a entire nupftt Dailp raetof Wednesday, August 17, 1949. HOTEL ARRIVALS Our Stock of Famous GOOD FISHING AT KHATADA Excellent catches of - trout were made Tuesday afternoon by a group of (seven fishermen who were flown to Khatada Lake by pilot Bill McLeod of Queen Charlotte Airlines. The party took literally dozens of trout from the lake between McLEOI) RIVER COAlj Is Complete LUMP EGG KIT STOKER jbert & McCaffery LIMITED 1'IIONE 116 , George C. Mitchell and 8. C. EU:lns left by car early this afternoon for Lake Kathlvn. Mr Mitchell will be one of the dele- gates to the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia. Prince Rupert H. E. MacNutt, Vancouver; H. J. McKay, Vancouver; J. L. Oreen, Vancouver; R. Dunlop, Stewart; H. 8. Brody, Vancouver; P. Coris, Vancouver; E. Lumley, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Kreuger, Detroit; N. W. Greensmith, Kamloops; Miss E. M. Taylor, Bremerton; Miss M. Vanvick, Bremerton; N. F. Acton, Saskatoon: R. Kniirht. Winnipeg; V. Dahms, Sandspit, G. N. Moore, Flin Flon; V. N. Zimmerman, Philadelphia; Mlis M. Dahms, Wetaskiwin. Alta.: Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Taepke, De troit. You Saw It In The News! ANNOlJNrFMFNTQ . - -- - - mi A a s Advertisements to mis column will se cnargea lor a full month at 25c per word Lutheran tea Sept. 10. Loyal Order of Moose Mn's and Women's Annual Bazaar and Dance September 29th and 30th. Moose Temple on the 29th, Civic Centre on the 30th. Dance and drawing for prizes at Civic Centre. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. ' Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 , Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9, Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. Orange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. Regular meeting at Chapter 211, Women of the Moose. Wednesday, Aug. 17. Initiation. (192) W. R. McAfee sailed last night on the Prince George for a brief business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Al Manson and two children sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. O. A. Hunter and P M Bav will be among local delegates iur Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia convention leavine for Smith ers on tonight's train. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McRae left early this afternoon by car fori Smithers to attend the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Col-J umbia. . Richard Morgan returned to the eity on last night's train after spendine a vacation at' Prancois Lake. His little niece," Call Weise, returned with hlm. Mrs. John Weise and daughters,' Nlta and Jill, will be returning. minorrow night. LONDON W-Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles Dobell presided at a luncheon of former cadets oft the Royal Miliary College, Kings- tnn , Ont nrtur rnflfll l O-.. "v " voiuaig lit JJ1 11- - aln. Dana Wilgress, Canadian High Commissioner, was guest of Honor. It Pays to Advertise! fi in advance, nease refrain from word per Insertion, minimum Ful-Knjt CARDIGANS 100 Wool Fine all-wool Cardigans, smartly styled and in all , the popular shades.' ! Priced at I $7.95 s6 ' Jantzen Sleeveless Eull- overs in two-tone" styl- j ing, finely knitted front j with ribbed back- 100 O Botany Wool. , ., I Priced at $7.50 1 BIlllHII IIUIiilllllilUllllilillii.ullillnllllllHuiHliliiyillillll uaras oi i nanus, weatn Notices, fcrigaRemcnt Announcements: $2. DOUBLE PRICE Miss I. Nelson sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. L. M. Felsenthal. after attending the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia at Smithers this week, w-ill proceed to a dude ranch in the Cariboo for a holiday. He will be accompanied by his daughter, Judy, who leaves for the Interior on Friday night's train. Advertise in the Daily News I FOR $1.00 A WEEK and small down payment- IN COME IN! Try iu "Magic" Margin Finger-flow Keys Speed Spacerl See its streamlined beauty! Own one on these easy terms! irered Trademark they supply , teft by car yes-1 .,' summer home at While away ne v. invention of i Boards of Trade i-itish Columbia at I M ftrtf ertlsins is payaoie Classifieds. 2c per jirth Notices sue, s Marriage ana SPECIAL DISPLAY. SALE 3aby buscy exccl- m mcmciiii? iiai-1112 mil t Plume i iw me 13 ft. speed irlv llttt'Cl. MOlOTl nvprhauied, snap Apply Biaek 884. 3abv buscy. hiph iaby seat, mime tiaji : foot trailer with trolling equip-B A. Oil Dock. 11941 .938 Ford Tu;tor. r.ion Reasonable, K 102 i I'sed lumber r call 629 6th Ave. itfi rifles, shotguns, jhts. ammunition,! lor latent folders' Scope Sales Co., 3:, Ottawa, Ont. tlDsi i it Used Funi-; are and musical bwH n ertric ri -t'ir rp: ups, and saucers, nana saws, new u, heavy 3-ply , t. new lmoeuin. -fitiy ued Men's bicycles, house writers, radius. aphones. battle-'M, chairs, etc. at the liiwpst. C Furniture Co.. j noon and 7 p.m. The party con sisted of S. B. Roberts, chief engineer of Celanese Corp. of America, Mrs. Roberts and their children. Joan and Blake Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Klotz and George Martin. - AIR passengers J'JWWAVrtWAVWiW (C.P.A.) To Vancouver Stanley Harris, A. B. Taft. L. Eckert, Mrs. C. M. Eckert, C. H. Watklns, Mrs. V. Mcllroy, V. August, Miss Diana Lewis, Miss Jenneth Joseph, J. Mattice, J. E. Jonatanson. . To Sandspit Mrs. N. Lund. Mrs. H. Sunriheim, Miss M Dohms, E. G. Richardson, V. Dohms, D. Rolston. From Vancouver H. J. McKay, H. E. MacNutt, J. Easton, M. Linderos, Mr. Gillan, Mr.- Borger-son, V. Murray, L. M. Gordon, L. Green, Miss Gale,. Mrs. Dolan, Miss Hunter, W. J. Falkner, E. V. Lunley. From Sandspltr-V. Dohms, W. Stevens (Q.C.A.) - To Masset Mr. and Mrs. G. Dybhavn, Mrs.. R. H. Colllnson, W. M. Smith, D. Davidson, W. S. Singer, G. Lindsay and son. To Juskatla -Mrs.' I. Tauber, Mrs. Robbins and child. To Queen Charlotte City Mrs. E. Bernard. Jou .Nuts riaae. i Ian n..!. ..,. malt?-"' PEKSONAL PERSONAL HyRienlc Products best bervice, muh quality, tow prices. Benu lor our tree catalogue. l.X.L. 8ecialues, li.KO. Box &7, Toronto, Ont. (213) PERSONAL Mrs. F. Vcrrette Dressmaker. t13 3rd Ave. Reasonable prices. Wedding and Evening dresses. 1 192) PERSONAL Would Joyce Roberts formerly of Prince Rupert or anyone knowing her whereabouts contact Box 1400 Prince Rupert, B. C. (194) AGENTS WANTED WANTED Representative on Commission for Northern Territory to sell KANT-SAO Upholstered Furniture to Retail Furniture Dealers Photos and Samples Supplied Apply Tynan's Ltd., Fourth & Commercial, Vancouver, B. C. (182) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Woman over 25 with a keen Interest and some experience in sewinR. Apply Sinner Sewing Centre. ( 192 ) Don't foiget toJfelaDaysWork on oui Breakfast! IIELP WANTED Butcher go-? i"R holiday, man wanted to relieve him. Apply Rupert Butchers. (ii) A. B. Taft left on this after noon's plane for a trip to Van couver. tT asc m"e all calls for Handyman Home service dur- "e montn to Black 334. . (196) Mr. and Mr r.or r...ui InffT. lu1n m . . W1" BPend a holiday at -jiuuenosi. W 8. Singer of Maswt, who has been on a brief visit to the city left by plane today on his urn w me Queen charlotte Islands. MrS- H 8eama" -nHrn,a.?d and little daughter, who have - j nan, uj van-ada, Texada Island, returned to on me prince Rupert today. J. D. MacCrlmmon returned recently from a vUt of a few weeks to Minneapolis where family members are living. He found the stay one of much Interest and enjoyment, even with the weather rather warm. For a while it registered 104.'. William Wilson,' son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, who spent his vacation here recently, has left for Edmonton where he holds a responsible post with the R.C.A.F. Edmonton is raniriiv developing Into one of Canada's major air centres. W. L. Baker, publisher of the1 Ketchikan Chronicle, and other delegates for. the .Associated Boards of Trade of Central Br it-, Ish Columbia . convention , in Smithers arrived in the city from the north on the Princess Norah this afternoon and will proceed to the interior by the evening train. . L. M. Gordon returped to the city Tuesday afternoon from Vancouver after taking part in the army's Exercise Eagle In the Grande Prairie, Alberta district with the Princess Patricia's Light Infantry. Mr. Gordon, who la a Captain in the 120th - Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery, was among reserve officers who took part in the airborne exercise. APPLICATION FOR A WATER LICENCE WATER ACT, SECTION 8 The Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited, of Montreal. Quebec, trreby applies to the Comptroller of Water Right for licences Ut divert, uae. and Btore water from any or all of the following sources. The Nechako River above tha Grand Canyon, and streams tributary thereto and the Nanlka River below the outlet of Kldprlce Lake. The points of diversion will be at the south westerly end of Tahtsa Lake and at a point on the easterly aide of Nanlka Lake, The storspte dams will ba located on the Nechako River above the Orand Canyon, or at other points on streamB tributary to tha Nechako hnve the Orand Canyon, and at the outlet of Kldprlca Lake. The water will be used for po?r purpose at a site on the Kemaiio River near the Juncttou of Horetrkj Creek. The transmission line will follow a route yet to be determined to Kltlmat. The quantity of Water to be diverted la 9.400 cubic feet per aecond. The quantity of water to be stored Is 22.090.000 acre feet. Collies of this application were posted near the proposed points of diversion and sites of the dnms. and near the land where the water Is to be used on the 23rd and 24th days of June. 199. and two copies will be filed In the ofriccs of the Water Recorders at Smithers. Burns Lake. Vancouver, and Prince Rupert. Objections to this application may be filed wrth the Comptroller of Water Rights at Victoria. B. C within thirty dnys of first publication of this application. I The date of the first publication of t this application Is 10th August,. 1949 ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED. J. 8. Kendrlck. Resident Englueer (H) GOVERNMENT UQUOR ACT" I Section 25) Notice tot Application f Club License NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 13th day of September next the undersigned. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NUMBER 1081. Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a Club License In respect of the premises situate at Second Avenue West, City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as Lots 3 and 4. Block 21 A. Section 1, viun pun Prince Ruoert Land Reg istration District, in the Province of British Columbia, to entitle eacn 1 mcmber of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonable quanuij nf liouor for personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the rinh tii Durchase liquor from a ven rim nrt to sell by the glass the Honor so purchased to its mem hers and guests for consumption on the Club premises in Bccoraimct with the nrovlslons of the "Govern ment Liquor Act", and the regula tions oroinulttated thereunder. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert In the Province of British Columbia, this Btn day of August, A D. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NUMBER 1051 H. T. Muncey, Secretary. (213) 80YS WANTED Rellaole boys j ..... r.,i.. ... r.mro The cereal share 'of your breakfast should do much more than please your taste. It should help supply nourishment to fit you for hulf your uorkj ' day's - : i V t ' ; Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes do both. STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT - : : : SAILS FOR V VANCOUVER and intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN ! WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT - For Reservations ; Write or. Call v should file their names at the Dailv News Office. tf) HELP WANTED Man for lubrication work, preferably siiiulc. Bob Parker Ltd. Uf) LOST 'hderfully appetizing, the kind of nourishment , all busy people need daily. KNOWN NAMES LOST On 2nd Speeder ShfivcU : mown uvercout. Ave., mans Pmme Biue (194) rajln.es: Adam.- 63d FOR n.fciT FOR RENTComfurtable room f)r (,ne or tw0 K"1" sarnB- 7HESEGRT?THlYte MADE FROflfJZ 6RAINS rs; Littlefnrrt Rms Scad Muintenanre I IlL'Pn f ...... LM i a Ri Ik r'I'iirih I" Concre icrete Mivi -M 'it Trucks; Nelson rs for Stockpile ;mcai; Rice I'ort-usal Pumps; Name Scranpri; National AH SI eel nis; National "mills: Natiumil IS and Convr vnr ! Kitchen privileges it required. Close In. Phone Black 268 or call at 895 Borden Street. (192) FOR RENT Tourrst accomo-(tf) datum. Red 471. REAL ESTATE 5 room house near Conrad School. Garden, 2 bed rooms. Priced for nuick sale Armstrong Agencies. 307 3rd Ave. W. (19(1) ... . V F.iuuon from N-:FOR RAI.K ..M.ment that help, yoa norkorp,avosffu Grape-Nuts Flukes areso flood lor yon taste so delicious . . , because they're made not from one but TWO golden grains gun-ripened wheat and malted barley specially blended, baked and ""ei of rarbohvd ynu tn --' . th . lvr m Grape-Nul. :moi "ar:.wny flawe,ifdiff--,fr,'!"'t;ye " ,her cereal flavor lein . phosphor,,. FOR SALE Three - roomed cabin on Wantage Road. Phone 65. (196) FOR SALE-4 roomed Wartime old. young an" nd oth ' food Next time at your grocer's, ask house. Excellent condition. ph"e Red 800. 7osrs GrapeNuts Flakes MIITEM TNAOI ! HAM A Product of Gnrat Foods Iratej, pro. iron, and essentials. toasted for value and for In Regular Size and Big thor good things en the package f Ijannttrij CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, ,ac. Glidden Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES BLUE 81G SAAN1CH PLUMBING AND HEATING Moving, Packing. Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Sterage For Complete,- Reliable :; and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues 'EstablishecT"19rO . Pbones 60 and 68 - CHIROPRACTOR John F. L." Hughes, D.C JPta.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment - WILL BE AWAY ON VACATION first Three Weeks in August BALAGNO Florists Phone "Green 787 Bo 1193 VO. Ltd, fC (tf) - LVd shingles, r, $1011 nor bun- ,,6 drop .sidn,,, i tiousami; l" x 6"! na 1 x 6" flooring, Wisand. Phone 41 . (Iqi .'I Vfry fine Heint-' ""rail SI71 nv- ;aition, $400.00. n 73L (195) Kw v H "i'iy 4 DifPfi Unri J Pnone Blue 497 - (1951 by c"riage, cndiuun. Phone . tl96 1 Ifl4?, Tudor Ford i D?Re' PX(,p'-m- Phone Black - (196) WhitTzrr - 3 J lit, 8'n c"a"iei coal Ave. E. (ifl,; ;ltov"iteT;i- Edition. Phone (tf) - utvi unity U NrSWaif. heated anrf ,."u"e. ne newly ' Wl f..- less ..n 3 years man im "''vmpiit. 'Vn' See 4 Ave w i Ph"n H97i 'Tiii-trurir, v business :t3. or mforma- Max ii..,. - anrt " ul'er s (tf) appetizing food V grand flavor. V Economy Package PHONE 79 (196) FOR SALE Smartly decorated 6 room wartime on 8th E. Includes Brnriix and new oil slove if desired. Armstrong Agencies, 307 3rd Ave. West. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday, August 31st, 1949, for the purchase of Lot 18, Block 1, Subdivision District Lot 361, Plan 972, Terrace Townsite, Village of Terrace, Range 5, Coast District, together with contents. HIGHEST or any tender not necessarily accepted. TERMS strictly cash. G. F. FORBES. Official Administrator, , Administrator of the Estate of Gus Clerf, Deceased. Court House, Prince Rupert, B. C. (195) FOR SALE Wartime house heater, $5.00. Box 565, Daity News. (193) , FOR SALE 4 room Wartime. includes plect.ric ranee, oil burner, carpets, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture. Improved, fenced lot. Newly decorated inside and out. Bargain for cash. $1,000 down for fi room Wartime with rubberold roof; near bus ston. For inspection see Robert Montador Ltd. (197) FOR SALE $1000 00 down for wartime four with renewed foundation, half basement, chimney to rock, cupboards finished in kitchen and bedrooms, newly painted Inside and out. For inspection see Robert R, Montador Limited. - . ... RocipM for TASTY cokiet and BESNER BLOCK STEWART, &C. SAVF""" umv su MdffiEYIII . . - with the TH0R Automagic Gladiron n,y 129.50 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. HOURS ' Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m- to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE i PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT sw