honors for second basemen with i .n V ""Kuwnea vow c i, ihr 1WI rufer (Kit ..i i : McMeekin 398, L. Emerson 545, C. Bellamy 3G6, B. Hardy 743. average of .938, While aa- Prince Rupert Daiiy News Thursday, December-14,-150 eteran. Phil Mas! of "Chi- i lh CM officer, to Bniilu young mo men wen ar sire t. Sport Shots' fcfwi ih tat trv. i ' "t ins tops defensively amofi!! ina: to Ket into mv r, .i "Ch, 1 Lucky Strikes A. Whatman i 5G1, J. Boulter 464. H. Phillipson 380, J. Warren 503, B. Dunbar G47. ! catchers, fielding .996, three the window " M voScn - faulted) Battlers 3, Black Cats 0 Ginger Snaps 2, Wallace Pharmacy 1 Manson's 2, Rockettes 1 Commercials 2, Shenton's 1 B.C.G.E.A. 2. Big Sisters 1 LADIES' "A" Brownwoods S. Donaldson, 454, P. Aird 485, M. Stone 358, M. Gurvich 504, G. Brown 417. j , ttta tnp rph u . QiiiLin t- Jim Hegan Yogi Bena of The veterans veerp h:wlc a.! You've made a mistake. Thk m tk-y. Gordon & Anderson J. 564, S. Ramsey 678, 1. Gainer i their old stand doing a cliJVt,Tork nad tne most Passed btki- hit nf fielrfinir tnudmxw durtr.2 - Third fcase honors WW. t 547, B. Smith 422, C. Barrie 53G .no . , ... tji T"trn:.' rt rttxvir K.a1 liann of Commerce I. Krisi- , . "T .... hn hu.i hn.) nhw hnhhw n u.i in..i, D u-l.l Dau season, la cwn.ra.si 10 rt, - . ' D.!linXv4R58csMrr: s rirtanc" fot a -982 mar Rost Lees M. Postuk 600 game aggregate, of 743. In "B" Division hifih single scorer was E. Mulder o! Ginger Snaps with 255 while Kay Thompson of Wallace Pharmacy had top three game aggregate of 634. The team scores were: "A" DIVISION Rosa Lee 3. Brownwoods 0 Annettes 2, Lyons 1 Lucky Strikes 2, McMeekin 1 Gordon & Anderson 2, Canadian Bank of Commerce 1 Toilers 2, Stars 1 . Belmont 2, Wrathall's 1 "B" DIVISION Skeena Grocery 3, Savoy's (de- Ladies' Bowling League Results Clean sweep three games to nil victories by Rosa Lee's ovgt BrownwoocU in "A" Division and by Skeena Grocery and Battlers over Savoy's and Black Cats respectively in "B" Division featured this week's play in the Ladies' Bowling Leagues." High single scorer in "A" Div.-slon was Isla Garner of Gordon and Anderson with 309 while B. Hardy of McMeekin 's had three Nelson 628, M. Furnlnis 436, D. numerous aerenave lauraa. ne - p? Ramsav 412 Woods 722, T. McKinnon 453. past yea of pkiy in the jumot I Am on the pit hers J3 . Stars G. Melntyte L. moundamen luwi pe -fet ItekJia; Annettes Winde B 597 ' 313, loop saw such established star Keays 50 j: Dlcl & mark. with Trout of Detroti Flvnn 598 McMeekin 569 Smitn' 522, as PhU Rizauto , Bobby Voi-n, 537 Dkkenf P I Hinton 452 L' IIowe 488. loecrge Kell; Pbil Masi, Duay ravins: the m,t clmru-e,, 5. Mel ,i ' i uners m. w ue os. k. jonan- Trout. MicKev vemcn ajta hum.hi """"" u u Lyons Pierce A. 560,, 1IW1TI1II ' ' J -. ... V ;en 33a. D. Taylor 531, B. Ellison son p. 561, Anderson Evers walk off with too irarfa,,cnancea wua. oair one errv.i afield, Awhile taunt ehanees were acepC- ' fi m . 211, J. Hill 296 V. Patrick 186. Shenton J. 625. Wrathall V. 571 ed br Cleveland's rlght-haxk;! ! Wrathall't T rutAra., Ann h and the man went down the McMeekin C. Wilson 450, R. Evers, lanky blond outfielders F. Roberts 544 D. C. Lomey 423. star Bob Lemoa. Bob handled 82 chances wl.th only low er'tta. Detroit and Boston shared team nekiia laurels, tvl) having a of the Detrort inters who- nad a j. ! great year at the plate with a "A y r PI W. ste-aves 552. E. Iley 408. Belmont's M Lewis 625, Hoskins 315, A. Denton 508, Lurin 4a. E. Anierron 42a. LADIES B- American League outfield record " - for playe-' appearing in 103 c-r , Biore games a season. Hoot fieW- Savoy's tDefault- led 5970 through 139 games, sur- G MHItJMMV Jf yu Jrjf -jj- S. T Iff X ?M fresh attractive luncltcft School or work lunches or fresher, moro tempting when, sandwiches, cakes and salads are wrapped in Milady Wax Paper. Economical, 100 foot roll in the handy dispenser pack with a strong, sure, cutting edge. At your grocery, drug or department store. ed the most chance. I II i. whSe Philadelphia completed the mati double plays, 208. The Boston Red Sox committed the few -a! errors, 111. SOUTHSEA, England A statue will be erected at the spot near this Hampshire town from which. Nelson embarked for the Btittfe of Trafalgar. " : y ' v V v 563, Slater W. 401, Smith S 512, 1 SS Wasyk E. 489, Hague T. 457 j paw'B th W matk of .993 Battlers D McNiece 417 S 1 st-t by J" DiManKio u tb same Downing 578. I. Parkhouse 441 "umbet of sanies In 1447. Ever. J. Adcock 369, G. Wilkins 531. .han-'aB 341 chances, had but Black Cats E. Stube 280. p. lone error. HigRins 460, W. Duncan 283, H.I ' Soeers 356 J. Hicks 32C I T1,e vear 1950 was a M Ginser Sriaos E. Mulifer Bfin.'or little Phil Riz;-uto of New Seagrams Kings Plat R McGlashan 327. N. Kennedy (Yor'-s- lh asue's most vpli-abU player. The Scooter duplicat?1 4TJ3- T. Stewart 357. L. Score 354 his 1949 feat of pacing the short Wallace Phasmaey D. Dibb ' B 338. G. Thai 368, S. Hasting slops af"ld- ihv Past eason se-- ing him turn in an averare Jf 3G3. L. Phillipson 4S2, K. Thump WAX WRAP .982, just a point ahead of Ve -;i Stephens of Boston, who had a fine year afield with a .931 rnayk MoviiiR. Paekinf. Cratln Shipping ami General Cartage and Storage Complete, Rellaole and Efficient, Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co, LU... for Oxygen, Acetylene and ail welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGt & STORAGE LIMITED son 634. Rockettes N. Geddes 352, M. Antoiie 444. M. Penney 451, E. Hood 389, O. Newton 509. .Munson's T. Detl 411, M. Copeland 546, D. Stewart 397, R. Currie 472, M. Montgomery 438. Commercials J. Helvrson 534. M. Hoban 446, L. Ewart 511. "H' w"rw 00ua or by fh, Covertira.nl of ,,W;. .9817 when carried out. fell Ju.t short of the league record si t by Lou Boudreau of Cleveland in 1947. In addition, Riuto put two other classy marks Into the Tec-ord book. Phil went 58 straight games without an error to eraie and Park Avenues Ih'ir 60 anil f.K Cor 2nd Est. 1910 T. Stewart 526, L. Smith 450. j Slienton's P. Smith 50G. D.I W ALLACE the previous shortstop league ma k of 42. hia'le by Eddie Joe t in 1947-1948. Rizztito alvo handled 288 chances without a bobble to wine out Joost's old league mark of 226. JOHN H. Artlern 431. M. Shenton 380, V. Elliot 397, B. Matson 401. Big Sisters O. Bond 551, M. Bond 389. H. Miller 362, O. Both- PHARMA BULGER .ia.uttl Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds. 3c per word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun eral Notices.' Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE well 104, T. Muncey 125. B.C.G.E.A. M. Baxter 515, O. Steffens 345, A. Holkestad 503, E. Antilla 372, J. Thornton 531. First base honors were shared; by veteran Mickey Vernon of Washington and Cleveland's bi,j Luke Easter, each coming in witi i OPTOMETRIST FOR SALE REAL ESTATE a .991 mark. Ed Robinson of Chi- I ' : eago and Washington finished j a point behind. FOR SALE One Yukon sleeping baz. 90 X 90. Box 845. Daily Nea. (292p HOURS: WEEK DAYS: For Sale Wartime four in excellent shape, fully furnished. New oil burning range, CIVIC CENTRE MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. P. Gamula announce the marriasse of their youneest daughter. Irene Beatrice, to Mr. Gerald H. Croot of Vancouver. The marriasre took place in Vancouver, Saturday, December 9. tltc) John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue wasnine; macnine. refrtsera- i-tor bedroom suite, new 1 FOR SALE Practlcallv new ra dio con.sole and record player: Phone Green 723 or Black 152. fJOTES I ' An old pro' of the Boston flu1 Bob Doe;- -, captured fielding 9 a.m. to 9 p P H O N E 7 9 Call 1093 Ambrose Ave, after DEATH NOTICE 6:30 p.m. (291p SUNDAYS: MacLEOD In the city Tues rA uAiin rnnnnmr iiaii i 7 day. December 12 1950 Norman chrome kitchen set $4700.00 on terms or $4350.00 cash. For Sale Wartime four, close to schools, mostlv furnished. $3900.00 cash. Immediate occupancy. For Sale -8 room house, partly furnished. Fulton St.. $3500.00 with half cash H, G. HELGERSON LTD Phone 96 1291c) FOR SALE Bovs' CCM bicycle. Call at Fire Hall of phone 20. (291p Macceoa. 7b ot Alice Arm B.C. Rev. E. A. Wright will conduct Square dance enthusiasts whl meet at the Civic Centre tonight for their period cf tripping the light fantastic. Tnere v ill be the usual hour of Instruction for the beginners ar.rr whlth th 12 Noon to 2 p 7 p.m. to 9 p. services at Grenville Court FOR SALE Girl's bicycle and vnapei at i pin. t'ridav Deaem other articles. Phone Black uci i a. inierment to toliow in 290. (295pi rairview uemeterv B C Under takers in cliarae of arrange FOR SALE Babv's crib, first FOR SALE Immediate posses-! dancing will continue fu- two sion. Ten roomed revenue! , , XMAS STOCKINGS XMAS CANDLES SHAVING SETS COSMETIC SETS ments. (nc) property. nartl frni,hrt l"uu'3' wi.un ui mu- SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVEXW FOR SALE Box 1823 or $6,000.00 ca.sh phone Red 738. size. Call 441 7th East. (291 pi FOR SALE One white enamel coal or wood burning kitchen annex heater, like new. $45.00. Phone Blue 725. Hi (291pi FOR SALE Two-bedroom house I elans are planni i j; to helji by playing the reqrirej music lor couple dances, au recordir.fts are not available? There is plenty of room for a lot more dancers. i"he dance tonight will be in costum?. CLEARANCE SALE .303 Rifles Hi-Powered Umn Range En-fields. Model P14 with built-in 6 shot . magazine, only $19 95 POLLS TOYS CARDS on 2 lots in Section 2 Full price $2200. Available at $1000 down balance as rent. Anolv FOR SALE 1950 Plymouth SDec- iiRiicinocc nnrl Prnte ial deluxe five passenger coach. Mileage 3000 Phone 234 or Black 993. 292pi 5 UUOIIIUJJ Mil" iwiwwvx For Action, Advertise! Montaaor. Ltd. 295c) FOR SALE Four-room wartime house. Aoolv 1348 Pigeott Ave. between 0:30 and 8:30 p.m oMLE Model (Mark) III with1 1(1 shot detachable magazine.! $24.95. Blade foresights. Ad- iustable rearsihts Halves to! 1000 vards. 26 inch barrels. F u 1 1 v auaranteed Box 48 rounds ammunition with rifle ' " i i" WANTED 1 295p; TOP MARKET FP.R SALE Large 4. partially ,ej: Prompt shipment WAntft. COD HI NTEBS C IT DDI V WANlJtD s v w lis nrteTTf fr. rrrfi mm SCOTT McLtf PRICES PAID for scraa iron i"rm?,r'ecl- vacant Dec 17 steel, brass, copper, lead, etc I Blue 954. (293p) Honest eradir Promnt. r m ""rr COMPANY 193 Spark. St., Ottawa. Ontario. (T,F,S-H) j - m 1 111 --1-'l-i--J""-'i.i.J.,I..Ji CHARTERED AClE James Bluck W ment made. Atlas Iron & 't oALE Wartime Four. 6th A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. P. GARDNER. C.A. A. L. BELL, C.A. 324 Second Avenue Box 503 P'wne 88 Ave. East. Beautifullv clean Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van .Prince RupwtB. couver. B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf)' P.C tii-ruwEKED Soortins Rifles ')3 British BInfiekls. Also BSA From $33 95 uo. Excellent vai- yes. Rend name with address for free folders illustrated, with prices and detailed specifications. No obligation Deai- Phone 347 and bright. Including furniture almost new refrigerator washing machine, oil rane et2 Corner lot well drained. A home to be proud of Pri-e verv reasonable. Aoolv Prin;-e Runert Realty Co.. over Broadway Cafe. 293c) HELP WANTED ijUALir; im oT(in?uir,p" ,nvlf'rt. TARGET SAIFS COMPANY 154 Mas-La ren St., Ottawa, Ontario. For Donit'if"11 1 WANTED Waiter. Apply Sandy's ' Cale. next door to Belmont. (292c) and Wom 1 , T.F.S-H 1 LOST MAC HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 uk tsAus-1949 Fargo ton DK'kup radio and heater . eOUl'lDCcl Phimn ni.inl, oru. SHOE HOSP! j LOST Ronson cigarette lighter, ' '' I296pi initials J.H.J. "Finder plea.se'1 FOR SALE- Bv owner 4 roomed house: concrete foundation: ele-trified kitchen and water tank: clear, level completely fenced lot: new electri-range and Duo-Therm oil heater: new inlaid linoleum; furniture optional. Immediate occupancy. Phone Blue 097 (293c) B.JX 774 icuuni iu uauv itews. rcewaru. (291p j FOUND NAIIONM.LY KNOWN NAMES ' Linobclt Sneeder Shovels: j' Cranes: Dran 1 i nes : Ada m . J Road Graders: UUleford Bros'. I Blac Ton Rend Mnin1.en;mpi 1 FOUND n Buy lhc Best-8' MOM Weddintr rins Owner i mav have same bv calling at ' the Daiiv News and payint! fori ELECTROLU PERSONAL uns aovertisement. Ui) houioment: Owen Clamshell ! Buckets and Rock Oianpies: T L Smith Concrete Mixers; I Clark Forklift Trucks; Nelson I Bucket 'rade's for Stockpile I and Snoi Henioval: Rice Port- I COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE ' Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 Cleaner and Air ? Small supply no ' 41 U-DRIVE. Phone 41 711 Gren-i ville Court. Eraser St. (14Mi FOR KENT acie t.ctilrilDual Punius- N-i- R. W. COLUN: AutliorM " tional Drarhn Scraners and FOR RENT One furnished cab-H'lickels: National All Steel! in, bachelor preferred 839 Gasoline Hoists: National! th (293o) Portable Sawmills: National J"-'l- ARE YOU hard of hearing? Then hear ve! Hear ve! With the almost Invisible Vibraphone, no troublesome batter- l?u- corch w wires- n'v $15 00 Phone Blue 414 between 6 and 8 p.m.. or write Box 1541, Prince Rupert. B.C. (3()0p) eort RENT Three unfurnished Rotarv Screens -and' Conveyors Full inlormatioii from Na rooms lor nnict. f-rmnio tional MiU'lllln IV Cli limited 9nrl W,.ut , or,-, . .I ' '- Vancouver. B.C (tf) ' Contact. service & surt SLEEPING rnnm f,,r ni v,,,.. -i FOR SALE RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS Si AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 New chesterfield if desired. Black 232 (291d) , ,or scrap cast, brass, cop- beds: beds comnifle- nn mini. - , "er Dattenes and radtatnr FOR RENT Sleeping room at JJhone 543-call 029 i h w i-n rasi. can alter h "..v. (tf) ft. tta-, Cwd M h, ft, G 1 L. Q'-tZ V.'-. O TAILORING for ' 1 ) Wik Ladies and Gentlemen XsiMV Jn((WM LING, the TAILOR I (295p) NORTHLAND rinlr,, mm, MARGARET ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Blue; ered 24- per quart Why pay FiUH lr nail 1 A on. A .... mnrn? tu.. ' V . .y Ka , - i I . t ',' i ? I f I OPTOMETRY w v,. olll nvc. WfSl. ; ' i nunc 10 luf uauv t e- (296p) livery service. (M-29) ed chest ot drawers; sewing machine: kiu hen stoves: heat- ers; hardware; coffee tables, end tables; bedroom suites; brand new carpets. Axnrin.sler, sizes 2' x 4',:'; .scores of other useful furniture at lowest prices. See B.C. Furniture: Black 324, (tf) FOR SALE Coal and wood heater. Wartime house front room style. Phone Blue 165 (tf) Room i RELIABLE WOMAN will lnr,k HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR RENT Room and board lor workintf man in private i1.me;,.?hone Red "0 or call 1333 6th East. (294p) alter child while mother works rf ki slttl"K- Write Box 849, PH0t 220 Sixth St Phone B49 FOR RENT Sleeping room centleman only. Apply 615 8th West. (2fl.ini REPAIRS BLUE 593 BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS i WAiJ,CHt ncient REPAIRS-Prompt. ef- P.O. BOX serv cp nunm. rr,u Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIM N EYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P.O. Box 1670 Jeweller. Satisfaction FOR SALE 77 Grey marine engine. 2-1 reduction, like new. Marine General Repairs, First Ave. East. (291p) FOR SALE Firewood kindling, 50c per sack. Get vour winter supply at a bis- saving; Kaien Transfer. Red 902. (7p) PLTJMBING and HEATING Sheet metal work. Tar and Kav.eI roofton. Call 29 6th West Phone 543. Letourneau and Sons. (tf) UJL BURNER SPECIALIST - REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED service ana repairs. O D. Ronson. Black 503. (tf) MATTSOfi MODERN Painting and Decorating Spence and Matuik. Plione Black 215 evenings nr FOR SALE Electric rangette.r . eocd condition. Apply 1424. Piggott Place. (294pl, ACCOUNTANTS aid f ' noon hour. P.O. Box nil. (tl) ! Phone amy RQYAL NAVY DEMERARA RUM fhis advertisemenl is not published or displayed by the Liquor 'Conlrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia 330 sew. c. R. E. Mortimer , 324 2nd A ve. (Near CFPR) rjiifvik FOR SALE As new. Halicraf ter COMPLETE builder7lmnTie PtC AcpNTANT. Income radio Model S-40. $125.00. fast service Is anTcitv Build ' IftL81??0 a st' S' - Furl' Room 12 Kino (itinrap (9Qim ' i o.T ,Vr: ."L1 .u'ldri Stone Buildine. Red sna ta ,Mh,M, IJllf ouumifB, D1U6 1H1T1 ' . SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo, Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 f 5 -3 1,. AoWlt . ... Rlad 1 POES John Mostad, 128 Ninth Avenue West, is leaving on the Prince George tonight for Vancouver and Victoria to visit Un hla family . .