fcil A SWELL si,. ptfnce Guutrt Dailg jSetos Saturday, February 26, 1949 IASTIIMC3 TODAV 7:00 - fi:20 A DATE U.t. ,uv f Waterfront Reminiscences By W. J. and JtlH.KCTIONS SUNDAY MIDHIlEo 'h.T Ilikltt'l'IU pi u-'" ''. m ... ...i.wiii m., .jm,,,- If ; ,;! m II $ - ' J J I 4 a mi:9 V 'f If -i j ;ij j Port Edward Shipping Vessel Coming Q. C I.VNN KOHIKIS ui( iiiti row I It GIRLS OF THE BIG HOUSE' An American tanker, under clurter to the Frank I V:itrhmistf lino, will imicmc ;ir I'ni'i. .( u;in tntiipht MONDAY and TUESDAY-7 ' i v w mi s oN, y to load a quantity of herring oil for shipment to Vancouver. It is the 102-foot ve -sel Argo, w hich will dock at Nelson JJros. herring reduction plant on her first northern trip in Canadian service. 4 'TA3l& to) lU 111 I Crr LOIS BUTLER 7rJ ALSO m. I ARCTIC U'MU,C feI I)A!)IV 1)1 IK N K w s smEZZSX2s . 1 "t4 m PEOPLES STORE" SPRING COATS 2 ; SUITS ' DRESSES- Look Now ! Feci New ! He New! 2 I RUPERT : : PEOPLES STORE" There was a young lady named Perkins, Who simply doted on gherkins; In spite of advice,' She -ate. so much spice. That she pickled her internal workin's. Another cruiser race from Seattle north is planned for J i next July. It will be from Seal attle to Juneau. To share in lone is good for what ai'.s you. J The Seattle-Prince Rupert con- test, years ago, was not only re- markablc for the general interest J j it aroused. The li.-auiy and value of the silverware was little , short of stunning. A woman columnist strongly urges that a special annual tax of a thousand dollars a year should be levied on each un married man. Which leads the Juneau Empire to inform her, and quite correctly, she should know a tax on liberty is un-constitutional. Question! With times quiet for years, and housing shortage taken as a matter of course how much shorter will the shortage be when trie spending of 25 million dollars a few miles out oi town will start becoming translated into industrial action? ; There is still a place on the surface of the seas and lakes for the tall mast and swelling sail. It sounds a shade romantic but, for the moment, we're in the mood. Coming down to cases, though. Lloyds' Register lists 750 sailing clubs in the - -Mil, .., 5 -I IDHM be cut into six-foot lengths and logs on ire at Stevens, Out., await them downstream. HOW CAN I ? By ANNE ASHLEY i , -'-g Q How can I remove scorch- wrwity Ti-,.,., ,.-....1..., f..U-: uuiu minim lauucs ; Better English By U. C. WILLIAM. 1 What is wrong with this sentence? "Jack is a splendid tennis player.'' 2. What is the correct pro nunciation of "granary?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Ennoble, ennui, en-nactmcnt. 4. What does the word "salu- Throughout the winter, the Argo has been in (he Water-house service carrying similar cargoes from west coast of Vancouver Wand pcints, Ucluelet, Cccpeccee mid others. At Tort Edward, sue will load 80.000 gallons of il. then proceed back south to Butedale and ! Klemtu where she will take on the balance of her 200.000-gallon capacity. Manned by an American crew and officers, she will carry a Canadian pilot, Capt. Jack Woods of the Waterhouse line. The cargo will be delivered to (the Lapointe Pier at Vancouver where the various fishing companies have storage tanks. A cargo of structural steel for tht- Watson Island pulp plant of tne Columbia Cellulose Co. is cx- pected to arrive at Port Edward ... , , - wiuiiii uie next moiiin or so The Union steamer Coquillani, which docked hen; at 1 p.m. NO IF is the Time... THIS AND THAT Down comes a jack pine to hauled to rivers. Thousands of spring thaws which will float United States, and there would1 be far more were Canada inchui- j ed. There's plenty of water! north of the border, and all the' boats arc not power-driven. i How do you like tc hear people saying "hospitalized." -readied. ' j "contacted" or "guys"? No harm j done, of course. Easy to pronounce, remember or spell. Yet. one keeps thinking of music, u bit off key. 'There has been sihiw on the Iliili.-.h Columbia coast. No one will deny it. But this sl.ill remains Canada's evergreen land. The east, will continue to think of the Pacific slope as a ver-Jant, region where winter air lacks the sling, the breeze is soft, and there's the trickle of rain. And the east won't be wrong. . A young woman who had recently taken charge of a kindergarten entered a trolley car. and as she took a seat, smiled pleasantly at 'a gentleman sitting opposite her. He raised his hat. but It was evident that he did not recognize her. Real izing her error she said in tonesner. to make changes in your refrigeration system. We will be glad to assist you in any ments contemplated. A." This is difficult to do be- aboard a Belgian dcrp sea ves- i cause even light scorching on sel. The steel will come from the 1 wool weakens the fibres. Try wet-j eastern United Stales. ling the scorched .spots' imnx'di-1 j ately with glycerine and l-'lLing " ' remain about a half-hour before,' ( Ketchikan fi..h packer; washing. If fabric is not wash-'Sydney, Capt. Osmund lb-lid-, able, run lightly with a piece of I'ickson, arrived in port, here ( white flannel, wrung very dry Friday to discharge four car-' out of cold water and slightly loads of froen fi.sii for rai! moistened with glycerine. j shipment to the United States Q. How can 1 make a key turn' niarket .It was her first trip in more easily in a door lock? more than a week because of AR. Try dipping the key in the uncertainly of rail trans-oil, then lock and unlock the door 1 pollution out of thin p.nt. a few times. It will soon turni smoothly. Thesamc treatment1 can be given uu obMinalc bolt. Approach of .spring is restoring Q. How can 1 whiten the skin? S0,U(' activity to the Queen Char-A. An application or eoual ll,tlc Inlands logging Industry. yynijj'S 1 iertjng Oil Ocean I. Camps Reopening future aiU winter shut-downs A scowled ol heavy equipment fo, the Campbell and Bennett construction firm, which has he contract for con struction ol a pipeline to supply; water to de Columbia Cellulose j Co. mill at Watson Island, ar-! rived here this week and isi moom; al the Armour Salvags ' Co. cock .1, consists of a large! power t!!!,r,.l, several big diesel trucks and , llicr equipment. Not since the wartime construction days have really large diesef trucks been seen in this area. There is o be a power boatj race betwee,i Seattle and Juneau! next summer with a call at! Prince Rup :rt. The total dis-; tance is 9W miles, Pi climinai y ' plans are now being studied by ; the Internationa! Power Boat1 Association. The first leg will be! the same ar for the internation-, al Olympia In Nuti.dmo contest,! a distance if 17') miles. From' Nanaimo. entering (he race fo Juneau will be the 438-mlln runt U Prince l. pi i t. with the-fin-j !sh time tiint, far being slated! 2or 5 pm, July 13. The boats j will bi' ullovicd an 8-hour lee- uy on thut i g. In case of ae- j cident. It If undrst(tKj a city celebration s piiiuicd. Finish time for th 348-rnlle Juneau lap will b- J p.m. July 16. So lar 22 Aim ..wan and Canadian .-kippers expect to enter. LETTERBOX UOI.M S AMI 1 t I IC iMiitor. Daily Nevis: Lo'.-ers of wild life are aware that this winter of heavy snows and low temperatures has made existence for the deer on this coast a very trying ordeal. They were not a,aie though that provincial mvernment, regulations arc protecting the lives of wolves who are finding the h avy snow U 11 a real ally and wholesale slaughter olf deer has been and is going on in and around this district. The writer has seen deer approaching the shoreline driven from the heights by snow and followed closely by Uit wolves. On a short trip along the shore line beside ley cabin I .limited 10 partly eaten deer aid gory evidence of wanton , cVstruetion of life. The writer relieves that, were he granted permission to trap these wolves md other like permits were granted persons in a position such as myself, much could be done to re-establish the balance of nature and there would soon be fewer wolves. Thanking yiu Mr. Editor for this space in "our paper. i R1NGHOLM, Turks Inlet. HI..ANC11E. N.S., (p, - Kcubcn .Smith and olseu Perry, local fishermen, While on the Job found a null unable to fly, a mile and a half from shore. Investi-uation showed It had a mu.sVrat trap attached to its leg. MM. ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER IlKI VI IIMSY III ANtliV I III. HlK IIIIM'r. IM', NOW AVAILABLE Have your machine checked to see if it is in condition for the heavy work season which is ahead. SEE US FOR, YOUR REFRIGERATION REQUIREMENTS Walk-in or Reach-in Coolers Frozen Food Cabinets Ice Cream Cabinets and Domestic Refrigerators NorthernB.CPowerCo.Ltd. O PHONE 210 or 20'J tAT"Qt1Nl 'the 51 PDrJ Pm. "linn; 5- Wliat is a clearr' Sav. ".!,. ,,. . 1 i flayer 2. p. "nauic gran, a a not train. 3. E, ( I'roiuiituiiij, ea; l"Exercisf, . i,n u'( ..I... 1 .'u,s, i.s Military." Classified ao;tr: nrlni's results. 1 3 fs Your Rad" iirMNfi Wl' KAuioriioNS si Ken's Rad' nt SVII,SlA(10KV pralf f ... ..mi NllV 1 7ia ond Ave. . m.ViH'i Friday- from Vancouver, carried ,50 loggers for Aero Camp, Cum-I shewa Inlet, which is opening next week. Eight loggers embarked from Prince Rupert to I Oh- l.r,p l.nt,r Adam, f."-. " iri ' ' Dear, don't you think a honeymoon .slmuM rstfaRi' S&- riy iiiiiuf i Hi it? iltxP? Ar. &m f mz-' r 4 BUSES FOR $41 Tor immediate delivery, inler-cily it nt steel construction. Suitable fur S' r any special work involving passtiicM A thirtenh of he eorth't crust is aluminum. It is found in mountains ond gems, in vcgctobles and clay, in meat and water practically everywhere. parts or ruse water and lemon juice acts as a skin whitener. I - audible throughout the car: "Oh! Please excuse me! mistook you for the father of two of my children." She got out at the next cor , 11 1 MX Alcan lion. Ideal as travelling showrooms iir fore its mobile office unci living ipiarlers on an; work at the camp. Other camps are expected to open m the near Aluminum Comnanv nf BUS PARTS FOR S, long go lh Romans knew it as a salt. They called ujed it as a medicine or for' dyeing cloth. I!mu l.hu 'ii ...... i'..f itl.ilnK ft'l I'ronl and Kear Axle Asst-inhlies. Tranj Slerrill.r A ....,l,i; llrive l.iiK'S. "l,lt All these narls w ill sell at ineallv red ured I'l Until the middle 1800's, the metal aluminum was more costly thon gold. Napoleon III had his own personal tablewaie made of sel of :j.'M)eluc Ket liner Mohair Viwred Seal" condition. WRITE OK PHONE WKSTKKN CANADIAN CKKVIIOl'M Vvfl Modern science found a way to make it cheeper. everybody con buy useful and lasting articles made of Calvary, Alia. In Cfinoda we have none of the high-grade aluminum ore called "bauxite". Canadians bring it in by shipload from Btitish Guiana - a voyage of 3000 miles. n it "alumen" and rarer tinj it. That is why, today, aluminum. V AT' 1 1 v ( 7 can in a year, ALUMINUM Producer! muniKCl Canada has the world's largest aluminum smelter, CHIROPRACTOR John F. I.. IlugliM, D.C., I'h.C. 21-22 Besner Itlw-lc riioor HLl'K 413 for Appointment Hoi ns 10:30 a m. o ia:ao p.m. na 2 to 5 p m. l KMNUH Monday B:,d l-rlilay. 7:30 p.m. ' tlidse iiiiulilc to roine (turliiR tht cley. nECHPTIONlBT In attend-Rm:e ftornoonii. ' 1 . Canada, Ltd.) makes aluininuni ingots. More llian IfWWl '....I...-. 1 . r , there, at Arvida. This site was chosen because a port for ocean ships bringing bauxite and an of hydro-electric power. mu j v.iiui.iii iiiaiunaiiurcrs across v.anada shape aluminum iruo light, strong, non-rusting articles for our use. J lie variety grows daily. addition 10 supplying tl,t.j,c firms, Alcan sells about of its ineots to other countries. This aluminum ,. Northeastern Aicon built if 3 it is close to both abundant source Until Alcan Smelting aluminum electricity required would light your Mots than 15,000 industry. They These earnings harnessed this wofer power, it ran to wuite. needs vast supplies of power. The to produce one ton of aluminum FOR Al l. types OF rRlNTBH Canada's sixth largest upon, a source of much needed money from abroad. ' beta use Alc an does market so much abroad, it is able to make aluminum in such large miantilies that, in ingot form, it house for fifteen years. mm . . .-. KBSirn" people operate this Canadian earn more than thirty-five million dollars flow across Canada. he purchased more cheaply in Canada than anywhere else the vvuild. COMPANY OF CANADA. LTD) nd Proceisori i of Aluminum f.r Cen.din Induitfy and Wrld M.-k.tf I'KNS AND PENCILS W " BEE IHIih VrhitH LOOK I OK TIIK new. h ed and ' White GOLD SEAL LABEL QUtUtt TORONTO VANCOUVER WINDSOX Bcsncr Clock