ptfiuc ruipctt Daflp nctost Lto. Friday, April 2, 1948 Local News Items ACADEMY SISTERS HOLD "AT HOME" Sisters of St. Joseph were Final Civic Centre Bridge (79 Party, 8 p.m. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dyson, pioneer residents of Port Clements, arrived In the city from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Cardena this morning and are sailing tonight on the Catala toe a trip to Vancouver. Among those sending flowers to the funeral of the late V. C. Scharff on Wednesday were Ed and Ethel Yager and Floyd. General meeting of the' Rupert Rod & Gun Club, in Civic Centre, Wednesday, April 7 at 8 p.m. All members are urged J. J. Payne sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a busi Mr. and Mrs. Thco Collart left by plane yesterday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. George Slater and family sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vincouver. L. M. Felsenthal sailed last hostesses to a large gathering I of ladies Thursday afternoon at j their annual spring "At Home" at St. Joseph's Academy. The ' guests were received by Mrs. C. to attend. (80) ness trip to Vancouver. Meeting of Int. Union Operating Engineers, Carpenters' Hall, Fri. April 2, 8 p.m. (78) Roy Taper sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to .Vancouver. night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. J. M. Gricsbach, pioneer resi P. Balagno ol the Catholic Women's League anrj shown throughout the building by the Sisters. C.W.L. ladles assisted with the function. At the urns were dent of Skagway, passed through Meeting of Job's Daughters, the city on his way, north yesterday, returning home after a visit to Seattle. Friday, April 2, at 8 p.m. Busi Mrs. M. P. McCaffery and Mrs. ness, Easter Addenda, Silver J. A. Smith. In charge of the Sons of Norway meeting, Fri- fur casual iveur March and Social. (78) tea were Mrs. S. Dickens Mrs. O. day, April 2, in New Hall. Instal- Miss Annie Lips, principal of 78j lation of Officers. Wlngham and Mrs. L. Doiron, the Terrace pualic school, after spending a few days in the city. assisted, by Mrs. J. Garon. Miss Margaret Doiron and is reutrning home on this even Mr. and Mrs. James Curric and family sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Al Black sailed last night on William Reld, who has beai spending several weeks atKlem-tu, Is returning home from down the coast on the Catala tonight. ing's train. Miss Gail Shannon acted as scrviteurs. -j 1 1; income of many Canadians will be increased this spring ty- , The refund of the Compulsory Savings portion of their 1942 Income Tax. , The falling due each month of War Savings Certificates. Invtt in Cwnodo Sovinqt Bondt Kkl'.P these funds on deposit with us until you have accumulated enough to purchase one or more Canada Savings Bonds in 50 or higher denominations. You tap buy them through any branch of this Bank. Mr. and Mrs. W. Morgan of Following the tea, a Benedic Terrace Club Sport Jackets Saskatoon, after spending the Harrv Herect. traffic suoer- u,e iice mupen, lur a uusmess tion service was held in the Academy chapel, for which most of the ladies remained. visor, Canadian National Ex-l'P lo "ccau "ia nrrss ttlui hns hpin In Ihn i-ltv and Bella Bella. past week In the city visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Morgan, left on Wednesday night's train to return to their home on the ' ' " , " - - ...w -J for the past couple of days on official business, is returning to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Short of Burns Lake arrived in the city Edmonton on tonight's train. on last night's train from the prairies. Hotel. . interior and sailed on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. For your Furniture Require ments Buy at Elio's. Tile entire stock is Greatly Reduced for Attention Did you know Mr. and Mrs. John Comer and Mrs. Comer's mother, Mrs. W.J. McCutcheon, are sailing tonight on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. CORKKCTION! Football Meet IM-"- Arrivals Prince Rupert S. F. l'cnna, Long Beach, (Jal.; Ciuiek Selling. Dinette Suites, If you like smart sportswear . . . TERRACE CLUB that you can now get Chicken in the Ruff to take out at Civic Ranges. Odd Dressers, Chif foniers. Beds. Beautyrest Mat , CI. BratU'ii, Queen Charlotte .City; J. O. Havcnch, New West Centre Diningroom? Just Phone 231 and we'll have it ready when you call. (tf) ing scheduled for Thursday, April 1 in Legion minster; J. Grisbacht, New Westminster; C. F. Cook, Vancouver; Ted Hasse, Alice Arm; tresses, Battleship Linoleum, Congoleums, Luggage, Baby Carriages, and many other goods to numerous to mention. Elio Furniture Store, Third Avenue West. Prince Rupert. (tf Mrs. A. J. Sheardown, who has in- ;- Hall has been postponed until 8 p.m., Friday April been visiting here with her sons, F. Reynolds, Craig, Alaska; James HE CANADIAN DANK OF COMMERCE PRINCE KITI1RT BRANCH II. O. HOPKINS, Manager 2. (78 Allan, William and Ifurry Shear down, sailed by the Prince Ru Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Flaten Whiting, Craig, Alaska; Mrs. J. Simpson, Massett; R. S. Rogers, Terrace; Mrs. A. E. Robin, Pacific; N. E. McCandllsh, Prince pert for Vancouver en route back to her home in Armstrong. and daughter Judy, sailed last 141 night on the Prince' Rupert for Victoria to which city Mr. Flaten George; Miss E. Love, Victoria; M. Stephens, Smithers; Mrs. 'ionr-im vimr nrr u svslrin iuiin fi has been transferred as man your aM-lit tbal' tllr May to f Mrs. Adeline Langthorne of Vancouver, arrived in the ci'y Wednesday on the Prince Ru-' pert and will leave on tonight's H. W. j agcr of lne R0yai Bank of Can Brown, Port Essington; Kellington, Calgary; S brllrr. m .fcfcu h-l,a i"il ll iitn ntiirh'tireilrtl iitdittp ill JACKETS are designed for YOU. Harris Twmls, Hounds-tooth Checks, Polo Cloths and Herringbone Weaves all in a wide variety oi colors, will make your selection easy. rry, ada. e For MOOSE LODGE PARTY HOSTS Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. James Gaudin JEnderson train for Hazelton to visit her parents, Mr. and Mis. C. Clifford. F. J. Templcton, Vancouver; LEGION SALE DRAWS ".,,n,, MANY Mil NY ' of Skagway were in the city yes J. Loutit, Vancouver; R. M. Ihc 1,1'Mxl-tretfm. nmv-kM,r Ir, nt a ilrrnt but Mimi'ly ilrrp wa k-! from tbr iiiinerat-ri'-li Atlantic Ormti, anil I'ottrcn-tratnl iu tiny tablriM for )imr ronvi-niriK'i. 'lake Mill kl.i.p now ! atrh tbe n-bult. On galu ftl U drug atores. for Ui- late Lu(l-;llnW Members of. the Lodge M. M. Stephens sailed last Phipps, Vancouver; M. House, i who died In the lverc hosts to their wives and night on the Prince Rupert for I at the aRc of 71 BrlRnt wltn , f, Women of the Moose at a party ?sterday at Gren-', ,., rnnm. a c ' in the Moose Temple Tuesday terday on the Priivess Norah northbound after spending the winter in the south. Mr. Gaudin is superintendent engineer on the White Pass and Yu'ion ' Vancouver to attend the Jubilee convention of the Canadian In Chapel. Rev. Fred of . bustlln ,. WtHn.rt, evening. The function was at- Port Edward; George Brodie, Victoria; N. Haywood, Vancouver; H. Sykcs, Vancouver; C. Sandmore, Vancouver; R. F. Rudd, Vancouver; Max Kramer, Vancouver; M. Pidgcon, Vancou stitute of Mining and Metal lurgy. oxiwo .afternoon during the Legion w"uc" j ,,,um: ",tt" iUU Johnson. uuunar .. Anviiiarv o n ,. o i cn oyca cares ioiiowcq Dy uanc- t Cllbcrtson (For Sale aildl.sDrlne tea and sain whirh au '"8. William McCaUum, gover- ver; Dennis Taylor, Victoria; G. P. Tinker, city; M'ss Violet tracted laroo rmmW nf visit, nor ol ine joagewas m cnarge A buffct ws servcd 8uPner ors despite an afternoon snow- Flick, Ocean Falls; Mr. and Mrs. snortiy Deiore miunigni,. VSSI'NGFRS ' Long established furniture stoic business on Third Ave. G. Lindsay, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. McGuire. Vancouver. .... . .T S Rlnrk W A nrntilrlnnt n lilln . . ,-.. IT mi . ano jvir. i .v ..v, ,,.. The nrice for the slock and Miss A, Michcll ,Mrs- winiam Koinweu was con -mm vener 01 ine iunction. Mrs. J. Murray cr-Miss 0. Smyth; business is very reasonable See the owner today, 5 p.m to 7 p.m. (ilttEN 504. Jack Prince, well known local fisherman, returned to the city yesterday on the Princess Norah after spending the last several weeks visiting members of his family In Now York and Bos- Those in charge of the various stalls and tables were: Mrs. G. V. Hartley, knitted goods; Mrs. G. Clccone, sewing; .-halczyk. wcr (Wednesday) MERCHANTS Do you know that the Daily News is the most effective medium of advertising n Prince Rupert? No one misses your message if it's advertised in (lie News. . It's the really efficient way of puUintr TSA BAGS Carson. G. Brodie, ' ouvcr (Thursday) It was the first time he seen family members in Home cooking, Mrs. C. E. ton. Twaltes, Mrs. G. R. Freeman;, had Mrs. S. L. Simnson. it over. If. more than 25 years. - Mrs. W. Wallace. Mrs. D. Kerr, candy; Mrs. F. Ellison, Mrs. W. Osborne, books; Mrs. E. Morrow, i.-pst r. Dwyer. Classified Advertising Pays! V. G. G. Thaln, won by 'Mrs. Mrs. W. J. Llncham, Mrs. C. Anderson, raffles. I Pourers were Mrs. J. R. Elfert punccmenU Houston, ticket No: 40! Cake, donated by Mrs. E. Mor- " 'bis column whlle row, won by Peggy Andrews, land Mrs. W. Oarllck, ,M for a full mouth assisting In the tea room were ticket No.-l.r Mrs. A. Glllis, Mrs. W. Garbutt. ! Table cloth', donated by Mrs. rcnu a word kcr, Moose Temple, Mrs. Deane. Mrs. F. Smith, Mrs. H. Killln, woft by Mrs.'T. Beatty HEADQUARTERS FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES Typewriters (Portables and Standard) Staplers liox Files Ledgers JUank Hooks Favorite Files File Folders Carbon Paper FOR YOUR OFFICE REQUIREMENTS gEE it T i ticket No. 93.' J. Murdock, Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. F. Hardy, Mrs. J. S. Webb. Mrs. J. Gilchrist and Mrs. J. Yallo-way. Cashier was Mrs. A. J. Crox- m '. Catholic School at 8 p.m. rH Symphony Or-rt, April 9. 1 Spring Sale, April foi ford. Raffle winners were: Cedar Chest. Mrs. H. C. Briggs, "onic Bull, auspices lrd Tvee Lod?rs. ticket No. 258. rillow slips, donated by Mrs. fnday, April 10. Dtllcltut Nutritious You'll wont Van Comp'l ftonl F. Olyn. won by Mrs. W. Gar- "rcthrcn Invited. Aid Tea and lick, ticket No. 157. Chesterfield set, donated by Mrs. Marshall, won by Miss Joan MlcuMmM Saturday, Apr. 17. smoke h APrll 21. Bennett, ticket No. 32. COTTAGE CHEESE Baby's outfit, Mrs. M. Murray, ticket No. 20. Crochet basket, donated by Miss Edith Gandy, won by Mrs. II. Robb, ticket No. 77. Woolen dog, donated by Mrs. le Moose tea at Mrs. (J. Mclnlyre, on April 22. "'"tal Show, eve-22 and 20. Chll-'" April 24. New Creamed Trtsh Made HIE Spring Beauties VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dallj i ALL-WEATHER RKRVIC1 8. Dickens, won by E. Morrow, ! Edinburgh Chap- ticket No. 20. ; Centre piece, donated by Mrs. ' fa, civic Centre, inch Spring Sale, VIRGINIA CIGARETTES : Writing Supplies : 4 11 liani lillll il&lilP Y INK? cs, as well as (MS it "Mug sale. May 8. ''yTea, Hume Cook-s. May 8, Sons Hsll 'l.O.U.K.) 6tu p.m. ""Mi' A.,o ii Tea, '''' May 12. 1,r Ten, JU110 3. ' ... to enhance your new skirts. Cotton and rayon crepe blouses, exquisitely touched willi dainty lace. In white and pastels. Color in contrast is Ihc keynote to beauty. See this. interpretation in our new Print Dresses. WHITINC; 1'AOS NOTKHOOKS 1KNS and l'KNCIlH ... W. VA.l It in tuc In Uaily Newsl Fact We Have Every ming Writing Needs NOTICE N McLcod W OPrifJEs Use Sweet Sixteen Personalized I5UIKI15T PLAN lo purchase your Spring Ensemble or Accessories. No Interest No Carrying Charges. , & Attention is drawn to the number of piles n1l lnmliKf uml timbers stored on City of I ICAIEN CO'OP see us ron Structs. Apart from beinj? unsightly, many of. 'these piles are comfortable homes for rats. Dy removing this material it will be a major stejp in cleaning up the City. Tlease take notice, that such nuisances must be removed before the 1st day of May, 15)43, or thte City will take such steps as are necessaiy to have same removed at the owner's expense. C. H. HOWE, City Engineer. (53) INLAID BURLAF BACK 0 GOLD SKAL Ill'OS HALL RUNNERS MATS LINO CEMENT BINDING LINOLEUM FU UN ITU It 15 KEl'AlU LOVl N'S BLUE 818 330 2nd Ave. (Next to CfPR) CREDIT TERMS Prompt Mail Order Service nOMOLlTE ' V , FOR TABLE COVERING CURTAINS . oe. 251 3rd. Ave, Box 1127 Phone 179