dki ot oi ui. or ..j. 1 Flour. 49s. No. 1 hard wneat 3.Bb Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs .35 RPILL 't 4 t. .-, . - - . ' .1 Flour. 24 s .1 Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs r .26 Crate $2.75 Tea and Coffee Shelled Wainuts, Hi 'O Prunes, Case $2.19 Coffee, lb. 69 dneaed Almonds. oz - .39 .., lh ,s DeLupce quantity, lb 1.18 Shelied brazils. lb. A5 bananas, id m jm,-e iimwrim Tiwrsday-ss. Prlnce RUpert AKE Apples, cpoKin? J iD iv Orange Juice 29 Strawberry, 24-oz 59 Lemons, large-Oal., doz 50 Blended 25 IksnhJrE3 oz. A hing plea Oraepeirun. Cajif., 3,ior .. Oranges (NaveU ..22-..50 Dates, lb 35 Canteloupe, 27's, 2 for 43 Veeetabje Celery, lb .13 Khuoarb. 2 lb.... .la Beets, bunch 10 ting cu"b1' Ll the first Grapefruit 22 Blackberry, 4-lb 87-.. 'lomatoes. M-oz. ea .15 .Cherry, 24-oz. o4 2-OZ. ,34 Peach. 4 lb. - M M eallon .59 Aorlcot. 4-lb. .79 Apple. 20-oz. tin, 2 for .29 " ' iiovwt 4-pz. CannM FVuiv Capned Soup 13 to 20 , "a.m, reg lb - bu Cherries, ancy, 20-oz ,38 Ltiganberries, 20-oz 29 Bologna, lb 4 Peaches, choice .. ,3u 71Z M o., 0 m Bacon. Dke! lb. 4U I farsiey. bunch 15 this iaii. id this by rurnips, id mi Spinach 2 lb .27 Radishes, bunch .OK Green Onions. 3. bunches .20 Mushrooms, lb .85 Head Lettuce 19 PIIILPOTT EUITT & Co. Ltd. fr bin fiiiwi Friday ss. Catala. 5 p m from vancoi,vrr Sunday-a . campsun, U rj Wednesday-ss.PrJnee Rupe 1 10 a m. for AJlce Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. CamosuiC U pjr. From Alice Arm and Stenari "ufchday ss. Camun, a.m. From Ocean Fail ' Wednesday-sa. Prince Ruper-10 a.m. For Ocean Fata Prince .Rupert 11:15 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday-sr., prince (Rupe.r midnight. From Alanka Thursday ta. Prinze Ruperu ui ju ttt wt J.T-. Cooking Onions, 3 lbs .25 Rhortenine Shortening 29 Hacon. side piPce .WJ Corn on Cob, 12 for 69 Cottage Roll, lb 8d 4 651 !' .52 i Lumber Building Supplies Caboase. lb 'Soap face bar 10 L,ver sausage, id Tomatoes, No. 1 lb 19 Laundry," cake '""""""'"2 for !25 Spare Rius, lb New Potatoes, 10 lb. 58 Soao Powders, lure 30, Fresh Pork Ham, lb. ... Green Peppers, lb 29 oiace Pork Chops, lb C icumher. each HI Cherries, V2 lb. pkf. 45 Pork Sausage, 'to. Vegetable Marrow, lb 07 Coconut. Ib .' i Steak, :T-Pone lb Squash, lb , 10 Almond Paste lh Steak, round, lb. Capped Ve.etal.les Fruit Cake Mix. lb .45 Pnr TendwIo.W. lb. .... .55 .75 : .72 .62 .95 .65 1.05 10AT I Ith8 w.f?.u,rn,eut'r.?I?Pe..to1Iiu(lsjn 1 Dill Pickles, gal. 1.65 1 ' -' " 1 '" :: : f l isirau. N NUV . . I . Canadian fi-ia.u 11 ?J The Montreal C.S. Swansea, , cruising In the Cut Green Beans, fey .211 No. 5 Peas, fancy 19 Mied Vegetables 23 Diced Beets, per tin .18 Wax Beans, choice 23 Mixed Peas and CarroU ,19 Pumpkin, 2 for 25 Baked Beans, 20-oz. tin 23 a:anat, louring M?ahabr UWmed 10 aU HUNGARIAN RED The air' force ship U In no lm- PLEADS GUILTY ice bases report- lier engine nao. ANNOUNCEMENT THE SERVICERS, QF A. QUALIFIED PUBLIC S.TENQGRAPHER NOW AVAILABLE s CATHERINE jLAURIE Public Stenographer mediate danger and the crew Baked Beans, 15-oz. tin, ea. .21 ;;a-. ne was ! Ws Mund at are safe,. i lomatocs. za-oz -u Fresh Milit 1 Quart ..1. :.;::.:.:.'.' .2'' Pint .12 Cream. V Dint .28 Large, cartoned, doz. .79 Medium .70 Bntier ODD CAFE -1 Tel. Green 667 Dayl" Green 412 Evgs. NQ SPECIAL CHAIRS Jack Garland, 500-pound, six-foot-one member of Parliament frpm Nipissing, sat in an ordinary chair in the Commons chamber . for the opening of Parliament Thursday. When the 31-yearrold North Ba' heavyweight, who defeated four other candidates to win his constituency was elected 401 Third Ave. tl'rlnce Rupert Realty Co.) TO DATE CA CAFE, IN TIJE CITY I'.TO-DATE 1 U.M A.M. TO.S;S9 BUDAPEST (P-Laszlo Rajk, former number two Hungarian communist pleaded guilty, Friday to a charge of plotting to overthrow the Red-domlnatud , Hungarian governmeut. The 42-year-old former minister of the Interior pleaded gutjty to all charges In the Indictment against him. These charges Included plotting with representative of Marshal Tito's Yugoslav government to assassinate leading Hungarian officials and make Hungary "a colony of First Grade, lb. 66 Margarine, lb 40 I'heese AM. .50 last June, government officials built special chairs for him just 1 Canadian Cheese, lb, Flour In case. Mr. Garland says he doesn't need them. He did, how p.t In Chinese Dishes Milk Mimeographing Letters . Composed Financial . Statements ever, get a desk in the chamber all to himself. Other members Evnnorated-Milk Reports Bulletins Minutes Stenography Mailing list Monthly Statements 1fi-n' tin a 9 fur sit two to a desk. (C. P. Photo) EY-CIIOVV lyiEIN j 1 Case .'. !""".7.75 It Pays to Aavei.isei Advertise in tte Ualiy News! Me Orders PHONE US j FOR . . . I, Yugoslavia." r ) Highest Quality in Your Printing 1 r - -rr Avail yourself of our experience 1 and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. JACK AND JILL ..ftiNPUKGARTEN MRS. iE. C. McLEAN JEANNE KAU.HE ART CLASSES 211 NINTH AVENUE, EAST Phone Green 828 liiACiv MA luifli&iq BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 , , Phone, Black 712 or,Blue.90 Sixth and Tallow KEN'S HDIOCINC Tor Satisfactory Service CALL 53 . 718 Second Avenue West ; ,RYTQVN MACHINE " WORKS Agents. fqr SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES ' ' - - F J I Sales Service and Parts Boat owners and users of Industrial. Engines are Invited to pur showroom to view our various, engines and talk over I B. & W. TRANSFER DRY FIR KJNpUrfG.WOOp 50c per Sack' Delivered PHONE GREEN 186 equipment problems. Just Arrived ... Brand New Shipment Scandinavian Records ' Coroe In and Hear Our Latest Records NO. 6 Jan Johnson's Wedding Hcj o Ho By Ragnar Hasselgren NO. 34 Halsa dem darhemma Barnsdomslicmniet By Ragnar Hasselgren NO. 3 Nu Ska' vi dansa By Eric Gylling and Alfred. San Francisco Polka Almestad accordion duet NO. 2t Violer till nior By Anna Svenson Nar ljusen skall tandes dar hemma NO. 28 Solweigs Sang By qarole Larsen Langsel NO. 41 I'nderlige aftenlufte Jeg er havren Bung by Aage Emil Jacobsen NO. 30 Sol och sommar Till Dans med Karlstads-flickorna by Tage Ekvall's Orchestra NO. 38 Trolleo Scholtische Pinnetts bondvals -by Tage Ekvalls Orchestra DR. GARNET E. II. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block ; Phone 525 P.O. Box i21 T OBYt) U R HOCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co SPENCE & MATUIK PAINTERS & DECORATORS Brush or Spray Free Estimates Phone. Blue 215 1233 11th St. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS frorninro Ihnl't thr quirk Hay of $ainf g fJhf f'iifiifiir-i Mininf and Smrlting pmpai.y Canada Limited." 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - B.C. , ; ! PIANO "tECHNICIAN" " i "funlng, Volilng and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE B U ID I NO 9 0 WARM WOOLS for WINTER pay 0$ "too PHONE. BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP . Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 JUST ARRIVED PURE BOTANY ENGLISH WOOL 3 and 4 ply in a large assortment of colors, as well as many other National Brands. Needles, guages, books, etc. Get Complete Supplies for Knitting at "l'p here at Cominrn t make mrtals an.l f.rtili.ers llie l.igpest producers In the British Empire, I'veJieanl. 1 want to tell you about the suggestion plan we've got here. It' a real money maker, if you ran come up with an easier or safer way to do a job or one that will save in repairs and maintenance. Each month there's. .nine "fifties" anil "" pasel along to the hoyt I've In the yet. Iligaest award ao far was, canned In three time, but not big money round $750.00 and that' the clasa I'm shooting for-rcould do with it for the trip I'm ida GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phonv 387 WELLS CARTAGE : LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager-Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 513 Phone Red 400 518 Srd Ave. W. DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Y"u aee, If yon get the idea and. they re god enough, Cominco will pay off gue that'4 good buainca for both" CHLMICAL ItRIIUZKBS 7'C,vW YJT Fargo Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Building and Repair of all kinds ROOFS CHI MN SYS OIL BURNERS QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels and yVorn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. f PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1870 P.O. Box 1670 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, . 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" - Wheelbase with reinforced frame Si 2-speed rear axle. 5he Consolidated Mining & Smelting t 1 ' MATTSON'S UTHOLSTERINO Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 529 330 Second Avenue Prlnca Rupert, B.C. REPORTING ' - and . PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 342 Evenings, Oreen 188 Company of Canada, Limited Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop