and Thursday afternoon. This season the Juvenile league has seven teams m- Wednesday, November 10, 1948 " f FDD Radio Pial V T r l 1240 Klloeycf-s taubeet to Change! fM renting Borden Street, King : jrl Edward, A.inur.riqtion g(;hQ0, Civic Centre Dates :,.r" " - ine" were two Kinds of competition mt among the players and the other among jne supporteriI Men school takes over a balcony and from the first whistle their "hurrahs," "ohs," and "ahs" cascade down to the players, each school trying to outdo the Other with ihi. i Intrigue, Romance In 'Monte Cruto' f'The Return of Monte Cristp' ana jour teams the High fccnapi. The hicre&.-.e o teams show the popularity basket-hall enjoy noon saw n"' city. Spirit and mil j.eavue fiunmasm WU1 put lnt0 the ,e gn entn usiaa--, pmy oy we youngsters, jpportei's- Oamgs j , The first game yesterday saw fvt;ry twwiJi'ii"f sueet -tjeieaimg King FILM OUTFIT IS STAYING HERE Local Council Obtains Extension of Loan District Representative Heard Prince Rupert Film Council has obtained an extension pf the contract until March 31 under which it ha borrowed projector aa;'. equipment from the KaftQHal Film Board to facilitate the showing locally - of N F.B. pictures which come here op monthly circuit, , Meantime, the council will proceed with the campaign to raise the $D0 necessary to purchase the equipment outright. The local council had a special meeting Monday night In the Civic Centre with Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton, the president, in the chair. Alex Wilson, dls-tri'L representative of the .. THUPSDAY , .Sports ?:0Q -Adult Casual Badrnhv ton 8:30 Boys Organized Oames HOUr; . . r, 8:00--Teen Tourpairient , ' '' ' Night. 5:00-IO:OQ-Basketball practices. Special "a.m. 10:00 Annual Meet, p.m. 2:00 Sewing Class (V.B.C.i. 2:00 Little. Theatre. FRIDAY Sports a.m. , 9:00 Bo, Me, ' H Oym Class, p.m. . '" .' - . i:30-King dara Pchaol Oym Class. pm.' 8:30-King Edward School Oyw Clasa. 1:30 Rup-Rec Jr. Girl. 7:00-Adt Club Badminton 7:30 Rup-Rec Teen, Age , Boy. j .' 4:00-10:00 Basketball . . " ' . - Practices... w ' am itarrinK Louis Havward ana f Barbftra BrHton plays again to night at the, Capitol Theatre. It is a new adventure pi MQte Cristo secrets and loves. A large castt suppprts the. two stari including la lt roster sih favorite as George Macready, Una O'Connor, Henry Stephenson, Steven Geray, Ludwig Don-ath and Jvan Triesault. The screenplay introduces Hayward as the grea.t-nephew or the original Count of Monte Cristo. He comes of age and as $he rlghtfu heir to the fabulous Monte Cristp estate stands ready , to receive hi inheritance. But three influential scoundrels, George Macready, Ray Collins and Ludwig Ponath have their own plan to abscond with the Monte Cristo millions. They offer Macready's ward, Barbara Brittun, as the true heiress to the estate and succeed in con-dwnning Hayward to life in elle on Devil's Island. After many hardships, he - escapes. With the aid of another convict, an ex-actpr, he embarks on his bold plan for revenge. Masquerading as a" hunchbacked detec-lve, i a pious missionary. Emperor Louis Napolion and a feeble bank clerk, he worms , his way Into the lives of his three enemies and suoceeds In destroying them one by one.. He finds the. girl to be innocent of the sinis ter plot against him, and soon wins her love by ardent wooing. 2:30 Recordings 2:45 Western Five 3:00-Ethel and Albert . 3:15 Spotlight on a 8tar OPEN TO CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND ONLY r- - I N MM 3VI and myWeekl Vyour nam uml uddrtwi (in a plnin slwt of pitpcr. ) tttim, loiNhpr with Robin I in ul Klour f Wiiinintw Q:0Q-Co-op Annual Meeting. uc" as health, clean-up etc; p.m.. ' ',; ' ; ' J:; Additions were made ' to 4:00 Teen Age Oirla Craft 'standing committees Mr,, Wil-I Group. ... ' lams to assist George Evans on 7:30 Typographical Union. 'Mm publicity and . Mrs. E. A. 8:00 Rotary Ciub Chorus. . Evans to help Mrs. Brown, de- ificiiU', to: Huliin F kur (Vnloa, Itoi 3111 IWiiK Out. (National Film Board from , Prince George, was in ittend- ance and addressed the meeting on the growth of the Film Board activities. He told the delegates that he had recommended that a block of films be available from the local library for distribution to outlying points as well as to the local Film Council. Mr. Wilson stressed how films y could ;be Used to aid anv civic camnaiens 'Pot "H'cer. . t " " " " ' , 7" unable to lift the table." 2. Pronounce gro-ser-l and not To' make shorter; diminish. "I see that time divided Is never long, and that regularity abridges all thing." g-tevens. ' ' 5. Tolerable. i LOWMOTiyES. BV AIR During the war . the Bt'iUKh Jlew 18 railway ocomotlves to Berlin. , , '" " . )ll wnk nri will be drwn from till tin; mail Lived. I li three H'.rixiiin wluute pami are drawn lie aviefl oy Megrmn U (iiijule tlie (olio wing.- BJ w ur k", tt ' like H'tUin Hl Flour jiie LhMHt K, if you are elusion to wunplett! the sentence, L n; JnHind to yvio m (f tlu MQ priww! L mi necttary to complete this ntnc untn you mt of th lucky fhr tift4 fach wtk. ' 'urine prUei judRen' iminionn will w unwed on iluii((il t-xiin! ia your letter, not un Mut writing Lilly huwn. JiidK'' dwwon will be final. All entries item llw property l Ituhin Hood Hour MiIIh Ltd. mm loMit will r'44ve th fylj uiinmot of tlie prize money RcliDMng With each umry the (.uarante CerUlirnte ,uunwi in evwy hag of iittlitn Hood Flour! That in with Guarantee Certificate, lBt prize, $1000.00; w prize, SAOO.OO; and 3rd prizo, $2.10.00. Withtuii HOSPITALITY BEGINS nine-ale, only half them iniiiiiinLn will lie paid! Aid. J. R. Morin returngd t the city on the Prince," piofge thi morning from Vactie6. Mrs. Morin, who sustain sari-ou-i injuries in an automoBite accident, is still in hospital ii North Vancouver but may bp ahle tp return home by the ehi W trte month. tW sw it. Mir "t !v"'M Weo's and Yuny Men's PahC Real good make and f't F'om $.0l to Men's and Young Men' Worsted Suits- Single and double breasted. Well tailored', t fit $;I7.50 Men's Rain Coats Wavy Only All sizes $$.00 Men's, all vpol lined. Cruise? Coats. Pest Make and Fit Reg. $15.00, Special Men's Dress Caps Good,s soi-tment All wool. Speeia Reduced, prices ' $1.50 to Men's Work Pants, Good Maka, AU siies, pre-shrunk " 1 Reg, $4.0tt Spefial $2.95 Boyii' School Buols and Ox- , fords Sulid Leather. Sizes I to 5. Special from 34MI 3oy' Pants for dress of school . Well made AH sixes. Real ; reduced prices from " $3.7.toli!5 ' 1 FURNACE TOR outsldel orders Phone 133 4 ' tHOW MIEN Phone 2ti MICE Coping! knttit in open to every man, woman and child in tutda and Newfoundland except etiniloyevH of bin Hod Flour MilU .imilwl, or it advurtuting Outstanding Quality Delicious Flavour m y and their families. not rweiveil in time for the current wr'k4 contest WEDNSSUAY P.M. , 4:00 fkUnuna lctnirgt 4: lS-Stock Quotation a:i 4:30 Maggie Muggins i : 45 Easy Listening 5:uQ-TRendezoua Rhythm 8:30-Muslcal CockUiU 5:45 -Henri Rene 6:00 Supper Serenade 8:15 Sammy Kae 8 ;3Q Musical Varieties 0:4Q Ree. Inf.. fl :4& Plantation House ' party 7:00 CB.C News J; 15 CBC News Roundup . 80 Jean Pe Rimanoczy ivioUnisti 8:00 Harry Somers Music ; 9:30- 1848 Portrait of Yeifr 10:00 CBC Newa 0:15 Q. Q. Sedgewic 10:30 Biitmore Hotel Orch. 4I:u&--Weather Forecast and Sign Off - - THURtjDA-AM 7 :Q0 Musical Ciock , 8:M-BC ews . 8:15- Morning Sopg ; 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 8 CD BBC News v 9:15 -Morning Devotions 9:3(1 Morning Concert J; y 9:59 Tthte Signal , - - 10:00 Morning Visit . 10:15 Morning Melodies (:: 10:30 Roundup Time '.0:45 Scandlnavut!'.'. Mloflit 11 :00 Mueical Varieties , -11:15 Songs of Today U:80-Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 1 1:33 Recoraed Interlude a:45-Let WU -" . - P.M. -.-12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 'i' 15 CBC Nfw 12:25 Program Resume' 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude. ;l:0a Syrofthoriy Houp ' 1:30 Bernie Braden t Tells ' Story" 1:45 Commentary and Talk 2: 00 - B.C. School Broadcast . c Phone 132 . . . : NEW MIXVKY STEAMER PRINCE GEOROE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY - at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEpNESDA? MIDNIQJIT " For Reservation! Write ' or Call , . - CITY OR DEPOT OFriCR PRINCE. RUPERT, BJ?. held over for entry the fulluwing wwk. WinnT will ini by wire. Major pri.e winners will 1 listed in thi( ion and aniummed on the ( laire VViillare show, : , M A If ' ... fell Me," over Tran.i-('anad:i Network, each week! vuact ing. The first half ended i to 1 in favor of King Edward. It was Si fast and furious half vyUh both teams playing hard. In the second half Julie Parnel led his urden team in a drive which gave them, a 7 to 4 lead at the end of the third quarter. This continued In the final fluarte. Borden had the edge in the shooting and playing. Roy Mcintosh was tops for King Ed, scoring all their points and also being their playmaker. The second game saw High holding High 1 to a A to 4 lead. In the first half. The third, tmar-ter saw High 1 open up with a high-powered offensive led by little Ray Davidson who scored f points in this quarter. Thill continued (p. the fjpaj with no return from tgh 2. The ball handling in this game was i-"Qoth and the players were sure of themselves. 4ni,!vidual scoring: "i.ig Edward - Mcintosh 5, Sedgwick, Stewart, Marshall, , Helin, Quast, Jefferies, Kings, Prain 5. Borden-Anton, J. Parnell 6, P. Parnejl 3, Atkins, Nelson 2, Shenton, Savijle. 1L , Hifih 1-Kristinansun 5, Cameron 8, MacAfee, Davidson 8, Sheardown, Sedgwick, Husvik. 22. High 2 Lelghton 3, Nicket-son 2, Flndjay 1, R. Pedersen, Jlodgkinson, Langrldge, Barnes, R. Pedersen, 6. SKMERS WORK FOR THEIR FUN Material for Tow Toted, on Sunday from Main Lodge (o Run Enthusiastic member of the Prince Rupert 6M Club ascended Mount Hays again on Sunday whep the main project was the razing of one of the cabins and the removal oL the material to the site of the ski run where it has been decided to erect a tki tow. The demolition squad completed their job in short order and the girls and boys, each with a heavy load cinched to their backs, undertook the fur ther climb through mud and snow to the ski run. It was an arduous task but the satisfaction of accomplishment was sufficient reward. Homeward bound after refreshments had, .been served at lively "battle of snow." the main lodge, there was a TURPENTINE SUBSTJJUJE As turpentine is expensive, paint manufacturers use a substitute m;ule from a petroleum distillate lor a thinning a -,ent. BIO FOREIGN TRADE. Cuba has a larger foreign trade per capita than any other Latin American country except Argentine. Advertise m tne U&ny News' Attention Please! ALL BADMINTON PLAYERS . Jf Your Racquet Needs . . NEW STRINGS Phone ' A. B. HODGES North Pacific Cannery and ship your racquets to . INVERNESS P.O., B.C. Prices $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 .4 "1 DIAMOND ot better It $1,000. 2nd PRIZE $500. 3rd PRIZE S250. Thorn Sheet Metal LIMITED .feiunwi are acmmrfiftMPf by Ih (itianmttM f'ertiiicnt fonutl i j1 Hottin UimkI Klitr. no tluaranlr Cerlttuiit it tu U?H 4 k tuiij the ariwunt itUd aAthv, 8:00 Mixed Adult Card Party. 8:00 Camera Club (Teepi. i 3:00 Sewing Class iU.B.C). : 8:00 Sewing Class (U.B.C.), Better English By p. O. WILLIAMS J, What is wrong with this .sentence? "He wa incapable qf lifting -the table." 2. What Is the correct pro- nunciation of "grocery V 3. Whloh ne pj these words isniispalled? Osculation. OseU- , i lion, ' ostentation. 7 ' . . " t . mi . , . . . i . , . vxuav ooen Hie wru Abridge'' mean? .; v .1 - v l -5. ' Whftt is war beginning with "to" Uiat mean "capable ui being barn or endured?" . Answer " . 1. It Is better to say, "He was "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS'' Smooth ' SaBaSSa and . fmim Delicious 1 ,'URCI1 Brt N- i- w , You'U like. .Pacific Milk's .creamy-rich textures-It's- Ir-. radiated -to. give , ftn . exti a measure, of goodness and it's vacuum packed which mnans it-will kHp lndnfiiulelyl Try ariine today. '- . '-.V 's y PACIFIC MILK Irradiated ah(J Vacuum Packed, COTTAGR CHEESE New Creamed r Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY I; Your Dally ' I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ; WItATHAtJS ; TilOTO FiNISHINC Develoolnir, PrlntlHe Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Suiryllts CAN CLEAN YOUR REPAIR YOUR INSTALA NEW . AND Make to Order anything in the Sheet Metal Line 253 East First Ave. FAWCETT DEALER Black 881 Hollywood Cafe Mewesi and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert ,y Open from 5:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. i -fM-m rattles W if Vj (I o ) We specialize In Chinese Dishes ' -hop 'stray rri tatulii fvty Maody th ClqiM W alloc. $hwl ( im 1015 A,M. trant-Cdnado Nttwork DrnwtiifEit hImi wilt I mucin Hu. iti ihiN Mr4i(r.iin PVf V MoImIj1. t IW'Httrf tiitmiA iiifverv Mnnhiy, VViln'rt4i.ty and 1'rnlay! ,p Vour Jiest Eating Place FULL COURSE MEALS 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners and Parties Chinese Dishes BROADWAY CAFE 808 3rd Ave W. Phone 2Q0 Coke as Coca-Cola 0s v. ; '' ! Aii far it tither wan . . . both trade-mirkt mean the utmj tbmg, t i in Uell & Surne fhone 363 and CONTRACTORS B A IP m PTMir m. iiithnrlmirl rL.tller under Contruot .with Coca-t'olit Lt T NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Electric Honges LATEST IMPROVED QUALITY MODELS W? are pleased to announce to our customers that we have received a small shipment , of electric ranges. j ONLY A FEW ARE AVAILABLE While ther last, immediate delivery is guaranteed. . Tho Northern B.C. Power Co. LIMITED O . . . . t Phone 209 O pSaaaCaBaBBaaiaaPBBaiaaCa Another POIGE t C S l Prince Rupert 1ST E i 0 IQIN-4 DlKinC 1 ond WEDDING T (LD N E All Building Trade's rates to rise, effective In this, area January 1st, 1949. " i In these days of rocketing prices, every dollar saved Is if growing importance to the property owner. Those of aw fellow citizens, who' plan repairs, alterations to homes, ior business premises, before spring, can effect a saving ot approximately 20 by having their work done BEFORE January 1, 1949. ' ; This notice 13 posted In the interest of all concerned a a public service but our company would be pleased to offer advice and suggestions to anyone directly interested? Estimates of course, are free. ' Hoping tq be of service to you, we remain v - Yours respectfully, ' NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD; Phone 563 (2881 WHITE TIBET GOLD nmov Downrn RfT'E GREKN PEACH PAMPAS CREAM cry . i w 1 1 r every w he The Wonder Wall Paint fiHKOH HARDWARE CO. LTD.,