IMnre nnprrt Daflp T3eto8 ttu. , "Thursday. April 29, 1948 ; uDusmncir hews 0 t BURNS LAKE COMMUNITY HALL ASS'N BURNS LAKE Annual meeting of the Community Hall Association was held at the Com 0V ODDFELLOWS' ANNIVERSARY Commemoration Meeting Held on Tuesday Night On Tuesday evening Prince the pleasure It gave him to be present on so memorable aa occasion. He fntrodwed to'the audience, members from Terrace and a visiting member from south of the border. The chaplain, Brigadier J. T. Gillingham addresed the gathering. Following this several educational films were shown, refreshments Delivering Mail In Lakes District BURNS LAKE Mail stages are operating with difficulty ing at an impassable stretch of the road where a transfer Is necessary. The heavy rains of last fall are responsible for many deep and unsuspected sink holes at Four Mile, Seven News of Pr. George Sty deerts, throughout all the southern Rupert Oddfellows' Lodge com rm "' . - i 11 fc V part of the Lake District as all Mile and along the shoreline of memorated the 129th anniver- ' served, bringing to a conclusion munity Hall Monday evening: and brought an enthusiastic gathering. The secretary's report showed a most successful year and a profit for the year of $1577.51. In spite of heavy pressure to serve another term, J. S. Brown Tchesinkut Lake. Lis ond sauces sary of the founding of the an interesting and --enjoyable heavy traffic has been suspended. From Burns to Francois Lake the mail is being relayed, i American Order of Odd Fellow- evening. ship, the sisler Rebekah Lodge t for Further steps towards . the establishment of a retail credit bureau in Prince George were Competition he subdues, who advertises In The News. the stages from each end meet Uty Ingredients was determined to retire as Uk ,,,, nf ail ; i" -(resident, as was also Kaare ,...i iV.i. nioht joining with the men for the BURES, Essex, England occasion. In lire absence of A tooth weighing four pounds, Noble Grand, Harry Quick, Past believed to be that of a mlm-Grand Master Harry Daggett moth, was discovered in a gravel presided and. gave expression to pit here. . .hich is Jj0 Corn Starch, Francois Lake News Ehgstad, vice-president. Elec- Tne move for a credit bureau lions resulted tn the president's Prince was lnitlated by the chair being occupied by Sam Oeorge of Trade witn a Turner, while Frank Hurstfield committee of wnlch R. S. Fer- rtdjct of outstanding quality. wm oe vice-president, miss drawing n WM chalrman, t. !,; r i: Jean Peebles will retain the tor the up prellminary pians FERRY IS OPERATING REGULARLY AGAIN ROADS IN BAD SHAPE WISTARIA WEDDING ewivfs over the years is the best recommendation os ot-LicunyMup wilh junas uuiub organization, as treasurer. The executive com i outstanding quality. mittee is composed oi vie Mom-1 A drjve or funds for thf. aid!,' Mrs. Sam Turner and Mrs. Prince George Hospital Is being The ferry made Its firs The chief topic for conversa- ,1 1 M.;r."f.rrti'rm i f C mutt WrmiA C im Srrtp Oeorge Simpson. UutUuUd. The ambitious ob- & a r th jective is $150,000. The cam-!"00" lakeaJ clear 0 On Friday it paign will start with a public Treasurer Jonas Glans submitted a sketchy plan for the E CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED enlargement and improvement meeting Thursday night of this of the hall which will be thor week at which Frank Clark wiU Montreal Toronto iuiauv. otfciai i. i avium nau will continue to make six crossings a day until the roads are sufficiently dry to allow normal traffic. be the principal speaker. ou:hly considered. Construction is expected to start as soonl tlon is mud,, and there Is lots of It on the roads at present. There is a bad spot between Francois Landing and Burns Lake where it is impossible for cars to get through without help from the public works truck which has been standing by for two days. Trucks can just manage to get through. The roads are now closed until they are sufficiently dry to allow traffic without churning up the mud again. , as materials are avauaoie. ; provincial police here ar.t Votes of thanks and appreci- seeking the whereabouts - of a ation were tendered to the re- man named William Angus tiring officers, J. S. Brown and shaniand for whom a testimon- Mother's Day K. Engstad, and were unani mously approved and applaud The Women's Institute sponsored a shower for Mrs. William Anderson (nee Margaret Drew) at her mother's home at Tchesinkut Lake. It was the occasion of the anniversary of Mrs. Drew's birthday so there was a double celebration. More would 1 Finest QUALITY SEEDS ial has been received from the Royal Canadian Humane Association "for heroic action and presence of mind'' in the rescue of Mrs. Margaret Campbell from her burning trailer home at May 9th Miss Betty Munro of ls visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. PIONEER OF NORTH DIES have attended the shower had ' mi' the roads been passable, and!"- "cave- Dne arnvea " ai- .Summit Lake December 28. 1946.' Mr. Shapland ,who was an em-nlovee of a road construction Best gardening' equipment, enriching fertilizers. Insecticides! We hare 'em all to assure you of 'a fine productive garden. some were ill. After contests , J " Remember her this day with a beautiful card or a gift that will help express the love you feel. Ceorge Culp of Francois Lake manv ls believed to have Had Colorful Career left for the coast soTne time ago. The wedding of Shirley Nutter and. Stanley Blackwell took place at Wistaria on Friday morning. and music, the guest of honor opened her gifts and thanked those who were there. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Drew, assisted by her daughter, Carrie,, and a. prettily decorated birthday cake was served. For your gardening supplies phone or call at BURNS LAKE George Isaac Culp, pioneer of Central British The recent Red Cross campaign here went over the to Columbia, passed away at the Ihome of 'his niece at Canyon n " objective of $3000, the last At a meeting on Saturday the City, Oregon recently after a return on collections M. Patterson was $3629.97. A. brief illness which followed a chairman in charge of the cam-ninetieth stroke. He had celebrated his birthday on February , Paien- iait-)iwyyMMi (Calf Club was started here, with The hawks are becoming so President, Ralph Keefe; Vice-oold that they have been picking President, Louie Snyder; chickens right in the yard.ager, Clarence Snyder and Fred Gardner's.' i retary Treasurer, Peter Read. McBride Street Phone 311 28 surrounded by relatives and 1 You ' in tne Daily News! Business and Professional friends. "Kid" Culp, as he had been known for seventy years, came to Central British Columbia over fdrty years ago by pack train over the old Bella Coola P. J. CHENEY DENTIST Trail and prospected the richly W ,t'1 A Pi t.,,v;. , 1 K I 1 1 1 ft 1 :TE 5. SMITH BLOCK mineralized areas near the con T65 P.O. Box 1401 tact" of the interior sediment arles with the Coast granites PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 1361 Overlook Street JOHN , MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 and then covered the placer H & ELK INS LTD. .rcbin? and Heating Engineers fields of the Omineca and Upper Finlay Rivers. He was reputed to have had a younger brother killed in the Custer Massacre i and came of a historic family of buffalo hunters and scouts who 14 P.O. Box. 274 III! 4P s caw had helped to civilize the west. Culp made many a stake, but like most prospectors had spent most of his money in the development of other properties', i FOR YOUR ;axd concrete WORK CALL BLUE 939 J. SAUNDERS '. Mudern Equipment Work Guaranteed HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavfig Beauty Culture in all its branches Some of his abandoned claims are right now attracting atten- 3 EASY CONTESTS: 1 every 2 weeks i is 204 4th Street Phone 655 tion and development work contemplated this season. ! Culp found time "to develop ' F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 22 BESNER BLOCK "894 Phone Blue 442 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS one of the best farms in the Francois Lake District. His niece, Miss Linny Grant, drove up to Burns Lake last summer ' ,.rttl I'm round and rm jolly. Uur blades Hash and sparkler The gloves are my weapons, , . from Canyon City and took the Building and Repairs of all kinds Ld Pio"eeKr bffk t0 th scen" D s of his bovhood to spend his de- ORGE L. RORIE Accountant, Auditor, etc. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners cuning days. His nephew, Jack sh, spent some years near. Francois Lake. My beard's white as snow; My reindeers' bells jingle When travelling I go! "WHO AM I"? Get extra entry blank ti your grocer's and write your answer on it. Mail with 2 kellogg's Corn Flakes box ops before midnight, May 29, 1948. Regional First Prizt $300.00 Rogianal Sacand Rrixs) 100.00 Regional Third Prix , . 50 00 32 Cansetorion Prizes 5.00 This contest from May Iftb to 29tb Our skill is supreme! The nation acclaims us The ail-winning team! "WHO ARE WE"? Write your answer on entry form below and mail with 2 Kellogg'l Corn Flakes box tops before midnight May 15, 1948. Regional firs Prii $300.00 Regional Second Prize 100.00 Regional Third rVizt 50.00 32 Consolation Priiat 3.00 This contest from May lsl ISth The ring s my domain. Fans call ma the Bomber ' " The Champ I remain. - "WHO AM I"? Gel extra entry blank at your grocer's and write your answer on it. Mail with 2 Kellogg's Corn Flakes box tops before snidnight, June 12, 194S. , Regional First Prize .$300 0D Regional Second Prixa 100.00 Regional Third Prix 50 Oft 32 Consolation Print 3.00 Tbh contest from Mmy 29 to Jmne lltk m ASTON CLINTON, Buckinghamshire, England W J. S. Mayne, now 91, had a cold bath daily until he was 83, took up running when past 40 and won hundreds of prizes. $1,000 00 GRAND PRIZE for all Canada! ' p8 Tax Returns Compiled. , t fx Block Phone 387 PHONES: S0RGE McWHINNEY Green 486 Rd 894 'AIXTING AND " , PER HANGING ASTORIA'S p.o. box 1426 LIGHT DELIVERY j ' St. Phone Green 394 & MESSENGER I Prompt Service m,., JEN ERICKSON ANO TECHNICIAN phone Blue 269 - 322 Sixth St. HNG AND REPAIRS Night Calls Green 882 :a 411 West 7th Ave. ' JONES NEWS STAND SUPERIOR We handle Eastern and Western DECORATORS Papers ljn .. .. Swedish-American Tribune PAPERHANGING . and Western Miner e"8 (P.R.) Ltd. and Worn Soles a; Ubemn., weighing MAC SHOE HOSPITAL L BL1TE 980 Box 774 Second Ave. , TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and marked "Tender win, you compete for the jingle prizes only with people from your own part of Canada .. . Ontario, Western Canada, Eastern Canada. . Enter the first contest now! Then enter the second and third contests so you'll hare a better chance for the Grand Prize! Use the entry blank below for your first entry, and get extra blanks at your grocer's for your second and third entries or as many more entries as you want to make. Enter eacb contest as many times as you like the more times you enter, naturally, the mora chances you have to win. But remember, with each entry for etch earliest, you must enclose 2 box it's easy! It's fun! Here's an exciting 3 in t . YES, contest fi7 member of the family will want to enter right away! Here's all you do for a chance at the Grand Prire, open to everyone: Solve the first of the 3 riddles given a hove, and with your solution, give a 6-word or less answer to this easy question: WHY IX) 4 OUT OF S CANADIANS PREFER KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES? An obvious answer might be "because they taste better." There are lots and lots of prizes, so everyone has a real chance of winning every two weeks-plus a chance for the Grand Prize when the three contests are over. And to make it even easier to for Lighthouse Tender and Buoy Vessel" will be received up to 12 o'clock noon. E.D.ST, Monday. June 7. 1948 for the construction of a Steam. Twin Screw, Lighthouse Tender and Buoy Vessel Length 259 ft., Breadth 46 ft.. Depth. 20 ft. 6 In. Plans. Specifications. Labour Conditions and Form of Tender in the matter may be obtained by bona fide shipbuilders capable of carrying out the work on application to the Chief Purchasing Agent. Department of Transport. Hunter Building. Ottawa. Ontario. Each tender must be accompanied by a security deposit in the amount of S50.000 00 i Fifty Thousand Qol-rarsi. such security to be In the form tops from packages of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Get . your first entry in today! oi a certified cheque on a chartered Canadian bank made payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada, .andor Dominion of Canada Enter as often as you like, but be sure to enclose 2 box tops from packages of Kellogg's Corn Flakes with each entry. 1 For the purpose of this contest there are 9 regions: The West (Mini toba to the Pacihc), Ontario, and The East (Quebec and the Maritimes). 3. Each contest will last two weeks, and will he judged separately. For . each contest, from the correct solutions to the "Who Are We" jingles, the judges will draw the 35 prize winners in each region. When the three contests are completed, the winner of the Grand Prize for all Canada will be selected from the 315 prize winners, on the basis of the best answer to the question... WHY DO 4 OUT OF 5 CANADIANS PREFER KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES? 3. The dosing dates for eacb contest are midnight. May 1 5, midnight May 29, and midnight Jane 12. To qualify for each contest, entries must be postmarked on or before these dates. 4. The contest is open to all residents of Canada, other than employees ai the Kellogg Company, or its advertising agencies, or their families, ill entries become the property of Kellogg Company of Canada Ltd. 5. Each entry must be qualified by enclosing two box topsfrom packages of Koiiogg's Corn Flakes. Entries are to be sent to the Ketlogg Company of Canada Ltd., Kellogg's Corn Flakes Contest, London, Ontario, Canada, R. The name and address of the grocer from whom you buy your Kellugg's Corn Flakes mast be included with each entry. t. The decision of the judges, who are H. G. Kimber, Past President, Canadian Daily Newspapers Association; S. M. Phiipott, President, Advertising and Sales Club of Toronto, Inc.; J. F. Graydon, President, Canadian Facts Limited; is anal and legally bidding. Results will bp tasMished in skis paper, lo the case of a tie, the entry bearing the earliest posunank wial ba declared the winner. bonds., at; par. andr bonds of the Canadian National Railway Co. or its subsidiary companies, unconditionally guaranteed by the Dominion of Canuda, at pur. Such aecwlty will be forfeited in the event of the tenderer Kellogg Company of Canada limned. TRY IRex Cafie FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein Kellogg's Corn Flakes Contetf, London, Ontario. The jfegN) ewcribei refusing to enter into a contract on the busis of his tender If called upon to do so or failing to satisfactorily 4 oat of 5 Canadian, prof KHoeg'i Cora nafcat Istuaia OPEN tncfeMd win my onrry ore 3 boa tops from aodraoas of RexoOfN Com Hokei. AM to 2 a.m. (Chinese wishes oi r srcci.UTY Print yownome I - . rvw ywraddfaM. fCOND AVPK-tTir Trr,, ,t diidudt ynTFL complete such a contract. Security deposits of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned. Any tender not accompanied by a security deposit as described will not be considered. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. F. T. COLLINS. Secretary. Department of Transport. Ottawa. Canada. April 24, 1948. 102 ' urrvollUi i llliNir. ivvjidh v Cot extra entry blanks at your grocer's I bought aty Kaflogf't Com RokM won. . 1 OUR CLASSIFIED ADS THEY GET RESULTS L. III-lZ- Z 1 t