cabs PROVINCIAL L 12.1.11 7 1 viCTcm. 2. c. (MIES DRUG Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's lost Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 45. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS urae Dim Lab or Cohg ress nann - 4 THE WEATHER Synopsis An active storm which was TRAINS TODAY Recommendation ?,1ade By Executive Council f V y . forming off the California coast : this morning was expected to bring rain and stronz south Li suitii'cs Restrictions Being Lifted '. Industrial Power Freed In Vancouver Warmer Weather Brings Trouble . "VANCOUVER Restrictions oil the industrial use of electric power were lifted today by the hriiut" It nw and two ,.v vl.'irtcd ii r u't east winds to the south coast; OTTAWA (CP) All affiliated organizations of this evening and to thejwth- the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada will be cm interior tonight. Another , . , , ,. , i ,;, storm forming in mid-Pacific advised by the executive council to bar communists is expected to bring further from holding union office, the Council said m a sta-rain to the coast tomorrow. The ment last night. If the new anti-Red doctrine is f ol-miid weather will continue and ov-eA ft wjn mean that communists will eventually ! !prCad tJ be cleared from all executive. . , . . .-..1 ciiCi divisional ,lialliaii National miles cast of ,t 2 o'clock Tues- tr 'id . uie uuruieru interior tomorrow ... .- . thc laborious pusiuuus in uie vuiigress. Decision of the executive where the remnants of the Arc- t.t. flir Vqs ViplH tomnprfl t.nrps in! U1P lu consider charges of the American Federation of Labor concerning communism in union ranks. was reaencu i councl1 was made Publlc after the neighborhood of 15 over- ,rninK anu - la closed two-day meeting to night. . that the out-Priiu-c Rupert Tlif freight n 52 cars B.C. Eiectric Co. so that production and payrolls might be restored. Restrictions on commercial and domestic use of power remain. A substantial improvement in hydro-electric production due to rising water resulting, from the soft weather since the. first of the week Is reported. Warm winds brought 45 degrees temperature to the Lower Mainland today but caused slushy thaws, minor floods, and which lias coin- Forecast ! Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy today and overcast tomorrow. Intermittent light rains today, becoming continuous tomorrow. Winds southerly (15 m. p. h.) today and southeasterly. (25 m.p.h) tomorrow. Mild. Lows tonight and In Prince KU- pplics of wnien ,rt, and general hoii the trains H have been me new snowsltdes. Low-lying areas highs tomorrow: Port Hardy 40 reach lific from 7 A had ponds for front yards and , jays altnougn 46, - VS. '''. r ' .y.) -r 1 1 frrishts have catch basins were clogged. Richmond municipality reports fifty percent of its basements ymrnrSalXii i,- -w. "1m Si n.l and 47, Masset 39 and Prince Rupert 35 and 44. - THROTTLING OF CHURCH flooded. Fraser Canyon "in the Hope area, 100 miles to the east, had new slides with mountain run un the virtual The crews and :ic congested at jSjcineiits have ,'jtuclian Paclttc ,le a charter ;nce Rupert to jw to pick up i, express and J there through ,rngi:r trains to WRECKED VESSEL Five Newfoundlanders peii.slied with their ship in the storm-tossed Atlantic off Cape Breton coast 35 miles south of Sydney. N.S., last week. Twenty-one others reached shore in five dories when the storm hurled the 144-ton schooner Marshal Frank onto a shoal near the tiny fjshing village of Franbois e. The vessel, which was carrying 40,000 pounds of fresh cod, is shown here being pounded to bits on the ruuged shoreline. Capt. Abe Miles (upper right) who led his men Into dories when trie $35,000 ship grounded during a blinding snowstorm, said the total loss would reach $50,000 including the personal possessions of the crew. The 21 survivors rowed 12 miles before they were tossed up on the beach to safety. (CP Photo) off:?. Railway lines, telegraph and telephone services and high Proceeding With Clock-Like Precision Behind Iron Curtain GENEVA, 0 Throttling of church, influence in Iron Cur ways are cut off. Main line trains of the railways are running hours behind schedule. An unidentified man was killed at North Bend when burled by, a snowslide. I the coast. im FINNISH GOV'T HOLDS SUPPORT 'Students Down ;On Peace Council tain countries Is moving with the precision of a time-table, western church officials said here today. :uvc been mailt- Nucleus of Steel Plant f, aches of drifted iff air field prc- LONOON, Finland's So- VANCOUVER, 0 -University Churchmen, who have maintained contacts in eastern Eur ope, say the whole pattern is so k m was available LABOR GOV'T TO P.IJN OUT TERM rial Democratic government to-; r British Columbia students day won a vote of confidence , colmcii turned thumbs down by 07 to Ofi, but the Helsinki ; lilst nihl 011 a prop0;iCli su,a-radio said the government fell: tut peace council which besun later, on n recount wlvea -il.f , 01 vanj,jllt, aftef -Rer; JameS justiil or railway lo what disposal ut man mutter Cuitsolidatrd Planning I'ig Iron . Vrixlurtion From , Kinibrrley Tailincn llndicoU made an address two LONDON, ih Conservative rigid, planned and executed that it appears to have been dictated by a central authority""" The churchmen also say the whole structure of the church and religious life in Eastern Europe is being altered by communist pressure. . tot Vrtnrr Ku-lx'ini; h''Ul at weeks ago. j tie htmtent council nt.wspaper speculation suggest voting was :7 to 7. ihc issuo was settled by drawing lots, which went against the government, the radio said. VANCOUVER Qi - Feasjljlllly of id that the new council might ing a "snap" general election in spring or autumn is discredited Urge-scale pig Iron production ii further (Ictcrl- hiw conditions un today by informed labor quar from tailings is to be invest! gated by the Consolidated Min ters. General belief in Britain fin Prince Rupert DISTINGUISHED VISITOR Dr. R. C. Wallace, principal and vice-chancellor of Queen's University, chats with Raymond Mas-sey, right, star of stage and screen at a reception held in Mr. Massey's honor at Kingston. An honorary degree of doctor of law was conferred on the actor at a special convocation held Saturday afternoon in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the Queen's Drama Guild. ' (C PPhoto) iince yesterday al- is that the government will run YOUTH SLIPS, BREAKS LEG wimls and drilt- its full term until the middle of 'inued along the take a communist tinge and ruled that all such peace efforts go through the United Nations ISRAEL-EGYPT REACH ACCORD TEL AVIV, (f-An armistice agreement between Egypt and Israeli will be signed tomorrow, it. was announced officially today. ing k Smelting Co. President R . St a vert of Montreal said here that investigations will be carried out at the Sullivan Mine, Kiniberk-y. A pilot plant will be constructed. Pig iron is the first step of development In the steel Industry, from 40 to fit) Prince Rupert, icivmisly wutvh-n view of sudden t, reported no MEDITERRANEAN PACT OUTLINED LONDON (P - -Foreign Minister Tialdaris of Oi ci ce said today that he had outlined plans for a Mediteiiaiieyn pad running parallel to the North Atlantic pact -to Foielcn Minister Bevin RAILWAY APPEALS NEAR DEADLIH A 10-year old King Edward School student was taken to hospital Tuesday with a fractured leg after he slipped on icy ground while running in the enhnnl Q f A Hi TLiaq AltlPrt Nel- next year. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Fresno 7, Vancouver 4. Los Angeles 3, Oakland 1. Tacoma 6, Frisco 5. Fate of Canadian' National ays appeal against proper- More Liquor nan long-sought by British Columbia son, a Grade Three pupil, son of , auw ty assessments which were filed MJIL- Reiner Drunk Industrialists. Mr. Slavert said that the com &SYIVAN GLEN yesterday. He said he believed the At KEY &PR0VM SECTOR ID I (ifK Stiff h' Slucijini; puny has large reserves of tailings from 25 years of milling oif'.s at Sullivan. Tin? tailings are residue after he rx'iactlon of Zinc, lead, silver, etc. with the civic Cour of Revision QmK Canadians dr,nk to its original sitting on prior fQur times as much llquor a3 February 8, but were not heard dQ milk aid c F parry because of the absence of com- president of tne Alberta Milk pany counsel to plead the case Producers. Association In the will be determined by whether course of an address here. This or not such a representative apparent preference on the part ' gets here by February 28. of tne public, he said, was The Court of Revision post- something the Association was poned hearing the appeals in- attempting to change. . ''"kry (.anir Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson, 50 Cow-Bay. As" far as could be understood, the lad was running by himself when he stepped on an icy patch of earth and fell down. The right leg was fractured between the knee and the pelvis. He was given immediate attention by a public health nurse who happened to be at the school, thfrt taken to Prince Rupert General Hospital in the city ambulance. It is expected to be some time before he has full use of the leg again. lantic pact was the key to u' world security system anil en-! vlsaged a slage-by-stagc consolidation of regional security by the Mediterranean powers. lie agreed that discussions chould only become formal after the signing of the Atlantic pact had prepared the ground. His first step in the Mediterranean pact would link Turkey, Greece, Italy and France and maybe, Spain, later. PROMISING HOPEFUL 'f - Chicago' It was indicated that the coin-Imilll Is out VIM i.;.,y would reject, an offer of Murom- game the ft.(t.rui government for a l d a rlubbing j dollar for dollar loan for the 1' uinlii s gami-jstppi idUS(ry but would use Its Hockey League I .,., AIR BASES ARE VALUABLE volving several C.N.R. waterfront properties, pending the arrival of W. D. Meyers, counsel for the railway's tax commissioner's office, '' Winnipeg, who was to have come here on February 18, But Mr. Meyers got stuck at PIBROCH 0 'I'll' i.i-al.s Vic lio.;pital with i OTTAWA, m Possbilllty that . V "'IHi'-ll. iic:;i(leiit Terrace last week when train Canada may be able to exploit imi"sc(l the fine i TWO HOCKEY -m-iapping lnci-i v p nrrAATtnvl & BARRHEAD IMPROVEMENT IN POWER IS ANTICIPATED nri In Chicago. TWO HUNTERS ARE DROWNED VANCOUVER, i Jack Davies, 32 and James Davies. 35, Vancouver brothers, both with families, were drowned last night in the Fraser River a mile from shore. They were last seen early In the morning when they set out goose hunting. mixed aloiii; ' si-coiul period. 1 ;l -six-Inch scaiu PLAYERS BANNED j VERNON (Pi T Two British Columbia hot key players', last j night were suspended from or- i ganied hockey - Otiy Ludgate i of the Kaniloops Elks In the main line Okanagan senior "B" League got two years suspension ' opponent hud I Almost an inch of rain which ,tK down on his fell over the district in the last service was halted by snow slides her impending ownership of two and has not got here yet. It was big Newfoundland air ba3es into thought likely at the City Hall new air passenger concessions that he might arrive today. , by other countries is seen here. If he does not put In an ap- The bases are Gander and Goose pcarance by next Monday, Feb- Harbor airports, ruary 28, the appeals will be The former, one of the great automatically wiped out, because aerial crossroads of the world, that is the deadline for the is used by half a dozen foreign hearing of appeals as set out by, lines as a transatlantic base, the Municipal Act. The latter Is an alternate land- The five aldermen on the ing Court of Revision are standing t.I.. DlTV F KILLED 24 hours did little to raise the water levels at the Falls River and Shawatlans power reservoirs, but the softening effects of three days of warm weather arc expected to be fell within a fWSUDE. and Hon Montgomery of t-no Senior "B" Nanalnio Clippers got three years on the shell. BRUINS PLAYING RANGERS TONIGHT by to go into session if Mr. l.JE,PilVWrVIV DU 1 Ji' "-An unltlen-itlls killed and fivtr ln"ilH'lll.aril hiii-i.,,1 an appearance CANADIAN ZINC Meyers puts in this week. f I" the f'rnM.r The suspension, nnnounrra by the British Columbia Amateur Hockey Association, dated back to, January when the men were allegedly involved in separate incidents in which opponents players were kicked with skates after being knocked to the ice. NEW YORK Boston Bruins will have the opportunity at Madison Square Garden here tonight to consolidate their position in second place in the Na- II.,,,., t TTnnlrmt I.PIimiP SlBulllst the Two other cases Involving appeals by local property owners, will be heard this week. They were postponed with the idea that they would be heard at the 5 Fii'5t report 'c escaped uninjur. bllljwl In the slide 1K,rl '''lick and sev-y 'oi'kmun. WASHINGTON A $300,000 authorization for Denmark to buy aluminum from Canada has been changed to an equivalent order for Canadian zinc, the economic cp-operation 'organization announces. (lay or two. An inch of rain which has fallen at the Shawatlans plant during the last two days has not yet penetrated to the reservoir, nor has a much smaller amount which fell at the Falls River plant ,r)0 miles up the Ecslall River. "Its effects have not been felt at either place," Power Company Manager T. B.. Black said U'DUCW IAKE railway ap- VL Maole same time as the 4i,.t of T,,mnt.o decided . Leafs . Who v. x, have .. i. been bounding h,!,,Him' t peals after the court , ,. ,! will he that that It It neded needed more more in information .. ,,,., ., 4i,p ...iiinr-rHvPiiinn regardi regarding the properties to- TRUMAN USES volved. iFilrvult u iwj v- tv v. c lit l-itiM Till FARMERS ABE MAKING MONEY increase in the run-off yet, al- BLUNT LANGUAUL though there may be a notice-, ,.r,M r,.lM..s of The two local appeals are those of Robert Kelsey, 1929 Fifth Avenue East and Albert L. Stiles, 315" Eighth Avenue East. . wnoliinuiui'. -y" able difference In a day or two." ' Prime, Mincer denounced ""'"'luiis in ,. Hiloiinistiatlon last nisni tils New York Rangers. Only two points now separate the Bruins from the Maple Leafs. The league standings to dat,e: W D L F A Pis. Detroit 28 6 16 160 122 G2 Boston 23 6 20 142 141 52 Toronto .... 19 12 19 125 130 50 Mnnt.i-Pt.1 20 7 22 126 118 47 MA.lolt OIL F'tFLD Rapidly becoming one of the most Important oil centres on the continent, Edmonton dally sees fresh expansion of the great field stirrounding the city. This map shows only proven and probable oil sources near the Alberta city and does not Indicate wildcat "prospects" In the extensive drilling pronrmn under way. In the first two years of the current boom, drillers uncovered three major producing sectors. During the past week the tempo of discovery hit a new high; four new strikes were made, two on Feb. 15. The oil producing area is being extended not only in size but also in the number of formations found capable of producing oil. A discovery at Joseph Lake was made in the Viking sand zone and at Barrhead, in Madison limestone. These three new "discoveries add to. the proven areas of Leduc, Woodbend, and Redwater. (CP Photo) OTTAWA (fc Minister of Agriculture James Gardiner entered the Throne Speech debate yesterday with a fighting, old-fashlond political speech and LOCAL TIDES Thursday, February 24. 1919 ; a;" -..pd r ' . , formerly of a'affairs at irv ,ViSaS Ior Romania "'n first-hand in- Falls River yesterday rcceiv-j cd its first rain in weeks, a negligible five' one-hundredths of an inch. Overnight temperatures recorded at the Digby Island weather station, ranged from a maximum of 43 to a minimum of 36. received personal and oiuiu notice from President Truman that no "S.O.B." is goin to influence his appointments. Some of the members 200 persons Reserve Officers Association-heard Truman deliver his startling pronouncement the Commons that Cana- High 11:16 19.1 feet told 10.0 feet dian farmers were making more 4.4 feet i money than ever before. 43 Low 5:26 42 18:03 Chicago .... 19 5 25 147 172 New York .. 16 10 23 111 128