CLARK r.Aiur I (v. TODAY .7 - 9:'10 L?riiue tlupttt Dailg lottos Wednesday, February 23, 1949 in hmecomJ' (COLORFUL MUSICAL 8 THURSDAY TO SATI innTTT 'l-Y -J Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections 4. The government itself announces we spent more than a million on whitkey in a single year. TiVlnii The world uags on and sooii buds and blossoms and daylight saving will be here to make ua plad ind wholesome. Snow will stop lolling and human beings cease sliding and life will again x- normal. Our cars will zoom along the highways, the evening's skies will be gorgeous and o.hat happened las' winter will just be something else auain! CAUT(WN NEWS An Oregon Senator has introduced a bill to prohibit the eating of popcorn in a movie theatre, despite the overwhelming fact that the making of HHTllI,!; i tht- v "A Hate With Judy" ai Capitol Theatre Thursday, I rid ay and Saturday "A Dale With Judy," coining this Thursday, Friday and Saturday to the Capitol Theatre here, is a romping, song-studded technicolor musical telling the tale of a lucky family and their happy-go-lucky adventures. Wallace Beery, Jane Powell, Elizabeth Taylor. Carmen Miranda and Robert Stack are included in a big name cast with Xavier Cvjgat's dance band taking the lea'ding part in the musical end. Beery is the benign head o the brood with Jane Powell as the daughter, Selena Royle as the wife and Jerry Hunter as the brat son. Romantic complications follow one ariother in quick succession to make a fast-moving story. Many pupupiar soni;.s include "Judaline," "I m Strictly on the Corny Side," "Temptation," "Through the Years," "It's a Most Unusual Day," 'Love is Where You Find it." Jane Powell !lsn scores with "Home Sweet Home" and Mi.;s ' Miranda is heard in several catchy Latin Resolutions Considered k in t:,, Dele 3 !' v v 4 it er. Pi, , w'as in "HI f; I'll ,1- popcorn is a $100,000,000 a year industry. Anyway, here's to you, Senator! It's hard to knew which is worse the rustling q:rJ crackling ot a paper bag or th steady stoking ol the corn, ps you try to follov tne knavish schemes of a low-browed CHILLING MANOEUVRE Regardless of the weather even at 20 below zero aimoied units 45 members p.,., licsolutioni for the annual convention ot the United Fishermen's and Allied Workers' Union U be held in Vancouver Marca 21 were considered at a training at the Wainwright, Alberta, militry centre kept the 38-ton tanks on driving aim ui A speaker In Victoria remarked the other day that "Prince Rupert Is carrying "an intolerable load." It must be so. manned by ing ranges during the recent manoeuvres. These armored monsters are being members of the 14th Armored Regiment of Caigary. (CP Photo i 1 '"I Mm it tions, promptly states his position. He cannot dance but in- STEWART NEWS No one seems to know delin-itolu t.n u.h:it. pxt.cnt. former I tends to find out. An D..i, ntir,,tn.-t nf r . n ri. . 1 plishmcnt, useful and enjoy ible in many ways in or out oi public life! But we'll bet he can bow, most gallftntly. Si, Valentine Day was the: Public oiks ' "" ' ' numbers. m Jiftfi could could dance dance but but Premier Premier S',. S'.. 9 AltTk & 5 I Laurent, alive to social obliga- Vimy ! II (Sfe thirty-eighth anniversary of Lhrl endeavoring to open up tne wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Premier road but are making Newell, and the Women of the ' very slow progress owing to the Moose combined with the mem- amount of snow to be removed, bers of Loyal Order of Moose in j rr giving a surprise parly to this,' I V. Kimball and Johnny McDonald came in from Ameri-ell very popular couple. Mrs. New-1 Creek, 14 miles from Stew-ful was presented with a boauti-jcan bouquet of carnations. art, and .said that it was a tough Some who have lived in Prince Rupert 40 years or longer, stroll around town and ha-ri-ly know a soul. They are mixing with new generations. The old timers have been known -to pose as strangers and ask questions. Some of the answers were gems of purest ray serene. Former Simpson Man Succumbs Word lias been received here of the death at Shaughnessy i Military Hospital of Ted Gos- trip. The party whicn numbered Selecting railroading, -as a i about forty, lasted until tin On Sunday the ;hennoiiieler career, involves a lot of points -ee small hours of the morning nell, son of William Gosneii, formerly of Port Simpson. Mr. Gosnell died Saturday at the age of 23. He served in England, France and Belgium with the Canadian Army. rose to iu nerrees auuvc z.lio. that may be thought of but can- j and both the recipients and the ; r,L This was the highest recorded PEOPLES STORE not be understood unless ex-1 , , d th()n,.,,,hv l tuJ,," i since November 25. 1948, when urn taxlr liral V, fKMJK in I In- r In-- " )fe !... He wrol.-: ' "J gWA Miur.s a i " perienced. Fighting SPRING able evening. Mrs. Ann Geddes tne coiti wuve set in. The bay is was in charge of arrangements now clear of ice. "My first taste of Fricotelli proved snow day arid night, facing bitter gales, rain and hail nte a ' few of them. There is, an :M axiom in theatre life "the, show ; must go. on." And the .ame goes ! for the railways only a thous-; and times tougher. BAR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS The Greek Orthodox Church allows no musical instruments to be used during services. ! COATS 5 SUITS- DRESSES lx)ok New! Feel New! 5 lie New! 8:00 Co-op Members Relations 8:30 -N. F. B. --Adult 8:00 Halibut Vessel Owners 8:00 Yacht Club I Civic Centre . Dates . l I : rupert : PEOPLES STORE ; INDUSTRIAL STEEL CONVEYORS, PRESSC1C TANKS, SMOKE STACKS, Etc THURSDAY I ASK REPRIEVE j Spoils j VAI.KTTA, Malta., Cl - A pt ti-, lion for the reprieve of George MINERALS FOUND SANDUR, India, (P Manga-, nese ore deposits estimated at 2,500,000 tons have been located j in Sandur state adjoining Madras province. Heavy deposits of iron and traces of gold and cop Suniini, sentenced to death for Bo Me Hi Gym Class a.m. 9:00 p.m. 2:00 ma i . .n j murder in England, has been Casual Badmin-: signed by 14,000 people includ-i ing the Archbishop of Malta. Adult per nave also ocen uim"vc:ih. Is Your Radio Sick? BRING YOUR RADIO RADIOPHONE SET TO Ken's Radio Clinic to be a pleasant surprise. Served piping hot it is a flavourful winter meal, complete in itself." llritiz Wlltifl tn klunf tvhnt nt-iftfK uifttttl tu mm. SrivrW luHIM'U'ilV'S UVI C tlsklll lO .Nf IT diltrx Mlt uj tlir lhlrt "57 If iivs to I "m llfinz .S'if.s." . 1 1fittil tvnliit is iifi itm. I licalclli Arrangr ! -n tK k riT iinfl I Hi. fiiiihar MKiit. liroHixd ami ilruiiieil. In allernali' la wrs in u !'n'ii il a-srrirv Sr it L lo racli lnvrr illi linclv cIhm rl iniiii. Pour in l IO-ok. tin' f 1 1 rim tjnii(lrii(.cd It ram f Tomato Snip, undiluted and' f-priiiUc i up witli 2 talilespooiiK giati'd clii i sr. Hake in a itioderali lv liot veu (37.VF.) for .'lO mill. ut-s. Srrei. 4 to 6. m JVU" istlwTm Advertise in the Uuily News! PITS STAY DPEN GLASGOW, 0 A proposal by! the Scottish division of the Na- tionai Coal Board to close 4'). pits in the next two years has, been revised. Only 29 are ex- j to make elianre.s in yitiu vmi in a.' for i SATISFACTORY Sl.KVICL Dealers for G FN Lit A L DKY BATTICKY AND WESTINGHOISE 718 Second Ave. Phone 53 1 'We will be tlad to assist ments contemplated. mm 4)fti a m i peeted to be shut clown in the period. WESTERN BRIDGE iUtl f ABPICAIOKS LTD. VANCOUVER, BC t I-"1 'K-SVMlUSiS Have vonr machine cIk cI.i i tn li ton 2:30 - King Edward Gym Class 3:30-Jr. Girls Apparatus Class 6:30 - Boys Organized Games Hour 8:00 -Rup-Ree. Women 8:00 Teen Tournament Night SCHOOL BASKETBALL LEAGUE 4:00 Annunciation and King Edward BASKETBALL LEAGUE 7:15 Stones and High School 8:30 Duke of ConnautUiU Series dition for the heavy work scasin v,l ww-r-mwwrw9 ------ NOW AVAILABLE SHIPS AND SEE US FOR YOUR REFRIGERATION EOT Walk-in or Ucat h-in Cwk-rs - Iran Cahinds U'v Cream Caliiml Domestic Kcfricralm's jiA savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rilONK 37 P.O. Ilox SH FRASEK STREET- PRINCE RUPERT WATERFRONT1 A local notice to mariners by the department of Transport iinnounces that unwatched lighted aids to navigation at Idol Point, Tenas Island and Sarah Island are reported not burning. These lights will be attended to tht first Northern B.C. Powerft i i o 17 VARIETIES Special 2:00 Women's Crafts and Bridge Club 4:00-Booth Bible Class 7:30-N. F. B. Film-Children 8:00 Plumbers and O PIIONi: 210 .or BUILDING RE-MODELLING REPAIRING See MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMIT! I Builders and Contractors 1'IIONE 33 LOOK FOH THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL FOR x II WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER ritASE-YOUR-MAN RFCIPtS For Mi 100 bft rfip$ using Memx Sotp on an ingrdt!t winch Huvff plfupd th man of !le hou, Hpinz will sfd wwMn a gentrout aort-ntfnl o( Hfinz Conden-;pd Soups, Moil "Please -Your -Moti" ret i pes to H. J. Workmen ONLY rionrrr Orybaek Coats SH.23 I'ioneer Hrybac-k Tants SG.95 Khaki Coveralls S3.45 Oenim I'anls, 8-oz $3..r0 m ' ..a.- r . Heinz Co. of Canada Ltd.. 420 Dupont Street, Toronto 4. immmm 'V',1 AT WILL COLLLCT THEM YOUR DOOR Urtiim Pants, 9-oz. .. $3.73 Ocnirn Coveralls. 8-oz. $5.10 WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING DcvHopinc, rrintinc l.nlartinc QUICK SERVICE CARTONED OR LOOSE WF PAY CASH PHONE 950 Amateur and ! rmfessiiinal Supplies Ornim ISili ( iiveralls .. S1.6.") Oenim Smocks SI. 83 Uhie n.'fi White linilcrnuuker . Coveralls $1.63 Khaki Pants -Group 1 $.5U Khaki Pants- Group 2 $1.8(1 Painters' Overalls $1.93 Stp.-lhilt Pants $1.75 Mol.skm Pants $5.95 Heavy llumpliry Fislnrmi n's Pants . $11.93 DpoiiIiIc Diamond Pants $3.15 Iron man Pants S5.50 Baniiotkburii Pants ..... $8.50 Get ilw liesl ... in giis. oil and lubrseaids. an get the Ix'tit, in car servicing and check-up by driving into our conveniently-located station. It's a money-saving habit. "SELECTIVE SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR" ..-nlf in 'M' hi' . recipe! Brii'S " M-'Z 4- I I I saving cereal Rive", you 12 hij; l-oume biscuits in everv packapc. 6o ask your X rocer for NAltlM.OSh redded W lienu Kenieinber, it costs less to buy 2 ndicious Cold! c, you'll love those fresh, golden hisuits of pure whole wheat served culd ! fked or cold, NABISCO Shredded W heat contains nourishing food elements your family needs to tart the day. And this money- b,scuils.C"..M n,,,,. Acme packages. stantly. Sitvi ;.. n,inuie- Here' the new, scrumptious jjorridge "d siijiar. it Kca I in Bob Parker's UPTOWN SERVICE STATION CLOTHING STORE .2nd and McBride OR rhone "91