iV. -',-nrrirnlri-;lT'i-ifihllt rhi T Prince Rupert Doily News Monday, January 9. 1550 Hockey- I T ' III! IMM M Mill I - I . tei J fi y ft 4 ?y v Legion lourney in Third Round i r . . j SUMMER HEAT AND WINTER COLD 1 nsuate fot ttfc wih 1 FiBEROLAS BUILDING INSlifl WON'T ROT . WON'T BURN . WON'T SrJ 's","lv-'"54f 3 '.-V, " "n I UIAIII VERMIN ft talrat n Kim t all to mmkt yw hm aiMf .t.in mrtd fid tmn 4: Ktp inovr nBtratvrM rfawii all t aM Da th. .k y.u...ll ,M, hanrfy f..,l., " The week-end saw the English billiards handicap at the Canad- , ian Legion enter Uie third round,.: D. C. Stewart (minus 20) making sure of his place in the semifinals by defeating W. J. Ranee (plus 35i by a score of 150 to 108. A delayed game in the first round was also played off, resulting in a win for George . Dawes (plus 20 1 over C. L. Young-man (scratch) with a score of 150 to 128. - In the second round Bert Mor- gan (plus 20i had no difficulty in scoring a win over D. Owens (minus 10), the final scores being .; 150 to 87. J. Campbell (minus 30) had a tough game with Neil C.imeron (15 or no count) winning by the narrow margin ol 11 points in spite of breaks of 31, 32, 23 and 23 by his opponent. With a score of 150 to 149 P. M. Ray (plus 35) just managed to snatch the victory from W. A. Osborne (plus 30) after a very closely contested match during which the players were never more than 10 points apart. - - Wilfred Goddard (plus 15) beat W. Fudger (plus 20i by 150 to 32? while another keenly fought game ended in a win for J. Nich-lioll (minus 15) by a 7-point mar-.r, gin over W. Strachan (plus 30 1. , The only game still to be played in the second round George Dawes (plus 20) vs. J. Lawrie (plus 20) is scheduled for today. wfS r v a n a u t CALL 65! PHILPOTT EVIT & Co. Ltd. 1 LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLI CHILLY, BUT FUN Twenty-five men and nine women braved the frigid waters of English Bay at Vancouver for the annual New Year's L ay swim of the Polar Bears. Mary Boychuk, leftt and her mother, Mrs. Clymn Boychuk, add to the festivities with a snowball duel. (CP. Photo) Basketball FineGame High School Should (.0 lo Bed Earlier. Brown WTOds took Bo-Me-lIi into camp Saturday night and moved into second place in the Senior Basketball League by virtue of their 49 to 38 victory. It as Brownwoods all the way as they outsccred -igh S?ho,l in all but the Eecond ciuarter. The Students played 1 sloppy gsme, missing shot after .shot and fumblin'r their passes. Brownwoods were without the services of Gmvieh and Cy.ich Art Mi'iray but George Brown did an effective job from the bench and Alex Bill played , a sterling game, setting up play after play, ai;d displaying as line a iece cf floor -generalship as has been seen at the Civic Centre Gvm ir, manv s dav. Everett Pierce of Brown woods burned up la; court witii his speed and shooting, garnering 24 points. He wps well handled by the Brownwoods' coach and given plenty of opportunity to rest with the result that, when he was on the floor, his dazzling speed was1 particularly effective. Bill Sunbere. scored ten f jr the shoemen, and Doug Shier made 8. Reg. Lavigi-e played a hard driving game and was particularly good on defense. Andy Owen tcored 5 and was the only player on the team net to be penalized. For the students Ray Spring played his usual stellar game, leading his team in scoring with 11 points and, along with team; mate, Eric Moore, providing the l:est of the High School's play. Moore swished the hoop for ten points. McChesney of the second string scored 7, and played a good game although he was net so sure in his passing. The students were obviously out of condition and their best basketball is being sacrificed by too many late nights. Erownowods Sunberg 10, Pierce 24, Lavigne 1. Shier 8, Owens 5, Thompson 1, Bill, Smith. Total 49. BoMe-Hi Bill 4, Ratchford 2, Spring 11, Carlscn, Kristmon- ORME DRUGS DR ( Q 3, A. Blackaby, Mcintosh, H Mc-1 r I iL II Kay 7. W. Blackaby. lofr.l 21. jD3SK6ID3ll Stones Stewart 1, Antone,! 1 t Parnell 3, Marshall 2, J. ParneHL jfflg IflOlG 3, Atkins 3, Jeffrey, Brown, San-key " " I Basketball league schedule for 4 Total 16 , .the remainder of the 1949-50 sea-Rupert Hotel Sather 11, . ,,,... ........ .. sri Is as follows : i PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 8TORE HOUP3 WEEK DATS, I A.M. TO I 8UNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 7 PM. TO 9 PJU. Dally car delivery terrlce from S am. till 0 p.m : Pro fessional ami Bush iuariu uonaiason , is. mc ar-, lone, E. Stacey, W. Stacey 3, Mor rison 10, A. McFarlane, N. Fo:-man 2. Total 34. It's business wise to advertise Classified ads bring results. j : I Mens Bowling I C L J I LSdQUe jCnedUie J Jan. 23 Ambassadors vs W.I. Stages, Oddfellows vs Grand Cafe, Blain's vs C.P.A., Stones vs D & S, Manson's vs Thorn Sheet Metal. Crescents vs Rupert Mot- or.-., Scotians vs Brownwoods, I'hilpott Evitf. vs Triple C's, Mallets 1 vs Cold Sto'age, Undesirables vs Can. Legioo, J.C.'s No. 1 vs Commercials. J.C.'s No. 2 vs Home nil 1 7 .9 Jan. 10 Sea CadeU vs. Ruper, Hotel, High School vs. Peoples, North Star vs. Fashion, Co-op vs. Bo-Me-Hi. Jan. 13 U.B.C. Series, Boy Scouts v:. Stones. Jan. 14 U.B.C. Series, Rupert Hotel vs Kinsmen Jan. 17 Boy Scouts vs. High School, Peoples vs. Dom's, Merchants vs. Fashion, Bo-Me-Hi ;VS' Brownwooas. Jan. 21-Stones. Sea Cadets. High School vs. Rupert Hotel. Fashion vs. North Star, Bo-Me-H. vsl Co-op. Jan 24 Sca Cadcts vs Boy Scouts. Dom's vs. High School, NorUl Slar vg Merchants. Co-op Ve. Brownwoods. Jan. 23 Kinsmen -vs. Stones. Rupert Hotel vs. Boy Scoubr, Tc shion vs. Merchants, Brownwoods !vs. Bo-Me-Hi. woods vs. Co-op. Feb. 11 Kinsmen vs. Boy Scouts, High School vs. Sca Cad- ' '. Merchants vs. Fashion, Bo-' -Hi vs. Brownwoods. I'eb. 14 Stones vs. Boy Scouts Dom's vs. Peoples, Fashion vs North Star, Bo-Me-Hi vs. Co-op. Feb. 18 Rupert Hotel vs. Sea Cadets, Kinsmen vs. High School, North Star vs. Merchants, Co-op vs. Brownwoods. Feb. 21 Sea Cadets vs. Stones High School vs. Dom's, Fashion vs. Merchants, Brownwoods vs Bo-Me-Hi. HOCKEY SCORES PACIFIC COAST Saturday New Westminster 3. Seattle 3 (tie). LosAnelcs 4. San Francisco 1. Tacoma 3, Fresno 1. Victoria 1, Pt.i Hand 4. Sunday Victoria 3, Seattle 0. San Diego 5, Los Angeles 8. l SUFFERED AGONIZING PAtNf until I 4ilvmJ wni.r)ul. t.rt Mlinf V,,u Ntarltii Cul. IiulUM log lot .m nlxf I Soi. N.ui.l,, L.mk.w ,4 Rhwm. tarn Al all 4ryg iMrK. vANeA.. lit JrTTSn' L, i h Rangers Are New Threat Weil Settled in N.M.L. Second llay After Wcck-End NEW YORK (Canadian Press) The revived New York Rangers went to Montreal Saturday night and inflicted a three-to-one defeat on the Canudiens to break the tie with the Habitants for runnet-up position to the De- j troit Red Wings in the National j Hockey League standing. Then the Rangers came home last ' night and added one more point Td the credit column and make their hold on second spot deoHive by playing a raw with the lowly Chicago Black Hawks. j Tne Toronto Maple Leafs went temporarily into fourth place j Saturday with a 5 to 2 win over 1 the Chicago Black Hawks but l ' he Boston Bruins moved back J (into the position last night j . when they eked out a close 4 to 3 i ' I victory over the leading Red j Wings. ' 1 Week-end National League scores: . Saturday I New York, 3: Montreal, 1.- I Chicago, 2; Toronto, 5. I Sunday j Chicago, 1; New York, 1 (tie). Boston, 4; Detroit, 5. 1 Next, games will be Wednesday ' with Chicago at Montreal and j New York at Toronto, ii.ta the position last niht when I W D L F A P Detroit. 22 4 10 120 81 48 New New York York 16 16 8 8 12 12 78 78 81 81 40 40 Montreal 14 9 14 85 ' 79 37 Boston 13 8 17 105 119 34 Toronto 13 7 18 92 112 33 Chicago "... 11 8 18 108 116 30 MRS. ROOSEVELT 65 YEARS YOUNG Mrs. Franklin D Roosevelt, widow of the former president, holds a small birthday cake as she lunches in the delegates lunch room at Lake Success, N. Y. The former first lady -spent her c-5 birthday on the job as a member of the U. S. delegation to the General Assembly. Advertise 0 'H- 1 1.,: . 'pi, f -', & a d Tit. THE VOICE" Stewart Mac-Fherson of Winnipeg takes up new duties soon with a United States network (CBS) after 12 years as one of the top commentators of the BBC. He was named "The Voice of the Year" in The London Dally Mail's national radio awards for 1949. (CP. Photo) ICKS V VapoRub By Shoemen son 1, Scherk 3, Moore 10, Web's) er, MeChc'ney 7, Sharpe. Tarsal 38. , Rearers. Djminato and Husoy ! Intermediate League I Merchants moved into the top spot in the intermediate division with a clear-cut victory ever Fashion, who have held the It ad all season. The final score v as Merchants 28, Fashion 22. As in the Senior game, the winners on1 scored in all but the socur.d quarter. It was a slow-moving game featured by low score? Pnrrie Hill, for Fashion, and Dumas, for Merchants, led the scoring with 12 each, followed bj Oiil and Boulter with 6. The Holke.stad brothers refereed and c a!'ed only 15 foul in a game unexpectedly clean considering the fact that a win for either team meant first place in the leftue standings. ; Fashion Gill 6, .Intern) 2, jHaugan 2, Hill 12, Watson, Lien, Hebb, Brew. Total 22. Merchants Marshall, Christ-off Dumas 12, Currie 2, Boulter 6, Walsh 4, Anderson, D.wiason 4. Total 28. Junior League I In one Junior game Rupert Hotel won a lopsided victory over Stone's more than doubling the score of their rivals, with the final count 34-16. Sather and Morrison of the Hotel team n- I trt 11 and 10, with the highest score in Store's column being 4. 1 In the other High School won I a crowd pleaser over Kinsmen in a close .exciting contest, the 'final score being 24-21. I R?ferees Bacon and Large called only 9 penalties in tiiis game. Bill Calrk and H. Blarknby took top-scoring honors with 3 points. foPowed by McKay cf the Kin with 7. j High School Tait 4', Rhodes, Sheppard 4, Peterson 2, Nickcr-son 4, Smith 2, Clari: 8, Brown. .Tola! 24. ,,. i Kinsmen White 2 McAfee, H. Black .by 8, Peneff 1. Ietourneau displayed by rl,e I.iquot Cwitrul iliaij Ol I Jan. Jan- 30 and 31-Hse of David 30ScQtians vs Cold Stor-' vs' Rul)clt Jcls Series, age, Undesirables vs Ambassad-; ors, J.C.'s No. 1 vs Can. Legion j Ffb. 4 Stones vs. High School, J.C.'s No. 2 vs Commercials, Cres- Sta Cadcts vs. Kinsmen, North cents vs Home Oil, Thorn Sheet 8tar vs- Fashion, Co-op vs. Bo-Metal vs Brownwoods, Manson's Me-Hl. vs D & S, Philpott Evitt vs Ru-j Feb. 7 Rupert Hotel vs. Stones, pert Motors, Mallets vs Triple High School vs. Peoples, Mer-C's, Oddfellows vs W.I. Stages, i chants vs. North Star, Brown- Classified ads bring results. "It's business wise to advertise. M I No other I Ketchup Taste Hike Beloved everyone! Jwhodinesfl At home and m restaurants 4 1 1 kmiBkl .,7 te- lh FOR DISTRESS OF CHILDREN'S 3S W tmergeney bkjtii rrom 7 p.m. till and 8uodi) Mattso:: UPHOLSTFi.; Phone Blue 818 F 330 Second M Prlnc Rupff, FOR yo: ROCK & CONCEFl CALL BUI RL J. SAW New, Modern Be. All Work Guaid A. P. GARDM CHARTERED ACK 1118 MelTiltef V ANCOUVEF MARGARET K OPTOMKTr: RoomM 8TONE BUI ' PH0NI 1 BLUE 5 P.O. BOX 1 GEORGE' R0R Public Accountant tors. Income Ta' cortipiW . O. L. ROKIE -S. B. LAIRD, B Besner Block - HANDYJ! HOME SEE' OENERAL CONTf- Bulldlng and B'W kinds ROOTS - CB OIL BUR PHONE Black 334 P. O. Box B & W TRA' Cord Wood, Cefo Kindling wood 50' PHONE R0, KAIEN TRA' o.r TlAMT AND BASEMENT & u 981 f Phone Blue The Gorfff Mtlhfw Arftm rir. Inc. , Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: . Oreen , 607 Days New Residence Phone 4 Number Red 964 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analyste OFHCE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telephone 212 Evenings by Appointment DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suit 7, Smith Block ' Phone 525 P.O. Box J218 j PIANO TJECHNICIAN 1 Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE . COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 75 P.O. Box 1401 QUALITY REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heels and Worn Solea MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 ' secend Ave. WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS diesels and SIM-PLEXjsas engines. Boat owners and parties Interested are invited, to view these machines at our shop. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS "My dishwasher is better! It not only washes and dries them, but puts them away! Don'tyou, dear?"'. . I ' Blain's Vs Grand Cafe, Stones vs CPA. FeD. Blain's s W. 1 Stages Stones vs Grand Cafe, D & E v C P.A., Mallets vs Rupert Motors ScotianS vs Triple C's, Thorn Sheet Metal vs Cold Storage, J. C's No. 1 vs Ambassadors, J.C.'ii No. 2 vs Can. Legion, Crescents vs Commercials, Philpott Evitt vs Home Oil, Brownwoods vs "Manson's, Undesirables vs Oddfellows. Feb. 13-J. C's No. 1 vs Oddfellows, J. C's No 2 vs Ambassadors, Crescents vs Can. Legion, Philpott Evitt vs Commercials, Mallets vs . Home Oil, Brownwoods vs Cold Storage, D & S vs Grand Cafe, Manson's vs C.P.A .j Scotians vs Rupert Motors. Thorn ! Sheet Metal Vs Triple C's, Undesirables vs Blaine's, Stones vs. W. I. Stages. Feb. 20 D& 8 v: W. I. Stages, C.P.A. vs Grand Cafe, Mahson's vs Cold Storage, Thorn Sheet Metal vs Rupert Motors, Undesirables vs Stones, J. C's No. 1 vs Blain's,. Mallets vs Commercials,! Scotians vs Home Oil, Brownwoods vs Triple C's, J. C's No. 2 vs Oddfellows, Crescents vs Ambassadors, Philpott Evitt VS Can Legion. Feb. 27 Crescents vs Oddfel lows, Philpott Evitt vs Ambassadors, Mallets vs Can. Legion Scotians vs Commercials, Thorr, Sheet Metal vs Home Oil, Cold storage vs Triple C's, J. C's No. 2 vs Blain's, CPA. vs W. I. Stages Manson's vs Grand Cafe. Brownwoods vs Rupert Motors, Undcs-rables vs D & S, J. C's No. 1 vs Stones. March 6 Grand Cafe Vs W. I Stages, Manson's vs Triple C's Undesirables V3 C.P.A., 3. C's No. 1 vs D St S. J. C's No. 2 vg Stones. Crescents vg Blain's, Cold Stor-' age vs Rupert Motors, Philpott Evitt vs Oddfellows, Mallets vsi Ambasadors, ScoUans vs Can. '' Legion, Thorn Sheet Metal vs' Commercials. Brownwoods vs Home Oil. 1 . rs I fit . if i m Mother, you know how effective Vi ks VuoRub is when ynu rub it on! Njv . . . try this sjiei iul way to use VapoKub, too, e3ucial)y recomiiiciKU d lor croupy coughs of cliildren's colds. It's VnpoKub in Sleinn tor almost infant relict; Just put a spoonful of VapoKub in a bowl of boiling water or a vaporizer. Tlitr. . . . lut your child inhale tlie soothing Vapollvb in Sfnim. Medicated vapors instantly penetrate deep into cold-con-Bested bronchial tube lo brin relief with every Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and nil welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones BO and 68 i 1 relief while the child sleeps, be s.ure to rub it on, too! Thi Uiemmeot is not pubhshd nr i