Prince Uupm Dailp rectos Friday. September 24. 1948 r r n n Radio Dial U I I K H4fl Kilocycle. (Bub)ect lo chnue MEM v4 fc '54. Published verv afwnoon except Sunday by Price Rupert Daily News Ltd . 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia, U. A. KCNTEB. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. An Independent daily newspaper devoted to tne upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising ncHhern and central British Columbia iAirhonwo svmd Clss M&tl. Pnr Offiee Donrtment. Ottawa i MEMBEh OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER AS.-OCIATICi SUBSCRIPTION RATES -hiW'Su, City Carrier pr week. lac: Per Month 65c; Per Year, 17 00; 4 A Jittt by Mall. Per Month, 40c; Per Yiar, M 00. -ia - ..V" havf! '.-- th sites 'for the serving of gmall communities. The institution of commercial ; air service between Prince Ru 1 pert and Prince George and the I construction of an airfield at' Prince Rupert. j Diplomatic representations by' the Canadian Department of Ex- ' U-rnal Affahs to the United' States government looking to1 amendments for abolition of the1 Jones Act to remove di.scrlmina-' lion against the interest of both Alaska and British Columbia. The convention alsu urged action by tm Uoeral government to aid Hit gold iuinini indutiy sucn as the getting up of free market for gold. Rtinstitution of the pre-war policy d federal giants for the uuU'iUia of mining roads ws askuU. A committee consisting of George Mcdama of Terraoo, F. W. Dubson of Prince George, and F. M. Dockrill of Telkwa! was set up lo tuune a survey ul possible 'available tonnage of timber and coal through the V 4 ft " . r7V FRLUAY P-M. 4:00 Ed McCura smgs 4:15 Stock Quotation.-4:30 Popular Piano 4.46 Sieepy Time Story Teller 5:00 String Stylings 5:30 Keyboard and Console 5:45 Tommy Dorsey & Orch 6:00 Beat the Champs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:40 Rec. Int. 6:45 Plantation House Part? 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Gerald Bayles Orel;. 8:0U Prairie Schooner 8:30 Dreamtinie ; 00 Appointment with Mystery 9:30 Serenade for Strings 10:00 CBC News 10: JO B. C. Newt 10:15 Speaki'.g As a Listenei 10:30 Dal Ricnards Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. SATURiM t A.M. 7:30 Mu.sicai tnoci 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the HIti -it r. . : MISPLACED SYMPATHY of Glasgow physicians, after having AC'OLTLE given special, attention to the subject, agree ' that to overdo the expressing of sympathy when there might be some slight excuse for com-p3.sin, is distinctly harmful. There is much in what the doctors say. It cannot be denied there is a tendency today to luok for aid, to expect assistance as one's right, to shrink from actual, unlovely facts in other words inclination to welcome balm-like words and listen gladly to a line of talk yovj think is coming to you, when it honestly is not. I Self pity is part and parcel of the philosophy that depreciates one's own powers and capacity, afld supports centralization of authority as a policy. Pride, imlfpe r.deiice, ambition unce these healthy qualities begin to crumble and decay, there is not much left to live for. FARMING EARL The Earl of Egmont who operates a large farm near Calgary, Is shown running a tractor pulling a reaper in a fiAd of barley. The crop Is yielding 30 to 50 bushels to the acre. The Earl also has large wheat stands on his farm on the Macleod Trail. (CP Photo) aideii project of the missing port of Prince Rupert. TRADE BOARD CONVENTION URGES ROAD TO ATLIN TO AID IN MINING (Special w the Daily Newsi JUNEAU, Alaska Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia rose to the rescue of the historic old mining community of Atlin in far northern British Columbia Thursday when it adopted a resolution of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Board of Trade, calling upon Dominion and British Colum links In a northern trans- C. P. Busslniicr cf, j.:;,, provincial highway be t w een tNorah Carr of Hmithers, John Jasper and Prince Rupert. Gurvich of Prince Rupert, Mrs. Extension of the Pacific Great ' M. F. Nourse of Burns Lake, and Eastern Railway, to the Peace H. V. Taylor of Vanderhoof, River by bringing to finalltv made a 90-mile flight Thursday discussions between the pravln- afternoon over a nearby Icefield, cial government and the Cana-! Their names were drawn bv dian National Railway and other ' lot from among the delegates, interests failing which the Brit. -1 In view of Alaska steamships lih Columbia government adopt being tied up by strike, Chil-the policy of extending the line cotin will take some 30 passen-Hjielf gers from Juneau tti Vancouver. Daily train and mail service 1 Piin P additional fifty a. Prince Ketchikan, it Vtll arrive in between Red Pass and Prince Rup-rt late Saturday Rupert on the line o fthe Cana- night. dian National Railways. .Continuation of surveys which 8:30 Morning Devotion 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News Commentary 9:15 Records at Random 8:30 Musical Program 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Band Ptand 10:15 World Jnurch News 10:30 Concert Favorites 10:45 Concert Favorites 11:00 On the Teen Beat 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Menage Period 11: S3 Recorded 11:45 CBC Newc 11:55 Weather Forecast. P.M. . 00 Mid -day Melodies 13: IS Recorded Interlude 12:25 Program Resume bia governments to take action to connect that area up with the Alaska Highway. By constructing a road from there to Jakes Corner on the Alaska Highway, 70 miles, half in Yukon and half In BriUslt Columbia, it would be "possin10 to transport economically mtxi-wn mining machinery into tin starve to death, said Mr. Appli'-whaite. The conventitn also interested (Well in the tuna fishery off the Uuetn Charlotte Islands and Southeastern Al-aka by com mending the Canadian government fur having instituted exploration which bad ted to the inaug Advertise in ine uany News! in V LADIES H Yon 12:30 Greg McCritchie's Orch had been Instituted this, yen"; looking to the development of j the Oround Hog coal area in ; CerU.-al British Columbia. j Establishment oi a Dominion ; Experimental Farm at Terrace j Provincial aid In hard sur-j facing of highways passi.n;! turn UTS, one, . 1:00 Memo trom Lake Success Atlin district. COTTAGE CHKESE New Creamed FT rah Uaoe VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER 8ERVIC 1:30 Musical Program 2:00 Ballett Club (Tor) 2:45 Canadian Derby 3:00 Piano Classics 3:15 CBC News The population (4 AUin has dwindled from 150U before world War II to 150 now. By the present circuitous coastal steamship, railways, 'through municipalities. uration of the fishery and asking that the Canadian ' government continue its exploration and research while the American fishery authorities be requested to insilituU-similar research in (u-opera-tion with the Canatlmi authorities. A reKolution to tms effect w:u Study by the Department oi Lands and Forests of waste l.i sawmill operations. Development of hydro-electric motor vehicle, and barge rout or by air, transportation .cosU are now prohibitive, U was held. SALVATION ARMY APPEAL Already Acknowledged ...$263.24 Linaey THE c r,n that such a road was of vital nnete Mansell anee'g Home Arts ... 11! 500 national Importance and urged brought in by Ketchikan dele-10.00 tnat construction of the road be gates who saw in the tuna f Ish -15.00 commenced by the spring of ery an industry which would 10.00 i9. , '. (continue to stimulate the fish- 5.00 R. J. Rawson, of Whitehorse, eries not oniy of Prince Rupert "fl' Watts & Nickerson John Bulger Ltd Variety Store M. Heilbroner strongly in support ti but of Southeastern Alaskan Atlin Fisheries Ltd 25.00 spoke Curries Grocery Store 2.00 1 such a road and E. T. Apple-2.00 whaite, of Prince Rupert, point - Martin's Meat Market . Johnson's Grocery 2.00 ed out that the provincial gov- Skeena Grocery 2.00 i ernment of British Columbia ports. The convention r e i 1 1 r uted resolutions of 1947 calling for: An immigration program for Canada with the establishment Of a separate Department ol Immigration. Completion as a fedcrally- De Jong's Cash & Carry ! Scott's Meat Market . BEAUTIFUL BENGALINE Pttunuzzo's Grocery 5.00 had already committed Itself to 5.00 j granting $200,000 toward the 5.00 ; construction. The Dominion 5 00 i minister of mines and resources $371.24 , had put himself on record as 'Spero's Quality Grocery STUDENTS ! - Just Arrived - Further Shipment of the Popular Loose Leaf Binders favoring the inclusion of fed $12.00 DESIGNED TO RIGID SI'K(IF BUSES FROM CANADA DURBAN, South Africa W Luxury buses ordered from eral funds in the next estimates for the purpose. Mining companies had Indicated that millions of dollars would be available for mining Canada are being placed in ser- ESPECIALLY I'OU SWKET ' vice between Durban and East London, the first link In a chain of motor services which I operations in me area u suc.i HOLES Restore the orislnai charm and beauty of your home wiUi our full-bodied paint. Gives a ions wearing, protective coating a beauty that, gives you.-house an appearance of newness for years. HltK.HTKN with (.I.1I)IEN Saanich Plumbing AM) Heating Agents for (Hidden Products f4cBride and Fourth Blue 840 a road were available. Withou the road Atlin would be left to Have Willi the Sweet Sixteen Pew BUDGET PLAN FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES See will link Cape Town and Dur- j I ban and the Intervening coast-!al cities. j KtMiK S. IHMTKKT Mini Kerordliic IMMrlit iif erlner Kiiiierf No Interest - No Carrying TAKE NOTICE that Columbia Cellulose Co. Lui. of Vancouver.' occupation manufacturers of Cellulose Products, Intends to apply for a lease of tne following described lands, for the purpose of use In the manufacture ot Cellulose Products, and sltuat on the aouth shcre of the Bkeena River between the anouti; of the Sootia River and McLean's Island. Com-menclni! at a post planted at. th; Southwest Corner of Lot 3931, Range S Coast District thence South i degrees West. 8 chains, thence South 65 decrees West. 6 chains, thence Northerly. Westerly and Northwest - A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy SUPPORT Consult us lor your needs In all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cardstor . every occasion P I B it Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE Em the RED SHIELD I erly. following high water line 6 chains, thence Korth 64 detjreea East. 68 chains, thence South i degrees West, 4S cham to point of commencement and containing '160 acrea more or less. COLUMBIA CELLULOSE CO. LTD. E R. Barr. Agent. Dated September 34. 1W4H. APPEAL SEE THE WONDER MOP at our store. It washes, drys and wrings without need of placing your hands In water and, no need for bending. Phone 775 327 ThirdAve. rr- r rrrrtf mmjjj WOOD'S and D'B Industrial Sanitation Products JANITORS' SUPPLIES Paper Towels Paper Cups Dustbane Sisal Compound Disinfectants Ozium Ozitox Liquid and Spirit Wax Soap etc. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Avenue Phone G32 prince Rupert, B.C. Strongly ma aluminum of smart 1 for necessary funds Thit tpact Joik 'cj by GORDON & ANDERSON LTD. monlzIMW Lour e.tltf'l WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Knlaretne QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies measure ' Distal tH'b!i: NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Ormcs Drugs rilEE33 DRUGS McBride Street PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 AM.. TQ 9 VU. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -"O -12 NOON 2 P.M-, 7 PAI. TO 9 PJJ. GREER & BRIM Wm, H. Francks OPTOMETRIST OF VANCOUVER Will be making his regular fall visit to Prince Rupert September 30 to October 0 inclusive for the purpose of Examination of the Eyes and. adjustment of glasses if needed. Appointments can be madd at Hotel Prince Rupert desk by asking for Mrs. Campbell or Mrs. Bryant. (230) For obvious reasons, the principal one being increased cos of production, it has become necessary for the Daily News to announce a long deferred but small increase in circulation rates to be effective on and after October 1, 1918. The new rates will be: CITY CARRIER DELIVERY: Per Week, 20c; per Month, 75c; per Year, $8 BY MAIL Per Year, $3; per Month, 50c Payment may be maoe up to and including September 30 of any arrears or of advance subscriptions at the present rates of 65c per month and $7 per year for city delivery and $4 per year by mall. Thereafter both arrears and advance payments will be at the advanced rates. Subscribers are advised to check up their accounts and take advantage of the old rates as ltMig as they last. Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER v,CTOK.A Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM ' Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR QL'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . as. Coquitlam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Third Ave. i-hunl 508 WILUEHS AND CU -Pi Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. Emergency bicycir deliver from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Repairs Construction Floor Sanding Sp PHONE 81 Phone RED 561