Need Publicity Prince Rupert Daily Newt Monday, January 9. 1950 Practical Pcacemal.iiiK in Palestine II' THE INTIMATE STC'RY CF A DOCTOR'S PRIVAT?TrTf lm. !Oood Living M G-M presents f lib On Islands 0 HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS? " ladies Blouses -Dresses Coals Suits Etc. - - Slips - LOWEST PRICES EVER Sale Now On At RUPERT PEOPLES STORE The Queen Charlotte Islands are suffering from the wrong j kind of publicity, says W.N. Gieg- gerich, pioneer of Tlell, who was in the city aboard the Chllcotln at the week-end returning home to Cape Ball, some six miles along the beach from Tlell, where he lives a life of comparative ease ! with his son, Jim, raising all the vegetables and fruit required in Fine Drama In "Doctor And Girl" Dramatic story of a young doctor who has to choose between assured wealth, fame and success or vfjrklng out his career the hard way In the tenements of new York is unfolded In 'The Doctor and the Girl," feature offering at the Capitol Theatre here this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It involves a conflict between the young man and his father who opposes the son's marriage to one of his patients. Glen Ford, Charles Ccburn, Gloria De Haven and Janet Leigh are starred Jrne Glenn Ford nas the ro!e of the young interne who starts out on his career with the advnn'age of being the son of one of the country's most brilliant neurologists, played by Charles Coburn. Taking the part of the young bride is Janet Leigh, a girl of no family or position. The plot becomes further involved when the )7m -frfHH 1 ;k,t.r- ! 'V if5;?-. 'feW . ... At 'rt - 1 mm. mm el -1 ; his garden and finding principal I , meat supply in his poultry fljck i City ambulance responded to nay Hospital. Mrs. Ai.drt-and from the game, animal and j two calls tnc week-end. At Aldine Rooms, nave biru bird, which abounds around ills 3 p.m. Saturday, young Vernon baby boy a few hour aft i dor. Brown son o. Mr. and Mrs. taken to Genera. Hospm , There is a tendency to over- Brown. Kltkatla, was tokn from ambulance squtti at o a it rate the rainfall on the Islands, '"c General Hospital to Miller day. and to call It a. land of fog nd i' . - - . Members of the lsraeli-Egvptiun Mixed Armistice Commission MAC for short iron out a demarcation line prolilcm on the spot in the Palestine desert. The MAC is one of lour set up under the I'nited Nations-sponsored armistice aRreements between Israel and her - ' hhors Egypt, the Kb 'am of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. U your subscription Is In an ars and you do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the new." boy or the post office. Jus do a little straight talking tc ycur.sfif. Co-operation of subscribers in liiis regard would be appreciated. It would save a lot of trouble and everybody would be nappier. Subscriptions are payable in In '50 TODAY TO WED. Shows at 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Be Thrifty ASK YOUR MAPLE LEAF A Product of For The G.E. Radios G.E. Floor Polishers FOR THE MEAL THAT'S THRIFTY NOURISHING AND DOWNRIGHT DELICIOUS DEALIitt FOR pork SAUSAGE The scale per varieties in December 1949, with figures for the same month in 1948 for comparison, was as follow.: Dec 1949 'Dec. 1948 . Board Feet Board Feet 'Douglas Fir 1:511,839 1,317,548 Cedar 4,ti2G,523 3 158 140 Spruce 10,792,008 7 140 847 Hemlock 8,800,070 3 43507G Balsam 1,209.220 848 305 Jackpine 1,108,234 1,258.682 Misc. 104,519 174,907 Totals 28.238,425 17 331 50j (Forest Products) Only 730 lineal feet of cedar poles was counted during De- ccmber 1949 compared ith 107,- 90S in the same month of 1948. The grand total of forest prod- ucts in 1949 was 3,094,608 lineal feet as against 3.100,804 lineal feet in U348. The jackpine tie count in De- cember 1949 wus 3,590 and 206 cords of wood were sealed in the month. - - foi r scne boats. snowbound n Duke Island b '.ween 7 p.m. Th .rsday and oik- tua Friday. ; . Tn veiling across heavy waters in Canada Packers Limited New Year $19.95 to $269 $59 $149 $299 $49 $14. $16 $7.50 to $32 $4.20 to $23 $19.95 to $26 G.E. Washers with pump 6 cu. ft. Leonard Refrigerator G.E. Dual Control Blankets Trilte Torchiere Trilitc Floor Lamp With Silk Shade Electric Toasters Electric Irons . Electric Razors Log Scale Is Higher ; Forest Production For 1919 Just Tops Previous Year Log scaling in Prince Rupert forestry district during the year 1949 Just exceeded that for I!; 13. a spurt in the month o Decern- bcr putting it over the top. The sale of timber products such as poles and piling in the interior was practically a stand-olf in spite of the fact that there was almost a complete disappearance in the month of December just ended. i The log scale for 1943 was 260,542.355 bd. ft. compared with 259,030,285 board feet in 1948. The sale for December 1949 was 28,- 238,425 board feet as against 17.331,565 board feet in the same month last year. , SHIPS, and- WATERFRONT The lighthouse tender Alberni, Capt. Joseph Petersen, left Saturday on an emergency trip to Cape St. James with two radio engineer's from the Marine Radio Division headquarters in Victoria. The head office had received an urgent call recently from the two Marine Division radio "operators at the treacherous .northern Queen Charlotte the effect that the insulator at the of the radio mast had due to the recent storms and frost. The dangerous condition tf the mast is cxpochd ,tj he fixed in three days by the two engineers. However, at this ti.!:. of year, landing operations at the point is a hazardous Job end it may be a day or two befora the engineers can be put ashore. t I Through rain or ..'nine or o'en j.iiow the show must gj on This Is the code of show bti.ii:e.s .iMtl thi! all native Duncan Memoi' .i Church Choir or Metlakail.f, Al- a-sU:i, have no U'tas i.i aiterini; ih" c t ( d. The group o' .) voter;; er ,wd in Prince Riip:rt ;it ! a.m. Friday artcr u 24-hour voy- u;iu from Met l.i:: i 1 1 1 liuoiH'.h l.i.wy seas and (! j ;. heaving I'eichikan at 3 .iVio.'v Thursday l Itetnoon, the gro"p divided into cold which it certainly Is not, Mr. Giegerlch says. Writers who visit the Islands seem to Imbibe a wrong Impression even before they arrive and never slay ln enough to get over it. Mr. Gieg-Irieh would just, like to get some good writer on his place for a wc-ck or so mm ne wouiu snow 'lim different, giving hlin a good ,',nB w'ln tl,,; best ' llullllm.I am' "-shins; in the bargain. "There is a Rod living on the land," says Mr. Giegerlch, " for anyone who is willing to get in nd do a little hard work. There Is plenty of market for produce. dairy product and meat in the existing towns and on a Uie-ef scale in the big logging campi- om no one nas ever reany irieo ' i, ' Mr. Giegerlch first came to the Islands in 1909 when he prr- rmpted land on the east coast, lie was employed for many years as a lineman for the Government . Telegraphs, returning to IhV; United States in 1924 to resume railroads on the Butte division in Montana and coming back to tne Islands in 1945. . ,r6:,u. w..i,.n.v from Missouri and "you've pot to , ,'..,,, ,,. to the Naas River village- ;lteri spending the Christmas ar.ri New' Vvir holiday season in V:acou-, ver. Come Oul from L Under the Shadow of rr lr DOLCIMablctsfor prompt relief from ARTHRITIC and Khkv-M.vric pain . . .Try DOLCliN . . . get a Lottie of 100 or 500 tablet from your druggist TODAY ami join the tlimianiK of relieved MiOerrrs vlio by taking DOI.C1N Iihvt come out from under lb shadow of I'ain . . . Most druggiis crry DOLCIN. If yours docs not, write direct ! DOLON LIMITED TtrtBt 10 t Sunbeam - Schick Remlnghm DOT FORGET YOUR NOMA TREE LIGHTS young daughter's sister runs n-1 ! way with a married man and it ; is when tragedy befals her that! the lonely and disappointed old I man is reconciled to the son's! j romance and is brought to sen j that a doctor working for the; sake of humanity in the dis-i tricts of the poor is really greater -than the one who achieves fashionable SUCCCS3. PiHfo f.i! CFPR l?40Ki'wvr-p' 'So' 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int 4:30 Magic Advertures 4:45 Something in Harmony 4:55 CBC News 5:00 LitJe Concert 5:30 Musical Program ti:J0 Supper Serenade 0:15 Martial Airs 0:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Rockin' Rhythm" 7:00 CBC Kews 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Wally Peters Show 7:45 The Blue Door 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Guy Lombard o Show 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum , 9:30 Producers Workshop 10:00 CBC News 10:10-CBC News 10:15 On Mike Tonight 10:30 Henry Ri.ssell's Orch. U:00-Weather mid Sign Off TUfciiij.-il -am 7- Musical .Cli,c 8: 0(1- CBC New 8: 10 Ht "p s Bill Goob i : 1 : P.- ..ling Song 8:3U-ilusie for Modetns 1:45 Lit 'e Concert 9:00 BBC News ond Comment I ''i.i Hoi )ir' lHVnl;i c 9:30-Morning Concert I i o Time Siiwi ! 10:00 - Ellen Harris I 0 15 - Morr.iiiL' Mcuiles 10:30- Melody Time 10:45 - Scandinavian M-'lodicl 1 :00 Ai- Kindcrarlt n 1:15- Roundup li ne 11:30 -Weather Report i mpw(1' i't.i 11 :35- Rccordfd Interlude ! ; :43 Personal Album P.M. a nd Mcidie .2:15 cue N. w: I2:2i Program niesui;i' 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert, .1:30- CBC Presents 1:45 ComitH-nlaiy A. Grant 2:00 B. C. School Broadcast :i:30' Records at Uuniluin 2:45 Let's Read About It 3:00 The Music Box .'I IO rl (III, OO T, (tlHV He" " a large passenger vessel is some- QPm charlotte Isiands ar not times bad enough. But it can be one of the best places in the imagined the beating a sine 11 world to live.' fishing craft would take. How- He was returning home after ever, Metlakatla folk are good five weeks In Vancouver curing sailois. Rf v. J. K. Huntley leader which lime he took some steps of the choir, and pastor of ;h to Interest new settler Ir comin-j Duncan Memorial Church v. rtieh to the Islands. was recently destroyed by fire, : arrived in the city Thursday Miss Kathleen How, teacher of night aboard the Prince Georre the native school ut Klm.'illth, with three other members of the was a passenger abuard t'.n Co-choir. Director Ray V. Haldane, quitlam last evening returning! NORTHERN B, C. POWER CO. L! Besner Block PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. riiunt STKWART, l ! CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Hash Photo; Taken at Ilomr Phone Green 389 216 4th S PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SKSiSiiaisiiiaiiiiiffimi ism l.l'Xlni STKAMFK PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermedial. Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservation! Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPER'' B.C. Elsie DOESN'T LIVE ! HERE ANY MORE ' ' BUT WE DO Hove the Best Hgmburgers in Town At . MILLIE'S i OPEN C a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY! Just off Third Avenue 318 Cth St. Ph. Orders Blue 921 Your Radio will play a merry tune when you rake it to Blue 992 KENS CLINIC RADIO For Satisfactory Service ! 18 ,2nd Ave. W. Ulue 993 CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOI KS 10 ;J0 n in. In M ::ti) pm and 2 In Ti - ni. I.M.MNilS MoiidHy Kiid KrldBi'. 7 :io p.m. for tlioae unablr tn mm- iliiiiiiu tho dny HECEPTIONIBT In sttenU- v.. MANSON'S HOLLYWOOD caTe made the trip in the fishing boats. It was again "Union night at MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY OPKN FROM 3:30 T.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Dlshe BUY SAFE REDUCE Kl&K AVOID 10SS USE ONLY A TAYLOR SAFE In a cheap, interior sale you will ; endanger your entire business i ' lile. Are you conlidenl lhal your sale will protect its contents against severe lire, or thelt? Is it large enough to contain all the records and valuables you should protect each night? You can be sure with a Taylor Sate. There are Taylor Sales in many sizes in which you will have the greatest security obtainable. Ask lor details and terms ot payment. J 6-j.TAYLOn limited; TORONTO SAFE WORKS Front Street East Toronto Established 1855. VANCOUVER P.KANCU SALES AND SERVICE 310 West Cordova St. ancouver, B. C. t Sse,V I If & I mm n-rtiuays prompt and Courteous We're Here to Serve YOU J jCommodore Cafef J "Hospit ality and Good Food 'J Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr 'vWiWVWVWAV WWWV Sale Now On Women's, Children's ond Men's Shoes SPECIAL Stadium Boots NOW $5.25 per pair FAMILY SHOE STORK LIMITKl) ird Ave. Itox (.38 Ph. 357 iOQK JEWELLERS CHOP SUEV CHOW ME IN For Outiide Orrtrr PHONE 133 the Canadian National duck here last evening with two vessels of the British Columbia coastal company in pert in the course ! of regular passenger runs. ! Steamer Coquil lam. Capt. Will- lam McCumbe, arrived at 4:30 p.m. from Vancouver and sailed at 11 p.m. for Alice Arm, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here to-' morrow and sail south at 1:30 p.m. Steamer Chilcolin, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived at, 5:15 from Masset, Inlet rails and sailed at 9 p.m. for Vancouver and way-points. ' . Nelson Br os. seinboat Western Girl was in port- during the weekend. The vessel has been prospecting waters eonlinguous ti. .Exper! Vaich Repairing ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED You'll lie Satisfied 3:15 Western Five this this poll port for for the the comoanv's company's Port, Port. . i Tl mm, 3:30 International Comment- Edward Kdward reduction reduction plant. plant. - fi (Tilnv ary I - ' 124 ; 3:40 Divertimento : Ni.wb.ot uywu. .,.. ..rr . . From $::9.75 i j . . . --- dividends. I r" GEORGE COOK, Jcwciler 027 3rd Ave. PHONE 79 ' - : 'V ft , fj -J 5 ; PHONE 79 HJaUarr lanuanj ; 1 I 1UUIO Wckdoy$ 9 o.rr). to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Neon to 2 p."1- 7 p. in. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE Stock Reducing Sale ;Aft, NEARLY ALL An Sfl MERCHANDISE J' INCLUDED IN THIS SALE 'v rzwtKiHy m y r ...... "Funny, that I should suggest the bridal suite sworn you were newlyweds."