&i?,tt Vti;txi Can? fires m TO iOH YOL'i Cvm Vt" MtMatascIso K - C f ttf T(im jt; i 1v'-j (-rii fc.ww. ttesra 4 jrM f Maut foaa (.isA . SUATfH TW t -m k. x v.&.&.v. . m m. a i - - " J S PV fcn :.-. Kj- f -k ii r.fi JU". K'A ' T 7, Zysi .' iZJl MllQ, SWEET, HIGH! G U (li)tli,' i-.iit I A f'.i! -A"r"4 V.j - "Listen to Your Ma," W riters i A.- JibA Hat-ti. ton. : iiiiiiiiiiriritfrtiKii f IF am It ?. I?-'- 3 - - A.'?-.' " T;t W.,,M ve Au; J iu.U '..' fc. 14"! Br Ar-ri UKeu . er,-?h ciU to m "f ; CajLi-ia Prtii u:I Wrr.er .i rua kiTe er.j "tit-j HG;XA, A.-r sinii c: f--u ia p:t lad fciia. ; t ijeact. a-r.a a-.:a U waa,' "Suy i ay friaa Ti-Jw ' ; ir:a-T ccive-ifi Je Lox cix iaa.u thertt a " t-'.-'o ri-'t tr si zi-t ' ""' f 'k;r"f on in6- ' 'aaaiacxai he u retuia?. MiTU ayi -he btm3 a.-js.r ei-jea rr.n; aj-r y Lut-. :aa: tani iy ar-"- riht uaia-r lEA. , A" -rli ccaaip:.? once a:a.'-.,re so toe leaaiiVJ.. 1 Is aj a b.:vr pU to ri ix- xiM V- fh: 7. . t4Xa.a ii-.--: f:-, .r: - rit th - " , c:e of taa: nag-ra:; oe-asem o? rta dm exee- t ft a-. " s t, r.;.a he id iuai o.a tp w Sua?. Mtt eoaceifci has fih'J aa ti a saaa. ra o i a ? laroia la g5 i.-ei 'Cava y.ur ma. Jc." aaid T ra 'P.-z:-jl Laa-r Pjt MI-v.-le. alter Lcoa' dlosare. 'Tae rr.:!".! 1 yoa '.rxe earned circ: OTr mtuca h ha4 rw- ' t: fu so imj" x -Somr tay WIvi. Wlj-a i. ae rhi aii;a Ij v VLt JaC't.' t irn, Jacnjos U mafk-bar.; r J rrudale cf a prirao'eri r. says Me.i;: LtuH could ! may hae drjicj aay ta:e the !i uy a.':r be; jiivc r rr.eai uciev for son- jtn VFMUVKAR.,. . M V-A ii .. ?- A ri f-i7 J Y:; H-i t7 )'', ( K TV; J as furZh K Ai HA if, i. :, ( r-4j-s .. j rv-.-'j n ! i'h t 'fii Vr 4t-'i , .. 22-1, 1VM HALf, O-.'. t' w I4iH4. v,. c h 1 1 1 as..,. tOft CAI.R. - Or r r .- ? r- I 1-ift J!0 R; iVi;7 22. j . iOfi'i r,i.K I life B. 5f. Bo IVvi ra j pc, r, f w4 "i'. crn; JVA tr,p firA tiCUiar. Appif IV, g5 H(r.:h 8AJ.R -rWM anl U.h. wi rt nan, on yi,-.,'A m ' tOk him i t l ! Im: 7 ''J An ! 4Vi At iU- 1 471. Pi.'T Airi 22'. TOP. PJ.?fT 3.-s A - HIXI" WAIT to Dr. it 112 TiXS HEtP AVTTX- A tj.-m Mil vi sunn, ;;.r;.-.r ,-.. ir.-J C'a's Ui . tr cf tr. P..-.r !.. .n i,Uii fir EWi.i in ?tf. iW ar4 f'"i pvws vrAff k aaHF Pvs . H It Toaia. Ci'.y Cr 1222: f'OH uTJSI IIOTIX tW.CZ tr. thj IaVrVf. at Tljt. Mrs, 244 rr,t, ff Prtn- - - 10 S, PERrXAr. Tie Trr..r,a L-iMt r4 Katan4-OpA " to yoa Ar,4 w, th bt toff WA?TXI WANTI.O 'Xl him for tn !'Aiy ai.hhr-.k Appy Mr Hrf.k, Iias.Af Howv Ufi WANTED-Car pal trVr, ca' raaVr, rrt tra copper, payiag kvxJ pik. See BC 7.'KSiri.'IiK . f T Mi - - - - - " V T WAKTW Ar.y y-ut jujprnrt Itrt.r that rr.ay x f'M.t tbe hoxru ar.rt not J w I1.oa I1 421 22f.. TP.Mir.RH ItSUf.tfH WANUO for removal ar.d p ,;r ). c co;d t4.orag waik-m uf.iU HiKhent or any j tenlet not. r,i-ti -Any hrst-p''. d Bid -M s 12 t.in, Mon day Pit 27 Va.x prt;4 fitaUori Ji " 227, . " j - - , Tl.MJi.WI H be reeelved until DEJEJ IROl 'raw "1 PRINq f ITT Of' !il'at,i t'jf 'yriTi-ri'Ti V i-'' L 1 artrr. it an- K.-tX w.M'''' ti Ch'-x't:- Co P. f I.iczy j 1'CA :-anS. Erafcie utrv- - v.-.- i: l-:r. Tr &.'i 'A C? PENNANT BATTLE BtLUMt LKULIAL - ST TOES Tr. ;.i.-tf-ay i-5'. I jr U'. Ar.rca.". Lazw pr-naa tar iu iir.ji-c.-st: t? -xai nr-.tr, thf E..jjr. P. 3 S.x az.i t;-.e CleT- .a as a.;. i.-.i :a Nv y-jrk tr.;,- .- r.t :, r. a . Tr. yr.c r.jiiei a chaa: w p ir.'.-v a '..r! 2) (-.c.-iy r.r. '..-.?v f fcaia 4-2 ty :r. cilir -3 Cir.:-eav VTc. re &. c;irtrxri hat ;;;v. ?j.? It bu' ..-. vr.a: ia-, jf i Ui Ir.Jia. b i! A 1) h. j O F til r K t w Th .dvertiu p THE rwivrp vkr PROVIN OP BRITISH COLUMBIA I AMI T NOTTr K OF INTE.NTTOW TO . APPLY TO LEASE LAND in uir.d Rrerjrclincr DIm.hm Of; Arm. Ohmrvsui-- Ir.i.-t Be TAKK NOTICE that Torhr'lt Silver Mlnf. Limits (Non-ProrAl Ll.-Wity, of aii Am-., ocoupn,, mlr,l,, trends to ppiy t,n f (it th olr,wln Oewritwd ifctldfc. C-omm-tinng t post plat.u-d at hlt?h wkut mark und 4f)0 ,,uu. mroxlmat.lv ... from ....... .v.. y.,,t-r .iii.riPat wrr.M- of Lot 3510. Caribr.u m n.m; U.er.e Et Sfao tfM.ric,K. 1 l-.(?r..i 10' 30". E 2017 0 f,.,.f thenf N. 20 deer 00' 4W) t;-i tn biKh mark; thf-m wrat BIid . ...... m wj in of rrmimi-iiMwrit, t,,i c,taiuli.K 2"; arrfi t.r.rB i. .... (HIKPd I H U FORMAN, Mariitcr, Torhrit Bllvw Minn Llmit-d (N,iti-ppr,nal l.iuOlllty DATt'D, ecidernUur 13th 1MB ft..jf. t "2 J A - in Snoris Williamf Ho!d Lightweight Crown MT VOr.C t--It i - .? ..' ?r. i .i. il".' T . r i r. a - Baseball Scorei .Niltooal Imur N Y .' t 2. Ct-.ii i 4 Fn;-J;pr.ia 7. D'..".i 3 W'a.h.r:jVjft i. Si. U'j 2. ! Brr..v.Tti 7. X Ycrk I r.a .i J rr.j.a 2 i Fatfie Cat La L A.-.4-t i 4-4 Krtia.'. 2 Saa rrM:i:o S Sat;. 1 &an D.t?'i 10. Hi.:.y4,.x: o &itti:a:t.v 3, Oik.ar.d 2 ou-wAea avaa. a'j expJoel ft 13 rartf.'v .f-a-, oti Ca;.-..a ty;a- f i I J. ft; l-J'X . (lv 'V,. V,. . tJt V - 4 " b&rf f; fTill . . t If ijy P f jLjt AJ Tk f. JtJ ITS PAINLESS Rarely does a European b-come a master of the ancient Hindoo magic art of self-torture without pain. But here Yojft nlX-on of Hamburg, Germany, demonstrates that he can have hi tongue penetrated ay nai;, ana be none the worse for it. He ako ben ! buried alive and resd on broken glass. D0LHB HH2 PIIONE . 654 t.rc Per Bojten Paid Tm Empties t hi. 1v,.rt!wmM , nm nubllnhed or JIM, yrt by ttlM.iqilorr, rr HoHr,Jor lh.l.ovwnment,rf srlf .M, ColumMn. Tinluu UCT7 nnuiiiATcr SECOND ROUND t OF GOLF OPEH VASCOVVtSl wt ri .' f.n 'I c,-.' !i.i,1er pi." -, A i Irxi'.l.r? Vanr-'Aii'er'l F"'( arr( S'l. T-r.rar'f ..rJr. Wxr4 Uujtt up ofc ttisr tar Tn-iray- a l i a v. "a. ,J 1U Wii a-irn? c';-.r.i Mf.t t..,i riraj are Hr-an K-4-ir Spri.-.g!.a, fc'..t, ar4 J 'r..r,j P..rr ol BaSt-6. It'vr'.ri Car -:;.-jv ta.-..j a t a -WJa.iy U.WUJL 1 1 A1UN LKcA I ti TCDDATC MVCTCnV TfcpRACK Th tVA ar.4 Gu- iw. w- cn on rowx rt,wx tbi. ifaw year, year, o o a.:: a:j ' ' r.o tho-ight that r.o rr.er.t.on t ' ff '.he open groiae aeaaon la t'r.U yea? iram wtilaUwt s an orrUa;on car. cor..,!"V-r U.-'.r h',;.- fruUratea. ' wi garr.e hen the kxal P1 ! ar.d Gun Clubi decWe it I aj r.w-uity for prerva'.ion of thh, aper-iea but from what Informa tion Mr Hall and Mr. Lamblv have tx-'-n able u, gather, no; .h reeommendaMon for rlo-ir.g the ffro'itw wawvn In the tfceena district vas made by anv pi the R5 ar.d Gun Clubs. Who reeommended r:kir.g the waaon, and .hy, no one aeenu to oow, but Mr. Hall and M-. l-arr,b!y Intend finding out. LIQUOR CHARGE BRINGS S50 FINE Jimmy Ware pleaded miiHv n pfllee court yesterday to a eharge of auDDlvlne liauor m u .. . fl'iliuA Uv.m,n r. 1 to nay a fine of tsn ..n court or bt-rum. It-..a ...iL. i jail. Jen M. Laraon was convict"!-; on a morals charge In police court yesterday and (lenience'! to pay $25 and coi,u or serve 14 'lays In jail. COAST EVENS LACROSSE SERIES VANCOUVER, (t BrltiKh Columbia AU-Star Thursday night defeated St. Catharine's 20-4 to even the beat-or.riv. 1T'T 'a':rrW'" KrW !1 oiift-au. The ttiird (fame will be Played hete Saturday nl.ht METAL WtlhK PLUMBING Innallatlons and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourniau ft Sons, 629 Blxth West. Phone 542. tf) . . . and the tillian still pursued her! From Old Broadway to the villag opera house the touring itock company brought the tinsel and th glamour of the Great White Way to thousands of towns and hamlets throughout the land in tht dayg of yesteryear. In those days, as today, people knew that in Princeton they would have a pleasantly palatable refresher, a beer unfailingly proper in balance, body and good. t rK P,KU: N ar,) Vv.t "ixfr isf, ((ra, qkli'y ii-4.y-4 C h t r f f e bsirttr, HiU-, T;f-liW.U, r,ctk: Iaw.j,,; Oil-R.r.-r KiU:hn K;,y.; c. trtc Ca,'pt tptt, K;ihtn V-U; C;rf .;,.-,(( r. Itjf -. htyr(t .i;i(.y; Vn- , ar' TV)ritr wvliUw; Kew Brit;vh India: M- kryibirit at th Jttj Prl U C, PV'KVlTVh.R C j "ji,( S2 tfj KCR ftAl.fc HI iw.r of lan-j S-r'm , hni, j r,.w liitiidlni? lrj Pnr.ltur ar.U areall ixt.ra hli, - !' In I'ri tKsof,, trrt()i' Vcrrm Kltmuv.-, BC POl gALK "l'riang" "jf, 28 x troiier anl Kiilrrct,u.r. Ko!Iy 22fi POR hAl.fc, Hiinhlrie Ttahy Carrlix?, v-ry K,d rronmum. Phjt (Jrftn 71(5, (2, M , rX)NT 1kF"hikh Mn iife. Guard ymit health. Hycertlc anppli- (rubber K'kJ, mailed in nf.roriK en- Velojjef willed th utapje,.,. Abwiime werecy wli.hrwt em-brraw.rrient Plrdt-eiaxii met-charxllMe. pric tlfK) IK-flow-ri, malltd one hour after melvirig order, Tl.e rirob Trading Co,, 1275 Queen H Wet, Toronto, Canada. 22Si VOR 8Al.E-7-rfim hotuie. and bath; roncrete basement, 2. Jot, gofxl loruiioni's mlnuteii from PC. rrlric Rurxirt Realty Oo. P. H, MriWy. (22i MACIHNt.Ht fOK 8AI.E TO SAW better lumber more acohomlRAlly ue the modern nJ up-to-date type National Portable BawmllU manufactured by National Mnchlr.ery Company Mmlted, Vanrouver, 0. (tfi mWniKht, felurday, Oiobw S.Wv one month in jail 148 by K. A fcvana, Ifc;x 43. Perry Morrison was convicted city, for the purthaae of cabin : In poliee court yesterday rm the c rul aer "Rainbow No. 1." charge of auppiying Jimy War-rt4 ft, IS Vivian. Thsln mu-rdict, with liquor. Mor-higher r ktty u-hdtr jiot.naon wa wnteneed to pay a neeeMarlly accepted. Terms! fine of and eoiiU of (he I X (; co., ,TI) PR,XCETOVt g , C. puW, or d 1 d by tk L,quor Contro goard M W' 1; I' 5 i- Ho Friction Please! can. Boat at Yacht ftuh! Monday to Friday, Phone Black 618, '2321 imt A.M POI ND FOUND- Bunoh of keys In front of Government Liquor Store. Owner may have name by calling at the Dally New and paying for thin advertisement. - ,U) LOST--One gtrl's ho!, newly half -soled. Phone Red 471. (tf i LOST-Four keys Inbrown 'ca i Flridi-r r.i,.u ..t r..., ' " "'t UtfiT- 1-ton floor Jack, on city treet. Will finder kindly phone Greep 217. (22 U)HT White pup, black faoe. Phone 01 u lt5. (226) Has the Oil Filter on your car been changed at the manufacturer's recommended mileage? And while on th? subject have all the other points requiring periodical attention such as: Wheel Cearlng Repack Chang of Transmission Lubricants Cleaning and Re-Oifco, of Air ( leaner, etc, been taken care of 'k? according to the Instruction Many or :hese details are owner overlooked even by the ho conscientiously has his car lubricated, regularly. we remind our Regulars- as these services become due. LINDSAThmORS LTD. PHONE 866