HOBBY SnOW ( iCV.nlinued from Page One)t '. I. . i. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle 2 12n'ncc ttupcrt Dailp Hctos UD. Thursday, April 29, 1948 An independent da'.:v nrwsrmorr devoted to the upbuilding of Prinze Rupert and nil communities com'p-tin? northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Oltlee Department, Ottawa) . 1 . V. .. "0 (Subject to change) AIR PASSENGERS O u t b o u n d To Vancouver K. E. Hayter, G. Endersby, O. Septau. Inbound From Vancouver T. S. Leckie, V. Giraud, B. W. Morgan, M. C. Brydges. From Sandsplt A. C. Pallant, W. C. MacDonald, Mrs. D. Secord. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, (7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 4.00. KINSMEN SET , ELECTION DAY The election ot olfieers for the" Kinsmen Club will be held at a special meeting on May 26, providing this recommendation made by the executive last night meets with thh approval of the members. This date will also mark the beginning of the club's die-luck oi an, operator. ! ' Assisting with the show Vrtf- nesday afternoon were Mrs, c. C. Mills and Mrs. A. M. Hurst at the door, -while -supervising displays were Mrs. E. T. S. Moore, Mrs. T. Priest, Mrs. M. J. Saunders, Mrs. Pettersen, Miss B. Drummond, Miller Bay, Miss Towgsend, Miller Bay, Mrs. W. J. Richards, Mrs. E. Greenwood, Terrace; Mrs. Jean Ness Findlay, Massett and Miss Jeanne Faure, Telkwa. making, nooKea turn, imum- , craft, dolls, cabinet work, wood carving, photography, shell craft and many other types, all of which add to the effectiveness of the show. The small gymnasium is lined with art works of regional and coast artists while the centre contains a large table bearing ftsw W'"IHII.VL Join the Battery i summer recess. During the i ; i STONE-AGE CLUES . LAGOS, Nigeria 9 The government archeologist at Zenabl, in Kano province, reports that he found five Middle Stone Age sites in that area, all of them containing tools of a type which in Europe is associated with the samples of modern native leather craft from the upper Skeena and historic garments and utensils which have been parts of the native way of life for hundreds of years. Just Arrived ... Neanderthal man. best here." 'I'm going to mark that big one here and my o.vn doll next." Scandinavian and Finnish RECORDINGS New Scandinavian Numbers BACKSTROMS POJKE . 1()fl uxw unxvrxo Mining Dy Karin hu. 'No. 1108 meeting the executive proposed a nomination committee consisting of Harry Sheardown, Carson Wallace and Harry Seaman. The question of the Kinsmen fielding a football team for an exhibition match during May 24 celebrations was discussed and it was decided to find out definitely how many members v.ould be willing and able to play. According to reports, veterans of former football teams of the city would be ready to accept a challenge. President R. G. Moore reported that he had obtained a Maypole from Charlie Balagno and training of the dancers is under way. Mr. Moore felt that if there was sufficient interest shown in Maypole dancing this year the Kinsmen could acquire several poles and make this a regular feature of Victoria Day. Wouldn't that Miller Bay beaded necklace look smart with my black dress and the bracelet and earrings to match?" MEN of Prince Rupert are referred to YOUNG the appeal made today by Col. T. E, D'O Snow, area commandant, Pacific Coast, supported by Mayor Nora Arnold, for recruits for the local reserve army unit, 120th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery, which, 'with equipment available and training personnel organized, is now in a position to function actively. -All over Canada, according to reports, the reactive postwar apathy to military service is wearing off and considerable enthusiasm on the part of young men to become identified with the reserve units is developing. Remembering the fine local units of the past here the old 102nd Battalion, the Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, etc. we can recall with pride the response of young men of previous years. That young men of today in Prince Rupert will be equally responsive is to be assumed. While proud duty to country and community may be important actuating factors in deciding young men to assume responsibility as members of the reserve units, there are also the benefits of healthful and useful training and the pleasures and privileges attached thereto. It is a pleasure for us to commend this appeal on behalf of the Battery. SKI GUTTEN REINLANDER BORGHILD REINLANDER DEN GAMSLE SYREN Finnish Numbers ELAMA JONKSUHAUDOISSA RAKASTA MORENA TAISTELUN JALKEEN SYDAMMENI SALAISUUS No. 4009 No. 3318 No. 3820 The small gymnasium has . achieved the atmosphere of an art gallery, mainly because the ingredients of a gallery are there. In addition to the fine , 'works of Bjorn Selvig, Jean Ness Findlay and Miss Jeanne Faure, the room contains water colors by Edna Eastwood of Smithers. Her group consists of four land- ! scapes which capture the authentic spirit of the interior ! countryside, and one still-life, j There are pastel drawings by iReba Lewis and a large and 'striking floral painting by a j Victoria artist. i Examples of weaving on a ;hand loom, done by Mrs. R. E. Fields of Vancouver, command considerable attention because !of the quality and variety of 'the cloth. With the exhibit is a small hand loom sent to I demonstrate the weaving pro "I can't decide which ol these photographs I like best, I think I'll come back tomorrow and vote then. Let's go in to the Art exhibit.'' THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 T.B.A. 4:45 The Adventure of Timothy O'Brien 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Nocturne ' 8:00 The Mighty Fraser 8:30 The Nation's Business 8:45 Bill Good Sports Review 9:00 Eventide 9:30 Vancouver Theatre 10:00 CBC New '0:10 B.C. News 1C:15 The Sea Is Our Home 10:30 Music in the Night '0:55 Recorded Interlude 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. FKIuaI AM: 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Song Serenade 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Song 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Let's Play 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11 :00 Kindergarten 1 1 : 15 Reminiscences 11:30 Weather Forecast 11.31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert P.M. - l 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast The1 above and many illiers available ii "That picture would make me feel ill if I had it in the house. Yes, I feel a bit seasick already looking at it." MaettvsA "I like Miss Faure's snow picture the best, the mums next best." cess. However, so far it has not RUPERT MARINE REa( (J. C LAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . "Mrs. Applewhaite's pictures are much nicer than last year. Do you know thai she is learning to use her left hand instead of her right?" BOATS FOR SALE OR CHART! Overheard At! Hobby Show j Little Ralph Weick came to the Indian table clutching money in his palm: "I want those Indian gloves to give to my little sister. See they are too small for me but they will fit her. I made this money myself. I sold one bunch of papers then came back and got more to sell." BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQlipi . TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY "Mrs. Ed Russ made these baskets and that is the portrait of her husband." FOR QI'ICK SALES OR CIIARTEUS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phon Crfi "That big picture of Mr. Sel-vig's 'Desolation,' is so strong so very desolate." SAW One title girl to another little girl: "I know how to do this. You put the number of the doll you like best here, then the one you like next "Look that's a real Emily Sartain. I've only seen prints of hers on greeting cards beT fore." THE HOBBY SHOW ENTHUSED a year ago when Mrs. J. T. WE Harvey introduced her first arts and hobby show in Prince Rupert. Yesterday- the second edition opened and a very versatile and finished undertaking it is. We cannot help but remark again on the many skills and talents along interesting and unusyal lines which the great assembly of exhibits reveals. But the important thing about this year's show are the splendid organization and arrangement in the two big gymnasia of the Civic Centre. The show is certainly an enlightenment and an education, a striking disclosure of what Prince Rupert people can and are doing in the way of handicraft, skill and ingenious projects. Mrs. Harvey and her associates are to be greatly commended. They have put an immense amount of effort into the show but it is certainly well worth it all in the extreme effectiveness of the result. Hon Upholstering FURNITURE REPAIR TRUCK AND AUTO CUSHIONS RECOVERED Ask (or PLASTAHIDE available NOW! Out-of town orders given special attention L O V 1 N ' S (Next to' CFPRf PHONE BLUE 818 1:00 Symphony Hour 2:00 National School Broadcast 2:30 Comty. and Needle Pointers 2:45 Don Messer and Islander; 3:00 Varieties in Music 3:15 Spotlight on a Star DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING StTERPAN PRESS KODAC1IROME and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. ox C45 ' PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Carl Zarelli, P: Phone 37 PO FRASER STR Maurice Brydges returned to Pnnc RupT the city Wednesday afternoon by air from Vancouver where he has been receiving medical treat ment for the last few weeks ADVERTISE IN THE DAILf NEWS FOR CEST RK' W uuLii 1 f ' ' 4 , ' ' 1 1 v . Mi j H . M j i hi r i I'M I s f ' i i-'i I" J' 1 I t , There's double advan- m tage double flavor in UliJJ m M- this two-in-one vegetable yjw l ' combination, and when rtS Sii)SfPgi W It's "Royal City" brand rl double satisfaction too! T5 1 a )p6YMCiiy CAHKZD FOODS 1 This Gives Your Home Outside I v m mm m - m with inside Heavy teas'. . . the propeller races as uSe stern lifts' high out of the water and the strain on the engines must be taken ... by the lubricating oil. That's why Standard of B.C. Marine Products are carefully engineered . . . extra tough. They give reliable, trouble-free operation under all Weather conditions. If you have a lubrication problem, write or call the Marine Department, Standard of B.C. Let their lubrication engineers recommend the right oils to give you continuous, heavy duty performance, 1 St-? i ( 'fx Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coqiiitlarh Saturday, 9 a.m., Calata STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundavs. 12 midnieht QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOIt MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS May 14 and 28 FOR SOUTH TTtl.ANDS May 16 and 30 . FRANK J. SKINNER Prince RuDert Aent Third Ave Phone 568 ' ' t , - yJrBiwwwwifii r mi mmA.tJ - It's "plane" sailing on a repair job when you order your Building Supplies from Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractor Decor the outside of your home, as well as the inside. It can have the substantial appearance, the lasting beauty ol brick at fraction of the cost. Aee-Tex Insulated Brick Siding is attractive, looks like brick, and will not fade. It it manufactured in rich red or buff blends with either black or white mortar lines on base ol wate repellent fibre board, thoroughly impregnated with asphalt to resisi moisture. It affords the comfort of Insulation, by providing f,0,c"j ojintt uin fmti urn nr ht. It will u wou money in fuel costs ano requires no painting. There is nothing better for transforming homes, u-hnnU , I. . (.,..:. mnJrn brick-like structures. I tn -ritiji "won c tui yy D,. f i A See this Insulated Brick Siding at your Acc-Tex dealer's! Try Our Homogenized Milk We are having a trial shipment from Vancouver Homogenized Milk contains all the Butter-Fat and Milk -Solids required by law for Standard Milk But No More ' Homogenized milk does appear richer after having been subjected to mechanical process VALENTIN DAIRY PLASTI-SEAL SHEATHINGS LUSTERLITE DONNACONA ACE-TEX BONDED ROOFS ROOFING AND SHINGLES INSULATED BRICK SIDING ASPHALT FLOOR TILES CANADA ROOF PRODUCTS LIMITED VANCOUVER VICTORIA EDMONTON CALGAR PHONE 657 (103) STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIMITED Head Office: 335 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. - . Refineryi Stanovan, B.C. p. i ( ,i-'-