PR37Ii:CIAL' LI3RA3Y, VICTORIA, B. C .-.ViNClAL- if; i -tttARY V.M 31,-49' liirrv ! )RUGS PHCWE j N(JHTHFHN AND CKNTKAL BRIT1BH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER in Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest.' STAR CABS vul. XXXVII, V No. 225. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS iSWM SHOOT IM BERL I MR CCX1K f Shells Burst WithoutWarning Among Planes Flyingto Berlin ;orge Man New Head 'ated Trade Boards Iterson Elected President at ion of Juneau Convention Ifcljcrial to the Daily Newsi llaska A. M. Patterson who served nayor of Prince George, was former-h(.' Hoard of Trade there, held num-jces and finally made a Freeman of fhiusday afternoon elected president jtl )an-(U of Trade of Central British RED PLANE USED LONDON, KP) A foreign of fice spokesman said today that a fighter, aircraft which yesterday shot down a regular Arao Tension Over German Capital Tightens U.S. Bans Russian Newspapers BEPvLIN (CP) The Russians began to fire antiaircraft guns in the Berlin corridor today, in what was described as "practice" manceuvers while British and American planes continued their air lift to supply the capital. The firing continued for 90 minutes before the airliner near the TransJordan frontier was a "Yak" plane,, a type normally used by the Rus B.-ing session sian air force. The Yak was believed to be under Jewish con trol. Russian army bothered to notify the western military governments that the practice had begun. One officer gave it as his Canada-Wide interest is Steadily increasina as the Progressive Hnnxpruat ivo noi-tv an fnr. Irii as venue Vanricr-lf,:, vii'i'-prc-jh McLean, D! the Jun-arnmerce was lire-president fried ol southeast- Duncan K. Kerr of Terrace was elected secretary-treasurer. The convention went on record as favoring a planned Immigration scheme lor British Columbia similar to that operated In Ontario. The Associated Boards of B.C. will undertake, In support of such a scheme, to correlate through Its member Boards Information on business, technical and professional opportunities and the demand for both skilled and unskilled personal opinion that Russian ward with their plans for their convention on Oct. 2 to name ajsuccessor to John Bracken. Last appearance as leader of the Progressive Conservatives saw !Mr. Bracken, above, photographed with Ted Conover, Y. P. C. president, centre, and Gordon Graydon, M. P. Figuring prominently in the convention will be Ontario's Premier George Drew, John Diefenbaker of Saskatchewan and Premier Maurice Duplessis of Quebec. ARABS ATTACK JEWISH HEIGHTS TEL AVIV 0) An Israeli spokesman said today that Arab Legion forces attacked and captured Jewish-held heights east of Lydda this morning. IJo said that Israeli forces counterattacked and recaptured them. gunners were practicing In a "serious sort of way." Strong protests are being sent Narcotics Cause Heavy Losses VANCOUVER, Hi Canada's three to four thousand known narcotic addicts cost the Dominion millions of dollars each year, K. C. Hlssick of Ottawa, narcotic control chief of . the Department of National Health and Welfare said Thursday. In an address to the four-day convention of the Chief Constables' Association of Canada btM?- f ! 1 by the British and American governments over the Russian's use of that area for their military activities. P . i " ' ' I . Jt fir' . The Russians said that they BANK BANDITS SOUGHT AFTER POLICE KILLING MONTREAL (CP) also plan to hold bombing and fighter practices In the corri 3R AT JION 9 -The K'JV-itf 12 persons, at-., were ar- he said that "two thousand ad This information Is to be available to all Interested parties, including the appropriate government agencies. UfinrnGAntaHviia nf tKrt far4 HARVESTING WEATHER SAID "EXCELLENT" dor where western planes are eral and provincial governments ! Two policemen were kill making more than 500 flights daily to supply the sealed-off western sectors of Berlin with food and fuel. dicts using a grain of morphine dally can be responsible for an economic loss of $42,000,000 yearly." Much ol this loss, he declared, Is caused to businessmen by ed Thursday in a fusilad UiiRed plot in the persons of H. W. Brigh- wrican eiti 5 ' -jyj However; B.C. and Northern Alberta Hampered by Rain of revolver shots from I Air lift pilots said that Rus sian anti-aircraft shells ton of Vancouver and J. P. i Gawthrop of Victoria, told of steps being already taken along i these lines. Co-operation of the ex- j desperate addicts breaking Into It President ' B wife Eva. tic i? identi- ploded up to 10,000 feet. In the shops to obtain money to get OTTAWA, 0) Apart from northern areas In Alberta, "ex bandits who robbed an east -end branch of the Banque Canadienne Nationale. Police captured the bandits' air stratas commonly used b drugs. cellent" harvesting weather has the transport pianes. Meanwhile, as the ; tension turner cul- Boards of Trade would be great-Hi US. Em-'iy welcomed, fif the move-1 ' j J Highways came op -tor con- "i ,..,,r-j fciitiyahlif .Wtwiatab4JloU r ... generally prevailed throughout the prairie provinces over the last month, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics sairfloday in the last of a series of telegra tightened, the United States military government r placed accomplice, a car ariver, a few minutes after the daring rob-beVJ and said they are looking 'BlueJ-aws' Criticized ban " on all Soviet-sponsored for two brothers, Donald autl j newspapers and other publlca- phic crop reports. wig session wmcn urged upon i the government of Canada the i construction of a highway link , from Hazelton to Whitehorse to tlons ln the American zone of Rapid progress in harvesting By Judge cereals has been made in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and in I The action was taken in re-southern Alberta, the Bureau Prisal for Soviet discrimina-said. Rains have held up worktin against western-licenced I ) connect the northern trans-I provincial highway In Central 'f I British Columbia with the Al- JJ i a.ska Highway. The need of such Douglas Perrault, in connection with the slayings. The bandits' loot was an estimated $6,000. The police set in motion one or the biggest manhunts in the city's history for the two gunmen who cut down Policemen Nelson Paquin, 42, and Paul Emlle Duranleau, 35. VANCOUVER (CP) F.D.R.'S GRANDSON A POLIO VICTIM Taken some years ago at Hyde Park, NY., this photo shows Curtis (Buzzy) Boet-ttger witli his grandfather, the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Today, at the age of 18. Buzzy lies lit a Los Angeles hospital stricken suddenly, as was the U.S. president, with poliomyelitis. The youth's phy.sickin announced it "was not a serious case." in northern Alberta but the puoncations m tne missian zone Canada's statutes on Sun a highway irom a aeiencc cover crops should be under day observance, bookmak- standpoint was emphasized, but within three weeks. riaf mystery K'l a lortune! ing and lotteries were ; its imDortance from a tourist and Soviet sector of Berlin. This nullifies the agreement reached by the Moscow foreign ministers' conference In 1947 when it was agreed that there Quality of cereals generally Is high throughout Manitoba and Saskatchewan. In Alberta, the nualitv is variable. Darticularly STRESSES NEED FOR NEW SCHOOL termed "outmoded" by Judge R. A. Sargent at the forty-third 'convention of liu-y is con-and economic standpoint in the Ive-ycar old way 0I opening up great nat-lencan ArmviUrar resources such as the d this week ; oroundhog anthracite coal should be a free exchange of DUTY "TO AID GREAT BRITAIN tary, replacing John Church in northern sections where frost who left, at the end of the last 5 and wet weather have affected Information throughout Germany's four occupation zones. the Chief Constables Association of Canada Thursday. Construction of a new hlfth school in Prince Rupert shouM He a major concern of the Parent - Teachers' Association, members of the Booth P -T.A. term. Chairman of the meeting ! jne sample. Strict enforcement of the was Rv. Basil S. Procker, presi Harvesting of cereal grains is SHAWINIOAN FALLS, Que. W An Australian diplomat, Hon. Francis M. Forde, high .commit told by Principal A. M. sloner to Canada, said today . were dent of the Association. Following the business session, court whist was played. Mrs. J. II. Black was entertainment ARABS LAUNCH OFFENSIVE TEL AVIV, m An Israeli Hurst at their Initial meeting f 'mains mi- field was also stressed. is,' removed' Other features brought for-f-i'f the tWn. ward In favor of such a road iispurt was''crc ll,e possibility of branch B'erday and roads to southeastern Alaska R C.A F. such as Hyder, Ketchikan, '''al its con-'WranRc11 and Ju"eau- Tne Iav iorable aspects of easy construc- h mail, or a llon and lack of snuw were als0 I-iiUUion dol-1 brought out. I have beenj A resoluUon of distinctly in-L. , 'tcrnatlonal tone was one which that it is the duty of all Commonwealth countries to. "give maximum assistance to the of the term Wednesday nigh;. Mr. Hurst stressed the lieel convener and J. A. Teng acted1: source here today claimed that practically completed in Manitoba, except ln west-central and northern areas. In Saskatchewan, wheat Is nearly 90 percent harvested and coarse grains more than 70 per cent completed. In" British Columbia, harvesting Is under way throughout the province. Wet weather, however, has delayed operations and some spoilage of cereals Is Lord's Day Act he said would close cities so tight "that life would be unbearable." The jurist asked delegates to bring public opinion on these laws before the attorney-general and legislators ot the various provinces. The Lord's Day Act, he declared ,was first invoked as .a means of enforcing the six-day working week for workers and not as an. Instrument for; narrow moralists. for a new school, in a brief address in which he also outlined the problems of adjusting the timetable of studies at the bo- United Kingdom during the present financial and Industrial crisis." This duty, he said, stems froi.i Arab troops based at Latrun, between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have launched a major offensive against Israeli as master of ceremonies.. Prize winner."! were Mrs. O. A. Hill, J. P. Moller, Mrs. B. Harrison and Mrs. C. J. O. Olsen. The meeting concluded with refreshments served by a commute convened by Mrs. A. S. the costly .lone front which! ginning of the term. These, tu party ....... T T.i l , ,J Clrttao f U T! U H Britain put up against Germany j said, are being surmounted ana "l and the i joint lolnt defence defence board board The meeting, attended by 50, j iiicri n Feb-1 reported. The apple crop Is government of Canada to main Hamilton and Miss Dorothy ln the early part of the war ami which cost her $20,000,000,000. elected Miss Townsend secre- ? "''rtiiin that maturing rapidly but the size of the fruit Is smaller than usual. Harvesting of hops is nearly completed. tain the Haines Highway between Ilalnes, Alaska, and the Alaska Highway on a year round basis. Aiisley. INQUEST FINDS TODAY'S STOCKS LOCAL MEN TO TRY TO WIN MANSON MEDAL s aboard. ETHOD DTING tMENTS Northern Waters Are Vital to U.S. f ?- BOOTHBAY HARBOR, Maine Home from a voyage that took him to the Arctic, Commander Donald MacMillan, says The convention was "told that already the use of the Haines Courtesy S. D. Johnr.ton Co. Ltd. . 0KKhKHKhWOOH OOOOOOOOO "0000 0OKW0O0WHKHKKOO Highway bv trucks has cut the Bobjo : l'J'-a Buffalo Canadian 682 Since nobody else seems to DANISH BUTTER FOR CANADIANS OTTAWA. W Trade Minister C. D. Howe announced today completion of arrangements for want the Prince Rupert Public Vancouver Bralome 7.00 B. R. X - 08 Cariboo Quartz 1.16 Deutonia -OlVa the United States should know far more about the waters of F An atom-; cost of freight on 100 pounds of F of detecting I potatoes by $4.00 but this was M'' heart was: but one example. A Haines dele-ierday. "Ra. j gate said that freight traffic" (.involves the on the Haines Hiphwuv was In Northern Labrador, for such .32 NATURAL DEATH Investigating the death of Mary Anderson, 23 - year - old native woman, a coroner's jury yesterday brought ln the verdict that she died of natural causes In the Prince Rupert General Hospital at 9:15 a.m. September 21. Actual cause of death was given as pneumonia. Dr. R. E. Coleman who performed an autopsy Tuesday on the purchase of 8,000,000 pounds of Danish butter, bringing the Mascot Hedley e sodium in .02 Minto two and a half months of this year 400 per cent greater than In all of 1947. Pend Oreille 4 20 Ji.iy-rmissions i''ice the flow the heart 2.33 Pioneer Premier Border .02 .10 Privateer Reeves McDonald 1.80 Relations Council medal, four Prince Rupert men are going to try to win It. The gold bauble, donated by Manson's Jewellers, was posted last June to be awarded to the first motorist from New York City to Prince Rupert. So far. It has not been claimed. Today, however, Herb Morgan announced that the. quartette, which leaves tonight to witness the World Series baseball play-offs, will try to quallfv for the medal on their return next month. With Morgan will be Boyo Guvich, owner of the car, Nick Pavlikls and Alex Bill. waters are vital to the defence of North America. MacMillan made extensive soundings. ; "Much more hydrographlp work In Northern Labrador Is needed," he said, "In case of an attack. At present, we know comparatively little about those waters." Northern Labrador- Is convenient to Greenland but not nearly so close as the Arctic regions far to the north. Similar representations to the United States government will be made by affiliated Chambers of Commerce of southeastern Alaska. The convention closed Thursday night with a banquet and Reno .07' .12 Salmon Gold total butter imports this year to 15,000,000 pounds. COMMUNISM GREATEST FOE OF CHRIST - VANCOUVER (CP The Very Rev. Jesse H. Arnup of Toronto, said Thursday night: "I refuse to exchange Jesus Christ for Joseph Stalin as the saviour of the world.'" The former Moderator of the United Church of Canada told Sheep Creek M8 Taylor Bridge 3U 32 Taku River HINTS ML - rt,rect threat " the United today when "Red the great Vananda 30 Con. Smelters 113.50 Con west 107 Donalda 61 Eldonn - Ill East Sullivan 2.70 Giant Yellowknife .... 500 God's Lake 53 . Hard rock 32 lfarricana 07 Heva 11 IIosco 32 Vz Jacknife 04 Jolirt Quebec 43 Lake Rowan .05 Lapa-ska .05Vj Little Long Lac 75 Lynx 07 ' Ma risen Red Lake 2.45 McKenzie Red Lake 33 Mel.eod Oockshult 95 Moneta .. -31 Neuus 2 18 Noranda 50.00 Louvleoui't 55 Pickle Crow 105 Regcourt ftrl,z San An tonio 3.90 Senator Rouyn 45 Sherrit Gordon 2.30 Steep Rock 1.76 Sturgeon River 15 Silver Miller 33 .03 Congress the body of the deceased Woman, presented his finding at the inquest and also records from the hospital showing that when Mary Anderson was admitted to the hospital on September 20, she was suffering convulsions. Members of the jury were Alfred Rivett, foreman, Georga Ros3, Trevor Hill, Albert Woods, Benny Sprinkle and Frederick Edwardson. dance In Juneau's palatial hotel. The conventions sailed on the Chllcotin Friday morning for Prince Rupert enroute to their homes in Central British Columbia. A pause will be made at Ketchikan where a reception Is ln store for delegates. The Union Pacific Eastern " Hedley Amlag oa Spud Valley 09 Central Zeballos .01 SUbak Premier 2o "Nnt.iirnllv " nave M n r a a n the thirteenth meeting of the,with the confidence of a base- MAYBE THEY HOPED TO HAVE A GREEN HOUSE CHICAGO A five year old church's General Council that ball connoisseur, "Cleveland will win, so we expect to see the Oils i Steamship Company received a ?" faith with is. So,ll'i African mlc A f fairs, trtl Assembly Ionization ot eontinues on !ti cl,1'ing th f nnesiion will (.whether cor.-i national in- A. P. Con 19 Calmont 43 C. & .E .' 4-85 Foothills 275 8 40 Home LOCAL, TIDES (Standard Time) Communism "is bidding for dominion over every Christian mission field abroad." He pointed to nationalism as the second -greatest threat to Chrlstlantiy. Communism, the first and foremost, Is destroying human morality and violat series at both Boston and Cleve-1 boy and seven year old sister land." have admitted they took a. five They hop? to get a letter from 'month old baby from its car-Mayor O'Dwyer of New York, riage and painted it green, attesting to the fact that they leaving the child In a weed have been to the big city and patch. They took the baby "to that they are properly qualified play house," but discovering a vote or thanks from the convention for i-he- service it had given. The Juneau Chamber of Commerce was also thanked for its hospitality and the efficiency of convention arrange Saturday, September 25, 1948 Toronto Athona Aumaaue .064 .18 High 5:50 17:36 Low 11:19 15.4 feet 18.1 feet 9.8 feet 0lP with eon - ing the Christian conception ofto compete the divinity of man. medal. for the Manson can of house paint, changed thelr plans. ments under chairmanship of Beattie 62 Bevcourt -35 n. c. Baniield.