o 8 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, December 14, 1950 THURSDAY -7. 9 PM SHIPS and Duff Patfullo Doesn't Forget It Is a good manv years since T. D. Pattullo. former Prpmler lief fund, Capt. W. C. Toulton announced today. For many years, Mr. Pattullo has been the first to make a contribution. .. - . , Massei Shrimp WATERFRONT Edmonton Oil I Is Flowing East EDMONTON Oil, which left this city October 4 through the newly laid pipe line, has arrived in Superior (Wis.) around a week ago. The distance Is 1,127 miles across the prairies. The flow was directed to storage tanks awaiting shipment to refineries in Ea-sftrn Canada. The oil moved at an average rate of between one and one and a half miles jof British Columbia and long time M.L.A. for Prince Rhnert Motorshio Sidnev. CaDt. O. ford ; ff) aoav1 Cannery Active Hendricksen, arrived today from Ketchikan and unloaded three has lived in this city but he does not forget the seasonal amenl-tfres as Christinas comes around, i As usual consistent; Mr. Pattul- cars of frozen fish for the United 11 Queen Charlotte Canners plant ! at Masset, which has been hav-' ing a good season putting up a States. The' vessel returned north after unloading. CARTOON - N; lo has sent his cheque for $10 to the Salvation . Army winter t e- i - u 'Ross, Mrs. R. Christlanson. Mr ! and Mrs. F. Feero. J. C Heron hourly. It took 1,800,000 barrels to frii the line. Fish Floats For i Passengers sailing tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver included J. I. Hagney, Mr. and Mrs. G. Kearley, Axel F. Trembiay. E. D. Laleume. A L. 1 FINE PRINTING AT.,. '' Clark. T. P. Dupuis, F. Skimeti, R. Dunlop, A. Muisich, Mr. and Mrs. C. Oliver, B. O. Olund. L. jvcgal Printers 1 U PHONE 21 ,,, s R. Frith-Smith. Miss Nelson, Mrs. P. F. Byrne, Miss Joyce ; tig duck or snrini'jd s.uwx irom the cool waters of uoper Masset Inlet, is closing down December 15 for a month. It will re-trr1-about January 15. After having previously been engaged on crabs, the alurt hps been putting up shrimps for the past six weeks and lnu been making large and regular shipment of the product Two boats have been engaged In the slirlniD fishing S.un Simpson's Tow Hill and Alex Wv'if's Argonaut Hill. The shrimD are frozen and put up In one-half pound aiid one-pound packages. Use Classifieds lor Results. "vu,llHJ i H W. Poy, H. E. Christlanson. Mrs. J. Graham. W. R. Camp-I bell, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van (Cooten, J. Mostad. Capt. Knoop. J. Gendre, J. R. Mugford, A. B. Carmichael, J. H. Cameron, Mrs. Schaley. Mrs. R. Luck, B D Perry, D. J. Kerr. G. Jeffery, A Lund, A. Yargsh, Miss S. Mc-Rae, Miss O. Ruttkay, Miss P. Steele, Mrs. Vlerek, R. S. Bright, H. J.i Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Johnson. W, G. Thornton, Mr. Ryan. J. Miller. A Haves, M Niekardo, M. Joyai, N. Ross, J. McGarry, J. Ewart, N. Pazin', J. Havelock. . I Islands Sought A change from the weighing of salmon by area to calculating the weight by load, wlU be one of two resolutions to go before the salmon cannery operations commit tee's spring meeting at Vancouver fram the new fishermen' union In the Queen Charlotte Islands. The second resolution reouests til- Pr-nrtmrnt of Public Wo-ks to build fishermen's floats for the next season at Queen Charlotte City. Lesie, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mac-Donald, Miss L. Larsen, G. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sorby, E. Johnson, D. Fisher, M. Hanna, R. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, E. D. Cuuyhin. Brian and Barry Coushlan, Miss M. Lakey, Mrs. ... OUR OFFICE will be CLOSED the Christmos Holiday from Dec. 23rd ' 26th inclusive. M. Blake, Reg Davis, Mr. and Mrs. M, Roe, Mr. and Mrs. C Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. , s" -j Gtorft MirtMr Afarm Service, Trtfc f - "Slop worrying he's bound to like one of us!" All orders placed up to and including Dec ? will bs delivered bof ore Christmas. Look at your coal bin NOW and order eeri, to avoid the rush News of Francois Lake Instol Mill at, Hczelton Mine James MacKee, president of the Western Uranium Cobalt Mines, announces the intention to inslal a mill of about 150 tons capacity early in the spring at PIIPOTT EVITT & CO. 11 Phono 651 COAL UMUKIt BnilHNG SfmiB the Rocher rlc Boule mine near 'Hazel ton. Sufficient , ore is in-jdica'eri says Mr. MacKee, to justify biivclini; of the plant. t.;)s penlenbo'- the working jr.nitul was S225.000. : children'3 Ch istmns pp-v ti '-? held cn Friday. The Women's - '-- P-nr ....... nl hr." hall the same evening. Musia was by "The Ramblers." " 1 V D -tmW r W:::rn'; I;i-Klii.'ii-e ni r : wa- '"-Irl Pt lh home of Miv. J. Ilcnkcl hist Turst'iy w'.th nine members present. R-F-'rl ;n w., by the secretary of -;he .sale of w.rl held in N.wnbr. M-s. Fvebk's wr, th" winner of th.; '"ffle. Books suitable to send q Shaushnersy Hospital are being requested and will he sent; in January. Report for 1C50 was read and cories p.lvw to eafi1 rmnlv r. Fuilt".!? arti-cles left ever from ic basaa-pre to b? P.vrn ir the teacher to ii -e ns end-of-term prizes for rupils. ' 4 ;vtur- WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE CI i , , . " --:' w II A warm spell following a cola one was welcomed but another fall of snow has made the roads heavy aain. Santa's Opened Shop Now Open 5t I0t AND A -:iu ce .s-f:r-:ir-"l 'r- 'he p. The health nurse held a ellnic TA. wa- hl.1 in t".v Fall with in the school last Friday aftc--r'-ojords na'rf t- f;:nne the noon. Here In Our Store! RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE . . . ond you've never before seen so many wonderful Christmas gifts. Here's the creom of the North Pole workshops! Hundreds and hundreds of gifts . . . gay gifts, glad gifts, glorious gifts, o!l glittering and glamorous gifts . . . ready to be prized and cherished by those on your list. They're all here in our one big store' so that you con hurry through your Christmas Shopping with the speed of Donner and Blitzcn. FOR WIFE MOTHER OR SWEETHEART Fit For A i STORE Do Your Christmas Shopping at This Bright; Hew Store EVER YTH I NG IN GIFTS AND VARIETY ITEMS LINGERIE NYLONS SLIPS ' UMBRELLAS GOWNS - " - GLOVES PAJAMAS - PURSES BED JACKETS SWEATERS TABLECLOTHS DRESSES BRIDGE COVERS COATS BATH TOWELS SUITS BLANKETS BLOUSES BED SPREADS SKIRTS King! FOR DAUGHTER AND TEEN-AGER r 4 v y -'I BATHROBES PAJAMAS SOCKS HANKIES UMBRELLAS VESTS. PANTIES . APRONS SWEATERS MITTS RAINCOATS SNOWSUITS BLOUSES SKIRTS JEANS J03 West Third Avenue Opposite Old Li DRESSES COATS GLOVES ' PURSES JUMPERS r BOYS' MITTs j All sizes, QQf " Up from OV" " BOYS BATHROBES 2 Sizes 2-4-6 -fl (1 " Your choice... ' J .VAVWAVMViVW.'.V.'.V.v;. . FOR THAT PRECIOUS INFANT GOWNS BATHROBES BOOTIES BOYS' PAJAMAS Flannelette Q VESTS . DIAPERS BLANKETS PILLOWS SOAKERS MITTS DOLLS DIBS DRESSES ROMPERS SWEATERS BUNTING BAGS All sizes SOCK! Boys' Wihdbrcokcrs All sizes l Qj? Up from .. I LI And bcsl of oil, the bigqest qift we can give you . . . our prices thai let you fill your Christmas lists and still go home with spending money. So come on in . . . come in corly, while the crowds are the smallest and the selections the choicest. Come on in today. Finish all your Christmas shopping in one fell swoop! At WALLACE'S ' BOYS' SWEATERS All, sizes 6) 2 Up irom m BOYS' TIES S V I f Ac . - TV W3 Asst. styles rr0 Up from Of Course SHOP EARLY 1 ,lS. novo ZJ, ;- xT7 just the type (jj FOR YOUR GIFTS I BOYS' BELTS Asst. styles Up from fifi L. .... r. ..cav'.va-.. ,nd Standard Lamp that would moke ideals for Christmas this year.. XV"4 W'Au'i"-.'7' BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS 7y 7N On IK All sizes Up from n Furniture Department Vkif Our w. Jiitt .,- You will find a wide ranee of u 1' BOYS' SUITS All sizes -fl A Uo from .... Asl.S', Col" t .11''" -I ( CHAIRS CEDAR CHESTS RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE GORDON and ANDERS, kESI Federal Block 3rd Ave. W-