lrinrc Ruprrt Dailp Hctos Wednesday, February 23. 1949 PREMIER WOULD I -EARN TO DANCE ' N1AGAP.A FALLS - PiCiii!or'T.': S. St. Laurent, at 67 years of ; atu feels the tim has come for r !- 8 FE ?OP TPTION RATES fit? Cairw ppr Wppk X 91 sinnth 75c Ppr Tear t8 00 By Uaii. Per lionth. 50c. ppr Tear. 15 00 , f . him to learn how to dance. He, "-. i; TV' ...It. yaid her that he is thinking of taking lessons. The social Junctions which accompany his new-office call for some ability to shine on the ballroom floor. He says he will try. i 4 i - U.S. Vessels In Canadian Waters j ' " OTTAWA - George Nowlaml. newly elected Progre.vsive-Con-: servative member for Diiby- : Annapolis-Kings has asked tla government to keep United States fishing trawlers out of Canada's niarUme waters. He-declared the American trawlers fish within three miles of the Canadian coastline while trawlers from Canada cannot fish i within 12 miles of American ti p. ; ritory. DRASTIC MEASURE ACCRA, Gold Coast, dh- Dos- troying trees affected by th swollen shoot disease, is the onlv way of saving the Gold Coast cocoa industry. Three scientists. Including Dr. C. Berkeley of Canada, have recommended tlestrctkn of 50.0rn).OW) out ol 400,000,000 trees. V DOCTOR ADVISES USE Of WHISKEY j SAULT STE. MARIE, Ot. ; Dr. J. F. dimby, public health ! ;rffk-er, is a firm believer In the medical efficiency of whwkey. ' Me hs not, however, unanimrni mippttrt. ' If a persfn feels a cold eom-in on he should go to bed and take two teaspoonfsis of whis ? ' 1 1 't urn- - , i f ' , s . t key, brandy, mm every honrj i on the hour said Dr. Oimby. ' Drugs should be taken only in i the event of complications. WHERE DECISIONS GIVEN Akhoueh the Supreme Court of Can(ia is housed m a million-dollar structure in Ottawa, the room where the judges sit to hear cases and grive decisions is small.' This photo taken just outside the main doorway shows the Interior of th room. Since arguments before the court attract little public attention trre te only room for 30 spectatS Up front seats are provided for 18 lawyers, eight on each skle. Chief Justke ThibiKieau Rinfret occupies the centre chair beneath the coat of arms when the eourt is in session. n C. P. Phosoi The liquor vendor's store here has abtmt run out of stoek. eSOIJJEER WINS MEDAL STOCKHOLM, f Dr. Tred- rik Ljungstrom, noted 6edW i ris Mason Ramsav. T. J. Jim- y y . lieson, R, J. D. Smith and Bot i engineer and inventor, has hftV Nf-lf f . 0, Parent . "u.m.r., ,aM,lin w"e. Prrtra - --Dffn awafded awaraea the tne James James Watt wait - Teacher fn the Prinee Ha-j m,mbfrsriip Meda, of th Mechanical En- Council at its ! nert Board of Trade DEAF? -Here's Good lleml 1 Uwmli ere nmtmn ih m mnt h. iiww M ftftrttnc oti,onurf fhi ttmtf m mtrt wrrhnm m,,: idmil "kffrK." ( ml hrff cr tn, fc-f rT? of ot.tVi. 0ia mt Kn tmt ' fcew pt hmst harivrf mtt) w mIh-t hewrin ml of qwrt pnwer. ft tin rha rrrrmn M ih Airiei Mwi Anetnm lomcil Tim w. Iihtfrl, MMlr-mt,, i,,. mm wlfifli rrtubrrt til ,be rmth Rml.o fnn of mevrrfc md frr)'rfi,p m rai,. mici etc hmvrty. Anvnee o ihi to try thit minn hrnttn aid ran do to tor 10 rfr-at hrtmt. at wnfk. invwhfrt-on a ifc-nr R-t. tet ot tit .Notiiiin (moocT-lHmi 0cr." If TOM wjnt to dvhthf family and ho Wiiiyoo to (war ami fnmt r nn thrm. iit ornn a prmtard to th ,-ai.h Rrf,(.orr'ramn of ( anad.i. Ltd.. Dpt. ( iwla Trim ht(t.. imtor. )n. arm. fnr ff. ftrt mformmion arnut th-ir f-f Krwtt m far Nrnhina Oflrr. M.ul r t mtken of world-famous cnnh ftjin. r ml ,rm,xot tm ttrrrt imln bf tnil Porf.o Coipoifl;.j.i ot rinaLa, Lit. PltOMrT ) rm? i,, PHONF H ' By ami c, gineers in London. He is the Railway Situation ALTHOUGH it is going to cause a lot of inconvenience and delay to say nothing of unfavorable publicity, the temporary embargo imposed by the Canadian National Railways on acceptance of business for delivery over the line in the snow area between Prince Rupert and Terrace is probably justified. Anyone who ha? travelled the line by daylight recently and has observed the menacing snow conditions knows there is danger. Particularly now that the weather is softening, there are such grim possibilities even of a train becoming engulfed or caught between obstructions with difficulty of re- lief access from either end. In short an emergency" has arisen. In the meantime, we know that the local officials of the line at least are anxious to get traffic moving normally as soon as it is humanly possible. The line will, doubtless, be reopened just as soon as it is fit and safe to do so. The railway company has been having some trying times with its Priti.h Columbia lines due to the unusual weather conditions first from flood and washouts and now from big snows and slides. It is becoming apparent that expenditures will be required on this line at least net only for maintenance but for large scale improvements and replacements and, possibly, new types of protective installations. Due to the unusual conditions of the past year, the deterioration of this line has, no doubt, been much greater than usual and it will require a large restorative program to arrest it. COMMUNIST JUSTICE EVEN BEFORE fifteen Prctestant churchmen are brought to trial in communist Bulgaria on charges of treason, espionage and black marketing, which charges the western world are at least, suspicious of being to large extent trumped up, they are condemned in the nation's press as disclosed in yesterday's dispatches. ' In the democratic justice of Canada organizations which would pass resolutions condemning accused of the crimes for which they await trial or ' newspapers which publish such resolutions would promptly find themselves in serious trouble for i criminal libel, contempt of court and such offences. But in the communist countries the puppet news-- paper mouthpieces of the totalitarian governments can .broadcast their propaganda with no recourse for the accused, be they innocent or guilty. monthly meeting. 1 second scientist ootskie the Bri- ttth Empire and the United" States to be awarded the medal. Our last article covered plan- approval and then in turn to ning a school building program, the Department of Education In this nrf.iclp wp will cnv?r fnr t.hpir nnnrnvnl T ic nf thp ART FOR FACTORIES OSLO; r Dr. Harry I'est, re- planning the building. This utmost importance that a .very tked , Norwegian state . .. ian. ie Is experimenting avrntimfintiiw With with th thi should be broken down as foi- careful review of the plans be development of good taste, by lnW'S' martp sn fhjlt PVnpnclvn alfpi-a See Vs for 1'ewr WALLPAPER REQUIREMENTS 1. Selection of the architect, tions are eliminated after the StV't ' vte collection in factory dm- hniirtirnr building is i hpina being h.iiif built , . . 2. Assistance due the archi- Keeping tne puonc iniormed " .7 : . . current . tect from the teachine staff of noirs are displayed in ih. v..i 1 i 1 , 1 . is another imtjortant itpm to rp- 75 I . member. The public wants all ?noi'ms , , , ,. 3. Approval of the plans. , . . . H t, the reason why each item is jjy-? . . A ir : 41 1 " - 1. n.ccpirig ine puonc in- necessary. They should under-formed- stand the current and long Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS The selection of the architect view program. It shonld be the first step in the adminis- membered that the result of sr. tration of the school btiikiing the preliminary survey gives 1. what wrong with this program. Architects, being high- mple material for this require- sentence? "It is nowhere near luosday, 1:1 Commodore Cafe CO.MPLKTKI.V KENOVATKI) "Better Than Ever" Sunday, ( j. ly trained, are inclined to spe- ment. as beautiful as I thought ALICE m. ( to be continued t 1 cialize. Therefore, the choice should be made among architects who have had experience in school ' construction and would be " 2. What is the correct pronunciation of ."necessarily"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Diocese, dipsomania, dilenia. 4. What does the word "homi!-etie" mean? PRINCE RUPERT ' YEARS AGO I whofp buildings have proved satisfactory. It is well to have M snmi (Hwurnt. s s. Coqwitm 7 10 pm. I representatives of the school .J ........ J , . I board travel around and see at ! first hand school buildings that Twenty-live Years Ag What is a word beginning j CIHRtOTTf s5 Coquitlarr. i 19 p.m i'KANK J Prince fty Third Avenae are in operation and proving Prince Rapert Trades ana functional and economical. They Labor Council looked yith will , then be. able to determine favor on provincial legislation the structural and functional which was to bring the eight-soundness of the building in re- hour day into general use in: latlon to its cost.' Generally 1525. They also advocated abo- Best F(hk1 and Service in City Phone 17 for Sfnr-Ont Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. with hu that means "to direct and manage with frugality"? Answers 1. Say, "It is not nearly .so beautiful." 2. Pronounce nes-e-ser-illi ,all e's as in bet, and : principal accent on syllable. ; pm 1 speaking the selection of the iition of the $5 poll tax. architect throush tender does ,; The outcome of the trial of the fifteen Protes ThP 1824 Pviru-e Rimprt f.. 3 Dilemma. 4. Havins the n.i- I not bring forth the beit auali ' fiprt fnr tho inh fnntrtt n-itli hihitinn tn h VioM fnm "lie Of a Sermon. '.PrMlOtmeO FOR PI'OMi-T DELIVERY AT LOWER COPT'. ; the architect should call for all September 9 to September 13, the o as in on ,e as in let, accent Hat A RI-.PRKSF.NTAT1VK WAREHOUSE STOCK Phone 311 MrBride St. WF. DELIVER follows the t. "The atklrr.y was homiletic." 5. Husband. Advertise in tne Daily News! ft'-prr r"tit:i,- i.mUu.. t;. It. I t, III preliminary consultations and it was announced by the Exhi- i sketches until1 the general plan bition Board following its an- ; is agreed upon. If the proper nual meeting. selection of the architect is mde many services will be ren- Fear was expressed for the dered which are not called for safety of Fred Blondel, a fish-in the contract. . erman, who borrowed a row- Assistance due the architect boat at the Canadian Fish and from the teaching staff and the Cold Storage Co. wharf to j school board is vitally nee- cross the harbor to cut fire-jsary as the architect-is not al- wood. He had been missing for I ways conversant with educa- three days and no trace of him- 'anailiun KrsiiiiKhnusr i n. I W. (.eneral liry Uatteries of Can:ul:i Mil Dusthane otnpany of B.C. (i II. Ui.i.d Co. I.I1. lienbv Rinthrr.s & Co. Ltd. DRUfiS J 'VI 'rmcs uruqs Imirerhif Mlpins Ka? I d. l td. tant churchmen in Bulgaria is, no doubt, a foregone conclusion as was that of Cardinal Mintzsenty in Hungary. Their condemnation by the press in ad-, vance of the trial is admission that "trial" in the communist countries is merely a "whitewash" of already obtusely arranged conviction. Fortunately the "commies" when they come to trial for any reason in Canada get fair dispensation of justice which they would still continue to receive .x even if Col. Drew's proposal that espousal of their doctrine should be made a crime under the Cana- - dian code should be adopted. ALUMINUM A LUMINUM has changed a wilderness valley in I the Saguenay region of Quebec into one of the r-busiest areas in Canada. Buildings coming within - the classification of industrial headquarters extend for about a mile and a half. John Fisher, who specializes in Canadian affairs r . and in doing so travels all over the country, later PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 11! 1 I, ; PRINCE RUPERT SUP? tional procedures and programs self or the rowboat had been and it' is only through the found. assistance of these two groups that he is able to put the best Thirty-five Years Ago educational thinking into the William Manson, M.PP. for school plans. It is well to draw Skeena in debate in the legis- the attention of the architect lature opposed the policy of oTOKE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -12 NOON 2 PM.. 7 P.M. TO P.M P.O. liiiX 77 712 Second Ave, Emergency Bicycle .inur, from 7 p m. till i ft, and ftundai Dally ear delivery aervlce from a fn. till 0 p.m. to the local building regula- the provincial government tions so that the school plans guaranteeing municipal bonds.' will conform to them. . As soon as the general outline An expert was being sent out of the proposed building are by the federal government to i completed the.y must be, sub- test the reported, oil fields on PHONE 81 WANTED Al PLICATIONS Wil l. r.T. ACCEPTS ING POSITIONS FOR 1949: CAMP MAXACEKS ISOAT rKKWS ONK SMI'1 i i t mvKVK Hi SON mmea to tne scnooi ooara ior . the Oueen Charlotte Islands. : prpadcasting his discoveries and conclusions, on V. A. Cole, Dr. H. E. Tremayne E. Emad, C. H. Handasyde, M. Lofquist, G. S. Fitzmaurice, K. L. Rank, J. A. Smith, E. D. Har- ! Fish ernien! RUPERT MARINE REAL llox 54S Get that hifeh speed engine of yours ready to do a job this coming season. Avoid the last minute scramble, have Prince Rt.pert Florists 300 3rd Ave. 3ox 61 6 Tel. 777 Flowers to)' All Occasion!! i WHITE ' . I j : , I....,.,. Si M , 1 f ! . , Sunday, paid his respects to the vast water power .. ' of the Saguenay River and the cynics who declared that such might could never be harnessed. There ;, was nothing in the country, said the cynics, being too remote, too cold, too empty. The cynics, in the early days, had also mentioned Prince Rnpert, Fisher said. But these misanthropes had all lived . to be confounded and badly disappointed. Today, 150,000 wage earners, merchants, home : owners, citizens generally, dwelt in the Saguenay country. The world's greatest aluminum plant is us check it over for you. If an overhaul is required should have the engine now in order to strip down we and BLUE PINK '18 M I 'Ha, ...... BAPTONE WOM" THE ONE-COAT PAINT FOK HAM S CREAM PEACH REAL ESTATE INSURANCE .INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED J secure any parts that might not be-immediately available. TIME IS LIMITED. We are equipped for and specialize In the overhaul of CHRYSLER MARINE. ENGINES. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PIIOXF. 5f.B A beautifuf soft, flat firfch otrr kalsom""' : - i 1 , I '" - : ' T - r ,- plaster and wall mere, as well as huge pulp enterprises and similar ed establishments. In the devel onmpnt nf cnnrmraK R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Thompson Hardware CoJ ll'A the Rex Cate "power alone, a. total of 47,000 men had been "."employed. The miniature cities now humming with activity are well built and serviced. What has so long been thought a bleak, almost valueless land, said Fisher, is. being discovered. And it's only on the fringe. Science makes it possible. . Northward, ever northward are unguessed riches in the way of electrical energy, forests and metal. What has happened in Saguenay is just ari " illustration. . . for Tasty Mral , QUEEN OF McGILL Beryl Dash, 20, British West Indies beauty attending McGill University, was crowned queen of the McGill winter carnival in Montreal. Miss, Dash was elected in a secret ballot, result of which was not tj bi announced until Friday niihl. However, the report she had won became ' n widespread about the eampus, carnival officials announced she wai the winner. (CP Photo) CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Finches, D.C., Ph.C? 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIR9 10:30 am. to 13:30 pm and 1 to J p.m. rVFMNOH Monday and Friday. 7:30 pm. fof those iinabli" to com during th day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoona. FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING GREETING CARDS OFFICE SCPPIJES PENS AND PENCILS HOME STATIONERY SEE Dii,h g'riiitiiig Co. Chop Sury Chow Mein ' ' ' ' I : ! : , ' : j V I i : ! . 1 ' . . ' ; : a . ? ; .v:: : ;-1 It: '' "' i j : " r ' ,B ' ;4 If St. i' i . I f) j :l Chinese DIhH SP', Second Avenue opposite Prin" Q 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a m - P,,nnP 175 . Betner Rlock Phone 234