'ANNUAL MEETING Prince Rupert Daily News . Monday, January 9. 1950 . UrftY-.. ' I been a boom year, It was still i Ja year of progress. There was a ! general stepping up of industrial j activity throughout th district. iThe 1942 tchool enrolment bad ' been 140 pupils In alt. In Sep-jtember 1349 it had reached 310, " " si Terrace Board Had Active Year-J949 Period of Further Progress i Commencing -with a cold turkey sunyer followed V i: Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. De Kersjommeaux, Terrace heporter- t - - i..-,.. "v while in December it had again I WOODS, Proa. .t',: P.O. BOX 1397 AShii STREET by ic cream, cookies, cake and coffee the a n n u a ! Duncan Keir reported on the m?tin!? and election of officers of the Terrace and resolutions committee work. .,, District Board of Trade took t-.lace on Fridav even-! " Ior. ?2h'p l i 41NCK RUPERT t . . , " , , iff portea mat inert are uww- Mrs. O. T. Sundal is a patient. Mrs. Van Stalk and Betty-Lee In the local hospital- where her left last week on a trip to Van- condition Is reported to be teri- couver and Victoria. , . ous. ! , i Early New Vear morning the Terrace Machine and Oar- Mrs. J. Loen has returned from Shop ; Ji-j nt. i.;icr vitiuv iiaa. uucfia vicic inuuuuvcu bers and 8 new memoers. by Dudley Little, president, and telecrrams were read ; Harry King agricultural com n from L. M. Felaenlh"!, P. It Lin- i Entry o in.the.ni.th asfnrnsCali- aRe hfre was broken into a-y and O. A. Hunter ol Prince muiry had been spent during the 3LD or HOT ! o - - fornia having been away several weeks. ' was made by means of a window in the front door. It is-believed that ar. attempt was being made to remove a car. mit.tee, said that this had been a history making year for the Board. Three hundred trees had been planted on the station grounds. The land clearing machinery had done good work in the district. The Fall Fair had been of educational value to the farmers of the district. They had received several inquiries from prospective settlers which had all been answered. One settler expected to come here from England in March. ; S. Howlett reported that the Try a Claasiricu ao iot Ke'iut5 Adverti.e in tr.e Daily News' board decided to wnd Mr. ck-jruyu a message of congratulations and extend to him an invitation iu bring his bride with him whet: lie visits Terrace in Uut spring ,COMMI1TEE REPORTS Several committc-e reports were heard. George McAdanu, chairman of the highway c jinnjiLU'e, rlutud that, though vast sums of inney had been xpeat during the past year, there, did r.ot seem to Rupert who each expressed their regret at their Inability to be present at the Terrace meeting cwiaa to failure of train, service. The year's work was clenrd up arul there was very little correspondence to deal with. Attention of lion, E. C. Carson, Minister of Public Works, hac! been drawn to the condition of the bridges on the Snwrta Highway between Terrace ar.il Filnco Rupert by a letter from the local r Mr. and Mrs. H. Koch left on Wednesday's train, accompanying their two sons, Eobert nn-1 Peter to Vancouver where they are returning to their studies at Vancouver College. The parents will then leave for a three months' trip to the Old Country. Duving their absence, Gordon Temple will be in charge of the Skeena Hotel, of which he was the former proprietor. mvjkl J be much to see for it. However. Board of Trade and a letter was some expensive road equipment -"- active mis year dui ih i'"- had been olaced in the district. w ft 'iiii mm i.wij.tm ew home built right lS never too cold . or too hot ' . on to Build NOW IVnis and Estimate:' H'i GREER &-. BRIO DEN , covrrtACi rs AND BlHJDERS d si c.n. box m read In reply to the effect Uuit the district engineer at Pi ir.cn Rupert, Mr. Elevens, had 1k-iii notified and the mutter will be attended to. As. the Jasper u Princa GorC0 route for the TransCanada Hiph- PRIMK MINISTER'S NEW YEAR With other leading Quebec citizens, Prime Minister St. Laurent paid an after-church call on Msgr. Maurice Roy, Roman Catholic archbishop df Quebec, to extend New Year's day greetings. Mr. St. Laurent is shown" here shaking hands with the archbishop. ' ' (CP, Photoi duel of which wsu l!ie rock Terrace was no closer to having ? tiu,,h::,? machine. Pcn:'.i:.ric:i booster station. ' had been obtained to lay a drain- : Mr. Deacon had been here to age system along Lakeisn Av- try and clear up radio interfer-enue. a necessary step before the ence and he was sending some-road can be hard surfaced. There one else early this year, was greater employment at the Mr. Robinson stated that the I Alanna dishing, dauchter of Mr3. F. McGilvery, returned on Wednesday to the convent at , Prince Rupert after spends the holidays with her parents here. I PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal framed WRATHAU'S Photo Finishing m.m ViaH hpiri ftHvficjiteri at Ter " " " ' . l,, i... . 4 .1 . . i i i . I 1VTrhcir tnanrap nr, hm.airr, -11 j Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnstone of officers then and children accompanied by race three year. ago the Board ' P""" ueijuuucuu uic iegai sue uau ucch otwcu u. ( . v.., ..v-uc,.1B, uuicih. decided to endorse a Pnr.ce I P''ce of work had been done on the Indian Pictograph near said that the first project of The election ". ' tun t mH hut liiiihinir t thu xn.nnaro Inn nt 1949 had heen the seenrmi? of a tAnir ntoxa- nrirb reanhition to have tu" v , c iy.v.t residence and suitable -offices' Yellowhead-rraser River route as much on Kalum. He thought Alex Smith of Smlthers. the lo-nart Mr. Sar- 1 lnat- wl'-n Increased interest and cation of the Bites and setting of the highway. FOR nressure on the government, the aside the grounds had been ar President, C J. Norrrngton. . Vice President, Alex Gillandets, Secretary, i Stevenson. Treasurer, H Philip. It was decided to invite Han for the dentist. Through the efforts of the Board wiring and' electrical energy had been made available to the residents on ! Highest Qualify in Your Printing j work will be carried on. rived at. Some sites are priv- Mr. Robinson, as chairman of ately owned though some of the gent said that, as one of a delegation from McBride to interview Premier Johnson 0:1 this matter when he was hcr during iBraun Braun's s Island. Island. thi industrial committee, said owners will sell. ;q. s. Pearson to open the new S0 n0 the summe- they had bd-n ad- that the year had been one 01 , a private campsite, 4U miles'- Mr. Mcsoams siaiea mat, me .mnrmary, aisu 10 sma an mn-tA ii,.' iho three weMfrn steady progress with two or three east 0f here.. Is underway w.ilch. 'pamphlets of Terrace had been t.ation to' Dr. Hughes who was - I " Avail yourself of our experience and versatility. -J DIDD PRINTING CO. in. circulated in England, the United Colonel of the Military Hospital , nrnvinee must eet together to business concerns moving wiU have suitable sites for tour- States and throughout Canada, as It was during the wartime BESNER BLOCK . PHONE 234 decide the most t-.lvantageous These were the S.R.S. store, Ter- isu to camp on their way route. The southern rout: ha: race Transportation Co., and the through. A swimming pool is been strongly recommended but very latest, Terrace Motors, a also contemplated there., w u.-a!. felt that the more n )- ih- branch of the Little, Haugland , ! L: A vote of thanks was tendered jAPPLEWHArrE SPEAKS to the lady members for the help E.T: Applewhaits M.P., as guest they had given the Board and es- speaker, held the attention of the iqainst Cold ! LOCKEEL PLANT peclally for the wonderful sup- audience with his account of the 1 per put on this even jig first session of the new Parlia- j j Mr. LittL. president reported ment. In the ten years since the . j on the year's activities of the beginning of the second world j .Board and thanked all who had war, Canada had , grown upj helped him, the ladies, the chair- and reached a position in world men of the committees and all affairs. Ths session had bee j ery route was a tourists' aUrac- and Kerr Mill. tlon which could no be over- Frogress was going on with the looked. Columbia Cellulose across the Announcement of the wed- river, southwest of town. A lic-ding of Larry Eckroyd, field rep- ense had been obtained to clear, resentative of the Canadian the streams of the Lakelse River Chamber of Commerce, to Miss and logs should be moving down FOR FURNACE PAIRS & RENEWALS Phone Black 881 TH OM of Hl.Lt.TS HALIBUT (chunks) 1 1 I fresh Fruit RED COD Excellent dipped In batter and 15 1 per lb. .rled In deep fat or Douea ana ...34C lb . . i30c lb . . ft2c lb .,'i49 1 SOLE HALIBUT served with mmhroora or tomato sauce. SALMON IrTT METAL LTD. Husen, was read by the secre- very soon. Although it nas not, Jarjanese Oranges .. 135 n-iiirt.. in .a Apples, cooking, 3lb,.... 25 Fancv Maes. 3 lbs. ;:i 29 Lemons, large Cal. doz. Gram-fruit - 3 for .29 irn.t: tNaveii- - 1- Dates - Shrimp Meat V lb. S5c Oysters V2pt. 45c - constitutional. They had abol- 1 33 ished appeals to the Privy Coun-i9 cil in England, Canada now had 24 legal autonomy. The proposed .5 amendment to the constitution Blended Graut'lruit Tomatoes. 20-oz 28-oz ea. RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD. 1 . 23 2nd Ave. Phone 'Red 367 was already underway. 34 gallon Autne. 20-07. Lin. i tor 18-01 tannefl rruits Pineapple, crushed Pieces, 20-oz ., Introduced at this session thf Vetelaoie Celerv. lb - - hnubaib. 2 lb Beets, bunch ; Parslev. buneh. iO-13 21 . .. .10 .05 .15. ...... .0- ?? consolidation of the deiencf .11 .30 forces and the department of Na- 7 uinu) Aniieots. 20-oz Soinach. 2 lb. cello 19 Cherries, aney. 20-oz. MARCHAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS Radishes, buncn 9 Loganoerries. 20-oz. Mushrooms, lb.. j peaches, choice ..... Lard J IRON FIREMAN STOKERS rieaa Leiiuce ,. -. Cookin.!.- Onions. 3 ibs... W Cauliflower, lb. ... - li' Zlnei v... .38 tional Defence. They have also .2 jygjj tIie Department of Mines and Resources, Reconstruction 24 and Supply Into three I. Citizen 31 and Immigration. 2. Mines and Technical services. 3. Resources 15 " " 2 tor "2J and development. 38 xhe speaker stated that an IL- OIIU1 truing Tomatoes. Colif. lb. I iiiiiiiaainaaS8aea Cabbage lb. .. y i . Soap ,33-3(1 ; anan fnre. bar .47' ' M OIVFU VICTORIA' Laundrv. cake Plumbing: & Heating- Alterations. SMITH & ELKIMS LTD. 'i'ouiaios. wo. I lo, , Putatoes. 10 lb. . Cucumbers, lb. 1 Vegetable Marrow, lb.. . ! Snu ish lb. . - Soao Powders, laree :. .2? ; ....07 ! 16'i.: BOX 274 PHONE 174 SEATTLE ri.iy, 9 p.m., Chllcotin ay. 1:30 p.m.. Coqultlam r. A!!M, STEWART ANI PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. KlH SOl'TII ()l EEN . Cherries. V2 lb. pkt. .. Coconut, lb Almond Pnt fruit Cake Mix. lb. Dates, fancv. 1 ID. t.kt Seedless Raisins. 2 ibs. Seeded Raisins. 2 ibs. .45 lustration station for Terrace will '45 definitely be In operation this 45, year and will be placed on the M Van Stalk farm. ! " i After seeing other parts of I Canada, Mr. Applewhaite believ- Canoed- Vhnctaiiles I Dill Pickles, gal, J ?) 1 Cut Green Beans, fev 17 j ino. i-eus. uocy ! Mied Vegetables .23 Diced Beets. Der tin 1 : Itrnv Quond rhnlpi hclled Wa.nuts, v- 10 Mixed netis' and carrots 2for.35 ! shelled Almonds. 6 oz. ( II KI.OTTE ISLANDS .35 .35 .42 ed that this part was most fortunate. The projects in which iaith was being put were long Pumokin Z ior , .nctiect tsraztis. oz. Baked Beans, 2Q-oz. tin Shelled Brazils. H lb. hili in, January 13 & 27 lalrprt Beans. 15-u. tin e H ,la 111 PHONE 363 For Estimates and Suppjies 10 p.m. Kill NORTH Ql'EEN the Colum- Tomatoes 28 on. ..: 21 atnrwberrv. 24-02 59 j term developments ST 1... tI f II AKI.OTTE ISLANDS BLckbcrrV 4-lb ZZZ"Z X, bia Cellulose and the Aluminum Cherry, 24-oj. .. .54 j Company on which ,a Dusiness Quart ? Pebch, 4 .1b. m rescession would have no effect ChiUotin, January 20 10 p.m. I ItNK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Mitchell & Currie Ltd. gClT MrtlW A,,m. Inc. . J 'liy, we"w"reTiIt playi"')? robber ,"and he's the victim!" He could not see how anything can stop Skeena . from going ahead. ' , , . .' F ollowing a "vote of thanks to APriCOt. -lU. .If Sou OS Canned Sonos Is to .2f Meats Ttirkev .. ....... -5-70c ..uastiiis Chicken, lb. .. 02 (am. boned and rolled, lb 90 rl Avenue Phone 538 Builders and Contractors 1 11 . . Pint zieam. ' pint crvs Medium cartons .... Pullets, cartons flutter First Grade, lb. Marnarlne. lb. Chers Canadian , J I . 1 Cheese s-m-l lb in or.,Mr Milk KvaDorated Milk 10-oz. b-oz nns. tins. 'A a ior tot .... PaXFzz... Case Flour Pnstrv Flour. " 7 lbs. Mr. Applewhaite for his address, I ... .kill T r .- 14 k k II ' m m - . I Afternoon Teas make friendly ' friendly entertainment entertainment i vast T5. , -4 Wise WOrdS S . Jarite Sausaw.lb t8 president thanked all- for the j Xv - !EW ROYAL HOTEL HOTEL H(3 A A fm A" ror v jt ' I S N U " Flour, $L$ 49 s, N(X No. 1 1 hard 3 60 Fresh W ibTTZV.'."."' to be a member of the Board let W jkX CL jp- ' t JACKETS m I n-lll f iV L,W5eaLi' Wheat "" 1 I'" 82 Pork Chons. lb its oresident. He was very V Jl jRlClj MS . .. ! I rJ)nt',r lilL. LTLJ .flour. rprk. Sausaw. lb. 62 vpar havin Yljr PARKAS Hume Away From Home J ' : Coffee IbI.' 622 ak ?Z emUUV; FoU I TS Tri g , to work with. (AL V EQUIPMENT J R-ns - Hot and Cold "S" S A " I a f a vote of thanks to the . Zx Skis' , , Sizes 1 water I Oranne Juice prices In various stores depend-, retiring executive, the meeting , . -. WaxM vv axes ) wnetner special oi I 74 I Boou,, roles urn on deciaea sena flowers " and a . I ( standard Qualities are listed.) SJ Harness Cables Etc. " - -s. -, .letter to Mrs. O. T. Sundal who WV I PRINCE RtJPERT, B.C. ( ) , ! JC. . r ' X f "N. I is very ill In hopsitat. The meet- j J 1 I THE V , ae28l KO. Box 198 ' V lMV ' Q ' V S ! 1 I V W" I s X I ing adjourned-at a very late hour. ; rrrrm T - : VlM " sports shop ! ' V ' Nq-'Utillf Y KWWV ' V W. 3rd Ave. I . I er V 622 f IdSPTMM 0? "fO, .' tH&ff I 1 1 Prince Rupert Flor.sts w I jFPviZ sA ."I,, M ' 2 ' fi f m P3 nr7l nowrs for Mr Occasion M a oodtood y(.t) , , fy- , lWc i o ?l fills i lts : . 1 m 1 outside! ' l" S-5y , I TtU'tU l- from today's snow rid.- CHOP V.MUI' SUEY UtT I I " V"-"Ai- 1' 1 t J Give your car protection Lf us give i s -4 .A MC'' W-TyA den streets and freezing temperatures. CMOW 'jariM y i EVERYTHING your doq nend tor sturdy growth, bound- ,'"4 . r My ' it the care it needs. Drive up! , , ,: . . I , T ,u,naOU, dog soppe.il. craves in. U way ol mea.y FOR YOUR PET. .. BETTER GET - I fJ T ; I .... I I tllJl) (llluSW U!A?ZX- pVbaiC -;V l fC ! : NEW REMAND i A" 'Ave. Opp. Rupert Hotel I faf fa!! . I yA'Vjff I - - - - V- i! 7 . 1 Bumper to Bumpe- Know-How ' ,00 a,,, to 3:30 am. -7 'p 173 for Outside Orders , or , 1 4 '