Trine Rupeit Doilvfc r Because of the invaluable ! sista,ice he had rendered behind Friday, f 'ebruuiy 24 Adjudicators l For Festival l'JA the scenes at past festivals. Canon Basil Prockter, chairman. Stated that J. B. Densmore would Aquascutum make an excellent stage manager ,and agreed to, If possible, obtain J his services in that capacity. I Present at Wortnrrliv nttflif'c Stanley Blijh and Mrs. Audrey Johnston Cuming 1 Moose lienciu Dance an.ivici j. t. Bet-kelt of the Columbia Centre, Fridav. Feb. 24. from 10 Cellulose Co. returned to the city to 1. Music by Dukes Oa-hcs-' Plane Thursday after a brief Stanley Bllgh, music editor of :mppUnir were Mr. w e rv,. the Vancouver Sun will again ad-, plCi Mrs c Anderson,' Mrs. J. S. tra. Door Admission SI,"'" m vacouver. j indicate the musical entries in Makers of Fine Raincoats B!ak, Mrs. Kathleen Hill, Mrs. E. W. Becker, Henry Pluym, R. I). All entries. are.miv-ini..rt i,v , me rcsuval lo DC held nere next (40 ti Everybody welcome. '- """- ""v, 1 j-TWjaMi ; " " " J irk. . X. lt!Zi.&.-mm.. 1 --rTi-TMi inn J to word re- rntry fee. must be in the hinds' lnonth, according Clcland. RujlpU Olsen. Mrs. P. oieevcsondi HureVooif.' ciincwithD. nf!l ceived by Mrs. P. A. J. Oldham,' m. w. uormciy, district for-; of the Secretary, Music J. Oldham, secretary, and ester, left aboard the Prince i'rr,(;laliynh! MiuJc and Drama lCanon Ba8 a' ProckW, Prcsld t n,,v m-v q. Association the !X., .'b;,Sta; !Bt11 u-;ent o( tne j Drama Festiv Oeorge lasf night for Victoria on c business trip. lion a , by Wednesday, March' tive of which met In the Civic i 1st. Entry forms available at rvntrp nn Werlnnsrlav nvpninir I Civic Centre. 47). The executive has also secured WOMAN IS FLOWN HERE FOR SURGERY Dry Goods Novelty Shop will be closed from Thursday the M. O KuUandu of the tlis'ri. t i the services of Mrs. Audrey St. D. i Johnston, iiom the Department I of Education for the drama 23rd till March 10. (47) j forest i y office he:e, sailed aboard Makirtz a mercy flight to the city with Mrs. Wilfrid Brown. ' 1 1 r"r Pure Vooi-Trench Cop" uareShr.,' Belt.... P'ne Mercer end Roglnj, r $26.50 h i1 -"- Prince Geoic last night for James Andrews, employee at t a Victoria. local hotel, on his way to Van- couver where he will meet his . I Mr W. B. Chappie, represent- i native woman of Masse t, Pilot Roy Bern-man arrived early Ing the Little Theatre group, ex- pressed the hope that there would jwife returning from a visit to ; Scotland. left aboard the Prince J (ll)lt tllC STANDS ON HIS OWN TWO FEET Little Richard Robcrge, son of Petty Officer and Mrs. Albert Roberge of Victoria and New Westminster, believes in standing on his own two feet. Since the a;;e of three months he has been able to balance on his father's oiit.stretehed hand. Above, four-month old Richard displays his talent wlle his patents look on proudly. be more coiiipetl'ion this year from other Drama groups cither in the city or district. 1 A letter was read from a music 'company regretting Inability to 'supply the musical scores for Biiyways yesterday afternoon from the Queen Charlotte Islands with his LVIIavlland Raplde aircraft of Queen Charlotte Air Lines. Mi'-s. Brown was suffering from acute appendicitis and ambulance was on hand as she arrived to remove her to the Prince Rupert General Hospital for emergent surgical treatment. A meeting will be held at Civic j Centre for the Halibut Vessel i Owners, Feb. 24, at 7.30 p.m. (40 j " Rt. Rev. J. B. Gibson. Bishop of Caledonia, sailed aboard the ; All by Xlut F'liend W'i" Iiuve in Jesus" were accompanied y Mis. J. C. G '.U.v. Floral tributes were numerous. Interment took place in the Fairvicw Cemeterv under the di Funeral Of Mrs. Pilfold Prince Oeorge last night for a visit to Ocean Falls on ecclesiastical business. The Rapide was flown up 1 Masset from Allford Bay, where " two classes listed in the 1930 ' Festival syllabus. Inasmuch as The men of Prince Rupert are the test pieces were chosen from all talking aboui. tno smart new a suggested list proffered several Bund suits that the Rupert Men's months ago by the company as and Boys' Store is now display-! available music, the executive ing for spring wear. Priced to: members felt some indignation, suit every pocket book and styled 'also realizing that it was too late especially to it is now based, mako the flight. rection of B. C. Undertakers. i S.O.N. Whist and Dance, Fri., Pallbearers were- Fra-ik Me- vb- 24- Whist 8 o'clock. Music Gowan, Arthur Breir.ner, Cecil I bv Mik? ColtLssl. Refreshments. Robinson, James Atkins, Kenneth i Everybody welcome. (40) Robinson and Moses Williams, j wharfinger at the C.N.R. docks. io picase every taste, these suits : to make changes. Mrs.C. Andcr EARLY ADVERTIMNU COPY WILL HE m-the ' DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS '' f '" the .. - we.l worth a lo li NOTICE. Notice Is Uereby Rlvrn thut Annual Gfnral Mretliur of son reported that one l')ct.l music teacher, thus effected, had as-siimrd her pupils music ftom a senior class rather than deprive them of entry in the festival. o-0-e George Cook, jeweller, is showing off the new rtonson Table lighter trio. Three fine li-htcrs Howard Hill, left the city last night for a trip to Vancouver R. Van der Sluys, left by plane U C. Undertakers chapel was filled Thursday afternoon and many were forced to remain outside as friends and relatives of the late Mrs. Jennie Pilfold gathered lo pay final tributes. Mrs. Pilfold, mother of five shildren, died early Saturday morning as u It- of drowning. The service was officiated by Rev." L. G. Sicber and the hymns Abide Wi'.o Me" and "What A For the Best in today for a brief u.p to Vancou ver. ' i aboard the Prince Oeorge. designed for home or office, they Tnis action was commended by. arc named the Queen Anne, New- tr" executive and will be brought port ind the Crown and 'would ,0 thc a'tcition of the adjudl- ; Sons of Norway Badminton ; Club Dance every Saturday (9-12 Classified ad.i bring results. i p.m.) Sons of Norway Hall. I I'd business wise to advertise ! Music by Mike Colassi. Every PrUice Rupt Ofnrral Hospital As-torlatlon will be hrld In the Ctvlc Ontrr, CoiutnuQ Lounge Room, ou FTlcmy. Murrh Snl. Ia0, t 8.00 p.m. Bulnr: To receive President's report. To receive Audttor'g irport ud Balance Sheet (or HMD. To elect live members of the Board of Management. To appoint an auditor. Membership fee In II 00 per annum vblcb mty be paid at the hospital or left at Orme3 Drus prior to Monday. March 1st at 6 00 p m. on which date the membership list mill close. I , D. C. STEVENSON. i 62) Administrator. certoinlv m.ikp in apnropnate .nmnmriiii. cator. Watch Repair SL'E - GEORGE COOK, JEWELLER Box 1 IKK You'll be Sat i.sfiid L gift fo- the lady or body Welcome. (47) o-0-o Mr. and Mrs. Sam Savin of But good , . . is what the Loc- Kctchikan passed through Prlnc2 ker Plant's customers are saying Rupert last evening aboard the aoout tne new Burns Cut-up Fry- 1MM "NAME YOUR STORE" ENTER TODAY rrince George er.route to Vancouver for a visit. Mr. Savin !s a well known merchant at. thc llrat Alaskan city. World Day of Prayer for Women, Friday, February 24. Salvation Army Citadel, 2.30 p.m. ' U at "Johnson's Grote- A let ter of resignation as mem- , ershlp convener was received from W. D. Griffiths and accepted with regret. The treasurer Mrs. Kathleen Hill, agreed to take over his duties. I A campaign for new memberships will be launched, the primary object being to arouse more active interest in and support for the Festival which Is, above all, a community enterprise. A circular letter will be sent to as many .organizations as possible, soliciting an associate membership in the Music and Drama Festival Association for 1950. In-. dividual memberships will also be sought. ! If sufficient funds are raised, the executive would give scholarship awards to outstanding students partlcpating m this year's Festival. Jlassified AdvetllKipK Is payaDie In advance. Please refrain froal telephoning. Classil ieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum .harge &(ic. Birth Notices 50c. Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagement Announcement: $'. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE ers. Another delightful way to prepare chicken. All one has to do is pop 'em in the pan, listen to 'em sizzle and serve them piping hot. o-0-o Thc Acme Clothing Store has come up witlt another first in Rupert with the latest Kooly Coats In beautiful shades of green and blue. Made from heavy Gabardine and styled for sportsmen, Kooly Coats are taking the country by storm. o-0-o Richard Hudnut Egg Crcme LAND REGISTRY ACT R: fVrtilicatff of rille No. 4r89-I to lot EUclit Hundred snd Slxty-flvr "A' (8S6A), Rugr Klvo (61. C'm.t District. Fld to contain One llufi-drrd ud Hiity (lBOi irrcs. niurr or lrsa; fxrfptiug thfrfout nny portion of tho niglit-of-Way of tin-Dominion Trlcgraph Llnr, havlnif a . wldih of onr Hundred (10OI fTt. . wblch may lie within the bound-1 arlf of these lands and exppilnir ', also the Klcht-of-Way of tbe Untnd ' Trunk Pacific Railway, containing. Nine Decimal Two 8lK l!).a6( acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss j of thc aoove Certificate of Title Issued I in the name of f lenrce llaiuhly has Announcements PERSONAL Sale Home Spring I Cooking, Tea and April 0. riays Cove Avenue. $30.00 in Prizes. SPECIALS TO FEB. 25 Dad's Oatmeal & Gingercrisp Cookies Rice Krispies Dad's Buttercrisp & Coconut Cookies Crushed Pineapple, 20 oz. tin JOHNSON'S GROCER 1048 Hays Cove Avenue I Oil S;t,E FOR SALE - Rpstmore 2-uiece Chesterfield suite. Good condi-tJnn. Green 270. 1022 Second Ave.. West, after 7. (47) FOR SALE -1 International. - 1 S.O.N. Badminton Dance every Saturday. ROOFING All tvbes of roofing.' Dromntlv and exDortlv done. Huildme reuairs and alterations. Estimates frerlv given. Pnonc Louis. Black 392. (47) Prince Rupert Symphony Orch- Shampoo always a popular sham- estra Concert, Friday, March 31, poo with the ladies is now offer- ing a free trial size bottle of OIL BURNER SPECIALIST 8.15 p.m. ton nanel $750.00. . 1 1947 Monarch Sedan, heater and six tires and wheels $1060. i 1 1937 Pontiac Sedan, uood rub- j ber and mechanically A-l $370. i Auulv Bill's Motor Service. 404 1 Cream Rinse free each bottle Women of the Moose Novelty uai-huLiO owive oeiviee Reoairs. G. D. Ronson. Black 900. (48) NOW AVAILABLE .been filed In this office, notice 1 ; hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue I a Provisional Certificate of. Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In ' the meantime Valid objection be made i to me In writing. Dated at thc Land Registry Office Prince Rupert, B.C., this 20tn day of i February, 1950. A 1. 1 . ANDREW THOMPSON. , (74) Deputy Registrar of Titles. ui aiiiuupoou. t rcai ucai. tor tne hair. Now at Ormes and Wallace Drugs. Spring Tea. April 19, in the new Moose Temple. United Church W.A. Home Cooking Sale Dom's. Dept. Store, Saturday, Feb. 25, 11.00 a.m. 4.00 p.m. Meurlde bt. I'OR SALE Bo vs Bike. Mrs. Dan Parent Phone Green 41J7. Morninus. (If) 1.1 PLUMBING a n C H;aunir -Sheet Metal work. Phone 543 or call 029. Sixth Ave West. H Letourncau and Sons. (tf) HlilP WANTED CLOTHES For Outdoor REMODEL your cooking Leyion Card Party, Canadian March I. for better eating NATIONALLY x:0VN NAME- llnfe-belt iJijeeder Shovels : Cranes. Draglines: Aoam , Hoaa Graders: Littleford Bros. WANTKU Part time Janitor. Aoulv Prince Riioert Health Unit. . clCi ! Card tournament,.' Catholic : Blact Tod Road Milntenancei pa ner Hall, March 2. WANTED Bov for. Sun Kctuipmcnt: Ow.en uiamsnei : Huckeis and Rock Granules; : r. L. Mini!.)) Concrete Mixers: . , i. V i.!;n v....L.(.. route. Phone 040 or ureen 'b(. (40) i Shrine Band Concert, Civic Working Man NLOPRtNE WEAR IN EVERY SIZE RUBBER CLOTHS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OIL SKINS FOR ALL WEATHER FULL STOCK OF RUBBER BOOTS An cxnerieneed UL1,M t "uuitonum, r nuay iviarcn RHEUMATISM f Rll DOCTORS I00KUT . JfKSrYCITY.US.A.-An in.erw- 1 ing booklet Im jmt rxen published on ! RheumatKm and Arthritic containing i reliable information on diet, bathing. ' rcise, heat therapy and treatment. It ' will he sem 1R1 f. to any sufferer writ- ; log Fdwational Divtiion, Dept.. AilO i 8U llergen Avenue, Jersey Citv, N. I.', U.S.A. Ak for a free iopy of ibis book- ; Jet on Rheumatism. Bucket Loaders for Stockpile HELP WAOTLD 1? Securitv Guard, oualilications jra at a:vo p.m. Tickets from LOOK FCMt IliE NEW RED AND WHITE , members. at least Grade eaucanon, enm nVnnriiniQ It, lirtliP rll;- ' and 'Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps; Na-I tionai DraKline Scraners and toms or Huard work. Must be llivxicallv fit. between the asc;. St. Patrick's Tea Sale of home cooking and card party, Catholic Hall March 10. Lil iu .tin ir. v.. GOLD SEAL LABEL on ouuliiicatioiis. Only in NO'S WV f W WAII(coiiro .blo.o th. cidvaRtogct ol TOJrr 2CtlJl rt ! flavor toying, IjE; rfTO 1 . 1 VCO S6AI. IF S. ffT 1 ' Miii cleaning :: 1 i SIAINISSS 1 -T STttl ond S iTjf ! TH'iliM''lC T ...with-, vZ, Box No. r.r.9 (47) Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline tioists; National . Portable "Sawmills; National Rotary Screens ami Couvevor Full information from Na-ilonal Machlnerv Co. Ltd, Vancouver. B. U tf SI K TIIE.M Nf)V Dailv News. - Acme Clothing Shit Kin-; Edward School P-T.A. Tea, Home Cooking and White Elephant Sale, Friday, March 17. Canadian Lebon Easter Sale HELP WANTED First class .salesman wanted In ni'-'ll enule men's, clothins; store. Must have exix'rieuee in tak-iiiii measurements for inade-i. ..turn ,li,i liimr TMione HOLLYWOOD cafe 359';"-a tf! April 5til. err TD MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY Ai t'OR KALK-Household furniture. Phone Black ii'JZ. (50 F'OR SALE Mahouanv bed c(imilel,e. dressinu table, walnut tea wiimm. rhcsU'rfield. erv.-tal lanii). Trilite. Suite 3. U-eds AdUs. 47) KOIt. HAI.K - McClarv-Ch.irm emil and wood kiiehfn ruime In vi rv i-onil 'oii(lilion. Phone Mary - l.O.D.E. Tea,! Queen April 10. WANTK.H WAN'I KI) 'ID KKN T -Fiirnisljeil suite or not. tor voum: married eouiile. Box 008 Dailv News (48) OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M lo 3:3 A.M. We Specialize la Clurjeae Dlshei Cathedral Bale April 13. St. Peters Spring aulu April WANTKl) - lloil.sekeenill'! rooml2U. for two Box G&'i. News. 47) CHOI SUEY-CHOW MEIN i I McBride St. Phonu 31i KprUig .Sale llliic 00-1 !' Hi 11 1 '. I I It M l' I' It K C O. Pl)U HAUO -N'w and Used ur-nituie and Hardware at lowest, possible Slitrhtly ncil sinner sewim: machines. BE THRIFTY! WITH DOMESTIC A Purely Vegetable Shortening USE ONE-QUARTER LESS THAN REGULAR SHORTENING Presbyterian April 27. for Oatnlde Orderi FHONI 111 Sonja Tea May 13. WANTKl') Kerao cast, brass, batteries, radiators. Plume 543. call 013 Sixth Wcs . (5b) 1()U KENT V FOR RKNT - Board and room or room onlv. Box No. 1292. City. now electric heaters, press j irons and toasters, linnamteil chests of drawers, xli-enlnc l)a"s lo'.-'he; biKit.s. iloor covet ini- and other useful household ailicels. See B.C. Furni Ask your grocer ture Co. KAVK UP T() 40';; on vour dollar. H;iv a t'anadiaii produced Kermath Marine Knuine. No imnoi t dulv. No dollar devaluation. Cow Bav Boat Works. " . (49) Product of Catiudu Pcx.kcrsU t1) FDU RENT Suite of five or-i fiees Modem in every res-1 ncct,. Available March l.i Phone 57, O. P. Tinker und Co. , Ltd. Uf), FOR RENT Electric portable ; Kewhi'i machines. $5.00 a month. Call 804 Stuucr Sew-! ins Centre. FOR RENTLars-'c Unlit house-, kcenint! romn. suitable for two workins uirls. Phone Blue 701.! (48) More, than ever- health must be watched earnings count nowadays ! "A'o fooling can't let that tlugghlt feeling alow me up living get no rheapertteady earning are important got to tiny brisk keep fit." Safeguard your earnicgi. Protect your health. Avoid becoming "irregular" often cauaed by lack of bulk food io the diet. Poat'a the better Bran Flalei help provide laxative act ion gently and naturally. Help keep food wastea moving promptly keep you Kt and BRISK.. Since Port'i Bran Flakea are made with other part of .wheat, you'll get wholesome wheat nourishment as well. A r Todaf, start eating delicious, crisn Posta Bran lll'SINK.SS orrouTtNiTircs VOH SAI.K - Comnlele ' weldints bl.ieksinith and machine shoo. Oointt concern. Excellent location on Vancouver Island. Milium will handle. Box 057. Dallv News. (M) FOR SALE Small 4 wartime BEFOf, Kl" Al. ESTATE. : A A3 ' and 4 -Room furnished Wartime.! Readv for inimedisite oecu-nancv. $1,(W)t) down and easv moiithlv navmcnts. I t-Uoom House on 8th E. Full concrete basement tlaraire 1 Must been seen to be ap-' Wrinkled fetulcr.s lidlc rips 111 the hurlv mnke :i eur old Flakes regularly. Make sure of Post's they're better it !,,: Utile. Our hurlv exnert.s c:m i'P House inside oria:;e. cioe w-schools, earlv oeciiouncv. uood eoiKlition. An excellent opnor- ; tunitv to become a nomci owner for $1,000 lown. balH"''1? monthlv navments. See R"P'',"t 1 E. Montador. Ltd. 49) HAVE BUYER for well-built 5- room house, nreferablv with bisenient. loeaU'd near Mc- Bride Street or in Section Two, Armstrong Awneies. rlnine 342. Eves. Green 297. (52) FOR SAI.E--S-room Wartime hous. Plume Green 137. a0), PROPERTY FOR SALE J-eabins. two rooms each on . Park Ave. Auulv 1024 Tliiru Ave. West. . ' 50) , llran r in large or regular packages. r...., , ;,.;.- lib it" avuuiu servu e low cos .. Sure she needs icriiis. COFF'F.B SHOP in very central location showimj uood relunis Kteadv clientele. Well cotiinncd and easily mierated bv two m isons. For these and other nro-neities see Armstrong Ai:en-eies Phone 312 (Kves. Green bKAN I-LAKtS-anffttsfiemf WITH OTHII AITt Of WHIAI , (40) 2971. SILE TWO 0