Prfnre Uuprrt Dattp f3eto Fridcy. September 34, 193 DISTURBANCE BRINGS $10 FINE Naval Reserve Offers Chance for Training, Outlet for Citizenship Ivor Montgomery, charged in fnoy Refreshing Shaves with In times of war Canada has ber of men the reserve division Btfn ji. i . k had to call on her young men may have on its strength in . W9a ntlniwl, to discharge the greatest obii- prince Rupert. Generally speak-'a fine of $10 and C0St8 or immm m 1 6"""i tiviicu a yuuns man wisning 10 3 flays In tall I fighting for his country. Prac-Uoin the reserve should be be-j , .' . ' itleallv Kvpr man that has foueht lwen th uv r,f 171. oa Feter Machura, Charged with CTjonjoHcn -FIT YOUR DOUBLE-EDGE RAZOR, supplying liquor to Hazel Har- - - - - - -- , v w ijg w for Canada on foreign soil In years and have at least a grade For money-loving (hove pladed a atanriin Th w w . a n"ve woman the past has been a volunteer guilty when he appeared in ci good response from boys of the senior matriculation- class in ty police court Monday. Tues- dm MINORA Blade Cana 60' l fovowite double 4gm economy Btodet. They're the quality blades in the low-price held! he reversed his and Prince Rupert and these areici4,y plea the type of young men who have an opportunity to rise rapidly in the ranks 6f the reserve navy. PROCURABLE J and discharged his duties with honor. During the years of peace however, a career In one of the armed services, ' or even being a member of a reserve unit, has not been taken as an obligation by the majority of young Canadian men. Yet being prepared is essentially a duty of citizenship. Many countries have had. a system of oompulaory train was sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and costs of the eourt or serve one month In Jail. Jimmy Danes, formerly of Queen Charlotte Islands, pleaded not guilty to two charges of supplying liquor to Indian. He was convicted In police court Tuesday and sentenced I aHWV.' Z' I - Modern Etiquette Bv ROBEHl A LEF Q. If one Is attending a din ner or banouet where wine is,t0 Pav a fine of S50 and costs ing for the youth of their tion which is much more up 1 -n or serve one month n Jal1- on (being served and one does not setting to a young man's plans car in rti-inlr it i,,,i '.i'"1" ul ll" lwu cuiivickiuus. jthan is the training a Cana- Idian take week In I may one a A Follow the oW.fashioned MERCHANTS It you know lhat tbe Daily News is the most effective medium of advertising n Prince Rupert? No one misses your message if it's advertised in tbe News. It's the BORN ON LIXtR ' BICKDALE, Lancashire. Ens. Q Born on board Britain's firsi "giant transAtlantic liner,.' the 22,800-ton Great Eastern, Sir James Paton, 85, died,. His father was the first captain of I a reserve unit. cusU)m glass' OLD BIBLE IS " , r y w . upside down. The waiter will FOUND HERE ! oompulsory service or member- then understand that he is to -tiseme"t ' not published Of deployed' by he Liquor Control Board or by th shin In o rcuorva unit. uViorp I altv ffifrint viv nf mil tin? ,r """' rsrDtt v.. la 110 ij rs:v,i - nt of British Columbio. t over. tf. the ship, launched In 1859. t practically all training is done, uy' - , T',- 7 Q hen weddlne birthday u- gift to an English u ' engage, gu-L , , in the recruit's home town, there ua J that t have t lalleii into the ln-'jg imie doubt which would be nt has been broken. nat has turned up ip Prince Eupert. j ej.'i)u naive class and it's time tc'the choice of the independent shonld the eirl return to the It was found recently by Rupeit J stock up for the-winter season. and freedom loving Canadian. I man? GreUsel of 512 Eighth Avenue Home economists have pro-For the boys receiving training A- A11 Sifts of jewelry, in- West among a box of books perls Say ,-bfx .basket with fresh uuii-M iclijjc lUi j m ineir OWn tOWn OX City It w"""& engagement. im, ""vu tv v.v.i ah wic wuun Rt'i ve, one of the lipeciul treats 'means they can carry 'on with 'a11 photographs and letters. iwhen he purchased it a year Q. Is it all right to ask a per- aga Staff Writer I vegetables "instead of the tinned fT-Nuwadaje! variety. (Wui housewifti Corn, grapes and tomutoes, are g her market-, only three oi Uie many foo'ls son to return books which he' Published in London by tho has borrowed. Oxford University Press In 183(1, A. Yes. If a reasonable length the Bible King James version of time has elapsed, one need as the. "gift of Mr. Scott to mm great grandmother used to make their education or job at the every autumn. same time and from the stand- Ingredients: Four cups toma-, point of parents it is natural tons 1 about 10 medium toma-; for them to want their young toes 1 ; three cups sugar; one sons at home rather than take lemon; one cup raisins; one-! 8 yar or two years out of their quarter preserved or candied lives while undergoing military ginger. training. Wash, remove core, peel and" I Hiht now the Prlnce RuPert Naval Dlvislon under ".-Cdr. cut lomatuea in auarters before T MARINE REALTY not hesitate to do so. 'Miss Emma F. Bennett on her birthday, April 15, 1938." The (J. CLAl'SEN It SON) m of . . COLCHESTER, Eng., JJ; Playing his barrel organ fo: letter "S" In the inscription is made in, the. old style, resemb- fcFOR SALE OR CHARTER charities, Reginald Stedman ling an "F." has raised nearly $44,000 in 13 Mr. Greissel has no idea who meiisurinp C.nuk in mlnntu mL"e- ""S 1 BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT the former owners were. add sugar, thinly sliced lemon cru'"ng MchJ the years TRY . PERT MARINE REALTY Timely Topics from Terrace and raisins. Cook 10 minutes f .. ' ... ., . . , acquainting the public with the again an add ginger, cut lr. ,dea that the reserve navy is a small and continue cook- pieces vilal factor Jn Canadian ,ife. tug five minutes or to jam con- A factor that snoul(J have lne sisiency. P;ui into, hot steri- ull support of the citizens in li.ed glasses, cool and seal Qrti, that it mav nlav th rnlp foa (jnrK saves on charters Uust East of Lipsetfsl Waterfront) Pbone Green 175 Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter Yield: four cups jt was intended to take in fur-! Jack Bunting, who is asso- with the U.B.C. Extension De- 8TUFFEO TOMATO E& Stuf- nishing training for young men ! ciatecf wii.n the Straiehten Tow-! nartmenfi TraveJlinir Art Ex- IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane 'rivittug 00111 FLY Non-Schedu'e Charter Service fed tomatoes are excellent fo so that Canada may be prepar- lng salvage Co., Vancouver.' Whit which should arrive - In I the evening meal at any time ed, in the event of need ,to rap-drove to Terrace last Tuesday Terrace around the end of No-! now. idly expand its armed forces tQ spend a week's holiday with vember. The rtcipe: Six medium to- through "reserve units which nis parentSi Mr. and Mvs. w. puncan deKergommeaux and matoes; one-halt teaspoon fine- are well-manned and organized. 1 Buming. Harold Whalw, who will be In Commercial Hunting Fishing Sightseeing ly chopped onion; two table- i y"ung rrince Kuperi charge of this exhibit, hope Japmriit of ENGLISH FORD PASSENGER and spoons Duller; one-nail cur Mr and Mrs. Herb spencer thaU eve-ry artist In the distrirt llUCAKk. Ttiey are economical to buy, run and during the past two breud - crutnos; one -half cu weeks, , drove to Prince Rupert with Dr. will find Inspiration enough in SKEENA MR TRANSPORT LTD. PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kermey Ltd.; 3S : Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 Mbit Id following models: liedans. Coaches, cooked Dacon 1 minced 1 ; ami i Mills on Tuesday Mrs. Spen- the next month or so to do at li'-ic o n:iti.u,t in t Ya Tla : ljfj(t IhroD nnvoccov irtr lh-a (pepper; !mVtt. Watch thi space for further detail up the Prince Rupert naval"' " " , " , V 'T i buttered crumby. utir inilul showing in Prince Rupert. if race Red Cross Hospital for sev- show. Wash tomatoes and cut slice H.M.C.S. Chatham. j eral days previous to the trip Details of the date and place from stem end. Scoop out Inside and let stand inverted for 1' of the exhibit will be published artistic talent is after a few more preparations There are four officers and 30 men In the local navy reserve ' Our' local mtfrriksi? IUHL I minutes. Brown onion in but- an fAniuu iu ue iiiuw.i perrj nnw and more ore Pvrrtrt as P""ns dare uiaue. 1 1 ter. add crumbs, meat, tomato becomes) I the genera, pubUc : liup aim .Neu.suiuns. luuh nvt more aware of the important ; minuU s and then add esi role the navv reserve Dlavs In FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bulck Cbev. Trucks PonUae Oldsmobile G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE. B.C. NESS AND PROFESSIONAL V BAY tv J0 l h M fr l tm J ju m ! ft m ORKS DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P O. Box 1401 GRKEN 3!ll It's th e Ri'pairs slightly beaten. Cook one nun- communily Rnd national life, and refill shells. Cover with ute Jn a naval reserve division buttered crumbs and place u there Is ample opportunity pro-creased pan. Bake 20 minutes vided for training along cer-in a hot oven. ,tainn technical lines. Radar, GRAI'E JUICE With grapef asdic and loran are all part cf now in season, home economists modern navy equipment and have come up with a recipe for are used by many commercial grape juice. (boats as navigation aids so in One basket grapes Isix quartsi : learning what makes these elec-seven cups water; 2 23 cup trical installations tick, the navy man is gaining knowledge SUKar Wash, stem and mash grapes.1 that may be of use to him In civilian life. Naval headquarters Add water and boil 10 minutes, ire that each officer and Strain overnight through a jelly two weeks extra bag in the morning add ti.rt"W takes, ... . training yearly aside from what fas fct lvill bod sugar and bring to a a Pour at once into sterilized , A cmMH bottles. Partially seal and pro-l W(J number of the H MC S cess 10 minutes in the boiling Catnam personnei have had water buth; seal tightly and tWs laXns In the form of ship - Estimates Rex Cate Kermath Marine glnes FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK ... for Tasty Meals ChopSuey Chow Mein TECHNICIAN CALL BLUE B39 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed in8 and Repairs COLUSSI Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite .Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3;S0 a m. BUCK 756 I Sold by leading Jewellers Everywhere 'nth East ptson's MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST In New Offices ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING store. (cruises on warships that car- A white sediment may form r(ed them tQ a number 0j f0r-ln the kettle while standing eign prtSi overnight, or in bottles during Drin forms a part of the storage. Shaice well before using Week-day training provided for to distribute the sediment, which 'the navy reserve. They also contains valuable minerals and have a chance to study and be- JTERers AND RE REPAIfiu Materials buttresses Curtains Cushions, etc nl FurnitnrA should not be discarded. come familiar with up to date New Phone . shiD models, witn me am 01 a BLUE 5 SHALDON, Devonshire, Eiig., set or cutaway demonstration CP William Ball, believed Dev- CXpi0Sives, instruction is receiv- r,,Vivi trl his . n I - ' f O. Box SJfi P.O. Box 1184 cm s oiciesi, muu, jea on uie cumyuajnu" auu - r Avenue 102nd birthday. KUPERT, B.C. L- HUGHES HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavaig Beauty Culture in all Its branches fectiveness of various ammunition. As a member of the local film council, the naval division is able to show some educational and entertainment films along with those that are strictly instructional. The local naval division actively interests itself in the Sea Cadet program, assisting praetor rNER BLorw WE DON'T WANT TO KEEP IT A SECRET . . : We've the finest collection of "THIS AND THAT" in Jewellery that you ever saw. You know what we mean small artlciesf vari-ius kinds that should be In a complete jeweller rtock. We think of these: EARRINGS fl-00 to $35.00 BRACELETS t $M SOUVENIR GOODS 50c to $3.50 CUFF LINKS $1 00 to $50.00 BROOCHES '5c to $15.00 LOCKETS S3 00 to 83500 1000 LIGHTERS CIGARETTE CASES $1-00 to $10.00 SIGNET RINGS $2.50 to $25.00 COMPASSES, Magnifiers ... '5c to $4.50 Dozens and dozens of small articles to numerous to mention. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. 204 4th Street Phone B5S Phune Blue 442 f L. RQ.RIE rhnn. 37 P C. Bo 144 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Aurtttn. ... the Navy League whenever they can to provide suitable training for Uie boys who aspire to become men of the sea. For the past two years H.M.C. S. Chatham has served as the lurn Commit FRASEK STREET Prince Rupert Building and Repairs of all kind Roofa, Chimneys and Oil Burner j! NOTICE! j' COLLECTOR headquarters for the enthusiastic group of men that make up the Prince Rupert Amateur Radio Club and this winter the club will be back In session making use of the navy facilities. Lieut. J. L. Quinn and his ctnff nf nine regular navy rat- E fit tm PHONES: Red 894 evenings oil) Black 687 We are tnklng orders lor TUXEDOS again. Made-to-Measure or tailored in our shop. nrimarily concerned "Bnrl. t... . u ith the duties of keeping H.M EIRE'S PREMIER ENROUTE TO CANADA Using his hand to emphasize a point, New York's Mayor William O'Dwyer is pictured chatting to Ireland's prime Minister, John A. Costello, and Mrs. Costello, when they arrived to visit New York's Golden Anniversary Exposition at' Grand Central Palace. The premier and his wife proceeded to Canada, where they were the guests of the Canadian government and Bar Association. t. "uusir p.) Ltd C.S. Chatham and its facilities QUALITY REPAIRS Fur Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL shioshape for the Mince nu ,rt naval reserve division. LING - TAILOR There is no limit on the num.- W-E 8KB Box 774 Second Ave.