o I Daily P ivery I PROVINCE i, L IRRAR ph:vi:;cial Lis.i.'.r, DISPATCHED V U f NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published of Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest VOL. XXXIX, No. 291 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS J Mm Phone 81 . I '. i ; osion In mo PHOTO OPERATIONS ft, Court Orders Walk-Out End Vancouver's New Mayor . Soviet Bloc Warns War Will Continue NEW YORK (CP) The United Nations Gen ic Plant CHICAGO fl) The sudden, crippling strike by railroad yard . , i i f'Ui l at Chalk River Due to Sabotage eral Assembly today approved the Asian-Arab plan AND Tftt CAMtfU mm W1V KIVER, Ontario 0i as killed and (our " ' for a Korean ."cease fire" despite the Soviet bloc's warnings that this would not end the fighting. The vote was 52 tq 5 with Nationalist China I VANCOUVER Sundays with hockey, baseball, movie.-., horse racing and open taverns got thumbs down from Vancouver voters in the plebiscite yes- ! terday. Complete ieturns showed 34,751 had voted against wile- j open Sundays while 25,051 were in favor. I' injured yesterday in at Canada s closcly- cago to Washington and St. Louis despite a federal court order to end the walk-out. Freight traffic is disrupted in St. Louis and Chicago. Passenger, mall and express is affected in Washington. A United States District Court judge last night Issued a temporary order directing the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen to 7-7 i abstaining. The Soviet bloc countries cast jtomic energy project. (i.sion, In a small pilot the chemical storage the first since work on jupment started six negative votes. Robbed Bank, Soon Taken Russia's Jacob Malik vigor ously opposed the plan as a move to give the united oiaies and Great Britain a chance to Keys, director, said v.:iich occurred (ion, process pt evaporat-fwas definitely not due prepare for a new attack. i In the mayoralty election, Srwtsman Fred Hume ousted Charles Thompson, chief executive for the last two years. The vote was: Hume 33,161 Thompson 21,425 I Badly defeated in trying for the maye 's post were Jaok Prise trade unionist, and Elgin Rud-deli, provincial treasurer of the Labor-Progressive Party. Hume, co-owner of the New Westminster Royals in the Pacific Coast Hockey League, ran a' end the wild cat strike at Chicago which has crippled rail and freight movement and "torced cancellation of som passenger trains. The order came after United States Attorney Otto Kerner Jr. said the strike, beginning yesterday morning, was causing p. liat'.on resulted but It ned to the chemical VANCOUVER Ot A fleeing bank robber, dropping bills as he ran, was tackled yesterday by two passersbv and was behind the bars within twenty minutes after a brazen try for $3,200. Allan Aldous, aged 36, Is charged with robbery with violence in the robbery which oct curred at the Marpole branch of Is Fined For False Alarm ea. as Stephen Whelan. an Independent. Thompson wa? the Dominion Bank of Canada. His five-year overseas service Easy , backed by the Non-Partizan As- i sociation. ' obstruction of inter -state commerce and mails and was "seriously interfering with the war effort." Judge W. J. Campbell set December 21 as the date for a hearing of a preliminary injunction asked for by the government. The temporary order will remain in effect until December 23. with the Canadian army, clean police, record since a series of offences committed while he was a juvenile, his wife and three jnfrols Birt Showier, British Column's I vice-president of the Trades and i Labor Congress of Canada, won HOCKEY SCORES National Detroit 4. Toronto 3 Montreal 2, New York 3 Pacific Coast Seattle 4, Victoria 1 lone of four aldermanic seats by fro tt Minister of children were given by Judge Douglas Abbott said it the federal govern-I not wish to use over- ! squeezing out the CCF candidate ! Laura Jamieson, former Member of the Legislature J. D. Cornett Non-Partizan Apsoclpf ion, and W. O. Fulton in County Court tocay as matters taken into his consideration when passing sen !s on prices .distrlbu- ALMOST BLANKETED There still are a few small holes in the blanket, but the R.C.A.F. has completed the first major phase of its Job covering Canada by aerial photography. This air force map shows the areas covered .this season. Areas shown in white are the only ones not yet photographed. , George Miller, also Non-Partizan productlon unless they tence on Fenwick Rutherford. Rutherford pleaded guilty to a fcary and will be effec- won two of the aldermanic seats PAY INCREASES tAembers of Forces And Civil Aid. Archie Procter, Independent charge of unlawfully and witn-out reasonable cause setting off placed second, in the poll wtiich knadian government U $mies- a a fire alarm on the third floor was headed by J, W, Cornett. w lo ngnt innauon oy of the Martin Inn at Ocean The Non-Partizan Association method that can ultl- TODAY'S STOCKS Falls December 5. He was lined sweDt all five school board seats ioceed, namely by vlg- Servants Are Getting Boosts . OTTAWA (CP) Frime Minister L. S. St. Lav and three of four Parks Board and monetary meas- $75. Speaking on his own behalf, t (Courtetty 8, D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) 'Xmas Seen In City Stores Ibott said. seats. ' i Fred (Cvclone) Taylor, Canad- Rutherford said he had been drunk at the time of the offence. 42V. Inn hockev ereat, won a Park lent,today annpiirwedLljnjrrcapes. ranging frrt Bevcourt Bobjo ..i.ju-.. iVA Buard, seat in- his first trv tor He ma-nos-'remeTriwr'-cwmiiitt.7-- - - - ' ri .,..,. 1 ot fe Ja Navy. nubile office. oriTTINO AT ONCE The Christmas spirit is one ting it nor what had made himJ.SO to $18U per year lor many ui dnaua s x,-. doit. He said he owned his home,, , , . j, servant3. The increases will be retrv , J tUCIdl Civil ".. xiv r. ot t-.tnvtrriali and made Detlodi- I again .shining forth from Prince Mavnr Thompson, following acualion wife and thrae I active to December 1. oai visits to his V C vJ v. v. -1 1 1 n ' i. jl-. his defeat, said he would relinquish his duties by the end of this week. children . there. He had served ; However, the increases will not show on th? L festive season approaches. Mer- P A United Nat ons . . . ; . phnnt h niro nno fr, ffrnat. trill- overseas -with ine uanaaian Army Irom early 1940 until just, cheques of civil servants until before Christmas 1945. Dealing Parliament votes the money to ble to make their displays attractive, while other business- pk force, aided by a b destroyer squadron, 400 military personnel Wi i 111 . , I . Wil.ll 1 11 LO Jll vuu onvi. v with his state of intoxication-at cover the salary boosts and the time the offence was com-, Parliament is not due to meet mitted, he said he had gone to , untii February. u c yumns .ibiwcu. ... flo(jr haye Rot ,nt0 tne fiwing knr, lSr,- If ., nffl. work December 3 and. aue 10 C .. i Restrictions on the use cf Buffalo Canadian 21 Consol. Smelters .....:....126.50 Con west 1.75 Donalda 44 Eldona 23 East Sullivan - 7.05 Giant Yellowknife 5.80 God's Lake 36 Hardrock . 22 Harricana 06 Heva 08 Hosco .5 Jacknife 05 Joliet Quebec 82 Lake Rowan 06 Lapaska 4V4 Little Long Lac 47 Lynx 14 Madsen Red Lake 2.03 McKenzie Red Lake 40 McLeod Cockshutt 1.99 Moneta 37 Negus 72 some trouble at the plant, had! r'l-.vr power, though cutting down on VANCOUVER Bayonne - .01 Bralome 8.00 B R. Con 02 B R X 04 Cariboo Quartz .95 Hedley Mascot .43 Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Orellte 7.75 Pioneer 174 Premier Border .7Vi Privateer 6'2 Reeves McDonald 3.60 Reno 03 Sheep Creek 1.24 Silbak Premier 28 Vananda 09 Salmon Gold .02 Spud Valley 04 Silver Standard 198 Western Uranium 99 Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.40 A P Con 33 Atlantic - 2.12 Central Leduc 2.10 Calmont - -73 Central Leduc 2.10 Okalta 1-75 Pacific Pete 6.90 . Princess 1-25 month. They are retroactive July 5, 1950. f There is a complete revisioa in the entire pay system for th Royal Canadian Mounted Police, including increases ranging, from $140 to $651.50 per year. Announcement to this effect was made by Hon. Stewart Garson, minister of justice. The increases will be effective as from December 1. Salaries of commissioned officers below the rank of commissioner are also increased. . been obliged to work 23 hours without sleep. He had taken a. few hours' rest and worked f roSn Alom Bomb Only Lever LONDON. Prime Minister C. R Attlee reported to Parliament today during a foreign affairs debate on recent talks in Washington with President Truman. Mr. Attlee suggested that differences between United States nnrf Great Britain over Chinese lAthTa lAthabaskan 1 and 7 Sioux nn7 the effectiveness of some of the JV AustraUan destroyers - J o the artlsU Much mKa and Bataan screen- inKenulty nas shown in For some civil servants, not yet designated, there was bad news. The government announced it was reducing the staff of civil servants by 6000 as well as lengthening the hours of those who now work less than 39 hours a week. Canada's 63,000 servicemen pacuauon decorating the windows which I range rrom an eiaooraie portrayal of the Nativity to simple ec Woman ennui vhip. Ot,hers still have 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. DecemDer . After leaving work he had a few drinks and did not remember what happened later. In asking for sentence. Crown Prosecutor A. Bruce Brown said the Crown was not seeking a severe penalty. However, he pointed out the seriousness 6f the charge to which Rutherford Dleaded guilty. He said that, also get pay raises retroactive to December 1 today, ranging representation in the United Nations not be over-emphasiz- 1IUIIIUII ichosen gay Christmas decora-.. SVU J " . I Hons and attractive arrange- liarged ulQcQ ments of their merchandise. Noranda 68.50 oh hp himself believed that Not a little help in prepann? i Louvicourt 16'A commupist China had the right Pickle Crow 1-65 to be represented. Mr. Attlee assured Parliament from $14 a month upward and averaging $19 for other ranks and $33 for officers. Pay increases are also being given to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. At the same time the government launched a new system of fee. A third charge was the windows was given by "Fu Iv In connection with an, ture Citizens" who were "em ft-, last September which I ployed" In the establishment since trie disastrous fire at Ocean Falls earlier In the year that British Views had been considered before United Nations military instructions had been B persons. Mrs. Artnur. i uesnay. Died Recently At Ocean Falls Death occurred recently at ' Ocean Falls hospital, after a brief illness, of one of the younger residents of the paper town. Roderick MacKenzie, who hailed fromthe north of Scotland and was employed at the Martin Inn, where he was a general favorite. a fire alarm was cause for general concern and anxiety. On be fcter of the Jeweler, Oen-Suest. who was convlct- But It Is not only snop win- , dows thnt re showing signs of; Christmas spirit. Smiles on the. Regcourt 4 San Antonio 2.25 Senator Rouyn .18 Shcrrit Gordon 1 2.74 Steep Rock .' : 6.25 - Sturgeon River 14 Silver Miller 84 Unper Canada 166 Golden Manitou 5.75 granting foreign allowances "to half of the convicted man he (rday of helping J. Albert Royal Canadian .09 Royalite 12.00 TORONTO Athona -7'2 Aumaque 24 Beattle -53 b make t.hf homb. was faces of fhopners nnd otne -s on be paid to sailors, soldiers and airmen serving with Canadian issued to General Douglas Mac-Arthur in "regard to the Korean campaign. The Prime Minister expressed the opinion that Korea might be the turning point between world Deace and world war. units abroad." However, the al being an accom- the street ae becoming mor (with rmmernus dallv That's only, pointed to his clean record since 1932, his home at Cloverdale with his wife and three children to support. He said that some penalty should be imposed but asked for leniency. Judge Fulton said he concur lowances will not go to officers. They range from $9 to $16.50 a natural, thouan. unnsuna only eleven days away. t morning. The train was going ATOM ONLY LEVER slow and the cars remained- up- j Former Prime Minister Wln- ston Churchill felt that the atom .v,t t. t tho rails No one FIFTEEN-CAR DERAILMENT Big Profits He was 34 years of age. The funeral service, was conducted by Rev. H. Stewart Forbes In the United Church with interment in the Ocean Falls Cemetery. Masons attended, in a body and the church was fill red with counsel's remarks and raltoratoH iVta cPrlni J Sn(RS flf the ' School Inspector O. W. Graham today flew to Alice Arm on an inspection trip. Fifteen box cars a 30-carjwas hurt. was expecteQ the ltLl train left the rails in a aerau- offence and pointed out some of j Di. MarMillan the dire consequences that could , J)f ' rlfltl Mil lull line would be cleared by this It waiting until one 1950 py. December 15, ment on the Canadian national , causing no delay to iao fDfl Tnniirht's train, due irom me , was dead to fire a gun in self- - - Tnl av lllT, " w nave resulted irom pui,wiig m the alarm. Drunkenness was no VANCOUVER 0) H. R. Mac- 17.6 feet east at 10:15, was reported this protection. S of MdSHi 7 o'dock tnis Passenger train traffic. 6:15 18:04 12:17 ed with friends. The pallbearers were John Denholme, Alfred Harvey, Archie Osman, Adam Ollenburger, Chris Ogard and Frank 9.0 feet afternoon to be on lime. defence. But taking into account MlUan. Export-Co. Ltd., largest his family and home, and the forest operator in British Co-clean record since he was a boy . uimbia. had a net profit of of 18, he was going to be very $7,412,381 for the year ending If! H8QEA m. September 30, it was announced D. J. MacKenzie, an uncle from Prince Rupert, attended. today. lenient. He suggested Rutherford leave liquor alone and. If he did happen to take a drink over the holiday, not to mix them and This was $1,640,778 higher He has lived in Prince Rupert than a year ago but less than since 1907 and during these the 1948 peak year profit Of years Roderick was the first of $8,484,829. 1 his kin whom he had met. THE WEATHER Princess Is Off To Malta LONDON. Princess Margaret left today for Malta to visit with Princess Elizabeth who Is there to use discretion. He said he did not want to send him to jail at this time with Christmas coming, nor did he want bo make the penalty so severe that Rutherford could not meet it. He then fined Rutherford $75 or in Synopsis British Columbia temperatures last night were the lowest , n,n hut crill nnt. be- In the far northwest, another threat appeared in the growing strength of Red jet fighter planes streaking into action from Manchuria. Twenty - four Russian - made um.iS'j funded with four-Am- gest Jet Fights Waged nited Nations Forces Withdrawing Further Land Front IOn OKYO fCPAllied forces pulled deeper into ior low normal ui..e """J for mW-rcember " rU-pmher i to spend the Christmas pr,nr.PSS season Mar- Pranbrook reoorteQ W aouvc, ---- ----- - ------ . garet will be back before Christ-1 default three months in prison iVli " c- , oriz-nn F-80 Shooting Stars in mas. !at hard laoor. - the f biggest aerial dogfight thus ! northeast Korea beachhead today before the, Quesnel, 14; Vancouver, 31. A storm off the Oregon coast Intensified last night and is now moving north. This will bring rain and milder temperatures to the coast and blanket the interior with clouds. ice of an -otjmnhwl 100.000 Chinese Reds massed; Flashing battle was waged for i FOR PROGRESS . . . nearly 'half an hour over the Sinuiiju area on the Korean side of the" Manchurian border. Pilots reported one hit on a MIG To the Travelling Public NOTICE is hereby given that the Northern Trans-Provincial Highway from Skeena to Terrace is officially closed to traffic due to snow conditions and will remain closed until further announcement. (Signed) L. E. SMITH, Divisional Engineer, Department of Public Works, Province of British Columbia. t Vote for I arc around them. Across the peninsula, in the fvest near Manchuria the biggest jet-against-Jr buttles ever fought were waged during the et dogfighu rendered no : tut decisions the United States Third Division mngton an Air Force hTmhunTafd Forecast North Coast Region Mostly riear alone the mainland and and no damage to men planes. Earlier in the day 14 to 16 MIG's. the largest number to cloudy elsewhere today. Cloudy T. NORTON YOUNGS for Alderman ,Pp,.i WUn, 1 . o,J.M milje, with mation to tnen, euisiiiui"j up L t nn States jets in a brief jm.p.h. today and southeast 20 saia mat growing w,thdrew lnt0 a slender fighter activities indl- j ... ,trln extending another six United rnfi tnmnrrnw. luws clash Ciasn.ui , in VOTE THE LAST NAME FIRST miles to the east coast port of lne Communist air force me o..iv r pnrt Harriv.'X Hamhung. . F'ing to wage all-out air fight was broken on wiuiuu. mgi j damage to eight American jets Sandspit and Prince Kuperi, Mj;wmH4HfM,,f,wMHW4tww It is the United Nations lasi f ivorea, and 4b. involved. the northeast beachhead toehold in the northeast. J