. ptlmc Kupcrt Oatlp Jctos LtO. Friday, April 2, 1648 ' Enjoy Refreshing Shaves with B0ST0M BRUIMS STILL III LEAD Defeated Toronto Maple TTdm nun Spmrte . ' .' SPECTACULAR BASKETBALL r P& Y$ TO ou YOUR OWN wm MtisSiitas -WT YOUR DOU8lE-PG AZO, fat money-tovina Aavat Leaf in Stanley Cup Play-Off Game BOSTON Boston Bruins stayed in the Stanley Cup running last night by scoring a 3 to 2 victory over the HaUonal League champion Toronto Maple Leafs. With the game count thus far three to one for the Maple Leafs, the fifth game will be played at Toronto Saturday night. In the other semi-final neries last night, Detroit Red Wings Cigarette Tobacco MINORA Blade- Canada's favourite doubl- towwiiy fitodes. Ttiy'i the qualify blades Magee Wins Second Game In Sssond Period Of Overtime Play I Magee 49, Bo-Me-Hi 47 SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGIN I Ml 10. In wna it was, without tloubt, the most prtacular ff1 one eame up winning l-i he r Vancouver Maee Hid. School .? winT JvrS ' 1 VJlu "Aa. c"u,JThe R1 Wings have won three Us -A- five-iin U,,?r ?i ,"nKlL"watt?s- Amba's- , MKN'ri HV irj ma f 4 Prt - I-LWGIE took i a 49 mi to 47 a win from Booth Memorial High School games and the Rangers two in SMaav)ns vs MeMeek-! 1 vlrVUi!?nuUKi, ... A-.ThorncJIffes vs. Thom MINORA BLADES ALSO AVAILABLE 4 flrlt IOC Annv vh Uimu ,nW(XKls vs. ftiriDUMH- Brownwoods. Murnn. I?'1 MOlal. in the second game oi the intercity basketball scried the best of seven series. VS. nuinr vmi. (jil ,11:1ns itevciiers u,v 3- -Morgans t vs. Brown- last night after fifteen seconds of the necond overtime jieiiod before a roaring crowd that packed the ih Star. Moraans vs. con woods. Baseball Scores MaiKins vs. MoMcckms. PRO BASKETBALL Js. ft "2!e?iy.i.A'-. Kilo-' ,MW. vs. Ambaa-1 Civic Centre gm SCHEDULE OF MIXED BOWLS KilowatU vs. Ifaiw O .CuntilM.llLl Burns vJ w,.,.u Portland 70, Seattle 67 Co-t p vs. bcolians. Stones vs tiru'.to. Mutts vs. Canlisco, Leals vs. Fish Dock. Am-. 9 - Leafs vs. Canfisro. t.rollo vs. ScoUnns. (Hours vs. Fish Dock. Armv vs. Mulls. Hans. Mutts vs. Fish Dock. Armv Aor. Hi Thorm-iil fs vs Kco-Thornclilfes vs Moose. Co-op vs Thom Sheet MeUI. vs. Canfisco. Co-op v Moose. Grotto vs. Tlioiu Sheet Metal. Scherk 18. Boulter, Carlson,' Pacific Coast League Seattle 5, Hollywood 7 Portland 4, Oakland 3 (ten rili Star. BiownwomiK va. McMirkins. Mofan Thompson 4, Spring 4. J (Portland leads best of five iSeries 1 to 0). n'tals, Malkins v. Man- Magee. whi rh lost the f if ct game WedwBday night , by a score of . 40 lo M, lut ' tilgiit equalized the game standing but ' not the total ftcofe rith .. itivrn a l mi rn j April 4 lrtfol TJcwrius vs. TrlHe innings ixxx. bianam m. b o tvtm. c j Angeles 5. San Diego 12. !". O. v. Cougars, Miss -or Hit vi . . . Ladies' Game Peoples Stor; Hamilton 8, M Leod 2, Sedgwick. Bill. Youne- 19- Burns vs. Home on, IYI1.A.E.U J riVfc, Brownwoocis Bacramento .8, San Francisco HOCKEY SCORES Hiois vs. Leals w Contimntals. Malison ; fUX UrttlJULL April 11 Onuean vs. Triple XXlf 2. 23 -Armv vs FKh Diulr ,-"""" o- w.,.. . man, weDSter, Malson 1, Blm- Anr ,w ... ,..fl.. u Morth Am-ll 7 lt.miAn .... Co-oij vs. Cjnfi.sro Mnit.i vk : through the hoop .on a throw undspn Kilrial s ty!i. BIUll""'" I . , V.I. IllJIH't'rS McMf-ekins vs Kilnvulla Hmh.'iTIMITI Sheet Met.il Lenfs vs hv I.nntit I .i..u:.j . ..... Pacific Coast San Diego 9, Fresno 1 (Best of five -series tied, 2-2). Mandeni vn Miss or 'Hit B C. PaeK-ers vs. CC.Y.O., Ideal Detergents vs. Brownwoods. April ffl-C.y.O. n. Irteai Determents. B.C. Packers vs. Browivwoocls. Triple XXX vs. Miss or Hits; CmnrnrB ! pinners vs. Gold Seals. Stones vs. Thorn- 1 Midaets j vn n,.rfi,m- ir. ... r es ''irriifn us Mn,o ! Bo a0 M Me-Hl won wnn the tne series serjes on on , Ham lton 6. Pavich . v 2. Kennedv I.KCAI.S : Maple Leafs. Pushovers vs'U Apr. 30 - Mutt's vs. ' Se.olians. ftotal points by a margin, of 87 Lykdgaard, Budinich 6,' Jorda iJ nytlf8. . iLeals vs. Moose. Tlwnrlines vs. to B5. ' ' How 2 Wn,ni ' .... ., ivs. blamlers. Athletic 1 AprU 25 Mlra r Iits w. B C. land and it was the AHlll It-lluhiUAi-c t,m ll.iU Si M l ?tlinf V I luilll SiilfPr 4 - . v.. I Leafs. Dodiers v r.nui Metnl. Armv vs. Grotto. Co-on I wlt!l botn sld" PJlt ' KI1.MIIV CT Club. Well the Athletic Club Packers, Cougars vs. Idenl DcI.ct- ,.r ihir ;r,;i-l i Miduou vs. Thiitles McMw.it.iVS. ush uork came down and went, home pents. tsianuers vs. RrownwiHKis Trlnle XXX s C.T.43. ' a TB,i,ivniir cm. HhMk our ins vs. Kineniiineis. Atomics vs.' May 7 Co-op vs.- Grotto. 4Hiiriii ih'w HiiHiiri ivuowaiis. HeatlulniHTs vs. Pio- o""'es vs. wnnsno,. ria uock IVtewieit, Packing Crating. Shipping and tleneraj .' . Carl ace and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage, & Storage ! Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Pbones M and 61 ivh-itnP ;tlil). VMI:ief m ikxts. : vs. oeuiiaii.-i. iviuits vs. ivi'mjm-. Metal. Sheet BASKETBALL CHATTER f, M.iii flV!. ' niirii ii AianilCS vs. Gold iihhii Armv vs. ThorneHf:s. sorry bunch Of lads and We j May 2 Islanders r.-C.YjO . Triple could hardly blame them. They Bro... Co were toeatec little .. roughly gents. here by taking tWO Whippings ! May 9 Counars vs. Brownwoods, ... i , . ... , ; . Miss vt Hit vs. CY.O. Islninlem vs without making things interest- f Detergents; Triple xxx vs. b EAS Kili.laciory pronr oi ri-am, iviiiKiJiniieni vs. IlllSUes. the liixive Ctrtllirat oi Title mejvireKinij vs. Manle Leafs. me name or Tnomas w. iieaauiiiiiers vs. Kilowatts. Dofl-becn ftifd in till offirt. eers vs. Pioneers. Miduets vs hireby I'lvrn thnt I shnll. I Pllsliover.1. strong offensive, Bo-Me-Hi kept a slight advantage through the first furious half but,' as the vtruggle entered the third qua..- lr, Magee began to pour oil the fuel and entered the" fourth quarter with a 35 to 29 advantage. The fans embarked on a screaming, shouting session thnt kept at roof-raising pitch until the second overtime period ended. Keg. Laviirae, lS-yr-o)d ing ior the lads so tney startea c. Packers. The foul Khnt that Mol TV,nm NOTICE jpiratlnn ol nne mnnm imm j rimu in MCMPPKinS VS. on took with but five seconds : f(libl4stuff 'f avlng'"" their etter This to go in last nighfs great ba- tfamllat me. kethnii shou, u,iu h tt , remark was hardly appreciated You saw it in the iamly Neu f ol the nrst puniiraiinn iiusLies. ueacipinners vs. Maple m a Prmlslonal trllflcal Ieafs. Klniipinners vs. Pioneers, m lieu oi said lost certifi-1 Pushovers vs. Gold Seals. Mid- ... - -. w. , i ... l ,u r. yj i jf in the mrantime vaiw i eels vs. Atomics, Duduers vs. by the local body and now It Is going to be the other team, the me town ior a few days no of hiikIp to mr In wrltlnir Kilowatts. d t iiw inu RfKMry or-, May 5 Kino Dinners vs.- Gold doubt. It was the blunder of nrp Riipprt B.C. tills IDlh M:.rrh. I!14S. A D. blunders, a product of anitious- t"cw a very strong team, PP per ness and excitement. excitement. Yet Yet we we heals. Pushovers vs. Kilowatts. Atomics vs. Manle Leafs Mid-nets vs. Pioneers. MeMeekins vs. Dodgers, lleadoinners vs. Thistles. Mav 12 Headninners vs haps tne strongest to visit us ANDREW THOMPflOH rpuiy K".;lstrar of TltlM. (90) The Dailv News wishes to titter.tion to the rule that classified anr' iransienl advertising is payable In advance at the ul fu e a I time if presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Daily News are asked to a-stisi the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified adver tisine this season so far. mm if FH.UKE SKAT1MJ KOLLEIt HOCKEY Dust-Proof Floor Schedule: 7-11 Every Night Wednesday Night Beginners Only Thursday 1-4:30 p.m. Saturday 9-12 a.m., 1 -4:30, 7-11:30 Rupert Roller Rink Kmiir l mi HI couinNfi Dodwrs. Mideets vs Maple Mimn r 'Teafs. Thistles vs Gold Seals. notice that Columbia Kirfninners vs. Kilowatts. Bo-Me-Hi forward, pmt em ar of the fin Ohtplays of flr play and hMtin that ha been seen i the (ym this season. Vn was etrywher and his alHMting brought IS points to the local students 14 on lield goals anil four m free throws before he wm sent to the bench in the fourth ot company limitkd of Pushovers vs. Pioneers. Mc- I must look on the human side of lt all before condemning any-one. There were three,? only j three, in our packed Civic Centre ;gym that could be forced to j admit the responsibility for this jmisjudgment namely, Coach (Alex Bill, Floor Captain Doug I Shier and of course,, the man of ithe hour, Thompson. Anyone witiard Building. Vnncouvcr. Meekins vs. Atomics. Columbia, manufacturer of Train Schedule ' r the f ast ' . ' Monday, Wednesday . Friday -8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday-10:45 p.m . I Advertise in me uany rvews: i 1 , ' quarter with his Mta 4tf foals. products. Intrnds to apply iw ol the following described .liule In InverneflA Fusriik0. aatriy one and onr-half mtlw iieriy from Osborne Point, purpow of log storage ground in the manufacture of cellu ducui at Watson Island: tin? at a nrwt planted S Bo Me-Hi ended the first quar-iknows tnat either of that small A SHABBY CAR DOES ter with a 1-12 lead and arrived !Krol,P 18 capable of deciding at half-time leading by a 24-21 l,nat witn five seconds to go and score. Then Magee forged ahead two Pint lead the only de-to reverse the score to 85-29 in cl8lfm is to keeP that baU where Advertise tn the Dailv News! It Pays to Aedvertise! ; northeasterly of the N.E. cor- m , 1 YOU AS LITTLE CREDIT AS W; 8 SHABBY CLOTHES! AND- M 420, Range 5. Coast DH-:bnir northwesterly IrV) thenoe northeasterly 10 icmce southeasterly KM thence southwesterly 10 M rontiiinlni! N0 acres, more 3 Murrh 8. 11)48. CQU'MBIA rKl.l.ULOKE "0MPANY. LIMITED. Hoy E. Morton Ai;ent SMALL DAMAGES WHICH ARE NEGLECTED CAN DE-VELOPE INTO BIG JOBS, CUTTING DOWN YOUR CAR'S VALUE. i as LIGHT and AIRY as a Spring day! Genuine Plantation SEE US FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON . BODY REPAIRS AM) REFIMSHING m I'iiit i.wn HI okium; IH-1 KMT NOTICE that COLUMIIIA OSE COMPANY LIMITED Of raliircl Buildup, VnncnuviT. Columbia, niaiitifiicturer of CREPE ' priKluets. Intends to apply il .in ,ip..inWiB ija C? their favor, at the end or the th opponents are not. Shier lnirj , jand Thompson had done their The dramatic fourth quart?r ienar ot mking sure that the ?aw Booth puU up from the rear Provincial champions. Magee, whenhad not- until thnt Plnt. bee to tie the score at 41-all the whistle blew jfible t0 pet away with unjthing. lex Bill has taken J our boys In the first overtime period and rk them to be un one cherk sank two field goals and Thompson one to tie the score at f the, stron?est High School teams in British Columbia and 47-47. Under High School has- ketball rules, the first team t e mIght, as, 'e strf,trh, tnat tefrlt0 t0 Include au of Can-overtime get a two-point advantage in view f the foregoing, becomes the winner, so fda-. ,In, leU the eff0rtS' ihe game ended in the second te?1 cessful that they were, and overtime when Loutit broke away . ,, , . . don t make any remarks about from the toss-up and scored a , . . , , . . r. , . . .... . our lads not knowing what 4 to field goal within seconds. , , . , . T , , . . . do and when. They knew and Last nights game wm more h of the wide-open type Of play beert which he southern team is used an prr to on its home ground and con-. tQ technlcal. ;eqr.ently. the number .o louis ,u ,n thg U,Q games we edged was greater than is usually seen Qut thg yMU)rs u,0 nts in local games Magee marked Th,s howev mpans nothlnK up 25 fouls and last one man, nQw th(, seoond hag while Booth totalled 22, fouli, , d unU1 someone end. losing two from that "caw. men ed witn tlie eater mimbei Both teams scored 18 field 0f points. If our board of stra-gonls while scored 13 out Magee togy had deddpd that the fans of 29 ir?e throws and :Bodth 11 worth and had thclr moneys oi me lollowiiiK desariued .tuatp in Inverness Paasatre the easterly foreshore op-He north end of Rtapledon ' d purxwe of log suit-ad and use In th! maniifuc-Mlulose pnxliicta iU Watwin -CommeiiciiiB at a post 1 'Pprtnimatelv 10 cfaalna RUPERT MARINE REALTY "ly of tlie s (. corner of sanse 5 Coast District northerly. 4(1 chains: thence (J. CLAUSEN Ac SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING FQUIPMEM P I ehains; thence otitrierl. : thence easterly. & chains mni 20 acres mitre or um "i March S. 1048. TOUiMBIA 'KI,LUIOSE '"MPANY. LIMITED, licy E. Morion AlJlflt. TRY v RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES Oft CHARTERS ; ' Just East of lipsett'a. Waterfront) J Boa t4t Phone Oreen 07 ft ', MIMIni irt ' AiiaiirMitHi tor l ertlflrule lniirnirmenlii '? Lake -Kracttoiml Mln- '1 Sllll;il In h. Pnrllniul , u 1 , Mi Muiii.f uivlsion. Camttar, at " ireelt :l OOlller: Chnrlea lundclmn, out or a tree tnrows. - usual claims a victory in the KAINRIKOS BEAT . totaJ polnt mannpr there would PEOPLES STOUE - have been manr dissatisfied In the , opening exhibition customers fiilng from Don For-game, Peoples Store, the Ladien1--ward-8 emporium. It was there-League champions; lost by a fore the hysterical show Dut N M the holder's free mln- Hollywood Gate 'iif: I4fl:i9-f. Mice that , w h. rorrest. Tliis Is Just One of Many GRACE LINE , Numbers See them at BDOVidTOODS ' PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST (,, artlne as aeent for, Kt5trom. of sti-rt. n r. score of 18 to 16 to Booth Rain- 'nn .v Bnnnrters thnt wnrmntert :l"'" Certificate No. 1403B-F, " " end of sixty days from w apply to the Mln-'inter fnr Ccrtificntjm of im.l f'JJ'lw the purpose of ob- ' UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:06 P.M. TO J:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY i CHOPSUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 PERENNIAL WHEAT NO LONGER A MYTH Dr. J. B. Harrington, In charge of wheat breeding at the University of Saskatchewan, and Prof L. H. Shebreski of the University field husbandly department, discuss the future of perennial wheat in the west as they look over specimens of the interesting cereal growing in the greenhouse at the university. Plant breeders working at the university, begin crosses with grasses and wheats, have come across a whc'at-llke plant with perennial habit, and near immunity to a large number of races of stem and rust. Research on perennial bread-grain crops began in Canada as recently as 1935. , birds, their erstwhile competi- tne compietlon of the game last tors in the league play-offs. ... 'evening. After all the customer The scoring: ' , lis always right. Magee Southcott 4. Rae 6,1 ,If ,ans can m!xdl tt) forent Hudson 1, Mills 3, LouUt. 8. De- thla weett g .ow long enough saulnieis 11, Ostro.sser 9, Gutter- purchase seats, they will be lidge 4. Marshall, Mair 2. entertained by New Metlakatla Booth Lavigne 18, .Shier 5, vets here on April 7 and 8 when Flaten 5, Olson, Davidson 1. the Alaskans play local all-star grants of the above !her take nrrltce that ae-' section H5 of the "Mln- tlUlSt lie PnmmAnnri tiA. f tetianee of such Certificate "'eraents. oth day of Atmust. W. H. FORREST. WTOEMrn-miRT" OF" BWT1.SH COLUMBIA IN PROUATE IW of Ik. i .. 4 t GREER & BRIDDEN , seniors in a two game total j point affair. This series was .brougrit about by the remarks 1 following last month's games (with New Metlakatla Athletic lub. The local executive have not and will not entertain clubs Irdm any particular league In Alaska and have insisted that N Hut. ...1 , ' " a,,,,. iirrisr annwn m F'lram illnv,n (MS BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS I ' ' - 4 Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty ; only the best will be served tne patrons here. So, in negotiat Ing with the Metlakatla author P.O. Box 721 Phone RED 561 Ities early In the season, they j nrt l!"l't of the ArtmlnWtratliui A, r' P 10T1CII that by Order f "' Judge w. O. Fulton, made 'ntetl Administrator of the " Uertrand Hnnnen, i iZnZ. "8 0s'ar B,rtr"ni r;"l havlnc claims mralnst ' 'tate ore hereby required Brnt proiwiy vYifUd to '94 whk-b date IMlrt w,,nm,t Tr1-CCM l,en , hereby ren,Hrl i ani,4.J WHa.--- ' 1 'U'W "' et (saw-t- ,i iw e-va d.Hdoui .olod-eody In a lff)l T.ndw, J ) I I 1 TTi nutrltiout Spork tlk... mok. any .alad f f MIUI Lw betterl V.r.atil Spork can b. Mrv.d A L. . tJJJJ If If Va-rJ " BURNS COMPANY OF CANADA HMITfO were misadvised tnat tnere was but one team on Annette Is- SAVOY COAL FOOTHILLS SOOTLESS LUMP EGG NUT STOKER Bl'l.KI.EY VALLEY LUMP Prince Rnoerl Florists 900 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions lilih inucbtedness to V Ht Ih. - INCOME TAX HOTEL CaVl ZarflH, Prop. Phone 3T " P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert , ' the , 1 01 Prtnc Ril- PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Building Supplies PHONES 051-652 f "' ""tlKH Col-ll,h this in.w "lb daj of March, A D. RETURNS PREPARED SEE n0r"ZmR FORRES. "Wal Admlnlsirator, It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) erince Rupert, BC .(81)