j jern :K0B1 prince Rupert Daflp J3ctos Wednesday, November 10, 1948 merits v , the Ifs Rust-Proof! It's Insulating! SEA AIR AND SEA WATER DO NOT , AFFECT IT! induct The l ill IjV c " r j.. ic shown this year as all these boys are capable of better ball than they have been displaying. Both teams had lead players. Thompson displayed form reminiscent of two years ago For-man of strength en was a tower Holkestad led defence. Rupert Savoys. His brother Mel was the playmaker for the team. In fact turned In a driving all players such as the fans forceful game enjoy. INTERMEDIATE The intermediate game had Morgan's, last year's cellar dwellers, defeating Stones, up 33 to 23. from the Junior league, Brew of Morgan's opened the scoring with a lay-up shot. Morgan scored freely during the leading at Its end first quarter, 11-3 This continued through the second with a half-time score of 19 to 7. Morgan's displayed attack that had a fine passing stone's missing on their check ALUMINUM Ribbed Roofing parent ,WWSWWfv,Wj, -..loo,.., - s.-fc4 V I. MI I. :W,. , -.--.ii rs. , ' 2" l' and this c eption. BASKETBALL Fans Kept On Edge By Kceness Of Playing: Hotelmen Winners Senior Brownwoods 34, Savoy 12 Intermediate Morgan's 33, Stone's 23 Ladies People's Store 14, High School 20 Junior Rupert Hotel 17, Kinsmen 22 Before a good-sized crowd the local basketball teams which had not figured in opening night play Saturday went into action Tuesday night. All four games featured second half drives which kept the ftins on ccl6 In the Senior game, which brought the fans to I When a iiic diuir ttops v SIDING Available in 6, 8, 9 & 10-foot lengths, 28 inches wide. . he ris Yes, m is it attends a B1"" Yes, it ONTARIO BUILD BIGGFST HANGAR Largst steel hangar in Canada has been built by the Ontario lands and forest department's division of air service on the St. Mary's river at Soo. The million-dollar air base will be used to overhaul and maintain the division's float-equipped planes. The 330-foot hangar can accommodate 50 aircraft. Order Yours From IPH1LP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONES 651 - 652 iX)AL, LUMBER and BUILDING SUPPLIES IAIN ing assignments. Stone's were nervous and showed this with poor passing and shooting. They steadied down In the second half and matched Morgan's point for point. They drove hard in the final quarter but it was not their feet several times. Savoy lhe W' I tlUt BkADtS r'H'Ml I 40 SHAVING EDGEll f V00 M no teams getting the advantage. defeated Brownwoods 42 to 34 L::day. DANISH POSSESSION Greenland Is a possession of Denmark. Each scored a field goal. The p.m. making many intercepUons. The third quarter started with no let-up In the pace, both teams driving in hard for shots and final quarter brought the game enough. Stone's, playing against n sday, p.m. then fighting for rebounds and more experienced players for the loose balls. Savoy had the edge first timet wm take a little time It was a closely fought game with Brownwoods contesting It all the way. It featured fast breaks, spectacular shooting and aggressive playing. Lavigne opened scoring with a one-hand-er from the side. Gurvich followed with a lay-up. Rupert Holkestad, holder of the Bobby Houston Memorial Trophy, led tighter. Markl and Becker scored for the hotel players to put them only one point behind, 16 to 15. Then Derek Letourneau took over for the Kinsmen and, with a wonderful display of dribbling and ball handling, led his team Shavini'i a breeze . . and increased their lead to i:'t0 get useci to the stiff er corn-to 20 by three-quarter time. The petition. They have several good fourth period had Brownwoods ' players around whom to build, going all-out to overtake Bavoy Morgan's played like a team. fur i Hon nu cniirr . . v wnen yot . 60o; Cards of Thank. Death Notices; Funeral notices, aaarriaire and Engagement Announcements: 12 SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE :ni!lfli-d Advertising U payable In advance. Please refrain from taiepnouitm luper-keen Gillette Blut in the imazim new Gife., to victory by scoring all his six but the lead was too great, iney Their passing and shooting was Blade Dispenter. Zip .his team with a display of hook good. Brew was their outstand FOB KENT FOK SALE there a a new blade unwtiM outscored the hotel men 14-7 in the final quarter. This continued their type of play of last shots, right and left-handed points in the final quarter. These boys showed a good working knowledge of the game and the fans enjoyed them. ready for ue. Enjoy -Rniiph lumber cut FSR6ALE comfort . . . extra convenient! FOR RENT Furnished room The quarter ended 11 to 9 for PhonetWRed 47l.7th tfi Savoy. The second quarter was n-sirtier. See Mrs. Irene Ada1 x i V all Savoy s as tney continued ing player. LADIES' The ladies' game saw People't absorb their second defeat at the hands of High School 20 to 14. It was an even game In the first half with no team having the Starr rs at 247 1st Ave. East or Vrtte General Delivery. Prince 3LflWrt. 265 bo extra coit. look s" feel be., us Gillette Elue K season when they usually lost I their games in the first half ' and then drove in the second half but usually falling short. Improvement will be, no doubt, ' 'Toom houe with batiTahd to drive and pile up an 18 to 10 range. Apply 215 4th East. lead at half time. Brownwoods passing was weak with Savoy (tf) WANTED j playing edge. High led at half FOR SALE 1935 Plymouth "Coach. Can be seen 1364 Overlook, after 6 p.m. (266) FOB. SALE 14 ft. dory, in eood shape. Price $30.00. Inauire Skofjmo's Boat Repairs. Cow Bav. 2(55t RIPEN PINEAPPLES Among the thousands of new synthetic chemicals from petroleum is one that makes pineapples ripen faster. EARLY IRON USERS The first evidence ef the use of iron by man was ln 1000 B.C. in southern Europe. W A N T E D Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paving eood prices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. ' m . 1 STOCK , REDUCING , SALE'f time 8 to 6. Tne inira quarter saw People's open up their offensive which gave them the lead 14 to 11 at the three-quar-te rmark. In the fourth quarter High School opened up with a fast breaking passing attack ON BEING A SPORTS WRITER Montreal Newspaperman Apologizes To No One For His Credo D. A. L. (Dune) MacDonald has seen a good many WANTED Experienced seamstress will take in sewing. Phone Biack 990. 140 9th E. (267) PERSONAL which pulled them up and past' FOR SALE Steel bodied 1942 Dodre Station Wagon. $1,400. . Apply C. Maclntyre, 349 Taxi. ? (206) FOR SALE One spring-filled mattress, 3-4 size, eood condition. Phone Red 501. (269) FpR SALE One Oil Burning Heater with circulating fan attachment, $75.00. One lun-ior youth's bed with spring H..d mattress. $20.00. One sports events and sports writers come and go what Pe0Dle.s The score was tied h FUN tW n . FOR VYifrVO j to 14 with 2 minutes to go whnn Matson scored with a one-hand- ( PERSONAL WE'LL SHOP FOR YOU. If you know what you want, but live too far away to find it yourself, write to the Select Shopping Service, Dominion Building, Vancouver. (272) I Vu VI I II j Every Sl'lT and pair I I ALL witn ms scrivenmg lor uie lviuiiwieai udcuc auu getting around England for some years in the interest of dog racing and viewing all the sports he could there. Now he has doped out what he calls "The credo of a sports writer, with apologies to practically no one." Here, says Dune, are the beliefs of a sports writer: That Journalism is a stepping stone to public life. That a snorts wTiter must wear a hat with a turn-down brim. er from behind the key. Ciuiie followed with a lay-up and. Lykgaar put in a push shot for the final score. Nellie Bill played a stellar guard position for People's. Christine Currle led wild's wagon, $5.00. Phone j?hie 900. (265) FOR SALE Electric Range, almost new. Phone Blue 686. I - : ' C266) SLAC Ks in our slnre - ; Brand New Slink. FOR TEN DAYS ONI Y . Spare Reeret Dnn't Kur;r; Bur NOW and Save fur A. Christmas'. High School with 10 points, 8 oi I Or, falling that, must wear his hat perched on the back of WSj wnicn she garnered in the first BURNS LEAD IN BOWLING Clean Sweep Victory Gives Them Top Spot in Men's Five Pin League Bring the whole family alor., next time you go bowling ! They'll love the stimulatin;; action, the social get-together with " friends and neighbor. Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public Sat urday and Sunday after head. half. ITR SALE Marconi electric re-' cord plaver. Plays with or "without radio, $30.00. Phone JJreen 446. (265) FOR SALE Oil range In excellent condition, pot type burn-ciVoCOPDer coils. Phone Black That he must watch all sports events with a steely glint ln his eye and a grim mouth. . That he must never cheer in the press box. That he must talk out of the corner of his mouth. That the greatest movie he ever saw was "Front Page." JUNIOR The Junior game brought Kinsmen against Rupert Hotel. Kinsmen, composed of the top players from last year's Juvenile league, edged the hoted men 22 to 17. This was an exciting NEW ROYAl HOTEL a Home Away Trotn Home . noons and evenings. Monday ACME CLOTHING Tuesday and Thursday eve a 3 after 6 p.m. 267) Burns, by scoring a four games FOR- SALE Gentleman's Suit, t w nu vl(.torv vlctory ovpr over javPppS Jaycees ln in wellent quality, size 38, Phone Red 985. (270) last wetk's play, assumed the leadership in the Men's Five Pin FOR SALE Used Chesterfield, good condition. Phone Black Bowling League. Brownwoods 611f (270) niaved two all with Malkins and nings after 9 o'clock. game from start to finish. The first half ended 14 to 9 for Kinsmen. Both teams had had breaks on their shooting. The third quarter was a driving one with sized Baby are in second place ,a mere point FOR SALE Full n Rooms, Hot and Coid Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Phone 231 P.O. Box 1M STORE StanfHd's Underwear and Best Work Pants lgBjajBjBj0BB2B9aVHaVMy Crib and Baby Buggy. Phone Red 665. (270) That he is certain he recognized himself as one of the characters. That some day he will write like Damon Runyon. That newspapermen can't get arrested. That there is no news; it all happened many times before. That all managing editors are an unprintable name. That the cardinal sin is to refuse a drink at any time. That all newspaper men type with two fingers. That sports writing is the greatest game in the world. That sports writers are grossly underpaid. That if a fellow were smart he could get out of it and into the advertising business. That the adjective is the most useful of all the parts of speech. behind Burns. The scores were: WE 'BUY & SELL New and Used Furniture, Hardware, etc. We "have slightly used Radios, Portable G'ramaphones, Kitch-,a. Sets. , Vacuum Cleaners &naU Fancy Tables, Logging liuoiii. Rubber Work Clothes. JOHN H. BUIIGER OPTOMETRIST lthn Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue ed Cogeing Saws. New and Usea RtWhen Ranges for Wood, Corn and Oil. Kitchen Chairs, UndeTwood Typewriter in best shape, New and Used Hardware, Office Desk. See us first for your furniture needs, ril.hpr tn hnv or sell. Burns 4, Jaycees 0 Maple Leafs 3, Scotians 1 Ambassadors 3, Mallets 1 . Continentals 3, Alley Cats 1 Malkins 2, Brownwoods 2 Moose 2, Stone's 2 The league standings: Burns 24 Brownwoods 23 Jaycees 20 Malkins 20 Stones 18 Maple Leafs 17 Moose 15 Continentals 14 Alley Cats 11 That he can never use too many adjectives ln a lead. That It is all right to pinch a couple of paragraphs out of someone's column in an out-of-town paper. That if he is desperate, it is all right to pinch the whole story. That he was going towrite that very yarn anyway. That some day he will buy a weekly paper and get away from it all. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. (tf) O CAS PUMP ATTENDANTS O LUBRICATION MEN CAR WASHERS Applicants must apply in person l" our Main Office, 170 Third Avenue East TENDERS 1 j 1 mm Commodore Caie i . I TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of house and two lots at 812 6th Avenue East, Prince Rupert. B. C. Highest tender These positions will be filled early in Dcw inbcr. Ambassadors 11 Scotians , 10 Mallets 9 AGE OF TREES The age of trees may be com not necessarily accepted, on or before November 13th, 1948. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (267) MACHINERY FOn. SALE puted by cutting a section of Tn raw hpt.t.er lumber more the trunk and counting the PELIVCRED fRCIl pnoNE 654 economically use the modern . -ppy. onri r.-t.n-riat.P fcvnp National number 01 f rings, .,. kacn nnp one rpn rep Portable Sawmills manufac-1 resents a year of growth. tured by National Machinery Cnmnanv Limited. Vancouver, COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service in City Pbone 17 for Send-out Orders Classified Ad r-i Using Pays! B.C. (tf ) eSc Per Dozen Paid For Empties This advertisement is not published oi 11MI-.IK KAl.K X-4T..r77 Sealed tenders will be received by METAL WORK llsplayed by theLlquorControl Board. Movinc, PackitiR, i'n('i,l Shippme " Cartase antl StraR For Complete, Reliable " Efficient Service cai. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage the District Forester. Prince Rupert. Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. j by theoovernmenioi orrasn ioiumpui not later than noon on the 15th day of December. 1948. for the purchase SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zart'lli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET, PRINCE RUPERT- PLUMBING Installations and pprvii-s SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) of Licence X-45577, Sewcll, Massett Inlet, to cut 970,000 feet of Bpruce. Hemlock, Cedar and other species ol sawlogs. LOST oj h Park AV'l One year will be allowed for re moval of timber. Tone LOST Black and Grev woolly Established lfll" IM,..nes fl ami W Pup on McBride St. Child's pet. Blue 686. (266 Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C. or the District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C., Ranger Scott, Queen Charlotte City, B.C. I -i- f4sff $ B . In The hiipriMiK' court uf HiUlsh Columbia lit I'rolmte In the Matter of the "Administration FISHERMEN Quality Beauty Sensitivity "UOVEKNMENT I.IQl OR ACT" (Section 28 Notice of Application For Consent to Transfer of Beer Licence NOTICE . IS HEREBY GIVEN Art" And In the Mutter of the Estate of Frances Repairs to HIGH SPEED ENGINES is Ne'lved. Keceusert, Intestate. "Edgar, what's keeping you?" i . , la TAKE NOTICE that by Order of iris Honor Judge W. O. Fulton, made the 28th dav of October, A. D. 184a letiauy. ne nave me iaici m vifS chinery and specially TRAINED MLUIA to handle this class of work. Let us nave j I vas appointed Administrator of the estate of Prances Nedved. Ueceasea. RUPERT MARINE REALTY that on the 27th day of November next, the undersigned intends to apply to tne Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7821. issued ln respect of premises being part of a building known as Caledonia Hotel, situate at Front Street, Port Esslngton, British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots 2 and 3. Block 1, Townstt of Port Esslngton, Map 637. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia, from All parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required Large Stock Now on Display. Ask for a Demonstration in Your Home. Liberal Trade-In on Your Present Radio. to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or belore the 30th day of December, 1948, after which claims filed may be paid without reference to Rnv claims of whtcn 1 tnen naa no -knowledge. engine now, do not wait until me im " r. that overhaul. If you are thinking of j haul, wc will le glad to look J'lf 0r and nake our recommendation. 1 ,,u ollr better still DROP IN and talk it over f Shop Foreman. t r RUPERT MOTORS LTD- (J. CLAUSEN & SON) j We Take Listings of BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 ' Pbone Green 975 Atf parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the Rmotmt of Mae Bros. their indebtedness to me lortnwim. DATED this 2tfth day of October, Alfred Henry Perkins, Licensee, to Janet Rosa Brown, of Port Esslngton. British Columbia, the transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 27th day of October, 1948. JANET ROSS BROWN, Applicant and Transferee. 1280) AD. 1918. LIMITED i. ALBERT E. RODDIS, Kt Official Administrator, - Atlln, B.C PHONE 566 ' (270)