that om 8 J Prfnre Unprrt atfjt f3ctos LtD. Kdne$dy, July 21, 1S4S Says Tories Are Vermin S' The cost of iuch an affair tor 400 guests is estimated to run to 13,000. The party U gay but has something of the air of the famous ball on the tve of the battle ot Waterloo there Is -a feeling ant matter, j, turn? And or'. m-iUbeabletc', dor when the w ready to f0; stands fortune, left 2.900.000 .SIl.609.000. of which t2.00Q.0O0 An ti5t'pTsdr.t nem-spaper demtfl to tb upbuilding of Prince Rupert all co.-nnT.mtif comprising northern and opntirj Brmsn Columbia (Authorized u Second cas Mall. Post Ot'.Hx Department, Ottawa) PvbmhuJ rvtw nfwnwon except Sunday try Prince Rupwt Da::y Ltd . Srd Avenue. Pnnre Ruprt, Brltlah Columbia. O A HUNTER. Manaflnf Editor. H G PERRY. Managing Dtnytor MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDI? BTREAU OP CIRCULATION'S CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER AfcaOCIATIOM EUBSCRrFTION RATES City Cmr w 15-: P-r BSp: T"r Yrar, (7 00: By Miu. Per MoniS, 40r; Ppt Year. 4 00. was taken In taxes. The head master of exclusive Etof College took note of this new trend by contrasting the , boys of today with those of the last generation. Few Eton boys now contemplate a life of leisure, he said. They appiy them- ; selves more diligently to studies t because they have to earn a 3 Class Hatred St trident 1 in Grt Britain ( Br Stuart Underhill j Canadian Press Staff Writer - LONTKJN. T When Health Minister Aneurirt Beran in a scornfal speech said that to nirn Conservatives were "lower than vermin." he lifted the Kd on class hatred that stUl smoulders in many hearts in this country The war and ensuing financial upheaval has blurred class distinctions. Ten years of compara living. j But It is stm a long way from j the corner pub in London's East End to the exclusive West-End fcsHnxrms where expensiveiy-. gowned debutantes dance with young men who have been known to sport stuffed hum tive prosperity and improved cur.d.tins for the working class have soothed much of the bit-, 1 ern(..s but in the rrxan back streets of industrial towns and pubs where miners drink there is not much love for "toffs." Be van knew his remarks would win nods of approval from this huge section of the e'ecwate, many of whom have been grumbling that the Labor government is too cautious and too .tf - - if t - "V i ming birds in their button holes. i Better English Ev O C. WILLIAMS wan this has 1. What Is wrong with sentence? "The weather ! I i been excessively cold." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "constable?" TELLS OF BERLIN ArR-SHXTTTLE Talking to newspaper men at the Rhine-Main airport in Frankfurt. Germany. Gen. Joseph E. Smith tells of efforts being made to break the Russian blockade of Eerlin. Commander of the soecial air service enaaeed in fivine supplies to the Allied 7on, Gn Prn!' rw his im 4 OAO officers and men and 140 transport planes at his disposal. They have been flying 1.000 tons of food to Berlin daily. In addition, coal is now beine flown to tiie 'oejeaguered German capital. Russians have tightened their grip on the ity by announcing that from now on no vehicular traffic of the western Allies can leave Berlin fur western zcr.ei of occupation without a special pass granted by the Soviet military adminiscra.ion. The Allies have demanded that Russia lift the blockade. "sell mv bonds..? solicitous of upper-class feelings. The Health Minister said his deep burning hatred for the Tory party" had its roots rn the oit'er experience of his youth when he was unable to get work. That experience and similar 3. Which one of these words; is misspelled? Despondent, fle- j pendent, deferrment. I 4. What does the word "In- j disputable" mean? I 5. What is a word beginnnig J emotion is understood by mil-'wim ao mai means w par- PRINCE RUPFKT YEARS AGO i ENGLISH FAMILIES TO GET PARCELS don?" Answers 1. Say, "exceedingly cold." 2. Pronounce first syllable kun, u as in run. 3. Deferment. 4. Incapable of being disputed. Political Rejuvenation IS THIS EVENTFUL political year in Canada the I retirement of John Bracken as national leader of the Progressive-Conservative party is another of many important incidents. It means another national convention in addition to that of the Liberal party which is to meet in August to elect a new leader in succession to the venerable Mackenzie King, It is many a long year, if ever, that the two old parties have met during the same twelve-month in national convention. Personalities are always appealing and so interest in the two national conventions will naturally centre on the choice of leader?. In fact, it pe?ms that national conventions of the old parties are never held unless the occasion is for the selection of a leader. Nevertheless, in this year of changing r.nd uncertain political trends, possibly more important than the choosing of party leaders should be the bus-ir.ess of building platforms and adopting policies which the parties are to follow if and when thy ach??ve power and office. Both old parties, as both Mr. King and Mr. Bracken admit, are in need of rejuvenation from the leadership standpoint. It is equally tme that they are both in need of revivi-cation in the fields of ideas and actions if they are "to be of further use in changing times or if they are to even survive. These two national conventions will, therefore, be of utmost importance in connection with the future affairs of the nation. Meantime speculation as to the future leaders is a subioct of interest. So far, the contest for the Lilieral leadership appears to be centred between Mr. St. Laurent and Mr. Gardiner unless a movement; which is now developing for a younger man increases materially, as it might well, between now and convention time. As for Mr. Bracken's successor, it is no secret that, for a long time, there has been a movement in Conservative old Ontario to supplant him with Premier George Drew. Despite the How that the C.C.F. dealt the prestige of Col Drew in the recent Ontario provincial election, he still may be the out-' standing favorite for Mr. Bracken's mantle. Strange things however, occur sometimes and what happens to Maurice Duolessis in next week's Quebec provincial election might, conceivably, have a bear-( intr. There are also. such figures as Joim Diefen-' baker and Gordon Gravdon. "Sure, I ned Inn look . . , "l didn't rxnly go without brrtd v,i to buy Bond, but 1 did pan of nSinp to pn them, nd I'm ihn r id t throi (to now. "No tr, not when I can to to ftw Bo. nd fret a Iun aint my Kmiy Tht I'll keep them mtrt'nd hvt the rrtdy J I nt. And 111 fan tmi the Uwn out ot my pay." I ( )m tt f rH nf opntffTtinify. nd re tn Brpttit ntt-don I cah in fiiut hmd. You p.s ncei;R Hnld on lu it. Go in In imt July 21, 13?3 General A. D. McRae. organizer and leader of trie Provincial Party, spoke at the Theatre. He advocated economy in government and inducements for development of industries in British Columbia. lions of his contemporaries. The younger generation of the i working people is inclined to be a bit more tolerant of the upper classes because they feel they are dying out. High taxation is steadily reducing the huge incomes which a few privileged families enjoy. Some of them still live on a lavish scale but often have to craw on their capital to do so. They have little compunction about it because high death duties make short work of family fortunes. F'or example: Viscount Ham-bleden, heir o fthe Smiths news- (Accent second syllable, not the third i. "He gave indisputable proof of his identity. 5. Absolve. TRAMP ABDICATES TYNYGROES. Wales. O -FrfQ Husband, 31, called King of the Tramps after 12 years on the road, has finally settied down. He is a caretaker at a hostel for European farm workers here. Three English families iave ben adopted by Duchess of Edinburgh -Chapter. Imperial Order, TJauthl.-rs of the E.rpk-e, here and parrels will be sent to them earh month. The ChapU'T was in social session at the home of Mrs. Alex Davidson, Ponrh Avenue East, but much tKKim:M was also discussed inetudin? plans for a party at the Apto Club in November for members and friends. Two new memb'TS were initiated at the meeting and warmly welcomed by the regent, Mrs. L. F. Bevingtoii Delicious refreshments wer'; served by Mrs. H. Johnstone and Mrs. Alber Stiles. branch and brfi on yout Bonds First shipment of canned Alaska salmon to pass through" Prince Rupert enroute to the eastern United States was brought here by the packer F. C. Barnes. The shipment consisted of more than 1.100 cases. BHD loan in t-n inu1metn, and y,L I! minp in rtrve. Bank of Mon Prince Rupert Brartih: C R. S. BLA(.K AB The RCA J", flying boat G-CYDX, piloted by Squadron Leader A. E. Godfrey, arrived from Vancouver in spven and three-quarter hours flying time after leaving the southern city.! C. J. S. ANTORSON Stewart ftranch: It was to be put on fisheries patrol v,rfc. Nun Teachers In Civilian Dress liium nitii tii i" t of t BIcMARCK, North Dakota - The government freighter Canadian Hiehlander arrived in pcrrt to load 500.000 board feet of ,. . .', , r . , , lumber for Japan. She took on BUSINESS AND PROFESSIO FOR 1 ROCK AND Dakota public schools next lali, despite recent passage of a measure intended to stop them. Two ranking members ol the Catholic Church in North Dakota have advised the nuns that the church has no objection to their donning respectable secular dress to comply with the state's new law. W01 MARGARET Mcl.E0D OPTOMTTIflST In New Offices RCX3M 10 STONE BUILDING fuel at the Imperial Oil wharf, then proceeded to the lumber assembly dock. July 21, 1913 Residents of Sixth Avenue wpre greatly alarmed when two Russian gunmen camped on the sidewalk wih revolvers and shot up the neighborhood. They were arrested by police Constables Carroll and Bailey. CALL Ei: M. J. SAL' New, Modert All Work C Diitributed in Conodn by CalvfTt PiitillTt (Conodo) limii. Advertise in the Daily News! PIANO TEC! New Phone BLUE 593 Tuning. Volrint MIKE C Phone HL" 072 10'.'r DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 785 P.O. Box 1401 Members of the provincial Labor Commission arrived in the city from Victoria and proceed- ed to Hazelton for a session with regard to railw av con -, struclion workers. The'y were expected back to hold a sitting in Prince Rupert. The commissioners were H. G. Parsons, chair- ; man; R. A. Stoney, J. A. Mc-Kelvie, A. N. Harper, John Jar- dine and F. R. McXamara. i HELD BEAUTY Permaner JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor Beauty C all Its b 204 4th St.'eet 21-22 BESNER BLOCK ! P.O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 ill HANDY ifcMES MRS. ARNOLD'S BLUNT TALK MAYOR NORA ARNOLD of Prince Rupert, who has just been chosen Canada's Woman of the Year by the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, thinks that trade unions are making recovery impossible by insisting on "less work for more money." She spoke her piece at a banquet in her honor at Regina. She said hard work, overtime and strict economy are the answers to any catastrophe that strikes a home and yet, just after the world has been stricken with its greatest catastrophe, the trend is to less work. Mrs. Arnold says just what statesmen, industrial leaders and economists have been saying, in more guarded language usually, ever since the end of the war. Mrs. Arnold is blunt but blunt language mav. be needed. It's a far cry from what people were Paying during the depression days of the 30's. There was talk then of the need f era 30-houf week to spread employment. It was also argued that if the Mach e Age were really to function for the benefit of mankind, a work week of even less than 30 hours would be possible. There was talk that people might devote a mere two hours a day pushing buttons to move machinery, and spend the rest of their time in rlay or relaxation. The thought that troubled some sociologists was how to teach neopte to rjse the abundant leisure of the coming Kew Age with intelligence and spiritual profit. This dream may not be altogether impossible of attainment but the time is not yet, obviously. II doe not do to be deceived by hifrh wages and a gloss of prr.f perity. In several industries wages mav have crone up, year by year, fo levels unknown before, but the real wages are less because prices have kept pace and in many instances gone ahead of wage levels. The answer which Mrs. Arnold indicated is more .production. It can hardly come by making new jobs for more people because the labor force is working to the fullest extent. It must come through the better use of each man-hour. S. P. McMordie, J. A. McLaen and W. A. Mathieson of the Eari Grey's Own Rifles and R. W. Cameron of the Civilian Rifle Association returned on the Prince George from Vancouver where they attended a meeting of the Provincial Rifle Association. They reported that the weather in Vancouver was urv favorable for shooting. GEORGE L R0RIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returni Complied. Besner Block Phone S87 GENERAL CON One of the major post ar developments of Canada'f great forest resources is the new $30,000,000 high-grade alpha pulp mill, under construction eight miles south of Prince Rupert, B.C The enormous timber reserves in this area will be harvested and perpetuated by scientific management under a Hew plan of forest conservation to ensure continuoui employment for over 1000 Canadians. In providing capital and sponsoring public financing for this important development for the Columbia Cellulose Company (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Celanese Corporation of America), we have again been privileged to play a prominent role in the ever increasing expansion of Canadian industry and the resultant benefit to the standards of living of Canadian wage earners. Our nation-wide facilities are of value to industry, invet-tors and the public alike. We invite your inquiries. CANBERRA. Australia. w A Bullfllng and Key. tree planted by the fourth Mar-; oofs, Chimneys auess of Salisbury in th e courtyard of Parliament House here you saw it in tne Uaily News! PH0N? jn a 192fi ceremony, has blockefl the water system so badly either tree or building must go. Oreen 486 OTALfTT Serrlng the flsberlea Induatr- Wellt (P.R.) Ltd. for Downtroil and Wort MAC SHOE Cartage, labelling. Weighing BLUE 781 mm LOWEST ,? ,,bwn 24 mMtt . . . . M PICt$ 100 tablets . . . 7H Box 774 BLUE 980 a m Ormes Dl DRUGS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISl Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 216 4th St. Mrs. Arnold puts the trouble down to apatV:. If it is apathy, the time has come for labor to swine- 6TORS HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A M. TO 8UNDAY8 AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 7 P.M. TO P.M- out of it and take a new view of its responsibilities 'In the economic set-up. Vancouver Sun frmbrorpnCV MOT Dally car delivery aervloe from 9 .m. till ft p.m. from 1 pi"-a.; and Sun Ncsbitt, Thomson & Company LIMITED 728 West Hastings Street, Vancouver COTTAGE CHEESE , Vew Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Yut Dftlly - ALL-WEATHER SERVICE FLYING TIGERS LONDON, .(R The British Overseas Airways Corporation are in the menagerie business. Their planes on the India to Bri tain route, have been crrying tiger, leopard, and bear cubs, civit cats, fishing cats, monkeys,; mountain squirrels and a baby elephant. ' PHONE 81