THIS AND THAT 2 prince tutpcrt Dailn rectos Ltu. Wednesday, January 14, 1948 LETTERBOX SEA GULL AT HOME ON SHIP in independent dully newspaper ao?ea to the upDuliamg or Prince Rupert -nd all immunities comprising northern and central BrltUb Columbia, (Authorized a Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Kx 1 11, m SUBSCRIPTION RATE. - Ottj Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month, 65c; Per Tear, 17 00; sisrs,0 Incident to Relieve Monotony or H.M.C.S. St. Stephen OTTAWA H.M.C.S. St. Stephen has returned to Halifax from her first tour of duty as an THINKS C.C.F. O.K. Editor, Dally News: The writer became deeply Interested in an item headed "Only Socialism Can Stop B.C." appearing in last Friday's Issue of the Daily News. It so happens that the writer was born and raised in Saskatchewan and knew the province well under Liberal administration, also the Anderson coalition government. He left Saskatchewan in Uie fall of 1941 more or le-ss because he was of the opinion that B.C. would be one of the first provinces in he j ' ocean weather reporting ship on Station "Baker" between Greenland and Labrador. The one break in the monotony of the three weeks in the sub-Arctic was when a seagull, who they named "Steve," came riding in on a gale and became a temporary addition to th ship's company. "Up until then we hadn't wen "sit down , I WHILE yOU IRON! J X, . X S !""" . , 'as The Economic Situation WAS MADE during the war of the necessity MUCH of preventing the swirling spiral of inflation so that there would be no diversion from the war effort. Controls were imposed in many fields and the result was that Canada maintained her economic equilibrium in such an admirable man-nei that the plaudits of the world were accorded not only on that account but also for her remarkable war effort. Now the postwar period is here and there are alarming portents that the Dominion's economic equilibrium is in danger. Already there is a price inflation resulting in a cost of living level which is approaching the breaking point as far as the Dominion to enjoy a Socialist a living thing - no ships, no air craft, no whales, no seals, nothing but water and the seagull was a very welcome visitor government. In that respect he ' was mistaken for Saskatchewan was the first to overthrow cither of the old line parties, to insta! the first C.C.P. government la Canada. It was the writer's privilege lo leave here a year ago, November 4, to return January 13, 1947. During that time with said Lieut E. M. Chadwirk of Victoria, commanding offur. The bird wu,s surprisingly tame. In Die Kick bay it was capcicuy ui afi age wage eciiiicis mc tunwci new. The government is to be commended on its endeavour to keep away from coercion' as long as possible but a position may be reached, and it may not be very far removed now, where some measure treated for a slightly Injured i wing, and where it SMnt tne next two days resting in a nest made from a cigarette carton i and bedded with cotton waste.' "What have you been doing to keep busy these days?" the exception of travelling time the writer's time was spent In Saskatchewan. The writer got . . and take the press 1 Railway Officials Coming This Week out of pressing The nest was hung in a sling. , and the gull swung happily to, and fro with the roll of the ship, j It liked to frequent the bridge, and perch of Lt. Chadwlck's shoulder. But the time soon came when "SU've" Ured of pos- off at Saskatoon, motoring from chewan. The government we there to Naicam, a distance of have at present u really trying about 140 miles. The first thing to give the people fair and that came to his attention was sound administration." The the remarkable condition of the writer has know n this man io road fewer railway crossings, ! a staunch Literal supporter nicer curves, etc. One who had and a remark as he made speak-; not been accustomed to the con-1 of satisfaction, dition of these would not notice j when the w riter was back a Party of British Columbia divisional officials of the Cana -dian National Railways, on an inspection tour, will be here n in no ufaolr ttmvtn., rrt ! of n . , 'land and comfort comfort sat sat up up and flew northern away into the gray -sky. them as outstanding improve-1 year ago the government was advocating state medicine. Since, ln Fliday evenl" 0,1 th,,ir "" that has become law-poor old ments. The government in Saskat turn souui. 1 ney win ue J. r chewan operate their own bus service and their buses are not old. dilapidated automobiles, but up-to-date luxury coaches. Due Cooper, general superintendent, British Columbia division; W.S. Hewson, superintendent of transportation, Vancouver (former chief dispatcher here); R. M Saskatchewan leads aain. As a Social Credit supporter told the writer: "Alberta had the best government in the Dominion but if Saskatchewan gets this state medicine bill through, they have as beat." The C.C.F. government wns the first in the Dominion to make it compulsory for each automotive vehicle to carry in of re-imposition of controls will be necessary. The nation cannot be permitted to drift into economic chaos involving unemployment, insecurity and all such evils. The average jerson expects, and there is some justification for him so assuming, that, if economic stability and prosperity is possible in wartime, it should also be possible in peacetime. - Some reasonable measures, with a minimum of legislative or governmental coercion and a maximum of self-discipline on the part of the citizens themselves, should be forthcoming to meet the current situation. KEEP BAND ALIVE PRINCE RUPERT'S city band, although some eighteen or so enthusiastic members continue their practices, is in danger of folding up through lack of public interest. It would be a re-grettable thing, indeed, if that should come to pass and the city found itself without any band whatever. It is said that there is plenty of band material in the city players who were in the original boys' band and are still here and players of band instruments of more recent arrival in the city. Those interested in keeping the band alive are desirous of getting in touch with such people and having them to this fact the highway department, needless to say, oc-operates in keeping the roads passable. To quote a friend whom the writer has known since child McBain, assistant general ft eight aKent. and J. A. Baillie, rule instructor. C. A. Berner. divisional superintendent here, will ac Steamship Sailings for Vancouver-Monday ss Princess Louise 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 1:30 pm. Thursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 p in. Friday .ss Cardena, midnight, '"rom Vancouver Sunday ss Catala 4 pm. Monday, as Princess Louise pm. Wednesday -ss Prince Rupert m no a m. Friday --tuCardena p.m. vr Alaska-Wednesday ss Prince Rupert '2 midnight. company them In from Prince George. hood from Watson, Saskatchewan: "What is all this I hear surance. Other 1 1 ovmces ar? about this C.C.F. government in threatening to follow suit, even , BC. The writer is convinced that KNOCKS ARE BOOSTS Socialism has been beneficial to Children should be allowed to Saskatchewan and would in no take the little knocks of life In way be detrimental to B C. j order to teach self-discipline ami Thanking vou, Mr. Editor, for behaviour to social standards, the space. LEWIS ANDERSON, say health officials. Saskatchewan?" To this he replied: "Well, I didn't vote for them in the last election but I am not proud of the fact today. I will go as far as to say that we will never again have a Liberal government in Saskat- Do you .sjk'ihI long hours stamlin; over an ironing board when jot could be sitting ttnd gelling ilk work done in half the tunc? An automatic eleitric ironer trans- foriiis the tedious, tiresome joh of pressing into effortless, pleasant work. An electric ironer is simple to operate . . . the art of pressing t-.en the most delicate pieces can enrolled. ' It need not be suggested to potential bandsmen that it would not only be an act of good citizenship to get into the band and help make it a strong and creditable . organization but, through competent instruction and direction they would receive under the excellent leader which the local band has the good fortune to possess, they can keep fresh and' even further improve their talents. GIFTS OF SEEDS BRITAIN and throughout Europe in cities, IN towns and suburbs, are millions of little gardens, cultivated after working hours by non-farming families. Produce from these gardens in Germany, for soon lie ni.e-lcrcd. Psxp) ( ) example, must bridge the gap between rations of 1,200 calories a day, and the 1,500 needed to avoid starvation. That's when a man is really down. A fellow rik everything else before lie parts with his shirt. Thai gw last, lie values it loo much. The expression " vonr shirt" is used for good realms. SEE I S Kill Al l, ItKQI IK' sMENTS IN A good cotton sliirl is something to cheri-li. Tlie same amount of money coiiM Imy tiotliinr of similar . quality. That applies also lo cotton heil sheets, handkerchiefs, gowns ami scores of other items of daily Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of prinliiii'. ter killed most hardy crops and the summer's drouth reduced the seed harvest from annual plants. So, many little gardens must lie idle in the spring, unless seed from this side is forthcoming to plant them. Two pounds of garden seed, sown in average soil, will grow five to ten tons of vitamin-rich vegetables. Is there any better or more efficient way to heln your friends abroad than to send them a gift of seed? This has been made easy by an organized program. Almost any store handling seed will accept orders for a seed assortment, packed for export and delivered abroad prepaid. If you know no individuals abroad, recognized charitable institutions will accept your gift and insure that it reaches those who need it. While we plant Freedom gardens at home, we can help the industrious people abroad to grow their own Freedom gardens. use that are made of cotton, (lotion with its freshness, its washahility, its resistance lo sun ami heat and its durability gives lop value for your money. Vou can he! your shirt on that! Everything in nhm-elass stationery. ' ' 1 Cards for every orrasion. Fountain P' DIBB PRINTING COMPAQ THIRD A VP BESNER BLOCK DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED 0 MANUFACTURERS OF PRODUCTS SPECIAL , OFFER Regular $1.41' Now only 99 IYREX BOWL SET Rowli thit you can ur for mixing, Iwkinft and serving. Dmienrd fur hand or elwtric lxulinK. Neat to-grther to avi ruplmartl iate. K Ml of Uifoa A. MacKcnzic Furniture This offer ftj only until Jan. 31. l!ls man hotel LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" YOU MAKE A SALES TALK TO 3000 SUBSCRIBERS EVERY TIME YOU ADVERTISE IN Jlje laily Nana "YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER" j A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE i COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED CHESTERFIELD Sl'ITES BEDROOM SlITES Beauty Rest Mattress, Beauty Rest Bon Sprinj Walnut Tables for every purpose WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIALS Phone 775 J27 Srd Avenue SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSE3 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietor!: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN IS McMrlile St., ritonr 311 il',