r 8 SENIOR MATRIC (Continued fitwn rage 5) Hotel. . l?rincc Rupert Dailp rSctos; Thursday, October 7, 1948 SHIPS AND WATERFRONT ll flff rmShtll: I """" fel I LARRY PARKS p tLLt" uREW UMACREADY.BuSy Jar?ST RAY u.. k Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) THURSDAY KM, 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Stories of Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 TB. A. 5:30 Hawailn Echoes. 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch, 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 3:00 Nation's Business 8:30 Vancouver Symphony 9:15 Varsity Show 9:45 Betty Philips 10:00 CBC New '0:10 B.C. News 10:15 For Your Information 10:30 Nocturne 11:00 Weather & Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal t0:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time . 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 T.B.A. 11:15 Hit Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period. 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Famous Voices. . P.M. -12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude COLLINS - PLAIT i. .. Arrivals Prince Rupert M. B. Scott, Vancouver; A. S. Whalley, Vancouver; R. Mart-land, Sea Island; L. George, city; J. S. Thomson, Vancouver; J. Bunn, Vancouver; K. McGee, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Spencer, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs W. Appledorn, Terrace; G. D. Boyd, Vancouver; J. McOowan. North Pacific; M. F. Dobsoa Vancouver; N. McNeill, Vancouver; E. R. Hall, Vancouver; W. Luney, Victoria. JEQUOLIS cranky 'every month'? Are you troubled by dint raw of female functional mrtodic disturbance? Dam thia make you few) mo tired . binh-atruiif , nervous at such timea? 'I"hm do try Lydia K. Pink ham Veffrt able Compound to relieve such ymptoma! Pinkham Compound ia made epeaiy for women, and ia very helpful for women, troubled thia way. Any Drugstore. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S cS "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" ASK FOR Mm PACIFIC RAM V JMore and more people are finding out the added good-'ness that Pacific Milk packs into every vacuum tin. Pacific's smooth, creamy-rich texture means satisfying nourishment. You'll like it. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and .Vacuum Packed NEW LUXURY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSPAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN- WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write ' or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. njmirmr-rorw farf) 'The Unsuspected' GREER & BRiD BUILDERS AND CONTRAi en ei N ire: kit bi 3 ir 3 Repairs - Construction A Floor Sanding a Special!; Phone RED :6J I STEWART NEWS, Latest from Portland CanalMining Centre , "Scotty" Read Aids Ancient Mariner Ketchikan or Juneau? "Scotty" Read, long time resident of Prince Rupert and particularly well known in fishing circles, was on the way home not long ago aboard his stout craft, the JR. Weather was nothing to brag about. He put into a haven on Kinahan Isl and for shelter was advisable. Somewhat to hfs surprise, he discovered another boat already there. The sole occupant was an elderly gentleman whose coastal vessel had sustained aamage. A few holes, in fact, had been punched, but tem porary repairs were made and now it was a case of waiting until storms would moderate or cease. The lone mariner, in view of the unlooked for stress of circumstances, had run rather shy of supplies. It appears that for about five days he had not enjoyed what might be called a quare meal. So Scotty was quick to attend to that. And later on, he offered to tow the old seafarer into port. The lat ter, however, preferred to travel under his own power. Anyway, he said, he never had been towed and he figured he could make it this time, as usual. The Coast Guard district for Alaska will be re-established before next July, according to a recent announcement made by the United States Secretary ol the Treasury. In fact, it is likely a decision as to location will be made before that date. Headquarters it is expected, will be ;in Juneau or Ketchikan. Each possesses certain advantage? and there is rivalry between them. Bob Johnson and Bob De-Spelder, young fellows who voy- CARD PARTY BY STEWART LEGION ! '' ' ' slewart STEWART The jranch of the . Canadian Legion held a very successful whist drive at their ' club rooms, on Saturday, over 40 guests being present. R. Sharp won the men's first prize with George Nelson and Angela Bugnella tieing for the consolation prize, Mr. Bug nella winning on the draw. Mrs. Earn Kirkpatrick and Mrs. E. bnarp tied lor the ladies' first prize, Mrs. Sharp winning on the draw of the cards. Mrs. W. J. Crawford tok othe consola tion prize. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp tied for the sweep which went to Mrs. Sharp on the draw. This was the first of a series to be carried on during the winte; months. .i.ik1'. .-e. Ho 1 1 ywood ( Newest and Most Up-To-Dat Care In P- Open from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 a terms in which it was passed up. The Board agreed that the uncertainty of this procedure made it impossible for students to plan ahead, and as a consequence, prospective students were lost. However, they withheld decision until the next meeting in order tp give the moitpr more consideration. A further recommendation tnai U1C ttlinue" ,ufc - senior matriculation be set at $100 was agreed to by the trustees. They were told that the cost of a similar course at the University of British Columbia is $225. "When the people of the community understand that there will be senior matriculation and that the rate will be $100', I feel that in a community of this size, there always will be a sufficient number to make the course self-supporting," Mr. Hurst stated. Although assurances had been given that there would be at least 10 students taking senior matriculation this year, there were only eight in the class at the end of the month and one student has since decided to leave, Mr. Hurst said. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! arWMWWWvlitriillnrCTn,B ' TIME TO INSULATE Maktf sure your home is warm and snug this winter. Let us insulate it completely now. Mitchell & Currie LIMITED . Phone 363 Builders and Contractors i4? F aged up north last summer and spent a while in Prince Rupert, are doubtless back home in Detroit by this time. Their boat was a 26 foot backstay yawl. They say they covered a total distance of 3,500 miles. This would kiclude side trips. j The 90-foot fish packer Salvor .which struck a rock in Chatham Strait, 60 miles southwest of Wrangell, has been abandoned. It is on October 15 that the chum season in southeastern Alaska will begin. It is announc ed that October 15 is not the best date but under the circumstances it is considered advisable. There are a good manv pinks In the mouths of streams wthich would be taken alone with the chums, should there be an earlier opening date. Pinks are badly needed to seed spawning grounds. ANCIENT VEGETABLE Asparagus has Heen known since early Greek and Roman times. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 3-inch deckine: Whippet sedan; boy's bicycle. Apply Midland Pines. Phono Black 739. (242) WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5- room house in central location Call Biue 853. (237) 2l SEE and HEAR the New Deforest I RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC CANNED INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE ; The international code of flag 1 signals is a universal diction-' ary which makes communica-1 tion intellible everywhere, regardless of the tongue spoken by those using it. Dresses At WALLACE'S Of Course Sailings for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., . Cardena Saturday, 9 a.m., Catala Sunday, 11 p.m., Camosun STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. . FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS , s.s. Coquitlam, Oct. 8 and 22, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Oct. 15 and 29, 10 p.m. , , . " : FRANK J. SKINNER Prince HuDert Agent Third Ave Phone 568 COTTAGE CHEESE j New Creamed Fresh Made , VALENTIN DAIRY j Your Daily ' : ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Phone 651 for "Foothills" Alberta Coal All sizes in stock. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Order your supply NOW Be comfortable later. Don't be left, out in the cold when th-? first chill blast strikes without warning. We're ready to serve you promptly ... our prices are right. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. ' Lumber, Building Supplies - v. Chandler & Cowgill Photographer I' Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 218 4th St We specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP . SUEY GIVE YOUR HOME THE "NEW LOOK'' K t ! WIDE CHOICE OF BEAUTIFUL TINTS f Satin-Glo Enamel Satin-GIo Ft THOMPSON HARDWARE C SEE THE ROYALji fe -v. with FINGER FORM KITS New! The most sensational typewriter improvement in ycarj FINGER FORM KEYS designed to cradle your finger tips! And only the New ROYAL PORTABLE the world'i first truly modern typewriter hai this revolutionary feature I And more, besides 1 New Beanty! Speed Spacer! Rapid Ribbon Changerl "Magic" Margin! And many other important "Magic" la a registered trade Dr. James Black, geologist and resident mining engineer, left for the south on the Cardena Monday after a week's visit at the Morris Summit Gold Mine. It is anticipated that an earlv start will be made in the spring on this property. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Svedbere pioneers of St( art, left for tlu south on the Cardena Monday night. J. J. Beasley, office inspectoi of the Department of Public Works, left for Victoria on the Cardena Monday after spending the past week reviewing the work of the Atlin district office. SEA-GIRT ISLAND No part of England is mon than 100 miles from the sea. Mi weav. juuu. - OKXic'l, .-mark of BoyalTfP 1 1 TIRES CHANGED in a ' It takes us no time at all to fix of change a tire saves you the time and trouble. We're experU on all &uli) service Jobs we do 'cm quickly. ff ficicntly, inexpensively. Drive in today- 1Mb h (240' j KXin 3 oi Green 2?7.