TODAY TO SAT. ltfnre Uupett Datlg J3cto ILto. Tliuisday, April 29, 1918 SHIPS AND WATERFRONT II MM IE foSQc'l OBSIJLIES WJ jVALUE far your dollar Is Committed For Stealing of Tools BURNS LAKE Constable Zorn of the B. C. Police was a weekend visitor at Burns Lake. He returned to Smithers with a prisoner who had allgeedly stolen a shoulder box full of carpenters tools from a local contractor. The man - was speedily apprehended and the tools recovered by Constable William H. Richmond. At a preliminary . hearing held at Burns Lake police court, accused was committed for trial. LAPPS ASK AID STOCKHOLM A conven GOSSIP FROM NEIGHBORHOOD Gyro Club Hears About Ocean Falls, Bella Coola, Queen Charlottes and Mining Camps "Gossip from Our Neighboring Communities" was the title which School Inspector E. E. Hyndman chose for an informal and intimate chatty talk before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday when he discussed some of the problems and perplexities of school administration in the Ocean Falls, Queen Charlotte Islands' and Portland Canal districts which, I i INTERESTED IN MANSON CREEK H. A. Batchelor of Los Angeles has arrived fh British Columbia on his way to Omineca, where he and his associates are interested In expected mining developments. Preliminary work this spring, will include the testing of hydraulic ground In the Manson Creek area. Former Local Man Awarded Contract was recently sighted by Jack Moul, pilot for the Port Alberni Airways, when he had been ex-experiencing difficult flying weather on a flight to Kyuquot Sound. The boat had grounded about ten miles north from Ucluelet. She was high and dry on the beach. A police launch went out to Investigate. TONIGHT'S TRAIN A $300,000 contract has been It will be on Saturday, June 19, that the S.S. Prince George will sail from Vancouver for the north, fresh from the hands of her builders. She is due In Prince Rupert June 21 on the first scheduled tourist voyage although an earlier trip with the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce is planned. It will be her Initial voyage to the ports of Northern British Columbia and Alaska. The vessel has already had inspections and it is possible there may be one or two short sailings to see that every detail has been completed and is in working order. The Prince George, a 5,700 ton ship, cost $3,000,000. She is 350 feet long and has a speed of eighteen knots. Passenger accomodation Is provided for 294 in first class and 28 in second. Cargo space totals 50,000 cubic feet with 5,000 of this refrigerated. The Prince George was awarded to E. H. Shockley & , with Prince Rupert, comprise Son, formerly of Prince Rupert, his rather far-flung inspector- ELECTRICAL tion of Lapps in northern Sweden recently asked the government about possibilities of building meat-processing plants for reindeer meat. It also suggested placing manufacture of Lapp arts and crafts on a rational business basis to augment the Laplanders' incomes. for the construction of the new ate. Past President W. F. Stone Royal Canadian Corps of Sig- ' presided in the absence of Presi-nals building at Boundary Bay. ' dent O. G. Stuart. The work calls for completion Ocean Falls, Mr. Hyndman within eight moYiths. There described as an up-to-date, well-will be built a large two-story ! equipped community which, in block of structural steel and'SOme ways, was better off than 10 HOURS LATE Waiting connection with the westbound transcontinental train at Jasper, tonight's train which would have normally arrived, at 11:45 daylight time, is running 10 hours late and Is expected to reach the city at 9:45 daylight time, Friday morning. Trains crossing the prairies are still being delayed by floods and diversions for some main line sections have been necessary. FIXTURES APPLIANCES CLEANERS SERVICE SEE PHONE WRITE: masonry walls, located on pile some larger places. It was "oundations. teresting discourse were extended to Mr. Hyndman by A. M Hurst. settled, contented settlement where rain was not shunned and bemoaned as it was in some places. The people there did not mind their 180 Inches a year Prnarpw nn arranrtpmpnts fnr the Klondyke Night to be held!"",' " ". RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC and will operate along the In Friday of next week and a A good hen cackles, a good cow moos; a good fiim run ads in The News. since the industry was dependent upon high precipitation. In PHONE 644 313 THIRD AVEM'E WEST Bll. side passage, calling at Ocean Falls, Prince Kupcrt and ports In Alaska. 5 SLIPS OF S NOTE ' Sizes 12 To 44 a And 46 To 50 Also S WALLACE'S j fact, "no rain" might well mean "no pay check" at Ocean Falls. dancing party to be held at the Prince Rupert Aero Clubs quarters at Seal Cove were reported by J. S. Lindsay and Dr. Jens Munthe. "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" It was a company town but, in spite of that, school policy was An unidentified fishing boat dictated by a board of three members which consisted of two LING THE TAILOR Of Course union leaders and another com pany employee. One of the com NEW ROT HOTEl A Home Awuy From 50 Rooms, Hot and Water PRINCE RUPERT, Reminiscences By w.J. "d Reflections FRUIT pany s policies was to make happy and congenial conditions in the community. SALAD Namu had become an import We are liking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yoo wal PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street ant fishing centre with a per Ml UK or deprivation. Britain abolishes manent population. During re Phone Wl Po . u hanging. So what? cent years the plant had been practically reconstructed. Where A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited v "A GOOD .PLACE TO BUY" Sec the New Carpet at our ktore. Will not absorb water rasy (o clean. In large and small sizes and by the yard. fhone 775 327 3rdAve. once there was difficulty in An old family favorite with any dinner . . . and doubly Just how will deep sea fishing and daylight saving get along together? When fifteen hundred boats and all keen as mustard to load up and get to market, no one Is going to worry about what kind of time it is. They do not play golf on the North Pacific. When doing a bit of morallZ' ing this morning, the notion oc maintaining a school owing to the small number of children, today there was an enrolment eurred that there Is more than one way to commit breaking and entering, just as there is Ormes Druj delicious with whipped cream. Irradiated Pacific Milk whips so easily and It's economical too. Whipping directions are on the familiar Pacific label. of 26. DRUGS The extent of the Bella Coola Valley created some special more than one way to kill a cat by choking the creature with One can feel in his bones that Irradiated and Vacuum Packed school problems there, one o oleomargarine. The liquor vendor's Store was burglarized here when 250 representative resi Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 8 K SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON TO 2 P!i 7 P.M. TO 0 P.M. dents of Los Angeles, visit here in June, the skies will be smil years ago. Through a doorway? PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Nix. Window? Guess again which had been the amicable settlement of the site for a consolidated school which had been finally settled upon at a public meeting. This was an area, extending from coast far into the ing. For the Prince Rupert rain 'egend has been ingrained , in Basement? No. You see, the strategy was worked exclusively from above. A hole was made southern California, ever since this townsite was cleared. As INCOME TAX Emergency bicycle i- I In the roof and the rest was Just interior, of greatly diversified industries including fishing, tim far back as 1909, they were spin- .. , ... . , ... Irom 7 pm. till 9 p:. Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. KETl'RNS PREPARED SEEl - f iwtii vtiiv '"6i uiuiig nib agn ning a yarn about what and Sunday lity. Too bad ingenuity and bering, farming and cattle R. E. MORTIMER COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed rresh Maa VALENTIN DAIRY ' Tour Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE f, . , ,. , . daring cannot be employed ' " to lighted a few light, fleecy clouds . . 324 2nd Ave. . (Near CFPRi Mr. Hyndman turned from the PHONE 81 !thev doubtless had an acquired Hn hi cirv to VANCOUVER and way ports Every Monday 10 p.m. to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway May 2 and 13 "Oh look, Co u pi a emp-lfste GET YOt'K coast to the Queen Charlotte Islands and took occasion to mention some of the attractions of that pleasant area and. some of the intimacies of community ties, coming down from Prince Rupert." life in such places as Massett An authority, speaking of the telephone system tells of "an to A L K II T BAY and Vancouver May 7 and 18 FRESH HERRING BAIT at . Jap Inlet, Porchor Island 01 V overloaded plant, of ancient vintage." The man could make his fortune as a descriptive 1 writer. Talent should not bo , neglected or restricted.. Here. the field is wide and so many opportunities that they become 1 embarrassing. Take the jail, for example. We've been In It , Port Clements, Tlell, Queen Charlotte City and Sandspit They were a kindly, hospitable people. For the holiday maker, the Queen Charlottes had much to offer. Portland Canal district included Alice Arm, Stewart and Premier. Mining, labor conditions, community life were touched upon with special reference to the Premier and the Boat "WAMEGA" (103) 0 I STORE-WIDE (on business and not as guest) and cannot recommend the place from the point of view of spectacular Salmon , Gold with SUITS , its enterprising and vigorous ( even modest comfort. This is manager, Evan Harris. Thanks of the, club for an in out of step with the times. The trend is away from harshnesj Friday and Salunlii) APRIL 30 AND MAY 1 HEFORE MOVINC TO OL'K NWJ LOCATION AT 525 THIRD A KM I KAIEN CO-OP Brighten Your Home With Wall Tone - Vello-Alabastine FOR YOUt SPRING CLEANING JHAMP CLEANER WALLPAPER CLEANER WALLPAPER REMOVER BLUE CLEANER BRUSHES MOPS WAXES Phone 179 Box 1127 251 3rd West GABARDINE SUITS All colors. Sizes 12 to 24.. Regular Value C HO $65-SALE PRICE , .. V1tf,uu TWEED AND WORSTED SUITS In , stripes and checks. Sizes up to 241'. Regular Value $15 Q91T l.tJU SALE PRICE THREE ONLY TWEED SUITS Sizes 12 and H. Regular Value C O QC $29.50 SALE PRICE .... VXAt7t Rayon Panties and Brief Regular Vuluv .- Sale Price, 2 (or $1.00 DRESSES JERSEYS AND CREPES Printed or plain. Sizes VI t 21! Regular Value $19.50 SALE PRICE SPUN RAYON DRESSES Sizes 38 to 41. Regular Value $8.!)f SALE PRICE HOUSE DRESSES Size 16 to 41. Regular Value $I.!i5- Si $2. OCEAII VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 SALE PRICE . BALLERINA SKIRTS-i-All colors including black. Rctfiilai-'JJgJ SKIRTS $4.9 Value $8.95 SALE PRICE WOOL, CHECKED AND PLEATED SKIRTS Regular Value $8.95 SALE PRICE Place your order NOW for an IMil IS Electric GLASTEEL Water Heater It's Glass-Lined It's Economical It's Automatic It's Dependable. Saanich Plumbing and Heating Cor. 4th and McBrldc-Bluc 848 FAIRFAX l oweis h lalcf mere than kitt lo kp a man hoppyl If you want your man ulwaya to be proud of you ... if you want always to look your youngest, slimmest, and . . . you must walch your tliel! nrl . In any diet to gain a lovely figure, you should eat certain special fuodn of their vital "prote:tive" qualities. That is why Kellogg's All-Bran is included in sricnlihc weight-control menus. AU-Hrun is made only from the oulor layers of the wheat graini This is the vital part so rich in iron and certain other "protecting' food elements your body must have. Not only is All-Bran a "protective" food 'i'it it is guaranteed, on a (KH'blu-yOu'-money-back basis, to keep you regular naturally. Such natural regularity is always advisable, di;t of no diet. Moke up your mind to take better rare of ynirself. Start eating AU-Hrun today. $1.95 Heavy Quality PAIR BLOUSM JERSEY AND CKKPK mjrt Gibson Girl and Peasant; lonj, oi sleeves. All sizes and all colors n h Value $5.95 2 SALE PRICE SMOCKS Regular Value $2.95- FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ... . , See. Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Chev. Trucks Pontiac Oldsmobile G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. ALL MERCHANDISE ON SALE IS NEW SPRING STOCK WE WERE NOT IN BUSINESS LAST SPRING ANNETTE MANSELL WALK UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING llnS&h TW0 SALE PRICE FOR REDUCING DIETS I -- ; , V ,. . '