1 PROVINCIAL 1 . 'LIBRARY ! " - NORTHERN AMD CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S KEWEPAPER DRUGS DUnMr A Prompt Service E5 III 7 At All Hour ,. lhlUen mm H OHEll Ml Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." STAR V CABS VOL. XXXVII, No. 170, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS ILIN UATION DECLARED VERY SERIOUS '. ' General Clay Hurrying ()f American Facilities a Tied Up With Crisis BRITISH BREAD RATION ENDING To Washington To Talk NOMINATIONS IN QUEBEC QUEBEC W More than 300 candidates are expected to file nomination papers today as the Quebec election campaign enters its final week, polling to take fJ t v LONDON, (CP) Bread rationing will end in Britain next Sunday after two years lupci't joins the rest of the world in a 'e outcome of the current Berlin crisis !n predictions of war, there is a grow-dinjiosal of the former American facilities here is bound up with the place July 28. Premier Duplessis and his Union Nationale part I Si . i 2 t will contest 91, all but one, of in operation, Food Minister John Slrachey announced today. Rationing will be replaced by a system of control of the rate of delivery of flour from the mills to the country's bakeries. the ridings. Liberals and Union TRYING TO It Over With President Allies May be Taking Steps to End Blockade Despite Russian Obduracy BERLIN, (CP) General Lucius D. Clay, American military governor of Germany, is enroute to Washington to report to President Truman and the government on the growing Berlin crisis. Sudden summons of Clay to Washington appeared to foreshadow the planning of new steps to end the blockade. He left Frankfurt last night oyj des Ebecteurs have candidates in all ridings. GET GOV'T n War Assets of them In other insta'-last three Die fart that e are appar-ystcry. plvm. icf that they art fur pos- xi J President Srliuman Endeav TODAVS STOCKS Oourty 8 U 4 hnon S.C1 Vancouver Bralorne 6.50 B. R. Con 03 B. R. X ' .09'; ouring to Have New Coalition Formed in France PARIS. President Vincent Auriol is continuing his search for a new Premier following the dispute over the Army budget whirh toppled France's middle-of-the-road government of Premier Robert Schuman. It is expected Auriol will first try to find someone who could reunite the "Third Force" coali COMMANDER OF PACIFIC FLEET Vice. Admiral Brind Figured in Notable Incident LONDON Vice-Admiral Sir Patrick Brind. who ifrured in a notable incident in Chinese waters in 1939, has been appointed commander-in-chief of the British Pacific fleet. It was in 1839 Brind went to -.iVJiif! of the ., wan-houst-building and ions of the :iiained land-wartime irt-ned over to .tii in. those build-for use if a Caribo Qouartz .90 Grull Wihksne 03 Vi Hedley Mascot 25 Minto 01 V2 Pend Oreille 4.10 Pioneer 2.40 Premier Border 02?i Privateer (ask) .18 Reeves McDonald 1.50 air. Meantime some observers of the situation say it has become one of "greatest seriousness" and that Russia may be preparing to go to war rather than wait longer. The British licensed press said today that the Russians were preparing to pull the switches and signal equipment on the railroads to Berlin if the western Allies try to force their way through the Soviet blockade. READYING FOR WAR? From Weisbaden, Germany came word that United States FIGHTING THO' TRUCE IS ON Who Bombed Cairo Monday Night is Unsettled Question CAIRO, KP1 Jewish sources in Haifa said yesterday that fighting was still going on in northern Palestine In spite of the United Nations-imposed truce. The Lsraeli government said that it was not one of their planes which was reported to have blasted the main thoroughfare of Cairo Monday night. A single unidentified plane dropped an aerial mine which damaged a tion of Mouveniente Kepubllcain Populalre, Socialists and Radi ft i:ing a fairly cal Socialists Until the falling out, these i'Tsingtao to investigate the :ivir, Prir.tc member tilt FOOD ARRIVES FOR BERLIN Civilian employees of Temple-hof Airport, in the U.S. sector of Berlin, load army trucks with food flown fhto the German capital by a shuttle service of U.S. planes. The air route was resorted to when a food crisis was precipitated by Russia's blockade of the city's land transport lanes. Air service is on a 24-hour schedule. Gen. Lucius D. Clay has described the present situation in Germany as "very' serious" but said that the feeding of the western section of Berlin was assured. He also said that the new C-54 aircraft sent to Berl.n from the UJS. would be employed to bring coal Into the former German capital. General Clay is now conferring in Washington with President Truman. Reno : (ask) .09 Salmon Gold 12 Sheep Creek .' 1.12 wrongful arrest of a British nier 1 1 the Pari fie chant ship by the Japanese. Ik- .30 Taylor Bridge took the cruiser Birmingham the Si-cor.d was a hint a prtm'iurht ing here lxst among a fleet of heavy Japanese cruisers and aircraft carriers 8r.d i4 went on board the Japanese flag B-29 Superfortresses from Ger three political groups had united in the old government to oppose the communists on the left and General Charles DeGaulle's French People's Party on the right. PRO-CONS TO STATE POLICY ship to say he intend to take t IbJ many were engaged In a bomb Taku River .30 Vananda .33 Congress 02?i Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalg 02 Spud Valley 09 Central Zeballos 01 Silbak Premier 2b Oils the merchant ship away." The belief is the i i'-ornip:i'i'n Iran vacant moving picture theatre and two department stores. Premier Mahmoud Fahmy of Egypt said that, "if the plane is ing training mission over the island fortress of Heligoland today. The once fortified island I AiasKa. a served well BulletinA ' Japanese threatened tr. blow his cruiser and the merchant ship out of the water tut the Birmingham and the uu rrhantnta1 sailed the next d?..;' proven to have been a Zionist railhead and of Heligoland Is off Germany's plane and such action is repeated w:kr. by the Zionists, we will reply immediately."--' - - Manifesto Scheduled for August Itut May be Delayed A. P. Con .133,i Calmont 42 , C. & E. -.. .15 Foothills 2.75 Home 7.85 uildinc . are a.? rfxin I past lifi.TS Mich r.iii v d aii the ay Convention By September 15 OTTAWA It is expected an up-to-da- statement of Pro- Toronto p.resslve Conservative party pol if , 1. i ! J f ' .07 Athona icies will be announced shortly Aumaque 16 The date mentioned is August jl'inn to plans I ir. i.vep sea jLdk'airr; l:vit jfi nr Aire riean i .b!y both, see 1 but this is subject to change due to resignation of John .55 .26 .11 .06 Beattie .-. Bevcourt Bobjo Buffalo Canadian ... PACIFIC MILLS PROFITS DOWN VANCOUVER, iff; Net profit recorded by Pacific Mills Ltd. or Vancouver and Ocean Falls for the year ending April 30 was $2,484,372, a drop of about $80,000 from the previous year. The annual report, issued by President Paul E. Cooper, showed total sales of $17,306,451. OTTAWA Officials of the National Progressive - Conservative Association are hopeful than a convention at which a new party leader will be chosen ca l be held before September 15 Forecasts are lor an imposing line-up of candidates foi i;" leadership vacated by John Bracken. fjr i projee' Car.; ts, or for 'x: and . Bracken as leader. A committee will edit and put into formal language twenty resolutions adopted at the annual meeting early this year. R. A. Bell, a national director, says If nas been a .srvall in- ol a p!y- jiai;t. room for Consol. Smelters 112.75 Conwest 1.15 Donalda 56 Eldona 1.19 East Sullivan 2.50 Giant Yellowknife 4.25 God's Lake 57 Hardrock 14 Harricana -.06 'apt xvte bin Kt ill "nt, If cpt for a few that, so far as he knows, the date, August 1, will stand. Some of the resolutions endorsed will include, according northwest coast. Details of the mission, including the number of planes, are not available. At the same time the British Air Ministry today ordered large scale Royal Air Force exercises over Southern England for next Sunday. A test of wartime air raid observation services is also to be held. The move came against a background of intensified training activities for military aircraft here and on the continent by both Great Britain and the United States. Mora than three thousand members of the Air Raid Observation Corps will man stations in southern England centres on Sunday. At Washington Secretary of State George Marshall said today that the United States will do everything possible in the Berlin crisis "to reach an acceptable solution to avoid tragedy of war for the world."Ie added, however, that "we will not be coerced or intimidated in any way in our procedures under rights and responsibilities that we have in Berlin and generally in Germany." The Russians, who have already offered to feed all of Berlin, hinted today that they may offer electric power for the entire city including the Soviet-blockaded western sectors. Sov Heva 10',2 .33 li's four floors, - s I ;f area of ( f . held thims-i o: Material which 1 k k.aska aiKi the 'A grey-paint-d Hosco Jacknife 03?i y-, SENDING -VEW- PROTEST .. ... LONDON Responsible British officials reported today . that a new western power note protesting Russia's blockade of Berlin has been drafted and sent to Washington for review by top-ranking Stat Department officials. INVITf?!) TO FORM GOV'T PARIS Andre Marie, 51-year old minister of justice in the Schuman government, was tonight asked by President Auriol to form a new cabinet in succession to that of Premier Robert Schuman, which resigned Monday in defeat. Marie is a Radical Socialist (Conservative). He opposed the $10,000,0(10 cut in France's defence bill. BUYING CANADIAN PLANES LONDON The government today confirmed in the Hiiunc of Commons that it has decided to authorize the British Overseas Airways Corporation to negotiate for the purchase of 22 Canadian transport planes. t GRAYDON NOT INTERESTED CKAVF.NIll'KST, Ont. Gordon Graydon, Progressive-totwrvalive Member of Parliament for Peel, said today that he did not want the national leadership of the parly. De had been mentioned as a possible successor to John Brat ken. PALESTINE QUIETER CAIRO According to latest reports, the United Nations I nice appeared today to have brought quiet to the Holy Land except in the northern sector where Israeli and Syrian lorces have clashed. Even there the tempo of the fighting appears to be slackening. JET PLANES ACROSS, OLDHAM, England Sixteen United States jet-pro-pellnl F-Ml fighter planes today completed the first jet-propelled air crossing of the Atlantic Ocean from the United States. Joliet Quebce 33 Lake Rowan 06',4 PLANE DOWN IN MEDITERRANEAN MARSEILLE, ? Five of th" thirteen persons aboard a French air force Wellington plane wen-rescued today after a forced landing in the Mediterranean. Reports did not say that the remaining eight were definitely lost but merely that rucuc planes had not sighted them. The panc was ferrying families of Frew r, to expectation of the committee, outlawing of the Communist party, social security program, retirement pensions at 65 without means test, increased unemployment insurance, accident and sickness Insurance benefits, new housing program, Dominion-provincial conference, farm prices, marketing, immigration and freight rates. Lapaska 04 ' t- W " at the atl- .68 n r k. Little Long Lac Lynx TITO BOASTS TO COMRADES BELGRADE, 0! Premier Tito told 2,000 wlitry cheering Yugo- . slav communists today that their party had become -the "strongest and most successful Marxist-Leninist movement fn the country's history." This, apparently, was his answer to charges from the Soviet Union that Tito and other Yugoslav communist leaders had deviated from the Marxist line and are pursuing an anti-Russian policy. .07 Madsen Red Lake 2.27 : i4ish to tear n nov when cdlng them of months," They mi;ht n in a hurry." soldiers from North Afr'ii buck. EMMY GOERING GUILTY, FREED -'U In offer-, to France. irracks build- McKenrie Red Lake 30 McLeod Cockshutt 90 Moneta 37 Negus : 2.08 Noranda 49.00 Louvicourt rr 54 Pickle Crow 190 Regcourt 04 San Antonio 3 40 Senator Rouyn 39 Sherri Gtordon 2.38 Steep Rock 1.95 Sturgeon River 17 Silver Miller 26 Point, the last OARMiSH PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany, 9 Emmy Goering, drfrnc? post coal to restore drastic power cuts which have darkened homes and widow of Hitler Germany's No. 2 LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) cs exist is also Nazi, was convicted today of be locally. Fred- said shut down many factories in iet-controlled newspapers by Island, v, a Russians could get enough western Berlin. the Thursday, f defmce artil- High 1948 20.2 feel 186 feet 2.3 feet 7 4 feet July 2 1:50 14:51 . 8:26 20; 30 ing a Nazi but was set free immediately. She was given a sentence of one year in labor camp but was freed since she had already spent 18 months in the camp awaiting trial. Low FIRST COLUMBIA CELLULOSE CO. BONDS SOLD ON LOCAL MARKET e been made 'f demolition d to the gov-at efforU be f roast defrncs i would pevmit purchases will have to be made at a price expected to be $99. Mr. Johnston said that he hopes to be able to obtain fur MORE TROOPS TO ALASKA JUNEAU, 0i The United States Army plans to send additional troops to Alaska next year to strengthen its northern forces, Assistant Secretary of the Army Gordon Gray said today. fation should Five thousand Columbia Cellulose Company Ltd. general mortgage bonds, five per cent, series "A," were sold in Prince Rupert Tuesday by the brokerage firm of S. D. Johnston Ltd. to an unnamed buyer' for the original ATHER tt IT.n rlnfanoa nf A1- n - ' " - offered price of $98.75 each. Mr. aska as essential to the welfare' Johnston announced this morn of the United States. air has moved British Colum-are being re-It as the Cari- ther quantities of the bonds to satisfy an inG-ated local demand. These will have to be obtained from Individuals or companies which purchased them at the'r original offered price with tho idea of turning a quick profit on re-sale. The $$5,000,000 issue of 5 per cent general mortgage bonds should not be confused with the $15,000,000 Issue of first mort- 1 n Charlottes. U.S. Rounding Up Communists PARTY LEADERS ARRESTED AND CHARGED NEW YORK, CP Twelve United States Communist party leaders and members were indicted yesterday on charges of advocating the overthrow of the United States government by force and violence. Among them was William Z. Fsoter, head of the Communist party in the United States. Seven of the group, including Eugene V. Dennis, general secretary, were arrested and arraigned on the charges. The others, named alnog with. the first seven in secret indictments returned under the Smith Act by a federal grand jury investigating alleged subversive activities, are being sought. They would be liable, if convicted, to up to 10 years' imprisonment and $10,000 fines. A formal statement by the Communist party denied the charges and characterized them as a 'monstrous frame-up." NO ACTION IN CANADA OTTAWA, CP1 The Canadian government has given no hint that it intends drastic anti-Communist action such as that taken by United States authoriies. The Labor-Progressive Pary, Canada's Communist party, is legal in the .eyes of the federal government. Unless some new law is passed, and at the moment this is not expected, no such arrests are likely In this country. ncouver Island ing. The sale is the first to be made locally of the $5,000,000 Issue which will help to finance the company's Watson Island cellulose-acetate mill. Purchased at the initial selling price as offered by Nesbitt, Thompson & Co. and Wood, n interior wtil in these area day. ast i's and North Newfoundland Voting Again ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland-People of Newfoundland will vote tomorrow on a second plebiscite as to the future form of government for the country. They will choose between responsible government and confederation with Canada. Continuation of the commission form of government was rejected in the first plebiscite.' wnh. frequent find Thursdav. Gundy and Co., the bonds will! gage bonds, one-third of which yield an interest of 5.1 per cent 'pay 3'2 per cent until maturity until they mature in 1968. in 1958 and two-thirds of whicn So great has been the demand will pay 4Va per cent until they 11 as 15. Little PLATFORM PLANK These are CARVING THE DEMOCRATIC charged with the man-sized job o the seven men who were Democratic candidate for drafting the planks upon which the wield a vote-getting campaign will president of the United sum this summ " faU. Left to before the American people right seated are George D. Key. Okla.; Wendell Lund Michigan Rep. M. J. Klrn, Ohio, Pennsylvania; Sen. Francis J. Myers, Mansfield, Montana. St anding ; rear M t to and Rep. Michael and Rep. Emmanuel Celler. right, Charles E. Sheppard, Florida, at the first meeting at Phila-delphia, New York. The photo was made Pa. mature. Lows s tomorrow matuie in 1965. Neither of thesfc latter two issues are available for public subscription. for the bonds, Mr. Johnston said, that the complete $5,000,000 issue has been sold out and further Flld 62, Massett J Rupert 52 an1