('KLtiOKY 141k TODAY 7:00 - 9:15 Prince ntiprrl Oafl JSetiii Wednesday, August 17, 1949. TI in " Vi in i nt, ST7.WART The Queen Charlotte Airlines plane, piloted by Bill McLeod, passed over Stewart early Tuesday morning on the way to pick up Charles Knlpple, his son, I HUM. IU 1AI. iBIIIIISSSki Illllll : "NOTHING COULD BE FINER" i Tf 5 Schubert, and Tony Retvect. OAKY COOPER MADELEINE RUPERT MENS AND j BOYS STORE j V- who left here early In June on a prospecting trip to the area adjacent to Mt. Knipple, which was named after the elder CARROLL ItHIUTIM KninDle some years ago. The party were picked up at Bowser Lake and landed at Stewart I V A PARAMOUNT Htlur ) pc ) OUTFITTERS TO j HIS MAJESTY: j THE BOY i rev vim - f ADDED CARTOON NEWS If W . about 1 p.m. All of them were In good shape, and reported a very successful trip. On the trip In, it took them nine days, through tangled underbrush, to get to the site of their operation. "It was tough going,'1 said Mr. Knipple, "but we made It all right" He was a little thin and his clothing was badly torn but, for a man In his sixties, he was in good shape "T $ - I i ' S, - it' l s f j . - ; ; i;,4 Jr i BOYS CLOTHES THAT WEARS AND SAVES i : RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE ! STKWAUT LEGION CIUimAGE CONTEST 7309 to 7008. it In the men s Crawford, gig at la the',,. Mrs. Klrkiwtrirt 1 ' ' f i Ei STEWART A cribbage competition between members of the Canadian Legion and the Women's Auxiliary continues. On Friday in the Legion Club 1 v Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter , Sharp 514 Sr, ! alter the fJ" . a!fnii- Rooms, the men again demon-1 ecj . straw their superiority by de-,the Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sande ery Thomas, Janet Craig. Len-returncd on Saturday from a ora Loveless, Shirley Reynolds, Constable Crouch of the British Columbia Police arrived on Monday from Westview to take over his duties as constable lr charge of Stewart dctachmT.t. Constable Oeorge Nelson left last week for Westview. - trip spent in the fri.-'a.rr ..r.,-T..-y. i . honeymoon south. No trace has, as yet, been d's CATHEDRAL COMPLETED Five years ago Sivio Callegaro, butcher in a Winnipeg hotel, picked up a tiny fret-saw and some three-ply veneer and started work on a model of the 564-year old Milan cathedral. The completed model, to be on view at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, was examined recently by an architect who said that for sheer complexity no other """" model could surpass it. (C P Photo) Marianne Bissonnette, Joan Gillanders, Pat Lemon and Claudia King. The mobile tuberculosis clinic will be held in Terrace on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 23, 24 and 25. There will be an evening clinic for the working men who can not get in during the daytime. covered of the body of Murray Harris who fell overboard from his boat In the Portland Canal fected she was taken to the ; TERRACE BRIDE- home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hobcnshield. local hospital where the injure knee was treated by Dr. McGil-very and she Is now resting MARRIAGE OF ELECT HONORED TERRACE Preserves, jams Mrs. Ken Kerr and Mrs. A. Oillanders were co-hostesses at the former's home on Saturday afternoon last at a birthday party- for Joan Gillanders who was celebrating her thirteenth birthday. Looking sweet and dainty in yellow organdy, Joan was the recipient of many lovely gifts. Games were played during the afterwon and prizes were given to the winners of the contests. A feature of the delicious refreshments was a large birthday cake, the gift of Don Gillanders. Among the guests were Maureen Kennedy, Sharon Mcllroy, Bertha Amdam, Selma Farquam, Ruth Fournier, Marg- A severe attack of flu is keeping Ken Kerr indoors for the time being. Mrs. George McAdams left on Saturday's train for a short business trip to Vancouver. uiTcnccT ucne V' ' I" : kT Mrs. H. Spencer returned on' and groceries of all kinds to fill fl I LlL3 I ULlxL Saturday from Perow where she a bride's kitchen shelves were ,.,., ,, w..j,irii Mrs. uarmicnaoi oi usk is a i Ann LaSette of Prince Rupert, has been visiting her son and showered on a Terrace girl last "-'- patient in tne uutpost Hospital, i .ho is wUh the Bible CamD on Braun's Island, had the mis- daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday night when Miss cal manager ui wre Frank Bamett of the Barnctt Dolly Haugland, who will- be British Columbia Power Corn-ranch. I married to Peter Murie, jr., on pany an(i Mrs. Margaret Will- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoben- fortune to run a nail through shield of Kitwanga spent the her knee while playing on a raft weekend in Terrace at the on the Slough. Becoming In- August 26, was the guest. I lamSi widow 0f the late Thomas Mrs. T. Colbachlni left on honor at a novel "Pantry Williams of Prince Rupert, were Hfitm-flav mnniliiu'c train fnr a ' Qhfiu-Ar" at thp linmp nf Mrs. C. united in marriage beiore Oov-in-law visit with her son and daughter- R. de Kergommeaux. Mrs. Mc-j at Salmon Arm. She has Nabb was hostess and the guests ernment Agent C. O. Tran In the spent the past month as the Included many school friends of Court House here on Monday guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Olson. Wlmt To Do With a Nickel When Thirst Arrives the popular bride-elect. witnesses to the ceremony were Pink and white streamers james Martin and Thomas W. hung from -the ceiling to each paimcr. Mr. and Mrs. Maddrell Mr. and Mrs. Chris Haugland table are both well known In Prince left last week on a holiday trip corner of a lace covered Rupert. IN THE SUPREME UOUflT OP BRITIbH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III thr .Mutlrr of IIif K-lutr of which will take them as far as wtiich held the beautifully the state of Washington. At wrapped gfits. Suspended over Prince George they were joined them was a white bell which by the son-in-law and daugh-jwas lighted when the surprised ter, Mr. and Mrs. D. Munro, who honoree arrived. The opening will make the trip with them. I of the gifts was cause for much j merriment and the evening Land clearing machinery has passed quiekly with music and cleared the roadway on Greig singing. Avenue as far as the mill and Refreshments were served by also widened the trail up the hill the young hostess assisted by below the Anglican Church and Miss' Doreen Murie. iMirm INirter and In I lie Muttrr of Ihr "AilinliiMra- t loll Act" MARITIME INDUSTRIALIST K. C. Irving, h ness Venture 25 years ago Involved back-yard brc: Tects a $75,000,000 industrial empire. Unknown it countrymen, Mr. Irving controls vast lumber, oil. transportation interests in his native Now Brunra bee and the state of Maine. TAKE NOTICB that by order of Hl Honour JudRO W. o. Fulton mud? the 12th dny of Aimiist. A IJ 1949. I was appointed Administrator Among those present or Send- the Estate of George Porter, do joining Atwood Street. crasod. late of Terrace. In the Prov luce of Brltl-.h Columbia. rT'- 4 R ' I ing gifts were Mrs. Haugland, Mr. and Mrs. W. Nelder will Mrs. Murie, Mrs. C. J. Norring-arrive from Vancouver on ton, Mrs. C. R. de Kergom-Thursday ' morning's train to meaux, Mrs. McNabb, Mrs. R. spend a holiday with Mr. W. Cooper, Mrs. Sieber, Mrs. Ash-Donald and his sister, Mrs. It. 'ton, Mrs. A. Harrison, Mrs. W. Prntc ALL PARTIES having claims BKalnst the Bslrt Estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the :)Oth day of September. AD. 1949. after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledce. Regal PHONE 24 Corlett. Haugland, Mrs. Alex Houlden, Misses Connie and Pat Tumil- 222 Seconal ALL PARTIES Indebted to the Mrs. Sargent and two chldren son, Doreen, Audrey and Margie 88,11 satate are hareby required to arrived in Terrace on Saturday ' Murie, Doily, Pearl and Honey j L V" "mof""Vff,hthl'lr t,,dcb,i- iugnt ann win maKe ineir nome naugiana, ,isie urego, jean DATED at the City of Prince Ru here, the and Onolee Kirkaldy. having purchased pert. In the Province of British Col-umbla. thl 12th day of August, A.D. property ol Joe Spitzl. HOLIDAY PH 1949. PACK THK W OORDON P FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B C. Mr. and Mrs. E. Zorn spent WITH COODTii Monday of last 'week In town (301) with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. Osborne. j TO E AT from Terrace Meat! IIUIIIIUII.illllllll! Your House is an Asset: Ororcp E. TelfM On the first fine, day, water will be run into the wading pool in the ball park, it having been completed and ready for the youngsters. OtIAI.lTY SE MEATS FISH- BITTER VANCOUVER VICTORIA HOLLYWOOD cafe W. Osborne returned on Tuesday aftrenoon from Vancouver where he took delivery of a new-truck for one of his customers here. 4 ik MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IX THE i SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON . Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOJUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS OrEN FROM 11:30 A.M. Tu 3:33 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dlshe GENTLEMEN'S AGREEMENT MAINTAIN ITS VALUE . . . MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS NOW! tarn OSLO (P Representatives ofi Norway's six major political J parties have agreed on rules of CHOI' SUKY-CIIOW MEIN s.s. Coquitlam, August 12 and 28 For Outside Orders i nONE 133 I FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, August 19 and 31 For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors conduct for the coming national elections in October in order to keep unfairness or abuse out of the campaign. Delegates a"re in favor of creating an impartial body to handle complaints about campaign tactics. . Authorbd bttr f Coc-Coli under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5C8 NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Phone 132 Prince Rupert WRATH-ALL'S NOW AVAILABLE PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Knlareine QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT - BETWEEN LEMUEL RAPP, Plaintiff and DUNCAN C. WINO, Defendant Under and by virtue of a Warrant of Execution issued from the above Court and to me directed against the goods and chattels of the Defendant DUNCAN C. WING, I have seized' I Ford Truck, model OIC Engine and serial numbers 1C9344, Registration number 213975, License Plate No. C17734, mounted on trailer with pneumatic tires, and 1 Roofing tar heating kettle and on Monday, August 22nd, 1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at my office in the Court House. PrinrP Ri.rarf. .TRAVEL THE EASY, COMFORTABLE Salt Lake Ferry Daily Service Except Monday SCHtDlI-ES Tucsdiy Leave Cow Bay FloaU 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Leave Cow Bay FloaU 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Saturday Every hour starting at 11 a.m. Sundays Continuou service commencing 11 am. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 CV.Ant Island i" - ' w v V1IUI (Daily, Except Sunday) To Alice Arm, Stewart SMITH & ELKINS PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO U P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 "BOWL FOR HEALTH" FREE INSTRUCTION , B. C.t I will offer for sale by public auction all the right title and interest of the defendant in the above uoods IOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL CHARTER n.Tr.IITS TintoiT.HOi-1 . Terms of sale, cash, and this sale is subject to the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, this twelfth day of August 1949 M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. , (195) For Information and Reservation. QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINE