Tired Old Furnace r. i .,v : Prince Rupert Daily News 5 ; Thursday, December 14, 1950 I 1 itsasoJ J - Given Last Chance psychiatrist! IT lo i JW Ray Reflects and Reminisces down. There can be no question as to the size of the audiences a screen play like this will find in both Canada and the United States. But, admitting examination of hospitals as sometimes necessary is there evar a time when anything pertaining RAITS ed and Printed SERVICE t'S STITHO ft Box 645 339 Prince I Rupert u I iait Willi, niuci nail uu wut:.. in & single uay iiuui ncaib 'iia- And on top of that he spurned ; ease. The eldest was 69 and thj liquor and tobacco and was not 1 youngest 35. There is no par ,ic. chummy with the reporters. ;ular reason to doubt it was heart 1 Small wondar he failed. disease, unless it is the effect of wondering why so many are Trouble with the heating plant has given pupils of King Edward School an unexpected holiday this week. The tired old furnace gave up the ghost late In November but was revived sufficiently to carry on until the first of this week, whpn it. n.iit The Princess Patricias ' leave to mental treatment can, mor-Tokio for south Korea about the 8 "'. be regarded as entertain-same time a United Nations ment? The Oregonian, first of Port-1 stricken by .that illness. Four in land's newspapers, has been sold force in danger ..of capture a Jiay, even in a gwu iwu something to notice. Cigars and brandy appear es- Jr ve million, ii tne Oregon sential to the eeneral comfort of n is not a century old. it can- board steame s in North Kojea. So now who's going to guess when the war ends? , Montreal pnrinrses elimination Winston Churchill. Ample con- not be far from that age. There of the word "Progressive" from firmatw. t mon thrnnah t.h are. on the Pacific Coast, a few North Vancouver Is to have a use of cameras and interviews, papers of which it can be truth- -the Party of that name, feimiiar park which, according to an-, many of which have been grant- fully said rank among the west's suggestions have been hearo Denouncement cf ni-vir' - ed Some feel that without "great." There's been a lot hap- for even in Prince Rupert Trw ficial- nature, will be the finest whiffs of smoke, the victory pen since the days of the cover- chief trouble appears to toe that in British Columbia. We areut- sien. and chats with the press ed wagon. had the party more of John A. there mlghl terly at a loss to suggest what he mieht have found the war and less P'ogress, even harder to win. Well, to Four men died in Vancouver be more doing. Stanley will think of that. EATING iCrsi jo EATERS jriunical I Burners vr In heating 1! ' KKANGKD '& Elkins MITED i and lli'atlnf I P.O. Box 274 What is described as a "poor man's snake-pit" is being film again. At a specia; meeting of the school board yesterday afternoon with heating experts. It was learned that the furnace had been repaired once more but It was problematical how long it would remain in operation. The old burner Is overtaxed in drawing the oil from the tame installed for the new building. The board was Informed that a coal grate could be iastalled for a fraction of the cost of a new oil burner and the conversion completed in a few days. The board decided that, if there was further trouble with the furnace, the conversion would be made. The resignation, because of ill health, of Miss Jean McDougall from the teaching staff of Booth Memorial High School was accepted with regret. Negotiations with teachers on fef&ifa ed for release at the end of .March. The scenes are taken in Chilliwack and Essondale. Tne semiflctional story tells of an unhappy girl in her early twenties living at home with her parents in a typical small city an-J (of the various experience? vih!:1! . drive her to emotional break TV Cmrrt MiK Ad. "Sure, I'm very busy but try to collect a bill from any of these characters!" When you buy Carnation evaporrted milk, you know, before ever you open the can, that you are getting good milk smooth, uniform, rich, creamy flavored. That is true today as it was 50 years ago true in British Columbia as it is all over the world. Good Milk Improved Legion Plans - .. . . vwnwunru a l tin: a meeting but no final aurcement knr llirirlmnr B reached. ,IUI 0111103 Jarvis McLeod In California Copies of the Los Angeles Times and Glendate News-Press sent by Jarvis H. McLeod. formerly Coir "from I $ CN5T si Contented si-JfLrr L ; - Lonely older veterans will not be forgotten this Christmas. A party is planned for them Christ- Officers of Gyro Club r mas Eve at the Canadian Legion, lector of Customs at Prince Ru-Arrangcments for the affair were pert, have been received here. reported on by Frank J. Hicks,! There rc numerous pictures chairman of tha entertainment ft timelv interest. A wide street Carnation starts with good milk from strictly supervised farms. Only top quality milk is accepted by Carnation plants. And processing is strictly controlled, exact to a degree of temperature, to a second of time. All the knowledge of 50 years of producing the world's largest-selling brand goes into every can of Carnation. A CANADIAN PRODUCT lection of E. D. Forward us committee to the eeneral mi-ct- i in CHendale, spangled with bril- 1D51 president of the F ince Eu-linsi of the Prince Runprt branch hart lights, describes the illum- Fills Every Milk and Cream Need When you need milk, use half Carnation, half water. When "you need cream, use Carnation undiluted. 'You'll be pleased in both cases. Your grocer has Carnation. , nert Gyro Club was confirmed las!, night. Arrangements, will inatior ar a model, when it last night when the club heU Us also e made for the older mem- comes to Christmas decorations for other cities. vitality and )d Food" t Our First Aim 'e 17 for Orders Take Out )dore Cafe bTS o have Christmas dinner with some Legion family. From now until Christmas vnll be a busy time for the Legionnaires as their strenuous Christ On November 25 the temperature at noon was 71 Uegii'Cj. The weather generally, from the X cr--i'h c'ast. ac'oss the raoitn regular mommy business meeting He succeeds A. J. Domin-ato. Installation will take place next month, being conducted by & district office'. Martin Van Cooten was x- elected secretary of the club and Grant Stewart, treasurer, j Directors for 1951 will be iFmil Blain, Allan Hurst, Ben i Parker and Mark flnrmplv tains and back east was, on that mas program goes inu effect. t This Friday there will be the aay, rugn and wintry enougn pre-Chrlstmas Ball. Saturday with considerable fog in Califor-night will be spent preparing nia ports. the hall for the children's party - "he Los Angeles Times carries a report or remarss oy won. ) About 250 children are During the absence from the Sunday exDected to attend. Next Wed- BrooKe oiaxton. canaaa s Minis- city for a .few weeks Dr. A. W. Large will act a club secretary. f y ' . nef day tfill be "Bing Your Mis- t-er of Defence, who spoke In the sus" night. It was decided that California city on defence af-exzept for their partners, Legion- a1". With him was Air Marshal naires would be' allowed r.o , Wilfrid A. Curtis. ' ' ' guests. 1 - I ' ' ' ; Mr. Hicks said the- Christmas j 5 1 1 N CHANGES ' I hampers for ex-servicemen audi MH( FLAVOR V fy Steamer f GEORGE jBAILS FOR kOUVER ki tor mediate Ports jch Thursday fit 11:15 p.m. 'KETCHIKAN its I) AY MIDNIGHT I For Reservations 4 Write or Call tITY OR DK.roT i . .i, .,, mmK.,-. IrnnWln ST. PAUL dH vow mMV off j Lf Z w.nt rnmm.intraie doorstf eariv and -youll get 1n aTvvIhklin) felLDtLJCEIID ' IPraCES amstil-ett,er milk, advises D. V. Jos? ' with him : but warned bandrv at . th University of I suggestions of families wiio wore not in actual need. The number 01 DonaiRK- (" "'meeting he-e ' that sunshine 1 too great to allow hampcis to be gneps the navor of fr(,sh mi!k and destroy some of the vita v . . for Christmas Selling mins. t od tJiat all veterans in hospitals OFFICE l'RINCE RUPEIIT B.C. seni lu muse iiul autuAbj ntu- ing them, he said. Prince Rupert veterans in hospital British Columbia at Christmas will re ceive cheques of $5 each. The report of the entertainment committee was accepted and a vote of thanks tendered Chairman Hicks, and his committee for the work they had J done. In the absence of the ehalr-I man of the t ick visiting committee, President J. Nicoll report- FUR TRIMMED QUILTED MULES WOMEN'S MOCCASINS Blue Only were being taken care of. S. A. Cheseman said he had heard that, the condition of William Denning at Shaughneisy Military Hospital was improved. A vot j of thanks was tendered President J. Nicoll and Vice-President Alec Haig fcr letters they had written the Prince Ru-norf. Daily News explaining the Wine or Blue 1.45 To Clear PP Reduced x. i your hi re nts GET CHILDS' and MISSES' ALL LEATHER to pi 1c up WOMEN'S OPERA STYLE LEATHER SLIPPERS FUR TRIMMED SLIPPERS ssues at stake in the bylaws being put to the paopie at the civic election. The vote of thanks was also extended to the Daily News for an editorial which had been written explaining the by-rnws and the space that had been allowed for the letters of Mr. Nicoll and Mr. Haig. Payment of salary lost "by the zone commander while . at i ending the zone meeting was approved by the meeting. Christmas bonuses for emplojees who hud been in the Legion's employ for one year were also approved. The report of the finance committee for-October and payment of November accounts were Red or Blue. Reduced vo 2.95 Blue an j Wine. Priced r:: Only . IS I Tickets, for the Co-op Show at tlic Copilot Theatre on 'Ihursdoy' December 21 al2:'M) p.m. They are FREE for the MEN'S SHEARLING LINED SLIPPERS WOMEN'S CROSS STRAP LOUNGING.SLIPPERS Price Sloshed 0.95 Co it -.'1 Reduced Jo osliini i it Of " r 5 anta Claus will be there GENUINE LAMbS' WOOL Red and Blue At Reduced Prices m TICKETS ARE Gives "come-on" lo any meal WE WILL BE OPEN on FRIDAY EVENING Until 9 OXIock Come in and see our Complete Selection of SLIPPERS and SHOES Decorated Dark, per lb. AVAILABLE a? fhe BRAN MUFFINS CHEESE W Ji Sizes 5 to 8 1.95 Sizes 9 to 12 - 2.50 Sizes 13 to 2 9.95 KA1EN CO-OP.. 85c Undecorafed Dark, per ib. Decorated Light, per Ib . . iSevcnth Avenue, 1 CO-OP STORE, I Cow Bay I end at the jCO-OP BAKERY I where Z 'XMAS CAKES i New Kelloggquick methodl No creaming, no epg-beating just on eusy mixing. Deliciousl 1 cup Kvllogg't Vt ttatpoen salt All-Bran 1 09 cup mirk 2 tablspont 1 cup sifted flour toft shortening S'i teaspoons 1 cup choot grated baking powder Choos. strips 1, Combine All-Bran and milk in mixing bowl. 2, Sift Hour, baking powder, salt together into name bowl. Add egg, shortening, grated choooo. Stirony until combined. 2,i Kill greased muffin pans H full. Hake in preheated moderately hot oven (400 F.) about 20 minutes. Place thin cheese atrip on lop of each muttin and continue baking about 5 minute. Yield: 10 medium Uiidecorated Light, per Ib. . 75c Christmas Puddings, lb. .... ?5c ARE SELLING AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES E 2? SfOB ize muthnil tmk YEAR WE ARE SHOWING 11 COMEDIES AND CARTOONS Cintda's most mo ut natural laxativt err pat for diets 4 in tufticipnt bulk try t bmtfui today I Box 638 Plione 357 CHARLIE ROBERTS mm