THIS AND THAT Prince tlupctt DailB jpcto Wci'.-icsday, February 23, 1949 Local News It I BEAUTY ems UTILITY , . . ECONOMY 1 1 Don't forget Women of the! E. A. Nickerson returned to-Moose social tonight. Bring' clay on the Prince Rupert from your hu.ibaud or boy friend, men j a trip to Vancouver. 1 f Holiness Meetings I Held at Citadel A special series of Holiness meetings were held at the weekend by Salvation Army corps at the Citadel y Divisional Commander Senior Major N. ineir wives or. sweethearts. 8 FIFTY-SIXTH WEDDING DAY Mr. and Mrs. LoUis Edgar Observe Marriage Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Louis Edgar, esteemed pioneer resident of I Mrs. M. Dowther and . Miss o'clock sharp. (It) with A. Watson returned to the city the Prince Rupert Mrs. Baiil S. Prockter will be today on VAPLY WEATHERBOARD two-week trip to Van- the speater tomorrow at the from a regular weekly luncheon of the couvcr. l this Douglas Tir l'lywo oil in stock Warrander. "Aim of the series inrs" j. t0 40 feet available for early delivery irum the district, celebrated 1 their fifty-sixth wedding anniversary was the dedication of the lives of the congregation to better and nobler living. During the meetings, a number of commu Prince Rupert Rotary Club. She will give a talk appropriate to the occasion of Girl Guides-Boy Scouts Week. Mrs. C. J. Norrington of Terrace arrived In tne city today on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver, where she attended a conference cf provincial Red j uii ouiiuajr ui !uo ci aw mvi BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. LUMISKK 1UJILDING SUPPLIES nicants came forward and re-consercated their lives to Christ. PHONE 116 Cross delegates. She plans to Major Warrander conducted the home, 448 Eightn Avenue tasi. On Saturday evening they were guests of honor at a small reception at the home of their daughter, Mrs. R. B. Sltinner, Borden Street. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar have three children- Mrs. Mabel New low-priced cotton mattresses for crib, cot or boat now made at MATTSON'S. Upholsterers and Furniture Repairers, 330 Second Avenue. See our samples today. 4G) leave for Terrace when transportation is available. Rev. William .Hills of Victoria services in place of Major W. Yurgensen, Corps commander. There was a good attendance at all three meetings. AUGHTERS arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from t.l Skinner of this city, Mrs. Ella Lidstone of North Vancouver I . I -: ' ' ' - ,J .l.rt nf sooth. He is to address a public meeting tonight under the aus Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE I alio W11UU1I1 JCUgal, a law ui North Vancouver. There are' 14 r c dd Radio Dial Ul.m 1240 Kilocycles i&ubject to Change) pices of the Women's Canadian Club. Being a member of the Victoria Gvro Club, he was BRIDGE , a tt'lcplioritr d diirir.s the last i Numb-r Three, , be used to ,,' n)st (.f sending 20 mils to Spo-'.,at' The funeral a number of Mrs. W. R. MacAfee, Mrs. E. T. Applewhaite, Mrs. E. J. Smith, Mrs. W. M. Watts, Mrs. E. W. Becker, Mrs. George Grosven-or, Mrs. L. C. Eby, Mrs. J. A. Teng, Mrs. W. G. Murray. Mrs. R. Strachan, Mrs. N. McKay, Mrs. J. A. Frew, Mrs. Eric Tycho. Mrs. A. S. Nickerson, Mrs. B. Love,1 Mrs. A. D. Ritchie, Mrs. Carl Brechin, Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. D. Allen, Mrs. C. Stordal, Mrs. C. Ketcheson, Mrs. J. Addison, Mrs. J. EaaUoud, Mrs. H. Mork, Mrs. F. Grlmble, Mrs. T. J. Gowan. Mrs. T. 1. Donaldson, Mrs. L. W. Kergin, Mrs. G. A. Hunter, Mrs. A. L. Holtby, Mrs. guest of the local club at lun cheon today. Q. Is it permissible to ask for an Invitation to a social affair for a friend who has not been grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Still living also is Mr. Edgar's nonogenarlan mother, Mrs. George Edgar, widow of a noted pioneer coast missionary, malting five generations in all. I ... ' TZ. -rri J I "Why didn't you make me keep my big mouth shut?" WEDNESDAY PJH. 3:30 Divertimento 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Com't'y 4:00 tomuna hoctriwjt 4:15 Stock Quotations Int. 4:30 Maggie Muggins 4:45 Easy Listening CANADIANS TAKE and Invited' A. Only in case a guest is visiting you. the hostess is a close friend, and the affair is a iprge one, not a dinner. Under these conditions, one may inquire if she may bring a guest. OUT MORE VISAS J. A. Jones of the administration staff of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation arrived in the city today on the Prince Rupert to confer with a city council committee regarding the building by the corporation of a number of permanent homes here. The meeting has been set for Thursday. Want Ads Bring Results! h the lullowing TiMm.pi'iii, Mrs. . Aiex Mitchell, ur,' Mr. J. Bar-p;K(-r. Mrs. C. -,,!( Slienton, Mrs. G. Timnermeister returned on the Prince Rupert today from a trip to Vancouver. Ernest Unwin returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday after a week's business trip to Stewart. W. D. Meyer of the Canadian WASHINGTON Immigration visas given to Canadians last year totalled 24,000 against K. Knulscn, Mrs. George Hills, Q. Is a signature necessary if Opposite . Health Unit ANNE'S Mrs. E. Jordan, Mrs. E. L. Hart-wig, Mrs. ,W. Kennedy, Miss D 23,000 in 1947. In 1940 18,000 visas were issued to Canadians and 8,000 in 1945. The visas are It's 20 oir on all tlryclcaning ut the Pioneer Canadian Laun Home-Made Candy a-md Fresh Roasted Nuts National Railways tax commis a person sends flowers to a friend who is ill. and encloses his card with a message written on it? A. No; his name on the card takes the place of a signature. Q. How long a time should the given to Canadians intending to settle permanently in the SSI sioner's office, Winnipeg, ar rived in the city today to pres United States. ent appeals to the civic Court of Revision regarding taxation McLeod. Results of the competition were: Ladies' first, Mrs. C. Saunders, 8,200! ' men's first. Olof Hanson, 7,300; ladies' consola-tiou, Mrs. O. Stegavig. 950; mens consolation, R. Smith, 1,150. Currently, the Jobs Daughters drill team is training twice weekly under direction of Alex Mitchell. bread and butter plates remain on the table? on railway property. A. Until the dessert is served. dries until February 2Gth. Water-proofing and moth proofing for a small reasonable extra charge. This being the last week of this special Act Now! Send your dry cleaning to the Pioneer Canadian Laundries who have been serving you, the people of Prince Rupert and northern B. C. for over 43 years with quality- and service unsurpassed. Phone 118 or 8. We pick up and deliver. (47 NEW VERSION OF j O CANADA OUT OTTAWA The first Canadian presentation of a new version of "O Canada" is being sung at local concerts. Sung to FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH CALL BED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Ed. Coughlin, supervisor of the provincial welfare office here, returned to the city today on the Prince Rupert from Victoria where he attended a conference of departmental SENSITIVE NOSE Man's nose is so sensitive that 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30-Musical Cocktails 5:45-Supper Varieties ! 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Sammy Kaye 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Recital, Donna Grescoc, violinist 8:00 Melodrama In the American Theatre 8:30 East Lynne 9:00 Winter 9:30 Feature on Sir J. Boyd 10:00 -CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Stanley Reed 10:30 London Studio Concerts 11:00 Weather Forecast and Sign Off THURSDAY A.M. " 7:00-Musical Crock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 -Music for Moderns 8:45-Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty the traditional music, the new- it can detect a two-billionth of a gram of perfume in a cubic poem is the joint work of Eng glish-spcaking and French- centimeter of air. in ttie Daily News! speaking Canadians who have TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY worked in close collaboration. It Announcements All dertiKiMiai 01 (nil column will be charged fur 1 all mouth t 2S nnti word is hoped the new poem will re eclve official recognition.- WANTED To Buv Or Rent, 4 or 5 roomed house. Private sale. Phone 004 from 9 a.m. to In Spite Of The Weather ... .... there is more than a hint of 5 p.m. 45i Canadian Club Public Meet SMELLY SEAWEED LOOE, Cornwall, Eng., . Rottlnir seaweed caused such a FOR SALE Hot Point automatic Electric Stove in pood condition. Phone Blue 163. Apply 812 (ilh East. (49) ing, February 23. Cribbag,e, Whist and' Bridge,' Catholic School Hall, February 24, 8 p.m. Don't forget the Junior bad odor here that residents 1 1 lien llml New tili'h Nolion had to keep doors and windows ROOM WANTED -Couple visiting for two weeks, desire quiet comfortable room. Available March 8. Phone Black 784 between 2 and 4. 4a) Chamber of Commerce Stag closed. Motorboats towed harrows across the harbor-bed In efforts to dislodge the weeds. 1 Party at the Moose Hall,. Feb. 25, 8 p.m. Everybody Welcome 4 "Mi lf tat strikes you remember that there Urtw as u stun- having a reputation for Duchess of Edinburgh Chap HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Spring in the new styles now on display at Sweet Sixteen. The Illustrated TKOPICANNA SUIT has a classic cardigan jacket with, new hip pocket interest . . , and a straight hanging skirt. A matching top coat is available for those who desire a three-piece ensemble. GABARDINE, PRINT and CREPE DRESSES. I5LAZEKS, SKIRTS and ALOI SES of special value arc also new arrivals. FASHION NOTE-Sweet Sixteen now has a fine selection of PHANTOM HOSE and SEAMLESS NYLON GARTER BELTS. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" ter, LODE., Tea and Home Cooking, March 10. 17 Mar. Catholic School. 2:30 to 5:30. St. Patrick's Tea Homecooking and Apron Sale. Card Party 8 p.m. . Alsii Hat this is the store Every watch il has sot to prove vip to what we promise it f ( id 0:15 Morning Devotions 930 Morning Concert 9:59 lime Signal ' 10:00-Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time :0 :45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Musical Varieties 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude ll:45Lels Waltz , P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Merodies . Each iiiuviiiient i.s factory tested and Just Arrived ! ! CHINA CABINETS hi popular waterfall design with sliding plate glass doors and roomy linen drawer Trite )(i8i.r0 rhone 775 327 3rd Ave. Q. How. caV I remove fat from soup?, ; A. All fat should be removed from the top of ;scmp, as it is indigestible. If unable to do this with a spoon, wet a cloth with cold water, wipe over the top of the soup and the hot fat will adhere to the cloth. Q. How can I remove scratches Trom furniture? A. Unless too deep, they can ; King Edward School Tea ana Sale, Friday,' March 18. STOP! -1 LOOK! READ! Get your tickets-. now.- ; limited amount,' only:.. ; St; . Patrick's Dance. Sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce. Civic Centre Auditorium', Friday, w s-iiy roI to give right service. 11 V'U remember these things you'll Uyjrme here and you'll have a good watch. the Personalized BudKCt Plain Shop II j PIIH'ES I'KOM $13 TO S73 way at Sweet Sixteen No Interest-No Carrying Charges j March 18, 9:30 to 1:30. Music 12:15 CBC News. 12:25-Program Resume 1.1:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55-Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour oe removed by rubbing sweet oil (into the scratches with a finger -m llil NY II . by the Dukes. Presbyterian Tea, Church Hall March 24. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra concert in support of Prince Rupert Film Council, March 25. (70) Moving, Tacking, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue3 Established 1910 rhones 60 and 68 1:30-Bernie i;ju-uerme Braden urauen Tell3 uua Story - 1 :4."- Commentary - Deeds 2:00-B.C. School Bdet. 2:30 -Musical Program (Ott.l 4 .45- Weste rn Fi ve 3:00- Ethel and Albert. 3:15- Spotlight on a Star 3:20-Sketches in. Melody tip, then polishing with a soft cloth. Q. How Van I soften hard water? A. There are .several things that can he used lor this pur-ixjse. Among them are lemon juice, borax, or any oatmeal bag. Women of the Moose spring lea, April 7, at Mrs. J. P. Mol ler's, 124 Fourth Avenue East. Orange. Spring Sale, April W, 2 to 5 p.m.. Oddfellows' Hall Queen Mary l.O.D.E. Tea, April 18. 1 Presbyterian Spring Sale, When ihe Sunshines llridit mka rretjy M&M ' April 21. " and the sidewalk is" clear what greater delight fur u child than to t T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE FORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. ; For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Anglican Spring Sale, Saturday April 23. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 27. The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. wheeling down trie go St. Peter's Bazaar, May 12. in EXPRESS avenue in LOFTY RESEARCH NEW DELHI. '. Indian WAGON, on a KIDDIE CAR. or a TRICYCLE or to push a DOLL BUGG1E For Reservations Write or Call "'" ) CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. I i i 'i,,V'' J1"l -rpt.!i-v;. these g.ily , . !'5SiJ:V 1, -'is have the lowo.g V Ml5fI I 4 I tr'1-'' lu, .V scientists who are to begin survey of the wertern Himalayan ranges in April will select a site lor a high altitude meteorological . station. ' Estimated cost over an clght-ycar period of setting up the station is $900,000. BICYCLES for Girls and Boys '""y.tir.i, fruit pjxhIiicss. And VV I Vfj V iifvV' 1 h L fi V, 4 r$ CARDIFF, City counen has decided to go on pressing the claims of Cardiff as the of II.. - - m3Sfc :'m. ff 5 V ficial capital of Wales. Some. I I no .,, i! , . , A Vi r'i ' mi i T to it Milt tor A. f n J wmd! opposition Is coming from other parts of the country. G-"" f MT "--Wno cherri ' Hflr, Repairs t lor Construction Alterations S See Wl IS Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing l'jularging Flash Pliot os Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St. TRINCE RUfERT. B.C. I 5 slltcs "ned r,ne.,,pe f-W slnfu fn ''''""P ,n JM water. Put a uhle- 1 -flSJeH O irm.. own.H by UwtWUMWA f -hill: ,hr" scf a"' 5 "vidnl ring n,,jt Gen,ral . GREER & BRIDDEN I'lumhing or Heating Call SMITH & ELK INS Fliuue 174 Box 874 I COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made; CONTRACTORS AND UU1LDKUS Mi4 -fcu wiy ; Mo? ockeJi-mM-O flavor Floor Sanding a Specially Red 561 l VALENTIN DA1UI I Your Daily I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE r.O. Box 721 f Classified Ads Bring Results), Thr are seven famous Jell HavoF ! 1 I