Mrs, A E r u s - . i - . LETTERBOX mrnit-r vice. ac,n Nation, 2 Prfnce Rupert Dailp rectos Wednesday, August 17, 1949. hzmbes of CAXAriAX pprss atoti crPEAtr of ci CANABIAX DA lit STW3PAFEH ASSOCIATION 4i !L . m u; Ci Ray Reflects . . V j . . . and Reminisces ' i Ail indageadeal aliv CFmonacf aTOta to xie upDuliame of fTnee 1 vc uptrt. NEW HAZELTON SCHOOL Editor, Daily News Regarding your report dated from Terrace, August 10, of the recent meeting Terrace District Sr. ud U oommuili'.n comprising northern cd centrsi Brttlib Columbia leave for ltu lAatnorued u Second eiu VUU. Post Oftlx Department. Ott by train Pub!Lhj ever? afternoon enceDt Bundftv bT Prlnc Rupert Dalij Mew Ltd..' rd Aenue. Prince Hupert, Brttlab Columbia, I If, in coure of time, the i ... fv,it fH-inir around the Ta Q. A- HT7NTEB. Uanaelnf Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. ii'i, . .. . . ., j ... h C.K.I n,.arrf instalment plan, idea is aeveiopeu iai ns,-cuii SUBSCRIPTION RATES clobe on the and nnva! manoeuvres mlKDl oe in ueorge u. rareiu, riew naei I; , . . i n .1. K.' ... Dai T7 . (C U, itrf ..a rrh,no Oreen- t.mrti 'vith Alaska and North-! ton, is said to have appeared ation authorize , docunitnis. L L. WOODS, Secretary Xrta.. Ne HazfcUor; p land It has been necessary n-:, British Columbia. Mindful f recent training movements from time to time to negotiate inland, the blue water tactics loaus If that as her idea in visiting Greenland someone could officially be referred to showed faulty judgement, as "Exercise Seagull." Greenland does not mean before the School Board claiming to represent the New Hazel-ton Citiiens' Association. George D. Parent did not represent the New Hazelton Citizens' Association. On the contrary, the executive of the above Association turned down his Tito A Thorn k MARSHAL TITO i? living dangerously. For 1 fe: , ' nicim greenbacKs. i wnoever win lane on respuns-i lbihty for judging, in the 'ect Child competition undoub- idea of new Bjrimard turn backwaru. o Clear Vacation iui-' u'ui .w.. ..v , time in your flight! fivinii it hardly seems - . - - i.juis. .... nmnal pvhihitinn at. Prince Ru- thp Tprrncp Rchno Hoard lim time's tim's s right. Ytt. it's a brutal ja, :"":."." " .A ....7, .JY. laree Dart of the armv ol usoc large C-"1 - . ., ,,, ffo,.j ,,, v,t w.nint..n i : 2nd sua Tri a a a have had theirs """"'j ""ui" wij"".-vi i ' holidav-makers 1k i su , he i ritis! 4iDV. inere was snarp rivalry sena a neiegaie 10 a meeting oi and deepest of interest. And any nature whatsoever t rep- PRICES C1 ; tr.. -. tT' . . r. ; ' , r.:m ' --'..,.' v.'i - ,- .-. k. " . , - j. 1 JV! , V - 1 ' - f'- It ' -f v-- resent or speak on behalf of the Association such delegate will ci nearly so. And they remrn, sunburnt, talkative, with tales to tell and to contemplate the rrudtiery of desks dull wood. The sn.iual lay-off if enoyed sanely, is beyond piice. Re-creation! It's exactly that. the plucky judge was always the target sometimes for praise and now and then, for something else. But it was no post for a weakling. be provided with a credential BUY NO iVl months the whole power of the Cominform has 1 teen mobilized to overturn his- nationalistic revolt against Moscow. But still he carries on. Possibly we do not need to be too enthusiastic over Tito's boldness and such success as he may be enjoying. For he takes pains to reaffirm his allegiance to Marxism and shows no disposition to abandon despotism. Yet every evidence of his independence is a public embarrassment to Moscow. The very existence of a regime which dares to disobey the Kremlin encourages imitators. , The fact that the Communist world is a house divided is a great annoyance to Moscow. It is a disclosure of basic weakness for totalitarianism . .cannot tolerate diversity. For democratic peoples this might be a reminder that the successful practice of freedom that does not fear diversity is a key to their strength. signed by olficers of the A&soci- MEN S WORK ts To H.MN,W MEN S DRESS PU' To $7.0e-.N,,w MEN S GAB RUM To S1J.50 No VOING MEN'S IV SLA( Kiv-To SIS Now Six tourists, all men, wearing slacks and sport shirts have Leen refused admission to a Vancouver hotel dining room, because they had neglected to appear without tfleir ties. The hour was U a.m. Many a din-' ing room has witnessed sights far more disgusting and shock-' ing than the spectacle of some1 sober and wholesome looking stranger walking in, without his cravat. Vancouver seeks tourists and angers them when they arrive. 7 - -. :ttj Of, If your subscription Is In arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the news boy or the post office. Just do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operation of subscribers in this regard would be appreciated. It would save a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertise m tne Dally News! MEN'S SPOKT SHli I j? CONDENSE D 07) - '.w-r A -wtfc t I f'-' ',-n "'' ' h Tli T ' -'..:. j . j .V., ,,.. j 'GONE WITH THE WIND' IT IS QUESTIONABLE if there ever was a story QUEENS GOWN The beautiful gown of white satin worn by Queen Eliiabeth to the Senate during the Royal Tour will be on display in the Women's Building at the C.N E. It will be shown alongside the presentation of four centuries of Canadian fashions featuring costumes from the time of the early North American Indian women to the fashionable clothes of today. This exquisite gown with its pearls, its silver sequins and golden tissue will be on loan from the Public Archives through the Royal Ontario Museum. AVashahlt T SJi; Now MEN'S SPORT SHI Washable T M-Now MEN'S GABARDft D.B.. Lattst, Pnlf, To 549.50 Now . MEN'S HORSTID dealing with reconstruction days in the south There must be in printers' ink , something that prologs human l SUFFERED AGONIZING life For example! There died a few weeks ago. Ross of the Ottawa Journal, in good shape l).B All-Wool. frt PAtNf To 17.50Now Mr. and Mrs. Jack . McNulty j to the nineties. And last week, returned to the city on tne ; in Toronto, Alex McLiver, 92, re-Prince Rupert this morning j garded as Oiiario's oldest Steamship Movements MEN'S SOX-Foti! until I Kt4 narfl. last actinf VMt Wwfitu Cjpiwbl. IuUii for 9m Mf f SciMmi, Nnralfa, Libf an Klmii- work. From, Pair printer. His career on different papers covered 66 years. following the American Civil War equalling in dramatic fire, passion and power; "Gone With the Wind" whose author, Margaret Mitchell, died in Atlanta, Georgia, Tuesday. ''Gone With the Wind" was a novel. Mrs. Mitchell, a southern woman had understanding. This intimate insight and delicate .r-feumor, gave to her story the sure touch of sym-J'athy, balance and compassion that helps explain "jlhj the book was so wide in its appeal and so ab-. sorbing in the reading. " " The millions who, in prose and on the screen, have found relaxation and enjoyment in her story ' will mourn her tragic passing. BOYS' SCHOOL Sli For Vancoutn Tuesday ss. from a visit in the south. Douglas Siader returned ,lo the city this morning on ' the y Camosun, 1:36 p.m. Across the western sea, sug ml To S1.15 Nov BOYS' SPORT SH To $2.25 Now ... Thursday ss. Prince Rupert i Prince Rupert following a visit gestions are heard that there be SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1J97 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT to Vancouver. established a "North F'acific BOYS' ANKLE Su Ii:i3 p.m. j Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. i From anco.Trr Sunday s.'- Camosun, 11 p m To 50c Now . Wednesday ss. Prince Ruper: 10 a.m. ( ' ! (mud Fnls Thursday ss. Prince Rupert BOYS' PAXTS-AU choose for srhml Good fit and rl Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10 a.m. For Alice Ann and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun,) 11 p re from Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean rail ii:i5 p.m. For Alaska -'." Wednesday ss. Prince Ruprr: midnight. 1 From Alaska From LADIES' ANKLE i To 50c Now. Piii LADIES' STOCKIV To 55c Now ... Thurniay ss. Prince Rupert. CHILD'S ANKLFTM JOHN H. BULGER 3PTOMETRI8T John Bulger Lid. Third Avenue To 40c Now 'Hp THE LITTLE CLASSIFIEDS j -THOSE LITTLE CLASSIFIEDS are always dem-on.straring their pulling- power. One man called at the Daily News office yesterday to tell us with ' "satisfaction that he had sold his house as a result of a contact made by a classified three hours after it -had appeared. Another satisfied customer was in - " to tell us that he had sold a range half an hour after the paper was out as a result of a classified in the , .., Daily News. ; . Of course it is a matter of gratification to us . . that we have a service which is so much appreciated through its effectiveness. A.. .1J..J i Vr? ... ANYTIME IS TIME TO . : , h- '.if f ft 'X CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY I . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! - HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 3 ... Let us inspect, repair and clean your chimney now Be prepared for Fall. We also specialize In repair of (utters, down pipe and roofing. STEP LADDF.ES . CLOTHES DRYERS .I KITCHEN UTENSILS CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES Morher Khous CBesf".1 V,v kf 4 SATIN-GLO f .w.w.w W . INTERCITY CHIMNEY SERV! is a a k'-o - ft . . fji-- ENAMELS VARNISHES PAINTS Free Estimates Phone Red 241 - Reasonable ft wd, Js,i HARDWARE CO. LTD. Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. All W Face Towels Table C'lothi Face Cloths Pillow Slips Ladies' Handkerchiefs Aprons Bathroom Sets Ankle Sox all sizes All Type UNIONISTS CONFER Top men of the jxiwerful American Federation of Labor1, William Green, right, A FX. president, and Dan Tobin, head of ihe International Brotherhood of Teamsters came to Toronto this week to discuss problems of the 8.000,000- man labor body at the A.F.L.'s quarterly executive council meeting. Unionists hoped to find Toronto a cooler meeting place : than some city in the sweltering "heat belt" of the United States wuaiutjs . SI PPLIF.S FDR Of A large selection of Babies' Clothing, including Dresses PBINTINC STATIONERY FOB lj r.KEETINO Cm OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cale Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN pitn AND rptl tag ARRIVED DIBB PRINTING C( : r.:. : second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel ,7; 00 am. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Order 518 3rd Ave. W. BESNER BLOC. Phone Red 400 Gas Operated. . ORH : Fargo Trucks Notice to Patrons EASY VACUUM CUP WASHER $206.50 EASY GYRATOR (GASOLINE) WASHER $196.50 DRUG THE 'AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DRUGS Qvic Centre Dining Room 'do ' PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS will be closed from 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. TO''"' T-,Ava a AM. THERE IS REALLY NO QUESTION ABOUT IT DO IT THE "EASY" WAY NOOS TO SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 AUGUST 11 TO AUGUST 28 " (inclusive) 7 P.M. TP 9 P M This will allow us to turn over our facilities to the Civic Ccmtre Association during the Annual Carnival and will provide holiday time for our staff. NORM BAKER, Proprietor. . ..II Rupert Motors Ltd. Emergency m from 7 p."- Uj and SunM Daily car delivery service from 9 am. till Q p.m. Phones: 8C6 Office, 566 Shop